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School Psychology Review

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The Use of Self-Modeling as an Intervention in

School Psychology: A Case Study of An Elective

Thomas J. Kehle, Steven V. Owen & Elizabeth T. Cressy

To cite this article: Thomas J. Kehle, Steven V. Owen & Elizabeth T. Cressy (1990) The Use of
Self-Modeling as an Intervention in School Psychology: A Case Study of An Elective Mute, School
Psychology Review, 19:1, 115-121, DOI: 10.1080/02796015.1990.12087342

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School Psychology Review
Volume 19, No. 1,1990, pp. 115-121


Thomas J. Kehle Steven V. Owen
University of Connecticut University of Connecticut
Elizabeth T. Cressy
Plainfield School District
Plainfield, Connecticut

A bstract
Self-modeling is defined as the positive change in behavior that results from
repeated observations of oneself on videotapes that depict only appropriate or
desired behaviors. Self-modeling is an effective, short-term, and relatively
inexpensive technique that can be used by school psychologists in educational
settings. A clinical case study is presented in which an electively mute child is
completely remediated within five, 5-minute treatment sessions. It is argued that
the self-modeling procedure is perhaps the least restrictive and least intrusive
of interventions that can be employed with elective mutism and other categories
of dysfunctional behavior.

Perhaps the primary contribution of modeling intervention with four behavior-

social learning theory has been the ally disordered children who were placed
analysis of learning through witnessing a in a self-contained special education
model (Bandura, 1986). To effect mean­ classroom. They employed an ABA with­
ingful change in children’s behavior, drawal design, replicated three times, with
modeling techniques usually require only a control subject and a follow-up phase.
six to eight sessions on average (Gelfand, The children were videotaped in their self-
Jenson, & Drew, 1982). They also are contained special education classroom
relatively inexpensive to administer and during regularly scheduled instructional
nonintrusive. Of the variety of different activities. The videotapes were edited to
modeling procedures that are described remove all occurrences of the children
in the literature, self-modeling may be one exhibiting disruptive or inappropriate
of the more appropriate techniques behaviors. The three experimental chil­
available to school psychologists to use in dren then individually viewed their 11-
educational settings. Self-modeling is minute edited videotape depicting only
defined as the “behavior change that appropriate classroom behavior. The
results from repeated observations of control child viewed his 11-minute un­
oneself on videotapes that show only edited videotape which depicted his
desired behaviors” (Dowrick & Dove, 1980, typically aggressive, noncompliant, and
p. 51). disruptive classroom behavior.
Although there are few studies using The results showed dramatic effects
self-modeling as an intervention in on­ for the three experimental children, and
going educational settings, those that have also for the control child after introduc­
been conducted indicate that it is an tion of the self-modeling condition. The
effective treatment for a variety of dys­ inappropriate classroom behavior rate for
functional social and interpersonal behav­ the children in treatment was reduced
iors. For example, Kehle, Clark, Jenson, from a baseline of 46% to an average of
and Wampold (1986) used the self- 11%. Six weeks after the termination of

Request reprints from Thomas J. Kehle, Department of Educational Psychology, Box U-64, University of
Connecticut, CT 06268.

