Notes Till Benazir 1st Tenure

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eednesdey, 8 hugust: 2020 ) Topic: TWEE OF HAAN. What was Pitioda 2 ONG: 'PROOA (Public & Representilive officers Disqualification Act) was ‘nbrolteel during the governor generalslup of Khowweya Vo2n-ud- Din complaints about conuption /mécondict covld be macle tb the Governor Gineral an prouncial. gowemnor who could orden on enquiy, by judges: Anyone found ait under PRODA was debawed from offices be aa Scanned with CamScanner I psiday 8 September. 2020 ‘| hdl. Pabistcn oohyne i ns & inv able were conferred ba HISTORY: Describe the Rewal pind Conspinacy- 283 ° The Aaualpindl Conspiracy «as an atnpted coup agaist ‘the governmants Ubgat Al?khon. the fixst Prim Hinistin of Pakistan in ne The an piacy 108 Ae fuisk of many subsequant coup attempts aggans pede goverment inthe history of fobistan- Accordhifig to the planned coup both Governor General § Prime Minigtir were te be avestid: \n Mach 19st Hho Fawclpindt Conspiracy wos dicousd by Ngvb \ehan g Ate. conspititer woere ontestid tied & imprisoned: Amongst them was. majen -Generall frkbas Kran Chief of General Staff. & 14 other officers: the murder of Légat-Al | khan was cso dusts the Rassalpind? conspciy : ‘What was the Liaqat-Nehyu Pact? £43 [n August a7 he Quaid (RA) hal cated the refugee poblem in Pakistan ‘ou rove eenwugency’é had set the Central Rdugee Cound te deat. with ft) Uogect A Khan met with the Incuéin Came. Hinistor Jawolnanad Wel § signocl {the Vagad Wehro fact-tt was agreecl that cach government was ble for the saety df, minoity groups within tts borclers. Free passage, ce "fogees accross the borders was. restictia! G ausa sysbin fx rea. €S was Hihwducech, Basyeally it wasa Proaly blu Southasian lates of refugees coere allowec! fy relarn & obs pose of Hai, property, nn tl ere be, no forcef ub YeS Ponsi Scanned with CamScanner Why wasit so difficult: to agree. on ane constitution in 14502 Ferstly one of the reasons why it was $0 diffrcull to agree ona rau \conclilidin in 1980 was due tothe cast} west pabtslin comb vary. ast west were separated ancl the Zastean half *Povgh only one prouinee was heme te more peop tan all te pouinets th the westean hall put- lagedhex 01 thu obker bund, the west half opupid the majorly Of the ist as clixiclel as Lond of the slate The social, fabric of each half was ; tide was in tons ¢ payee St | shuchig ‘Tus each bie a conilalisn coos cvafted or proposed the Tass bien th cast § west ¢ their IsSues of partly a povieual auitonoray proud ‘tb be a. great hufdonance dh law maluig -Thergfore this was one of the weqsons why ‘tvoas hare! reeen a new constlilign in iS. Secondly cnethex neason, ws thatthe prowindall pottitins objedtect tou pour bei quiin 40 te Head of stoft ancl fo the Fedonal Gouna Basicadty thew. vous opposition {rom local & prouincial politicw’ns ras Hey ‘hed no dnput urdea the proposals ef approving of the powers} the hund i state ord certsal qourrrvtont-This was undernoadtic because ‘eurryor huel chfteront point of wiivos and thos tnpul couldnt be guy thoy hod the wight wht to selec or choose whon 4ho} warthid 40 -has gute power fo,buh onfortunalely this vt wos tien uooy fortran and the lead Rept, on cotng Hing rndbing cedsions on thot won whidh wos Aoki by. the lea! prowundial poldicuiours + ftong wih this vohot bully mowed the erie. consilaticn. rvaking jovtney vas obusatts Lack 6). politital lea ership that bod cued! bhian so enaly env» Hence this corcbubed ¢ ud Scanned with CamScanner y AW Uradlifficuly Yo agiee on a new constitotion Vi 14S0- Fuithermore another Yeason afor the difficulty fh o-new cons QiGuliia wauy-was-thad the malay of o nu constakion vos thd thee, was ome ciligun coming of the Wome Awol the new 9 ovemment had not made Mokitlan a proper kklame state with a constitytfe n kased on Shosial= Reliquovs quovps compleated that the constitotion ws no} supatily WantThe place of. Isom wh the stale 4 lou had been oft of fs confenhrs not only elioeen mnoshims ord ron-mushins of tee dake. but chenenk sects 6 Moshiny aswell: Though Islam wood made the stale religion & hub speech olbeut te objective Resobhunn Prime Histon Ugad- Auchan had expladnad Pakuitanto notonly be ogMuslins were alllmwed! +o procluc thein religion bat o.stité which would foidlitate. sham pili followersimeanitA Islam wo fo how. o. very Stier postion role fa-he working of te date Howeer cua othe pokay makers faubig to dicidle on housto incoorole Iglom inthe 498 byt the posihén Tt dorerued inthe kc lamic Republil 4 vot thinthe wa doath of Loge fi han meant that constitohonal ¢ had 7 renee ladon ns faord hac! fae te see Thonfore shit “a it woos difficull for o. new constiluthetn fo firm ih MSo- Scanned with CamScanner Monday, 2 Septambey zon : Topic: “ NvEC 2" constitvent assembly mode- Precldent Choad) Restrictions Pousers Musun choses PA uo yes musk 3¢ ys X 2h yours X Eeceagency- can dhisolve scebly PH >choushuy Huhunne d fh Must be a member of assembly chooses cobitet Cobiruk: Most be 2 years of oge /\ aduisony badly a v Wohonall Prouindal Boo members assembly £ ex assembuy 5 East Pabiten pairing a1 gs west Pakistan £ Ww s £ tb 551. 461 lied al pet ore Hoskin League. 5 Yergadi dong wth udu “> Gwuemrer gererad (td) prenicluit hin te. stabs of OL. Vian cisrssed the. Chih in. of Sindh. & ciclued Bahawalpur & kha fase Hodennizabibn in Indu shins § clutlopment of rural ancas Hoxothi Aufort wos completed ah sage. ebephons syn wos expancect- Scanned with CamScanner haath, é Educction series were prowded Fact Pak as provest as compared to West Pak» People were Not fayolved i decision making of GovE- natural, digcontertt —> dueto Hw shortage 4, food: Severe. (oe! w lass Canglasles) chvutammed Al wsigisd on 12 Sep 14s%6- vosssin Shaheed Sulvauwand —»PH—> betonged to éast Pak. (Bengab vaviza hoped to gain support fiom gost Pak. WSS vemaured BH for one years He was disnnsced ih och lags HSS. asked Hiroto hold voting. ras hw was popu aL—> Hirer refused: On WW oct (ASA Thrahim Lernael, Chandligon h. vo as agpoied as PN | 1EP¢n did nok pte. el some iskves such as One unif-> so ibmisech Scanned with CamScanner Tuesday 122" Sekar 2020 — Guovernment After dénnah.- Source A:‘the consttotona machinery has broken down.-- The cong. fitonent Assembly has lost the confidence of the people & can. no longer fonction? Source B tthe Constituent Assembly fa sovereign body-The Governay. General has no power of any kind to dissolve tt? Source C When, on 21 March 1456, the judge. issued the [federal] Courts mjoity docisn upholding Ghulam Huhammad’s dismissal, of the Constituent Assembly, one legal, schotan sold it devastated, te polite shucture of Pakistan’ What reason did Ghulam Hharmd give for dissolving the Cortituent Assembly? Source A. The reason Glulam Hutommael git fp ohasoluing the constigent assembly wos that het peo al te gouemnment haol sloped punclioning it coud no longer fonction ‘Basically he inshitled in the niinck ef people that Rogra was not nice Although Roava voas the opposite bul Ghulam. Mohammad in-retetirition guid that people weren' hoppy fiom Bogra’s government ond tence Hui wos aneed to dissolve the over Ament - Buk tn ih Muhammad ynade an eine! c oot Lissolui usthg boqya + “ny the govemmens by Scanned with CamScanner >| Ghulam | ‘Muhammad thought he had the git to digsalve the Contitte. nt Assembly -Did the Sindh court agree al 2 Source 8. Nov the stfdh court cia not agree with isin because thug sosd thatGhul ar ‘Myhammnd dtdn't have the right to ciésolue Bogra’s gpoernment: Ghulon ‘uhammad actitatty saicl that he was dssoliing Begras assembly becat |he statid that Bogra's government can no longer forclion. g that people haut lost co nficlence sh the government However un reality Ghulam |pavhammod! chil so for his peronall yeasons because Boyra thied to tit hus power as Governor Gerenal-Soa ch vefallhabisn he waited to The never 16 $0 decidled to alissolue Bogras government: but the sindh court dcda't agree to this- s-/What do youthink tne. histovan meant when he said that the Federal \coutt