Micro Teaching 1 Lesson Plan Stansell Hope 1

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Course Name: Advanced AG Teacher: Ms. Stansell
Unit Topic: Public Speaking Approximate Length: 50 minutes
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Established Goals:
 Students will be able to list the steps for effective speech writing
 Students will use these steps in practicing writing a speech
 Students will present a short speech

Students will understand… Essential Questions:

How to write an effective speech, the key details of an How are the skills we learn with speech writing useful
effective speech. to everyday life?

Students will know… Students will be able to…

The ten key details of an effective speech. Write and deliver an effective speech.

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks: Other Evidence:
Constructing a practice speech using an outline Do now activity and reflection on EQ, exit ticket
template, and delivering a speech to peers.

Student Self-Assessment and Reflection:

Do-now and reflection on EQ, reflection during exit ticket on identifying key tools that their peers used as well
as themselves.

Stage 3 – Learning Plan

Learning Activities:
- Do now
- Reflect on EQ
- Notes on keys to an effective speech
- Practice writing
- Delivering speech
- Exit ticket
Directions for activity:
 You are each going to receive a notecard with a topic on it (no trading)
 You will construct a speech around this topic that will be 1-2 minutes long
 You will then have 10 minutes to prepare, do any research you need to and fill in your speech outline
 We will then get into 2 groups and practice our speeches in front of our peers

Materials Needed/Notes/Reflection
Projector, slides, and notecards with practice topics on them

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