116 School Psychology Rev iew, 1990, Vol. 19, No. 1

the study, follow-up observations indi­ time investment. Also, the traditional
cated that the positive treatment effects approaches often report difficulty with
were maintained and even slightly im­ the generalization of improved speaking
proved to the extent that the children’s behaviors to different social situations or
inappropriate classroom behaviors oc­ settings. For example, Brown and Doll
curred only about 8% of the time. (1988) used a whole-class reinforcement
In another study using self-modeling program to induce peer-directed speech
in an educational setting, Kahn, Kehle, in a 6-year-old elective mute. Subsequent
Jenson, and Clark (1990) employed a to this intervention, they employed a
pretest-posttest control group design to combination of a talk-light and reinforce­
compare the efficacy of self-modeling with ment to increase the frequency of the
cognitive-behavioral and relaxation ther­ child’s audible speech. Although the
apy interventions. The four conditions frequency of soft speech increased outside
were randomly assigned to 68 depressed of the experimental situation, generaliza­
children. Kahn et al. assumed that video­ tion of audible speech was not apparent.
taping of behavior responses incompatible Pigott and Gonzales (1987) used self­
with processes of depression (i.e., smiling, modeling to treat a third-grade elective
verbalizing positive self-statements and mute male in a regular educational setting.
attributions), would facilitate self-model­ The child was academically above average
ing resulting in both behavioral and af­ and had evidenced periods of elective
fective gains. mutism for over 4 years; however, he
The results indicated that all three would respond to questions if his mother
experimental treatment groups produced and brother were present in the class­
substantial and significant gains to the room. Pigott and Gonzales constructed
degree that there was an absence of classroom videotapes of him while his
clinically significant depressive sympto­ mother and younger brother were present.
matology across all groups. Although all The edited self-modeling intervention tape
three short-term, school-based, interven­ depicted the child responding to teacher
tions did not involve an inordinate amount questions, and raising his hand to volun­
of staff time or expense, the self-modeling teer to answer various questions. The
intervention delivered the best cost- edited video-tapes were then viewed by
benefit ratio. It involved only 120 minutes the child, while in his own home setting,
of the students’ time and offered the least over a period of 2 weeks. The results
restrictive intervention. clearly demonstrated that both behaviors,
Children who do not verbally respond answering direct questions and volunteer­
in self-selected situations are termed ing to answer questions, increased sub­
“electively mute.” Interestingly, these stantially. These results were maintained
children often freely talk in some social over the academic year.
situations or particular settings, but do In the first published study to employ
not emit vocalizations in other settings. a self-modeling intervention to treat
Historically, the condition has been very elective mutism, Dowrick and Hood (1978)
resistant to attempts at remediation used a more complex design. The target
(Dowrick & Hood, 1978). In those studies children were a boy and a girl who did
that do report successful treatment of not speak in the classroom setting. They
elective mutism there is usually a reliance filmed the children talking in their home
on behavioral interventions involving environments and inserted scenes of
either stimulus fading or behavioral everyday classroom activities, such that
shaping (Kratochwill, 1981; Kratochwill, the edited film depicted the children freely
Brody, & Piersel, 1979; Labbe & William­ talking in the classroom setting. These
son, 1984). These traditional, behaviorally- edited films were shown to the children.
based interventions, as Dowrick and Hood The results indicated that within eight
(1978) point out, typically require a highly sessions of watching their respective
trained staff, a clinical setting, and a edited films, the children’s classroom
relatively great amount of financial and verbal interactions, although modest,
Self-Modeling as an Intervention in School Psychology 117

were of sufficient frequency to permit has an excellent positive relationship with

normal instruction to occur. After 6 the subject, tended to express himself
months, follow-up observations showed through the use of various “animal-like”
maintenance of initial gains. noises. A second brother, 9 years old, also
Dowrick and Hood used a multiple is the recipient of special education
baseline across subjects, with a within services. This brother is physically aggres­
subject control, ABA design, allowing them sive and has been diagnosed as possessing
to judge the relative effects of self- the Fragile X syndrome.
modeling compared to traditional peer
modeling procedures. This was accom­ Educational Background
plished by showing the edited films to the
two mute children in four phases of four The elective mute child’s behavior has
sessions each. In the first phase, both been monitored for over 3 years by the
children together viewed the edited film school system. In 1985-86, attempts were
of the girl, and in the second phase they made to have him evaluated by the school
both observed the boy’s edited film. This system’s preschool evaluation team, but
procedure was then alternated four times. the mother refused permission. In 1986-
Dowrick and Hood could thus determine 87, the child attended the system’s
the relative effects of self- and peer- Headstart program which, according to
modeling within a single design. The teacher report, he really enjoyed. When
results indicated that the self-modeling he first entered Headstart, he spoke in
intervention film was vastly superior to extremely quiet, almost inaudible
the effect of the peer-modeling film, which whispers. By the end of the year, he was
had no discernible effect. This was the first completely mute. He would not emit any
study to show that under controlled vocalization to anyone in the school
circumstances, self-modeling was signifi­ setting, including his own mother if she
cantly more effective than peer-modeling. was present at Headstart.
In the discussion of their results, and with In 1987-88, he enrolled in kinder­
particular emphasis on the finding that garten. Due to his total lack of verbal
peer-modeling was not effective, Dowrick communication, school personnel ex­
and Hood cite Bandura’s (1977) notion of pressed concern over his placement in
insufficient perceived “self-efficacy” as an regular kindergarten activities. Conse­
explanation for why electively mute quently, he was placed in a developmental
children are responsive to self-modeling kindergarten class. Within a brief period,
but not to peer modeling. the kindergarten staff noticed that the
child, although completely mute, was
academically capable and he was then
Method reassigned to a regular educational
Subject and Family Background kindergarten setting. Again, although
completely lacking any verbal interaction
The present clinical case study in­ with his classmates or teachers, he
volved a 6-year-old electively mute male. appeared to thoroughly enjoy the class-
Background information on the child’s room learning experiences and partici­
family indicated that he was the youngest pated in all activities that did not require
of three sons. The mother was character­ him to interact verbally. Interestingly, the
ized as extremely quiet and soft spoken. elective mute’s classmates accepted him
In addition, she presented symptoms of and even offered excuses for his non-
depression and agrophobia. The single- verbal behavior and would often intercede
parent family relied primarily on public on his behalf. Numerous and varied
social services for support. The elective attempts by countless professional staff
mute child’s 12-year-old brother is en­ had no effect. The child simply refused to
rolled in a trainable mentally handicapped talk. Nevertheless, the mute child success­
class where life and vocational skills fully completed kindergarten and entered
primarily are addressed. This brother, who the first grade.
118 School Psychology Review, 1990, Vol. 19, No. 1