judges decision wos devastabing tothe pallial strudvve of Pakistan - Zovrce C+ 5 The Federal court fudees deasion waa devastating +e the e poilital stye fore of Pakutin becuse the Fedinal Cour declared hed + w0.s lagat Glufoen Hoharnrad fo difmiss. Goaraa numwi=Athoogh Boga was avery dediatiBy primitistin shu thought abou hus people. alae. made prounnts u} agrizultene fox funmers ele but voas still diimiued ly the Feclnal covouls croluns: $0 clue t thi the file gouwnments ee on clochy the samo then ) 4 $0 the gotumnment of -pakistnn foiled! achuae Some sort: of-pablicil sltbldy because the hackrs. were LOC ‘ising to guint ng power ¢ laity other leaders devo? rather than ai OSlable Youernment 4 wor king for he peopl te county Scanned with CamScanner @ Wednesday, 28 Seplembers 2020: Tnifial Paabloms fact. By Pakistan: hot: wos the issue of financial, Assets 2 4/ Why was Kashmiy vésue. a. problem for Pakistan in 14441 2 al The ve{ugees crisis was the greatest problem faced! by Quaid-e- fur is governing Pakistan in the years 1941-48 -Grive reasons for youy answer: 14/ One of the mayor issues irwelitity nthe poniidioning the old 6rifish Indi. was hew to dinfide upthe assets Ff, the courvbiy - Thuy Now ; tun covnbitts 4 thew had t be an agnument on bow they. should “shared. Fr ons decided that acsests were to be divided on thw ratio of 17 4o nba GS t folutin Io 1447, uns Gqrecel thay abtan woowd be put) 180 muiluse ropes of the 4 bulla in the Rome tank -Thetsint 200 mili: rupees wore pail butthan 0, wan broktoul ouen, Kashunia é India Mund * poy He vest of the Monroy sunce they Ahoug kt folectous wo We ft te by ann, to faye ogasnsh Indio Pokuxticn stoppecl fighbu, 4 opreed Yok Vaden should be an Indidin pose goin shan te sr would be potslInduen Goernanent hoped thas PAK woutol bo hankep! by witholdllNg thy morwy « i J rate i 4 4 Hhemom Grandi ca agauitthish & yl Heh Tl 640d bea relitions belizeen try Newborn couribs. Gut tt ‘rade compltte. gis. a Hig mplila sense to block she pryrent vahen tndlid. was facing ‘woitil Scanned with CamScanner 19) a Bribish kt Ind& in HT. there were abouk 600 prfcely Fup for oe amory Hoslim ¢ Huda fockions: Paiste. ws a musdace wr ate India felt ia had equal AE cur ifs Indl. wen tis [ee bring its clams to the mn of the a Nadiéns often Ha hardfe- Hart singh Ccoahmins sudo : ceded Kash to India th 194 1(octobare)»50 Pakistan went fem betn cure of Kash to bailing indian forces far iL Thus put Pakislar'in a weaker posctn, both plilcaly f mululanily. Hence tas 4 one of be retaons’for why Kashnuit 13 sud. was a problem for Pakistan 1441- 7 _ Faslly when / | doreouer ancther veason woad thal Inches clumto Kashmiv also had a ‘Legal foordelidn In 4447 the tft ruler of Koshenitn» Hobanaja. Hen |sungh signed! th. inghumert of Kcesston , agally ceding Kas hmnt i Inokin. $0 Incha’s legal anqument- was te prove probkmatie fo Aakiitin oi IEE mission te claur kashynivr for tls anon- Thenefle the 15 voluy the Keshonin issue. vo0s cc problem for Pakistan 1947. — Furthen more another veason wasthat Kashmir elf hal cts. lown independant government i 1947 E coos by in to become athind indepenclant- coonhy separalé fram both I 7. 4 yg bie tht aus somethcy tet: cohch néthan Incté. nov Lidge valllniy t allt Both of them wanted Kashmit vy be wen bd ths visue stil contitines ancl. én sorteo ente the Hashmuh 1éstee wos apobbin for Polent— 1447 Scanned with CamScanner Fey mm. the weaabi fail by Paduaben Quaid e-Azam in feu, thg Takisin from 1947 08 was? the Refuggees Accomodalaén cnfsts « Inthe yeaa immediately before pasion there “a wdspe) ucla beLcoern the Huslaen é mon- muslin communiis Across Inches: heop le wer suffirng from communal obtidey ¢ Hhett uns need tor Hem to separate So withthe pavilion 4 upon arcutal of te Huston raf upers th Pakul ert vo0s no base of-accomedi- fer 4s, velogees: Also of Unt Time there were upig deans going eoith Idi, Abilis like toars saltack éle-In the non- Mus lin pniicely stots ther. » examples of tak teoxps being used th support allacks en Hus Lins. So again due to these problems the bechaship hud! to resort to public buidsligs G bacvecks refugees § arc! camps were set up 4 suskranc, wos guisn tothe refugtus- But stl there wer problems bh focdlshorby, Sack cf mudhiol fuililts e-Inspile alt tere barclshype Quaid! -e- pram De refeges; “fakislan has to come ctay e it well sty 1? nab” faced by Busid-e-Atow in, Fortermore another vesionefor why, goveming Pabst wos duet fi Economic Sues. Febuitin xs maole whol es were mostly undlondact vith vert Uli, sdudiy- Pakislon voas neta. wealthy county sh 4 dik ogreulbias did nck produse obo sutpbs to craitetite wo rood serudustuabiatiion the expeclidion hero ccas th the Preluction of Tit fost fultutan produed nupaly Tol of the worlds cop Jue beam? [ewe Seance df foreign euckonge encintngs for Pakiitin tut due f te po (eclad by fe, ou enerepldid by afc 107 Paki ll be ho 6 siete ‘ute vr Vu jule mills wier th the. neu indgr: ° ths ecty meat thal there Ker on econonvie. evicis Eso us [iin for Sana in pura Pabeuler- Scanned with CamScanner 1 —— another problem fateci by Jidrah woas duc te the soul pgcited+ JO”? fahulén vats mrad up of ft bfferent regions oF groups lke the fakituns y Belochsy Sindh Punjabss 4 ogpal ‘these people bal afer Feadihens,cullivresy lnngugges ¢ fests reuntig the ule of the Bilt ten [people were? 4 glu oppor tants th governing 4 now thay weren't quiet we if they waned to ‘taansfer allegiance te anew hkulan : ‘where agati the, offical lenquages vada wouldl nol be the one thy spoke: Falistan #008 nef computed of. single uid people ¢ thone was mech work fe ce cenit cing yore of the totic of joining “he new ste So this languunge Laue becom fon ue among the Communiiins th Paleuiton 4 thi, wos complication for S Suna in UT — Nereoutyanothor problent fated by Palinlic. wos thot cau to tHe, Shisesyan scceteafan yilene Aheonki-Rhmugl wits the language (Zeves of Bengalis fokulis government wos under prasine te solve these 1ssusd Fakuslan cam its bang os cfyee mushm stale th quale wnfaunwiabl conclifins- Ahd no ‘vsouree git had’ to builel up adminis aitaie machinery from.scaatch- éuoxy x, tity wos mowed! up and rere. ss potitiol inability ~So this wos o mgr Problem Quoid had 4o foces But with hi kackrship mushms were abb t pie effort 2 cort out the situa, he-tda the nation ih 1485 Mee, 7 = of ypor stake have been laidl 4 $26 now for yor jul! ag quickly a i then were orn sues the. Political problams «So Inch ha dall fo cw bulebigs ifarnishinge reucn officials from the British. irlin ul, none of Mere Inds baal offiaal members of the “ nel Congres with politicap expewice to take eur the inert In f lees oan the Cconshhiant Asvernbly members were mosby Scanned with CamScanner Cw) uscatlhy tondownurs pyith bilfle pod expert Te Mash Support mod wos from rua. anol § laced suppert Prom Odo arias Paleuloun of thus pow tated) the achivbrabise 4 Jovernne mnachinon4 to-tUN the offates of a new coonley - Buntol-e-Poam rood te fircl a capital, a qpuemunet 4 offctaly 10 enswore eg gownment of the naw Soe Hone thes woS & preblern for Jutah % qraining Palit fiorn 1447 194 8- Horeousr another rue. woos clue tothe Hasso of butslin Ref ugar Inclitn “The worst d the most cruel rgsue aos te. dintsuen of Punjah os wort of or holf OF the mojoity wos Sikh 1upoNn dusedien Punfab Vorelu lendors ‘nfluonad-te Skh anct mode them treat The po Huslin fomilies with ouelby Massie aff mossecre 120s the rewlt Punjab + Infonts tind women rape! the struts of punjab useve fall Noskimblocd 600,600 Musling were cai! to be billed yh zu. TWh vas on alanning Stiadion for Tinra, a the poplin eh mucins usces irormencly dlecreasing vohich maou that the sup} inefe now las Hence His 258 a. problem fruad by Jinaah in pearl (yest Alco orolhen. tcsur onaose which wos the cana? wate cluspudi- Before the Inclus wale treaby Mboila ras buesin water fiom India because of the uoy hoa were consticose dia took {ull charge ¢ wxnlad to throw bitin ‘ids an econem’ CHU 0% mbt of ovr economy were thyovak a, vicullere Coayo bese! eco nomy)* Indio, 4 Pakutin -) scon i& ‘pt a eer Tho wsctons 10M Bri Dood canal sInchia claimed that PE hod the heodquating il hadlthe ial We clo whed $F wart with the yatta il Scanned with CamScanner 7 c= __ arputd tat PH hadl @ 19 + the woeilor as Fs econ my depencled ypen ye Iyhuslan’ government called for the maltty B be seliled by the Intearetigndd coorts of juclice bid Inches relued: (01948 ta temporary agreement vans reachee! Inch agreed! t alow veal from east Punjab flow ints west Punjab s but: only if Pokslan eagrecd! 6 hy © fwd alfarattie wets eupplye Thi was one of te magor sues Ionnab gthe government 4 the peop had! to face Ai had te be addressed! wagen thy In conclusion (think that the ref ugees atcomodetion enves wos the qrectist Problem faced by Tinnah th governing Pokistin sn 144-4 becouse i+ cavged most of He tistobility APES thot os monyas a niion men women & chikfron did os 0 reswWE of the vidence or the HastiAVIgours of the tong Joomey Neary 20 mills people wsere medehotnelers ¢ bots India. e Polesstéun foced enor moos problemy 4 fussy nom ber Of refegoes fis totem for otety plus Takis woantt abl by oll mens akthet tune 67-0004 9 fooh stud ton for Tuono. to hondlte + Ancl then af bn his cleath- mere ve rex) Scanned with CamScanner Horelasy ” “Seplemben.2020 © a Topic Eva J4S8-¢8% Fero2 Khan Noon -> PH. > Govt had no: of pollical parti > even more clitideo! than F-I-Ch > $0 was climisced | “Mirza was th difficulty > he was forced to had 26 members out of 80 th hi cabinet Hirza declaned himself as President: Hussain Shaheed sohonward’ H:5$ united the polilical baders of punjat § Bengal agauisl Miv2a- Hina declaved Harsha? Martial Low —> asked commonder—in- chit | Aula hon to take over 0s Cif Noatiol Sous admunstor > Ayub Wes oppointed os PN on 2UMoet 1453- On 21" ock—> Ayub forced Hirza tovesign —> Hea went te Londen th exile: [JXqub Khon dedaned First Hal laws vi, Pak | Declaration of HL 1458 (Matiol Lavo) Conctitulisn on 1456 was abrogated Dobbnal assembly 4 Cabinets were diisolvect- Pollicas postin were boned: Eva 195% —64 Bost demouacy es > €0x000 BD members Crate they heel the reght val. for President) hood (Presjdont Powers of President: vestichons. "/a of PONE members must be, - appoints tountial Gournes of pDAc: yun the praibnee J rot elected No. of Disisored Cound Guill seruants chasen| = each et wus run by Divisional] take the geneol commtggioney* collie of POAC. & by POAC: iniplement fF» Some must be from Co-crduiafign Comite NO» of debuct Cooncit ~ each was yun by distud Comissioners assisted by Hoy sbicle i i L Co-ordinalion comittee—> coordinate the dlisbubulisn of vesoorces- - v organried as teld by Local committee wosdutlion committees | elected y town dbbick oy udtage 4 member for curry (0 people Elected by adult populabzn: Scanned with CamScanner w \ r) ; Wednoshypah September 2620 lo. 111-1154: My Were theve a Many Lovernmentsbetiveen 1514 Mike Filly one of the reasons why There. wes so many Govsrnhotts between 14g) 1958 was ue to the cleath of Jinralf in 1948 ¢ hagok MU Kton in ns) Veapedlulay “H was head or nowatly iinpossible to goussn pokistéon fat; Wa tame. ite being Now it uns Fh the hands of amneture anc \Gileen, cod leaclowsThecountsuy unas veellhy staging toeslablih deel vsthand proper leaders, & the poblams of n im anew country were Wary diffi fo owoncoma: There as a consliiutional cris is Inclia sefused b tan he jpnt assets H ushich again woos 0 Pinoniial daawback jor Pale Tew woos pollitall dix buly suicethe Mexperineed poldiniou wsore Trawling qreal, diffu yng ‘he courting as 0 result then wapo Le Ab, Sobil On outing Ai dio mony diffenuch gounnmert els fonured pee : Secondly another yeason 1005 that thors. uoas ans sue of Luang wide created fable choos: Pakisan ens clurehd its east dnd we Bhutha. wSih Petusbon hod o Lenger populadtion olensely thanks Fubslon 0 demonclecl thod theb Larguije Berpali’to be ‘he nals as uage wad of Unda fo ho Me capil beity treated tn West fale ut, We voest. pabwfanis to ceruned for nein langue to be the mente Boge eS Ine refusal to howe Berga o4 The mad language yas & oun ¢f, di sconlents & conic axnor ig the commonities 4 4 ero ences Trew vere. se Many yourrnmenls bolucen (961-68 ke pics Scanned with CamScanner oS a roller veasen was tr duc Yo the Kashmir tssu- The Kashmi issue : lovouse belween iwelic. & Poletslan on -the levitony of Kodamits Both the nai weratd yloshmid 1 Whew covnrtuy weve corélontly fight ng for it poay Cokistin ofa formation yas not poli cally & fnanciedly chen Joe do bck of veers witlle India woos ciiiee Teonkosned af the iviportont g essential resources M tha Aine of chaos and fhstalalily ‘buton vsad shi fighting for Koshi votly tedious 4 were loosing more G more power G resources é cowd come up with a concusier a a solid plan te be exeuttid which would bolance the sifvabis betbean india 4 Pakulen-So due to the lack of dort (on, mal n G comming tO on ofveement thu voere dilberent gouwanments forma ean ese eons AS -S8- i Scanned with CamScanner Fiday2" October 2020 « _ Topic: : bo THRU ; What were the Declarations of Hoxtial Loxo 19882 /4 z Hel Lown ithe ipositn of ect ny control. of normal ewtih. func © suspension of Gui? Lows by aqovernment especially th vesponse tp temporary emergency Beata Monto Lax0 can be used | gouernmertt to enforce thebi rule ouen the public Mottial Law has alo bee imposed olening conf liely ¢ vi cases of cecypaliéns, where the absence. of any other citih, gouernment. proiuicls Jor an unstable popaletbion In 146 “fresilent Sikander Miga-ee ‘abrogated the conatifutiion é cleclanedl _ Hanliol Yaw Thon on 27 oclsher Cormmmandlen—in-chiep of. Pokeistinn ley mostking tuo eke Many pe m’s betwen 1456 § 1988 follthat a sshow'd take contiol. 6 restox, stobiliig, When mantiol Law 1% oleclasea [sil beri suchad te ngit to free mouement free speech, prétackm from umreasonable searchey g may be cus pendgel p Scanned with CamScanner Eva (968-64: Ayub Khan: : : . Reforms = ; ~ — on eae wns made accorchiig to wohich the land overs Land 9 outel hak] 500 acres. of rnvigaliel land! ¢ 1000 acres of ivigited Janel: an gu Land owners. 4 - Compensation quten te smatt ae cad lel Bi sold Ie the tenenits 4 was chiticled ints small farms- rnfgakion schemes » Dams mechanized foaming was titocluced. Successes Feil. Lund wos lived: a Peasants had thet eon Land! — they stan fed. workig whole feantdly -[Consfutdion of cfoms —> prowide vacitin. for Frigatisn: HEP CHydlno Elecbuc fewer Plant) was established Flocd contial programs were inboduced: Small forms weve easy to manage —> good management: Easy 16 we modern machuies. Green fevolofion was introduced: Economy boosted: Foiluves:~ Lond lords lost their fertile Land. — tard bods bribed the, offieens > kept more lard: umert dur to machthes- Use ; ae mach NEY WAS Mot known bo He srrallfanmers.g couldnt ov cuttunal, Reforms benofited only vith people Scanned with CamScanner re \ Indostiual Relovms :~ guecesses 7 Ob refinery was builk 1A 1962 ab Kovachi- Hulerol Deuelopment Corporation wor establithed! —> helps ih miner, exploration a Toued Red (Regional cor porotiin of, Doudlopment) th 1964 > (or 4 development of tode g improvement of foreign relukions Export Bones scheme was launched —s exports increased by Food ¢ accomadati8n woos quitn ‘to the workens by owns: Failures :- ; ifakis lan? Inclustiy comes under the conbiol of 23 famidiis;w hereas t (807 of people were under them: “Hove than cor assels were uncertain conbiol- | East lok Locked Indlustital clevetopmenit > rich families belonged to Loest Fak Apeh0 gap increased between kal ¢ Wed Pap. foreign clependency snveased — leans were token but not vetianed: Educational Reforms :- successes. Education was made compulsory upto grote 8 ‘ Primary edveilion was prowcrd free of cost: (ew schools rcolleges unwersilits were cpened. provement was made th oll schools. Frnin. ing insllules wore opened >to okvelop shites: 2 year degree prcygyam was converted ito 3 | years —> was made sdegaed inteanfeonally Fotlures : . . Giiticismn from Ulead who thought thal this eduction