The staff intentionally placed him in diately afterward, and during regular class
a first grade that would involve different activities in which all the children were
children. It was hoped that the need to in the room, the classroom teacher was
interact with unfamiliar children would instructed to ask the same nine questions
facilitate his verbal interactions. In 1988- to the mute child. As expected, the child
89, during the first day in the first grade, did not respond.
another student who had been with the The tape was edited to remove all
mute child in kindergarten, informed the scenes of the mute child not responding
class that this child did not talk and the to the teacher’s questions and scenes were
class accepted this fact. inserted of him verbally responding to his
According to the mother, the child mother’s questions. Thus, on the edited
conversed freely in the home setting. The tape, which was approximately 6 minutes
mutism was thus dependent on clear in duration, it appeared that the mute
situational boundaries. child was responding, during regular class
activities, to the teacher questions.
This edited videotape was then shown
back to the mute child on three different
Baseline data were recorded during occasions over a period of a week (see
recess activities and during regular Figure 1). The treatment sessions oc­
classroom activities. No verbal interac­ curred in a room adjacent to the child’s
tions or vocal sounds at all were evidenced classroom; the only individuals present
during baseline (see Figure 1). The mute were the experimenters and child. There
child would not even respond to clear were six episodes on the edited videotape
provocations by other children. Two which showed the child supposedly
examples of this were recorded on the verbally responding to the teacher’s
playground during recess. One instance questions. To insure attention to the
involved the mute child waiting in line for edited tape, immediately following each of
his turn to use the jungle bars. An older these verbal responses, the child was
girl suddenly walked up to the waiting reinforced with either a baseball card or
children and shoved the mute child out a piece of peppermint candy. The child
of her way in order to cut into line. The was also informed that he would receive
mute child responded by displaying a “very a toy (i.e., G.I. Joe) contingent upon
sad” facial expression. He got back into marked improvement. Consequently, the
line behind the older girl, but he did not mute child experienced 6 reinforced trials
emit any sound of protest. During this during each of three treatment sessions
same recess period, when the children distributed over a week resulting in a total
were lining up to go back into the school, of 18 trials. No effect was apparent.
an older boy standing behind the mute With the mute child’s permission,
child proceeded to “flick” his finger at the which was given by a nod of his head, it
mute child’s neck. Again, the mute child was decided to show the edited tape to
responded to this provocation by simply the entire class while he was present. This
displaying a “very sad” face. He did not edited intervention tape was introduced
utter any sound in an attempt to get the to the first grade class by stating to the
older boy to stop tormenting him. children that the mute child can, in fact,
The mother was brought to the school talk and that we would like to show him
and, in the child’s regular classroom, talking to the entire class. The children,
instructed to ask the child nine questions for the first time, saw and heard the child
(i.e., “What is your favorite flavor of ice talk. The class showed signs of elation.
cream?” “Who is your best friend?” etc.). Unfortunately, for the next three school
No other person was present in the days the child evidenced no instances of
classroom, and with some prodding on the even the slightest verbal interaction with
part of the mother, the child did verbally his teacher or classmates.
respond to her questions. The mother- After entertaining several possible
child interaction was videotaped. Imme­ hypotheses for why the mute child was
Self-Modeling as an Intervention in School Psychology 119