ws wester —s parents soyped senchig their children to school: | Scanned with CamScanner i —— ans degree progvam — Gouernment: was forced rn a Is yitigi sed F yf oe : revoke thus Lavo- ail Reforms: successes: ; a . oe were made. (6 out skints of Kavacht gewtied popularity 4 ouideng shellers ° . een voarkers innproucd! —food! ¢ shelley prouicled by owners ¢ foe choi fron fou: . (aly plomning program was introduced —as population was vReensing 6 hazards of over population were made known- Fomely Jaws were riedle > minimum age for o gil tb marry ats Iby for bay it wos 18 —> paper reqishiabion for marriage 4 duiorce > inptues the poston of women in sociely Hedrcal facilities. were proutced! to. mother & child Soual Reforms: Failures: formly. planning. woos regereee! as unlslamic okperlency of soomen on men: Eraing far chctons & norsescecreased: Foreign Policuig: es /USA tis were stiong 1a bis tine- a Om USA vous used ih clevelop ment projects - . a ton proutleel sage bose Prom Peshawar lo USA spyplatie> ourhissi. h oy USA relations mproved _ tod 4 China hadl a wan —>Indld. was helped by 8 sg ally "ealions betieen china/ Pak sinprowed ht iy [oeign polity Scanned with CamScanner 4) Tak visled chuind usse Conid stale of Sous Russie) Indo-Pak voan broke out th 96S —> USA yerreuned neutral) feace healy W005 signed —toend 1965 voy — bers of peoph. cxery saved - : Rolalrrs wil usse unproued- RCD was signed —> Tak, bran, Prog, § Pak Scanned with CamScanner Ee — ee A an How guccessful. was Ayub Khan’ economic & agricultural poiias + Gave reasong rp or answers /I4 meullun) success Ayub then & best remembered fora sents af economic 509 neallire, soak ele reforms. wohich broug ht: praise from polditvans 4 economist aroond the world th 1468 he colebreteol the scork by calleriy the pentd 4 Decade of Deuelepment:” Feisty one of the successful poles inlioduuced bfyub Khan were the pind polices: Ayuh Khan's aduciors scan te bring reforms Wt In fuld of agncublioe & make i more producleie- He inbecoluced a. ‘form a vohich the miminomn Land oooned rcasth ke 12°$ acres 4 te Uh waste be Seo acres Ginigaled) ¢ 1000 avs nen engated) a 7 A poosly run forms with lox» ouput than the possible ouput cith ; ba un forms with oulput rearwrto caliber. this meant ard ‘culut was theroased which meant thal agri ttaal cup! cull meet the req weet monls of the population 4, also enporls wll Scanned with CamScanner rig) F { 27 are lalbo increase thus the agneilinal polly cons a success of Nyy, which helped boost the econ ony of Pafewstaan: > ‘Also Ayub Khan intiodtued/foans é encou raged farmers to bul sy Zo reduce the need fer canal ivigalén Moreau he broyglt about green revoluliin i Arkistan nr tofuch famers voere encouraged ta m mmachinery ‘Teans weve quten to foxumers on'staltments basis ose of old seeds were encovraged! These reforms reultalined agnicutlioe ¢ clap yilele woere a“ 2 ca ae of etapa cohich was exported 4 pro to be a sonycp of foreign e je corning Hence proued fo be a ou poli teat by flgub Khan + ” Forthermere other successful gol introduced by Ayub khan wns te econome. poli -In oil refinery was egtablished in Karachi-fe ¢. ‘resull fkistins economy slabilied & foreigh exchange woas saued as it recluced the import of refined ail Dung Ayubss reigne the auenage ows ale. by cohich ticeconomy grevolll 1960's wasy: which a0) three Times that ef tnthi: Boductiin ald nge ipl git-was belived that Mabislcn bos favre a cogy out of powwly f hence was an ackaienet of Ayub Man- > Hore, corutig Ayub Kchont regime. be encouraged! pneu asso- cualion companies ¢ molstués § crockited them soil creating & silualion shen th pnvale secler was encovraged ta cant mecluin ¢ small Seale tielusliies i Palislan Thy thang creed nwo pbs. oppor tntlies and riley more peopl who vw eye enemployac! aere employed Row shy ¢f meant they woulel be ale be aril) mony Now through pro woeniy sovuicd Woy ther specyfee seclor ¢ thus clue te this the economic graph of4 Scanned with CamScanner a Hence. was a ¢cxcesful achupement feieras eon successes Came some “fas One of Ae fool Stoatid to Ayub chan's ogrivutaral ee ‘os haf since he introdloced!. the used of mechani 2e cl Ped machuiory 1 aguante thie wato some extent wy och ose for the farmers buf also wes came out fo ba.ab ‘meffecie ast led o unemployment 4 many farmers were poor who did net have the surplos money to nee Thos ct prous «a burden on government as more people wogre unwoage foul bea iandle 0 hepa of oy Therap wos afadlwe of Ayub khans policy for Fakislasy = en oie hua coed luc tothe economic pole of fyub Khun-In 1964 it woes revealed tat )ést22 families contolle [Borel Polalins Anda bial asseti The santa fort Lea adsocontolled got: bf falastns, bank 4 insurance companies So Is gral qror almos Teel _crallt group «dl complete control of Paltstans wealth These families were in ywost Polutbon ¢ honee if wes wn nctiied In east Pe lastan-All of Hs meant that hi small greup had! more revenve tancthernoymutl people. $0 (raked «franca oindle bethooen tham. flea useth +he improue- Hina f ok. was increasingly clpenctontt on foreegn at so all the ro wash ies a and not Ui 4 stecte to fulf ill vi uh hon en onl won Hence ttrned! outt to be a facture ‘Maou fab ee polity - dats pout i" Khans government tuéd! to control. popuralion Wa Sup pr anny hroqrame Arroogh yacht) Scanned with CamScanner \ Me = g 8 B 3 z = CD eunema, eewopapers 1 Pos ole ts persuocle Pakuitanud tint Si2e of there foendlics ie ait the programe toned out ij uneuccessful People cléfny- prefer family planning cohich yoyul ” 7 oa ee which meant more ann were b be Neectec! noreler to fulfill tte requnements of the growln popu Hence larned wat ke (ii 4 ubs voli a ‘In conclus von hk thot Ayah Khang polis were successful outale because the lle he fab atthe tine when waere facing senovs ious th almost all the socting- These polizizs | helped boost the economy alot ¢ was a great help for the po pulodicon especially thefannters as loars uoeve frbtoclua/. Oucralll aoa fullite. heclns t containe the. \of Such reforms for Pakulin ¢ continue to sevue the Pakilant { population like Ayub Gan hel cluninp hi reptine- | Scanned with CamScanner ty y a ul hans Ea Why did Ayub Khan yesign? 1/ . uo solution for Kashmir as fake promises were made - people pelt betiayed! > Aya lost popvlanily peop le lost luies. Clink buck) Tashkant agreement > forergn minislén blulls voas not consullecl about the mallex he resigned! —> Ayub Khan lost support of people and ihe forergn ministin: Aftin resigning bluttlo male his ovon politic? poottg (Ppp) and blamed Ayub Khan > PPP got support of the people result of the clogan ‘Rott Kapya Aur Makoan?—> Ayub Khan to abt 4 rac yeni se ; d ‘ rps Inte riging in elections : Miss Jinnab's speech was cut of F elidliked by people —> lost majonty notes (Ayob khan) but won elections somehs > people accusecl him Of mass vigging —Ayob Khan resigned Scanned with CamScanner A Answawt z no Solutions ed Frilly ane of the reason why Ayub Khan resigned ons dete ky sssute-Ayub Khan mstilled vi the orcs of Masbins that Pakistan wy, hr kesh’ uncle ila ‘nites Pabislan went to 1, with nclio. G owen Rashmiv. Kecthee sidle oa, able fe sav a alectcing uty Tk apa cual laf al. isfy yabs rose tle kg uideertheéitulony causec! vesenlmient among the muslims fhe promi fulfiteed “Inca had the Saligu paitt Jammu ashen eohhe Maken dag Fadhundn nett ynocis got angry ond omud opin Ayub People fell bly clue-te then many lost Angi lies ond Ayub lost his populantiy- Hence i vats ote of the yedtions why Ayub Khan resigned: ‘Secondly the peace treaty ab Tashkant contoénod no reference to hao he asin hue should be <étftal-Ayi cackac te Foregn mint. ‘Bhufto, who he blamed forthe fading, v8 the wort-Bhillo nowbecame. a peal pio opps tA Ghutlo wasnt consul about te niche esr fyb ktor had lasteomtol gsupportofpeqpleg!-ta feign mis Hence Agu resigned fit his resign Blu mack his own poliltad paily PPP 6 [med Ayubkan-Bhutlsinbdted a. slogan ktakapra Hake.’ iy which | ra el of people vohulle. Ayub Khan lost- popularity fott-Hiiied 1005 no longer ldeed by people 4 lost uppotans- Hence Aya vesiel! -flso crothw Yeason for which heresigned was due tothe wele regi Ice: Flectens were held tn I465-Ayub Khan was nominated anuo lye corwenion Hustun league whith hebod halped fran. tHe Beles nnd! he wold howe conyettion bt option pis support faa Tunak Pepe he fut hat Tl specch aay cof 4h dled by feeple ee my ut buf te clcions omthoo Ayu reciourel U7: Raph accu him of mas nagging » tone woe nal hance fiuub v9 hound te vealen- Scanned with CamScanner Eva 1969 -11 Yahya. Khan. Vahyo annoonced tb holel free ¢ fair elections: abated one oil scheme — Seats given fe prowrices in the ucembly were occording fo the population. Abolhed baste democracies —> cluiect elections were to be held one mon one vole) —> polittal parlics were Sabifiéd. Inbieduced! Cegol Framework ovclen (1FO)—> quick line for fubzre eleckong, number of seals th assemble , 2 consi tin fe be macle within 120 clays 4 mopths): Scanned with CamScanner_ Era (464 - 1 Yohya Khon: CHLA s- Choc Hortial Lewo Adniunishalee i We PPP 6 . te -more popitatiin "160 - ~ - -7 0 ~Roti kaptad Hakan. | Oo <--> 8 coe wi 3g j Yay Khan: 162 st Mea abolished QD WH one unit schume~ No -of seats for NA 3h 300 NA ->hod tomake concitution with 120 days H ilies Personal coldlers + protects cast palate) COPP 5 Noon Leagunes HGH Y Bhutto = Chih, Uomo on Ciation of Banglaclesh: Economie fsues +- forejn aid quant W-Pak. all exports & unports vere done from v-Pak & Epil clid agt citihul dwelopment took plow ti &.Pak- loss unportonce giien to EPole- Less heal froediced faciluttis were the popud cifon wor qreottoy: iyost spending ef moro on difence, for vo-poue bul eaomilgs comes peor EPok though slo Prowicled in E.Pak howouwn, Scanned with CamScanner a pli ae ay yuk Wo O-M [GrCa wes from E-PoR- ri! re ony such as Br & HSS suligwandy were remove df if there. vied win : oft an sn Blok > witeflections ¢' was able to form Gout ae icibout he help of PPP.o¥ any other parky —> but thu power woos denied Longuage Issue *= 5 te td Bengali to be the national Jangoage —>clatmed that only ah speak vido g Sb: speale Berge. Amounced ‘Stale lonquage Day) th Bengal — lots of Bengabi ditd 1 pobze used tear gas - geat resentment: against W- Pale: 2 Aititede issue *- O-Pok consisted considered themselves to be sopenid asdevefopment was only clone th U-Pak- Btgels were allocctfied to. vo-Pak —> disoniby: Sodol sues ~ (dwersib) anny clfferent culbores ant musit. ,dance differed. Seurty > lack of common calion § misonderslandings: Bhola Cyclone: 1410 7 Peal tropical cyclone In E-Pak —> ceyere fomine (shortage of food!) 5001000 lied. ‘Pak WOg ver adi of {Soi to prowite suppliis—> No veliéf coordifatén- ered fo send help-—> central Grout in w-Palt vofused — led fi esentment ag E.Pak des panalily needed help: Scanned with CamScanner Problematic results of. Elections PPP won seats th U-Pak unable t6 gatha. single seat ih E-Pak+ AL wen soils th e& Pak but unable to gash a sufigle seat sh 10-Pak. Mujecb hac! enough no- of seals tb form Gout 0 the cenibae without 4 help of PPP—> bout hit six points agencla yelafid to prouincial culbron, at extume lel» not acceptable by w-Pak —> showed that €.pij wasnid 4 be separated from 0-Pak- bit <~p Scanned with CamScanner vednesdey.200october 2020 fap Creation of Banalodesh- —Hujeebs 6 pot rejection Ft Provinaial power increased!: . centyeel gout: could only contro) defence § foreign pokey 4 teauo the rest estth The peuinces >not acceptable: Dininhing central geet 's power ¢ cutthovity « Provincial Milifary troops: (Militia) Lach prowice shoold hate had ousn treops as a recut this would dense unity blus provinces —> vejechibn of points. Déconnedtiérn blo E-Pok & Uofak + boss of-conhol from central gout disority Woo prounces- 4 Proiincl foregn Policy. foimcial forord a foreign tiade agreement —> proviices coold choose. the. ae Fuywocted on with, witkoot the permésibn of contro’ “> indi ALY + provindred Ad 0 em weeded LY + pro indepenclance + cepanalion Economic independance: MR Of Separabtn a 2 de rf if tnt, 1 Ndividvodily 04 demancleel soparcite curren OX ofr Polis Shook agreement 4 Scanned with CamScanner a aa ee! Immedhate Reasons for creation of Bang lloh: Elections of 1470: 5 . wait League won eleckone th Efalt wilh absoulule majond j he nation assembly whereas &4 HPP won in Wotake Awami /eage ton on the. bosls of 6 pours > they were UAC by coest pak: ‘Civil duobercheitce mouvement: Ava’ league sasnt ready fo share. power —> ncittena! assembly's sein was pailponed Cbhotts didat want any ag fo bnou cuvcmt league. won) tales blo mojee by but 4 Yel were chattd but-no compromise was reached: —> miley odion was irevitable sine mojeeb vaxsh't qairg to backolon > due tB the. law & order sitvadhin oon ADS sent to€-fak & row E-Pokiglants voonted nothing but nelepenchine - Oferdilion search Light > forpose was uth berpali nabionabiil > mont tuo 100s imposed! wn E-Pake > 1000's of bengadlis were moreleo! stinca they took halp from Inclioe acnst thet exon bet the tay lad thm Coakutant wy) cul war broke out en vahich Led 5 the seponciiin of E-Pak. ‘ Bihanis were Rengath peo} Ple.who were. svpportans af nobody cated A Aske Akos | ° MoU of Wa -Fak b ‘Bho lo. vee: mS fometian WINS EAaleor vole Bhola cyolone tb fok tn (70 no help wo0s Promatedl by w9-Pat Scanned with CamScanner Aw bd offered by Inca wos abso refused by fhe gout: edi. (AT ; Te ee tanec people by Ine were sent east fila Hkh Bo! Fi. rebels by sy {hom voeapons-. ae ing a et Inclio: _ inser lod oct Puletilon from aut aroond an december India alitacked East Val fro 4 § ea-gimataneouSy” : ; lode Inde of fice recognired Ba odlesh- 4 2 Oe en bees got conbel of Dhaka» dleelaning support 16 Banglodish- : : —sveanvtile the 00 passed’ c. resolution for cease fuie. sh tah coon = ih accoptad the defeat! 4 conendered- —s 909000 color ° were arrested: Etok deiured cLelf as an inckspendlaat foog tcl ( vv | Qs tw successful wns Ayub Kharis govt- in dealing wrth-he gevecmat ‘affairs of Pak . - mah: bast Denia ] j UP ALCON) $+ SOCES OI ( wutlical tr 7 Scanned with CamScanner cD? aap oo AyubKhans governmert soa pred ncessil with dealin wb}, jovertmental offaurs of Pakislar-Fuasty the finst Sip 0 yeh kb sit Fame woud te nbooloclion of the Base Dim conslidattonal, efeoys comet w ‘ DAM C Let, \Orelor 071 26 oddober 1959 - Ths was a fun-ttrsyslarn n whch ody peeple eteclie! unitn cconddl members voho tim elle) cist é ditiiyénal members: he Bsr oemocractes syslom sos dlesyzned t accomplis h mulliph polilital ofjetass- Ir wns oxpoclid both tb obi the mass of thepeople expedlly 1 ana ras Caps \cuchutieltiea thus qeng Bran 0. cense of ovine port ipélién Hrloced affary ond alse curcetecbiig ceaodn ules ¢ re elation ood O Succ : \4 Abkhon wrdealss voith gowanti me affacs of Potuifes- Hoecuer orothen reason why Ayub Hans gout woas successful eas dat the consti 942. Hruoas promudgatcl by Prestent fyub on 1Heach faced folly cumin, effect om 8 june (962- Te Conon coittaanad’ 2% ontias diced ils-toclue pevits 413 secule- usith the enforeenl ¢ thi conthliataan often 4Amonhs ,wosltol, Nous came te endl: #4 u005. | unicarusal syplim of, Gout? vith only one house-The members of the Wationol Assembly were eloctad ty the basie dormer ats ait wad presidential vi ‘ih nofiine with oll the executiie powers vesting with Presidente waste covttahitiin heacl of gowemnmnente fislaliy which chao fe fe conilion rigro20s 0 ona mon Show dextgned for a stiqee man «tt gel baste. huanin ngs emplangeage forall the cildens . is : _cltiens of Palatina disieniiahisn cc \colovr and ie ence, was Csuccel fiyub Khon vn wilh qoxeunmen ains of Palin « fn Khan masa cepa in by spt noir Scanned with CamScanner _— ae ° ° ioe aan acm commissien W0as male accorduig to which the gous “ hold Scoocres OF iniqated land ¢ (OD Ove of vega fpndovore’® stil was quan to smoail Candownwa stgatinn schemes) (pad sCompense of foi was tnbtcluced! « W-€-P plants were ectabliud, ane rams inkiooluced, Gruen Pouolubiind was afso i “ a a bok aipiattina® reforms by Ab were & sucen ond a economy wshich was bonefrcall for Hegpernmeninl tak peopl come extink were slabisfud wih th reforms Heveoun Indlos 5 wosne also’utbiodocad tike oil weet wos bull uA 19462 ob Kanachi uur Dancoprert Corpo woes establish which tped ta rainena exgloratin »Faport Bonus schome coas Launched! by which. expel encreaxd by 1 sali fond & accomodeilum was quiwn tothe workers by course hence ios succesful oh achuctitng the. oleuelopment of Paleslin th o postin mmonner § thonfore this shostet Ayud he. was succesful in webs bali wilh ta gawnnmental issues of fakis GX / Hosen withte successes came some facluarese Favstly thefarlurs whith cccored inoyuoubloou. were that Infloencial! land lords bribec! the off wcins fiyt moredand), also since mechanised Tools yoere inboclueed. 