not responding as expected to the self­ intervention tape was shown back to the
modeling intervention, it was concluded mute child in individual sessions on two
that the most plausible reason for the lack different days (see Figure 1). Again,
of effect was that the edited intervention following each of the nine instances on
tape did not depict a sufficient amount the edited tape depicting the child’s
of time showing the child talking. During appropriate verbal response to the
the entire 6-minute edited intervention teacher’s questions, the tape was stopped
tape, the mute child was shown actually and the child was reinforced with either
talking for less than 4 seconds. It was a baseball card or a piece of peppermint
decided to construct a new tape that candy. Therefore, during this phase of the
would include longer periods of time study, the child should have received 9
showing the child actually verbally re­ reinforced trials during each treatment
sponding to questions. The construction session resulting in a total of 18 reinforced
of the second edited intervention tape trials over the two sessions. However,
followed the same procedure that was reinforcement proved unnecessary after
involved in the construction of the first the first treatment session.
tape. The mother was brought to the
school and alone with her child in his
classroom asked the same nine questions R esults
that were included in the first intervention On the second day of intervention,
tape; however, the mother was also using the second intervention tape, the
instructed to try to get her child to mute child abruptly began to converse
elaborate as much as possible in his freely with the experimenters. The prin­
responses to her questions. Again, with
cipal and other teachers were quickly
some prodding on the part of the mother,
summoned to witness the child’s conver­
the child did respond with some elabo­
sation with the experimenters and he also
ration to all of the nine questions. Imme­
freely conversed with these individuals.
diately after videotaping the mother-child
After this episode of the child’s first verbal
interaction, the children re-entered their
interaction in the educational setting in
classroom. The classroom teacher, during
over 3 years of observation and repeated
a regularly scheduled class activity, was
attempts at remediation, we had the child
instructed to ask several children, includ­
ing the mute child, to respond individually introduce to us all of his classmates. He
to the same nine questions that the did this most willingly and his classmates
mother had asked her child just minutes were ecstatic with appreciation for his
earlier. This activity was videotaped. As “newly acquired” talking skills.
expected, the mute child did not respond We also brought the formerly mute
to any of the teacher’s nine questions. As child to the University to discuss his
in the construction of the first unsuccess­ elective mutism with graduate psychology
ful intervention tape, the second tape was students. This 6-year-old, formerly elective
then edited to remove all scenes of the mute child, confidently walked into a
mute child not responding to the teacher’s rather large room and sat down at a table
questions, and scenes of his appropriate in front of approximately 25 strange
verbal responses to his mother’s questions adults, folded his arms and stated, “Well,
were added. Consequently, the second what is it you want to know?” He pro­
edited videotape depicted the mute child ceeded to answer several questions about
supposedly responding verbally in an himself and, most interestingly, his re­
appropriate manner to his teacher’s nine sponse to the question, “Why did you not
questions. The total time of actual talking talk?” was, “I don’t remember not talking.”
was increased from 3.78 seconds on the It is also significant to note that his
first edited intervention tape to 13.47 Elementary School staff gave this child the
seconds on the second edited tape. The “Student of the Month Award,” for his
total length of time of the second inter­ classroom participation and academic
vention tape was 5 minutes. This second accomplishment.
120 School Psychology Review, 1990, Vol. 19, No. 1

F igu re 1. The percent of verbal responses to teacher questions emitted by a 6-year-

old elective mute child across baseline, first intervention, second intervention, and
follow-up phases. ("Indicates days that the child was shown the edited intervention
videotapes. ** Indicates the day that the edited videotape was shown to the entire
first-grade class.)

After 7 months, follow-up indicated self-modeling is superior to peer-modeling

that the formally mute child was function­ with electively mute children is that these
ing extremely well. He freely communi­ children possessed the verbal skills but
cated verbally with his peers and faculty. lacked the self-belief that they could
He also volunteered to assist the authors successfully employ the skills in classroom
with other mute children who may be in activities. In Bandura’s (1986) social
the district. cognitive theory, behavior change is
mediated by self efficacy: Self-modeling
alters efficacy beliefs, which in turn
D iscussion
change performance. If this line of rea­
Perhaps electively mute children feel soning is valid, then elective mute children,
inefficacious about successful verbal through viewing edited videotapes depict­
interaction in the classroom setting. ing themselves talking in a classroom
Considering that the children described situation, learn to believe that they can
by Dowrick and Hood (1978), and the child successfully communicate with their peers
in the present case study, had been and teachers, and subsequently behaved
exposed to several years of multiple peer in accordance with that belief, and are
models and had still elected not to reinforced for doing so.
vocalize, the behavioral changes that The majority of studies examining the
occurred may not be explicable by the efficacy of self-modeling as an intervention
typical observational learning constructs to enhance children’s emotional and social
(Bandura, 1986). A tenable reason for why functioning show positive results. The
Self-Modeling as an Intervention in School Psychology 121

intervention is relatively simple and Kahn, J. S., Kehle, T. J., Jenson, W. R., & Clark, E.
inexpensive to use and requires little time (1990). Comparison of cognitive-behavioral,
to implement. Further, and perhaps most relaxation, and self-modeling interventions for
depression among middle-school students. School
significantly, the procedure is well suited Psychology Review, 19(2).
to fit the least restrictive components of
a hierarchical educational model. Kehle, T. J., Clark, E., Jenson, W. R., & Wampold, B.
E. (1986). Effectiveness of self-observation with
behavior disordered elementary school children.
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