4 fp i apuallin this tamed 16 cereals. unemployment as macho mo man power: flv the use of mocknn nrackineny wx0 nt Hout , sialon farmers cooldnt- ofbord ib also pneu Kifer ded only mih people: fnov to this ther wore also some We els gf refoms like East Poleslox. lacked! Inhosbucl re idan becouse rich bees of ib: Pohistao aho okisti s Inch fen belong owe | 23famihis va bor ty Cermaseneater the conlte Soe assest were da Wye of feople were under thom g gore contol funce the resh of the people pole OF Scanned with CamScanner ‘resent at hed no valie Tune ie vet feo singe tuned ou fo be tinsuccess fl Joctins oh cau Ichous yeu dleabiss wh the ceodnmental alps. of Pol Fortheamines flowy this to. some exten’ He. Pryub than wos unsuccoPul A dtoliy wie qovernmental phew sp & because of the fotlums goon! vrelorms boul wth E-ubly tnbio used 0 fouls plonnig froqroim upon whiol, people consiclf bay unudlortite *Noreoutr people tid esainil de faub that women were depenclurt on MLN they wanted the ctolay fuer fo be tnenuad alo hospitals Tuctratning of doctins 4 cuyay oorwnyed henee ouoredl thi vd 0 Poiluve thersore thi onda unsuccessful fouls AF Ayubldnol gout: in deakig wih the qpoeromatad ofan of Palate. \ conclusion | belie thect Ayub Khans gout: bed, sone clamor bs danig wih he aD offense) uti keaua.d Ane feb then " eae dba tur ownalll fs regime ywo0s sen a8. clecagle of mont as mm aspeub of gauornment vowed tk nical tune seid Induohinisa! Geli, ocluccitan ad soit ole! Inolustiaisatn ed ecg “hele Wax, ea labbidn and bil People qo plies. ) ay cotsidoned ba on andlor is vege Ayub [eho vee} Pakistan of yey 4 word successful for Scanned with CamScanner ————— et yond pic Lubfigor Ale Bhufle- Sra teeny eee Manlia? (ew aclminis bralsy a the. begumning ; came yyltary Reforms: cope yp 2 He cottrolled the anny by binilang thon powers So that they eculdl not nk a hg (ilies: : red te important [nader ( Air Masitial ahum Khan) 4 replace of Hy with Tikka Khon C nich of Army) HE own leacler = gawe. hun news. = smaller of f ees dd now felt oblidged to support Bhotto- Hantiall (wwo was bled. . FOF (Fedral Secority Foca) vo0s, made by Bhutto —> he mesh cutter beady >to help the, forces (folite) to keep nw an ovdershowever it was Wsed against politica? opponents (Physvenl abbure) — Bhotto was hanged because of a coseaganst hin fram on opponent Constitution 1973: “succ j yal satis wos quan to theminonty provinces: - foslmentey fom of gout: avs Wibinclocec! > ait legislalecaes had # beolele by the Panlinents ; mocracy was iboclued —» pnmuniclen os considered as. head! hn ‘ile —> gaye bhotla power as privinislex: Tak it a Solution to, the polilical problems suc has Qachane Costa? Maton tay wos unanimous ly accepted: Scanned with CamScanner Failures: In 498 Jou was patted alin the FSF te dfain suspect, x lgmonsm —> FSF broke up oppostlisins valli ¢ inti a Cfrightenivepdhexatiy ) potions: Amy remains within > imimese power wos wien to FSF. Pres freedom banned—> Prose couldn't cilisine 4 peopl. ip Temagn unavocnw Land Rehorms: “sureens )) ; lanclowners could! only haut 250 acres of tnigediel Lancl ¢ seoocres of utinigested lancl : = Bast of the land wos quien tothe tinants —> more enthosat, —,/ work: ~ Sewn ly of finan. as they became heppy thoy 2000 land +— ouree of income > GOP te the gout: + vnemphyment reolyel Failores: a Corcuption by lancl lorcls who removact tencnls lucy tht of heaves lig socthat Hey Lf not recabue anyearatny s of hoe S \hosdwork—> 00 job wersily Educational Reforms: (suc) fre Pomoc eclucation. 66+ 6500 New publishers wore Labioolucce! > books were avails le for glitclents who get fee eckeation- ntanalonal Lathal Gali colle ge v2s pence) & forced! ob Facil lies for sticlals Heskt hostel factlties Lfoocls.s hdl” eloctaicf) ya prouicled & shiclenl who come from fevatl /\qe0s » = Scanned with CamScanner Ahysies —>sciesilitly flom oll over the world came t Aki’ sty, a olyel tht soft y > 8 >. i he —_—— - ae pble ft becav5e f they send heir bd to schools then thoy a re “ ve (iil laloor) 4 $01.No earining + can't sop port thes nt doo frit me allocated to eduction —> Lack of fond = oy 131 bod get w mo vandanls —> priate. schools were rahonaliged (fore dn edo sid rertos loft doc to loss) > no pape vuoork for heute cafe oe ctodentino check on teachers ho become la2y 4 ichunje because ey fenea ‘gar elialn't py enough eblentiin t divisg tha 4 > bacl stonclond —ineff ixieat system—> quali * glo reduceal becouse dhacwerent tracned ttachiny of the iw book | curteyum- Health reforms =~ {Neto /\St vi ‘at oF Rural Health Cenlves) > vwrall areas: SHU (Basic Health enit centres) —> urban areas ~ bod names removed! from medicines: | odvantage ” disadvantage ‘Cheap —trdintng colle could be boogh without vuile ng ges for ‘oul e 04 witho — dodors > onmerit: — Prescrphe rah any = one qpalipeed ley were | Pharmacy ssiGned to places by out . —>s0 uy dork only work ta clin ‘tin bral Compontas Jap business. because the cost OF hen tte teduced —s t . > 1 profit: => bodk olkeds os Fk was under gout Fake ae Scanned with CamScanner eA r Social. Reforms: SN A Ganley policy Loans to feurmers —> Supls CrOPS 05 hy methods clone > ingome of farmers increased: Fedrad Flood comntlesion —> plans to control floods ~Devucuat, ~ of people > prouiston of feel ¢ meckcal gupp les to homely fey efforts. by gout: fo sau Lives) Latoo vights: alt workers eooldn't be removal from ofe witha} proper reason free eclocabi8 for thedt lads+ old age pensifn. Productitthy of [oboor than pres qt high $0 frflakiin b Defence Pobioy: hilt relied theneed for cout opuiig atomic power becautse Indin abworly dauteped ib—> estallished coarditiy Kahutla vesearch bboek —>backed up by world powers : Foreign Policy oo \nché > Simla ggreements ra Induis will redease. 40:00 solidins lvecouse> Bhutko oi sy Kashmin will be duccwsed arnongst Inca! Pak only >a biattal wit —> ro other people or courbues tivolued- beltzr relationships fokisbemn get hetton. vhage —> thoweal Pak can gots Lon ealinds to vestore peace > internationol vepotatisn: Pop ulaiify of Bhutto wrpraucl ® wont hijh- Bhutto warded Ruth convinced! thom to hued i Pak aa accepted —> mode von & sliel Sndustry at kanatl Cpr ’ boast of indus taralisalain- Scanned with CamScanner > Ws Agora. of Womic Conrtbies) + oly of Wamic oe nity +elp each other ih developments + peace- apoved the \slomic countries” curomtt Ceonference) ot labore. 4 Islamabaol - tran troq) Bangladesh- Restined from CENTO / SERNO eebans ddtroralad to o Level with western people: ‘is was becavse weber didn't hp us dlonis 65 4 TW wane | bh ep respect & shorted hang qd selaliéns osith lanl Scanned with CamScanner iaee an. Ny Monday.2 November 2020 7 — a Sy opie: bra - 19-11 Reasons pr the obusnfall of Bhutto -- Election 1977:- AL ponttcs mack Pon Ceahiilon Naliénol Alliance) , were able 40 get 38 out of 200 seats. Opposilibn increased as P--P won ist out of 200 seats > aeayse 4 wee rigging —> bod Jaw ¢ order ¢ilualisn - Aimy Interference - Bhollo coas pressurised te hole eleclins gat but he refuse > rallins | stikes > camy was unhappy because ¢ milion veforms > they went agasiist: hin > declanecl Marti! hw >FSF was also failed: Education policy s- feople were reluclant to send Hety children b school because of westan eclucation > Ulemas were also against —* co Jost support of people / Vlemas > they, blamed education usas of poor standards. Ltild labour still prevailed > as people would’ haue ro sour of income —> they stood agaonst pohey- pationalization:-Indusbuts soch as pharmaceutical grdushity schools ¢ businesses comes under Govt control —> profit ‘ Gout > quoi | producls decreased standard of uuing tower ed Scanned with CamScanner —_—_— ee I = faction! business last profit —> busiiessmen left the be _sbyeinesses Closed due to loss —> onem ployment —> wn con popularity decreaseck- porns of olvin king :- amb lig /olainking —> populaatty clecreased etuemns wore agdenst —* blamed that 0 law from trout: for jorbiddug te —slost support of people- { Scanned with CamScanner Tp - RR Gala -11 Why cick Bhutto became unpopulan towards the end of his tinores flection 1977 > opposihion from 9 eoerabites onlits > PNA > ofhochy oppositions agatnst him—PPP—> won elections > vole nq ing > oli thy protest s/ rallies > law ¢ ovclex gtiotion —>Bhudlo unable to contol —» Hartidl low tos power & support > L®- Intioduclicn of Wationalizatién —> oll widosbits schools hospiély shu, | wider Goud: contol > profit to Growk:—> no check te see fhiciny + qualify of ork dabiioraléd —> Intinedhiinal thuestiy—s closed é Ret —> toss 1 business > unemployment —> resentment — lost. popula} LB | Norms of daunking daueloped —> gaming Idhinlty common —> Nidom-e- Hustofos nct seen —> ulemas were angry > for nol dodbing otk no Suck Lows —> Bhutto hinuelf-confessecl tp take alcohol > ast support §—> oppasition icreased > anpopulan Gout L& - Answer: fiistly one of the reasons vot Bhutto became unpopular tagard: He erd of his tinuve sons due tothe elostisns /977-In Hh abl pe made Pun abistan Aational silfance) as ewere able ta get 8 out of 204 seats which matt Anat tow thext woas effectite opposition oogainst Bll by the pecple, modtour opposilion alco PPP (Paluitaas peoples pal) won the ele ction they won IS4 owt of 200seaki § watt sxcuced of vole gging, th anes! grew and att Bho pret od Scanned with CamScanner” ee t 2 order instobilitty andl Le anted whidn thes caused ae bility ond _ ae vatoge GOu this Gluilld wos th presse ¢ wos tnoontroleble. (oa the dam. becarnd. Unhappy because of the mtr goa te “ uted ogaunct Rhu colule declaring the Mortiol (as: of this Bhatle Last power and support-of _peopla sod Bens fry Bheitte beco wh ‘ence this one of Teasons why Bh ecOMe. unpopusan, fpoavdls Ane und of his ‘Tenure - . 7 ecordly anothes eign for, for Bhutes unpopular at the en of fs emo. 1008 dew tre inbedtudién of- Nakinalizabibn “peorhng to ANG ctl indus Bites schools hosptlals businesses were ‘under tie governments. control wlth meant thet oll the profit ‘coring from these institiles went to the government. Gavernmen aut nly concerned woth themoney & there voas no check to see the _ffiinoy and quad of work coas g rodually ee foreign or utemalienal dnoestou Seeing 4iis dovonfall ane cletaio: ‘ration closed thai busines) cine! Loft Ths wlbinatély causecl 1 in businen and gaue nie te unemployment ¢resentment amon ppl. who then tarned ayeanst Bhutto anol Bhutto lest pooer Hence this & one of the veasons why Bhutto became wpopolaa ion the end of his Tinwre- i anothen reason for Bhultos unpopularity ak the andof h, ‘no. 905 clue tb Ihe clewslopment of norms of boing « Nur his tavre. unextaon by om blig 6 alunkeirg gous commod atts stag, ; tal) Of Miami - late oo aeeast the furclamren of 4 (Lslarn Saw). The whorance of Wizan -e- Must Mes angry as for not Taking any aclién 290% Scanned with CamScanner 7 | = v => OY wW $$ $$ a | Ts uchith were for biden in blamand no putliig oy sity ~~ iy ontham-Toedd on Bhuils jumbelf. confessed 4oroke alchoho| 4 fr wold Ane oppos tan or dhon cacsed) agus hu dl be le gufport of He communtiy. HA oul become unpopular and hy, 2 Jhis timed osc To be aie of the ARIS why Bhutlo becamy unpopular towardstwend of- ho towne Why wos Ghotto hanged? /7 ‘|Bhuttio yoas veleased for short tine —> fied +o chowo hes politital pun —> by support of people > pose.cthreat 40 Zia’ authonty —> to ehinipote Avent —> Bh wos exeattad > LB Bhulld along wilh 3 leaders accosed of viyoloed inastasinghion of poll» — opponent, usthy FSF vials took 2 years > resulted ut s Bh illo found 2 vill > senterced to death bod tau and order attain cveotid ott fpork from tris, Bhutbo thectined zie's power — by soyeig thot 2% would be charged for temper leas) chonges) constitation 1113 Zia could be. severly pushed under the antttl.6 of constiltiin 1973 ai antl such insul—> za got him execilid: Answer: Firstly one of the reasons toby Bhutto was hanged was dif he veason-thct Bhuillo coas released for a short pendal of tine i hetaied te shove Ai policed pooer iyssmnertof people f his tusk uh the heal of people This tunned oat to be. 0 fhredt to zac's cuthorhy os he wos corsfantly quinuig to ger poor'l thekeoas allotra fo Blutle » 21h wanted to tabe Bluillos pl D>» Scanned with CamScanner ~~ ete threo ond mule vo! 8. of oun ower oe , oN ae od leneatted Hence thts hone ese a ; : d-th 1471- oe me reason for why phil uns hanged wos durto the. an ae Bhullb along with % loaders accosed of thvolved, & seasttlian of, gollttal opponents using FSF, Bre she trial took 2 ‘ant oft cohich Bhutto yoo found quilly and. wsas sentenced +p Math goth Rulidgof freer. another apponertt-This created bead) juoard order statin becouse of the weok posllion of 4 bacle Quill hk’ control and power. weokened and hance this vos one of aL TeASONS whey Rh was hanged: Moreover ogolher reson why Rhuild wor executed wat clue to treason thot oport from alttnia Bhutle threatened Zia's powe by saying tet 210. would! be changed for Lempering meamh ilegal changes macle ch consiitutibn 17°73 + Dut te this tempering Zit culd be’ severly punished! urcler treacle 6 of constitulicn 178 and inorder to anoid euch thaull> infront of the people 21a pt Chul exuded. Hence ths ts one of the reason4 why Bhulle was exe hanged A 1977- Scanned with CamScanner S ————— ——— == Zig Ul- Hag (1977-1989) : oi of Pa anested for time > Ly ears bual > Shut hy Ceio hod power 40 stop execuiion bul wanbd Bhullo t ask) > zid coud life imprison him > Ahutlo newer pleaded 4 voas fog iy Rowal pind jacks | del isalion - : ; ‘all about implementing \sheie policres /fuos yet implemen voct fulley dere: (acc orhng sunwh) | Hadeed) ordnance Linililions on men 4 women —> rower mpkmetil —sbj trial (could be itnprionecl) ) Federal Ghriak court: verdict wos quan accordhing ts Qoran +Sunvth- People bought their cases th case these wos 0 wrong elo olecisi! ‘on thelr case « : ) Blasphemy no one has 1ght t ole vespect Holy Prophal g it was conse a crime ponichment: dale lthed intrest tonting sysbin (net appli)» Jogt for popularity )zakak ordinance colleclion & didtvituition of 2akat by govt: aot ae i on saving over a cerlain amount —> Shs objectid Fine exenrpred—> misuse of abot —> poo ede ‘hank fiorn cali ei money Werutlet apphkn teat )ushy ordinance : $7 of agiicuttioe treome urs. aiuan fo zokat focililics —> noun um plementid —> Aaken fromad peor fami who coulda poy Zaks & Scanned with CamScanner i) ‘ slat com vl i) i) = | $Preailiy ulolonee- i bakchite ae hey Ly 1 lollowecf Pret example. 7 t of. i a eee) a aon erutta manks for ICS exams —implementid. Hofie* onBs: forced people 1 oftey proyer srespeck the essence (fo aumdort —> shoutln't-force veliion cn anyore. 06 Tt vonan} wy Hop —> forced laws 4 Not followed—> never perme + nest sanking system continued ~» showed lack of commitit ai onc af Vclarmic ideology = suggest ious to brig mation gel framework Closey 4 Islamic idectogy- Economic ‘reforms { . Deoatanobsation + Privatisation poly all prewoos ratanaheec iiohshits backts prurtsatin-> permanent leu of priuibbalibn ~* foreign invesors: came back édheiy ust was bul? > more remittance tap by unvesiors- : fernttonce: dicreasec! 4 mithin olollan per “year ~> foragn exchany reserves > more money in tanks eco growth® gis RN« cia Aa a littal rofors: 3 whe B lonned FSF so volith for all poldical panlits Che knewit unpor lar ¢ hae! been olccredilad dlunng Bhullds tite >» wanted! % shou pulled oppression)? wos a banist organtialion ans 400s dion anne an Ingurgency: any tnsoigent would be fog Ot bil repent es oy sprencler—> 4p make then feel * dated ith te deepen projets to 00 he Scanned with CamScanner es people —> postleuty th galt ~ Huy folt ke a potk of (00H, peace é stabildy jn hk as who b = opened up corr uplion cages agatins no One avoue fan. vid Bhttns lO coroptiam cnych-—> Brudles people cu eye § illegal sua _swoatled tp oleredct bis gout 4 Show it wos Yeploced by o moval one: yee “Hilldary courts 1979: i coorls — bos responctillj —» ‘eiwil courts ctrenqthened He a of ring tek heAviskttA chork pou chaltetge /pollltinl ei Ba okd "J 2CO ewes — (et Constibiehan order) took oucey) ‘nc wight that any court could challenge the politico? execult: rivethedl: > supreme cork / hihcourt ¥ while mutary dealt wilh mere cares 4 gout strong» —> decisions of these cours cottd not be challenged —> thovsanch of people. arres tid! for- salt in fox biden under montis lav military power T+ - Cuil Geyuice abso undersea military contol wartec/ to remove bul ies : ides ee. > amily iG support of zia > sbenglh ‘theit support ine woay/te his infilbvation th the cid sentice + won vatiol acsembh a | JY Moglit-e-Shory | Loci oy coune w) mode by 2 2 AMlowed no | Fe i law formation to the president 1 the Bo. (demecratit image eye Scanned with CamScanner J “a3 Refi 3) Stody 4 of fale stodain comptul sorry - - or. arr ——————T fe emert for thw atestovation of democracy Cat 1493. HD oa) = yet 2 paid no aittantion fo > aagher agaist ziad — yeh Zid Fase ho ctention fe HRD _ 7 endom was hele = — : president > for next S years ~ fron A chitko} onmy 24 became aan 7 awe that posi Hon) > Prminislar —Jungo (mode bye. golf (didnt Mommerdmert. - to dissolve nahonal acsembly sags -nod-Poaties -bascdl elections > MRD boy cotteal Sallis -e-Shore didued - noo oy ogemby gice_demorracy could wanted poly based — wanted _ | pot be done -++-+°* etectibns resloralion 0 f- - 1923 constitution. Edocational Reforms ) Grade 1-5" all subjeck th Undu JAiabe introduced 0% ophonal subject. ~> world to sha ppl poliichsm + Olemas soppork > peop “support > coke of Pak 4 Islam—>to let people know how hand it ws to got ‘independence. Reasons for Zia a 's unpopulayit lov and cider sitvabion: J tt ° 2 a guuen to fight usse—> smug led info coontiy > common 1 7 (wepons-+vislente) > wort wort lavod order sialon ~> My | vig lina. Scanned with CamScanner pp er yr Afghan mtracle : _ Greed wecteun yelatcns with us bud! dleslio yee! with ose Thee f einy of alainaig radi. Com Nghan stan - carte wi Conuption alue to large sem of money umvolued pisunity omnengst He prunes shongest prowice punjab ope weak Sindh ~boel/worst lay é ardor Congovernabt) WoFP # Gal: vcard share th budget of coonby « Unable 1 Govern lak ~>elyunily > 2la's popularly + clue ting satisfying the prowinees- Rosy hg Inter national tea: Feople thought that zt was only oorking for Amenta as-evesitt |cbingeany thing for Islam as 0 vesull lost Ulsmas support. USSR G Amenta § igned Agreement asa resull: end enme race Russia cleeided to withdraw from Afghanistan if America stopped | Supperhig mojahedoen, Pakistart people didh+ like thot fawewt Amenta ¢ Russi agreed - zi ole rolhing for Wlnizatién « Political Parky (Muslim Leag ue) Prine roinislen Junejo from Muslin league voantedl siguby 4 Ofrt camp incident as c vesult 2% duitmt like“ relectibns betine the presidente the pnine minis tix délomovaled as 28 poas not veady for mmediale wquiry Myconcop lcm f 210s fpueunment 8 a result they thought , afghon cris wow be handled better as a ane govern! Scanned with CamScanner = ed F mappa ations blo the president tho pim oun diana) ‘ Aye onerely woe duiclnal Scanned with CamScanner 83-90 Benazir Bhotto- Benazir remeaued hovse arrest from 1977-74 hh 1981 she spent more than S months ch olllany Coninonant |) Fe she went tito exile tn London. In 1985 relurned fox ho bother Shancuna2 Fue Yl but soy axnested on the charges of holding aali-gout rolls: When released che went inte exile wgacn - / In 1486 when moval Law wos lifled » she came back b pik. (1988 PPP voon the elections ¢ she became thefcist uoomen priministr of Fabastin- ; Polittal opposition: Folic Pony She faced polléal oppoacion by armvong Shaves, ami Jemnhw Htehod (LiL): Hewever she won the elechons but was nat in er clean vrajoms SO she formed collision govt: with HIGH (Ataf Hussain: PPP heel povoor In cindh vohereas IIL had power In ¥ Punjab: In oclober (984 No conficlence motion woos Lowinched! ithe ncibigeal asnembly « Thow were 237 sealt th naliomal Assembly. 1! vols one “req by towonftdence mation bub only tor wsled * Gio was obleto clofead the no conficlener mobisn but hen goth fel serious dlamoge Differences with Presiclent Grholan Ak Isha Khan + Diagroorenton the appomntinents of Jucliviany ¢ muilary as J id fhoog ht thse appainlinen ty were. hys right & he | 2 prose Scanned with CamScanner - { oY = ap sel appointments. a - te wantd to make wntain disrmiels but re fusect by Pest vivant blu PM ¢ Prosiclal grewed- Doin unemployment dug traf hte Wo common a Gp announced mows wow) from Des Pro Lilumte polirtuyy vests poliital freeclomn 4 tilroduuy socal 4 hath eb ory he ended @ ban on trade union: jeeosed political prisoners - sweknl uncon. wos reslored . / po new Lou wos tnbocluced 4 unpmoue vel fane. ceruitel « or tulp women: Hadood f aria ordances were act vepecle cl. Lani omplained that it wos clefts te pass Aogislostain aA rate wos dominated by opposiiume Govt: lost support —> unable to fulfill pronarres ofemploy- ment 4 economic clone ep merit Infleliion jes vise wh price § fall in purchasing value of nmonen- Hnemployments were high: . Incteage gy popufatlin meant already over borobned eckucoskton ee systim wud nd co operate» fn, was unable ty contol qyDluung davy ab dyin ccaleas expanded thin buts > tere ded H 1989. ye —egmegg ls were im clleen Scanned with CamScanner =! Problems in. Sindh: Sindhi ¢ ordu speaking tinsion- On 30"Septzmber (488) Grout: on motorbike, belied t mitilanls fired a. crotedl ai Myclnabad! > 260 olitdl Mua fis: Wedecpiead Lawlnoy th anaChi- In August 19849 MGM (Muhajy Qouuni Ho voment) ended ib alliance Pith Ppp. Uintence contd with 100 more obadbs sh 1984-1990 - On 37bay 19905 Suidh gui: luvnchedl a crackclocon én hy clenabad, the contin of HOH peiwer- : Shoot on sight cuyfero was vaposeel « Apoluc hovse té hovse search operabion began. Muhoj ris lotisled —> Pulls broke out. Fores Pucca Qa Massacre 31 women ¢ childaen vere Yall => velptliaién nh Karachi 4 clseushore ,’ 309 mole did Kashmiy issuer : Uprs of Koshmut nrusliy vi Inclecn apie Muyluns hoo love gues bly homemade weapsns—>/uable 1 coith Indltain forces « : uly woapans 4 bei > Melt folustin cevt lo00' of tro.ute ¢ coders with Support local koshmint moshing 5 1990- Forer4n Poliuies Successes: In 19TL Pak: Lift common wealth ay a protest when Bulidn oA nyjed Rongadish but Bena rir Bhullor took. Pale. nfo cor Scanned with CamScanner 7 \yeolth —_— o footh — corterenca a ear tb pasuilan hosted SAARC (Sooth Astéin Usocatiion Daguial oo peratiion)—> Male g India signed <3 pike ogrements gy uildad USA th 484 to meet the Prondent Rush —> consialered as a great aduwoment as relation dowels flu the too coun buts pusmissed of Government _Bepin's Gouk wey dresyed for cornuphisn- xordart wos ccvused of thing br rake. -offsen govb Leal) | was awe strc > chearepes of Polotle mmeaibes a joikd foy 2 year whereas PPP helices Zandoni wos ‘innocent - : (President Ghulam Ishog used his power g dusolued the arse] > Goul wos changed for convpition incornpeance f ads: ‘aden of Ane oppocdtuion Porky vyos med cons ben. gout: \n Cortutrum Hi Penorir showed anger on oppostiny basin lan genet Gus Mustafa, Tots! voc wileed to trrenhigale for con uptter Penarir wos ovhec te gic encore bul no futther ailio WS tedeon « Mi Won the ole chicry —=> Nowor Showif come to power <> KU Ged of vote neaitg > Benoit heeame the leacler *Phosthimn. i) Scanned with CamScanner

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