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(No Model.) 2 Sheets-Sheet 1.

0. G. P. DE LAVAL.
‘No. 522,066. Patented June 26, 1894.

(No Model.) ' 2 Sheets-Sheet 2.
C. G. P. DE LAVAL. '
‘No. 522,066. Patented June 26', 1894.

Wiiizesses . \ [7006732271

~rue NATIDNAL umcangFI-lxma coMPANy.

wAaMmawN, a. Q


. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 522,066, dated June 26, 1894.
Application ?led May 1, 1889. Serial No. 309,209. (No model.) ll’atentedin Belgium September 29,1888,N0. 83,196, andin
England April 29,1889,N0.7,143. ’

To aZZ whom it may concern: A represents a turbine wheel provided at

Be it known that I, CARL GUSTAF PATRIK . its face with buckets a. '
DE LAVAL, a subject of the King of Sweden M represents the steam nozzle which is
and Norway, and a resident of Stockholm, in ?tted with its discharge end against one side 55
5 the Kingdom of Sweden, have invented cer-_ of'the wheel, so as to direct the current of
tain new and useful Improvements in Steam steam against ,the buckets thereof. This
l‘urbines, (which invention has been patented nozzle has its ‘receiving end connected with a
to me in foreign countries, to wit: Belgium, steam pipe/or other steam supply whichfur
September 29, 1888, No. 83,196, and for which nishes steam to the nozzle under a suitable
10 I have also obtained British Letters Patent pressure. The nozzle may be contracted from
No. 7,143, dated April 29, 1889,) of which the its receiving end to its narrowest portion 1),
following is a speci?cation. ' " which has the proper area to deliver the vol~
My invention relates to animprovement in ume of steam which‘ is required for perform
that class of engines in which a turbine or ing the work for which the engine is de- 65
15 bucket wheel is rotated by a jet of steam or signed. The nozzle is diverging or gradually
other elastic ?uid. V enlarged in cross section from this narrowest
The object of my invention is to render point ,to its discharge opening cby which the
_ such turbines ‘more economical in use than steam is delivered against the buckets of the
heretofore and to that end my engine is so wheel. The axis of'thenozzle is arranged at '70
20 contrived that the greatest possible amount an acute angle to the plane of the wheel and
of the energy contained in the steam is con the end of~the nozzle is arranged parallel’
verted into velocity before the steam reaches with the side of the wheel, so as to ?t as
the turbine wheel and the 122's viva of the closely as possible against the same. This
steam is utilized in rotating the wheelinstead renders the diverging portion of the nozzle 75
' 25 of its pressure. shortest at the point where the revolving
Heretofore in steam turbines, as well as in buckets ?rst reach the nozzle, and longest at .
. other steam engines, the energy contained in the point where the buckets leave the nozzle.
the steam has been utilized in the form of . /The buckets of the wheel are co'ncavo-con
pressure and the steam has performed its me vex and arranged withthe convex side for- 80
30 chanical work during, its expansion. Ac wardly, so that the side portion of each‘bucket -
cording to my invention the steam is ex which is adjacent to the steam nozzle, stands
panded in a nozzle 0r conduit 0f peculiar about in line with the axis of the nozzle in
construction before it acts upon the turbine passing by. the latter, while the opposite side’
or bucket wheel. During this expansion of portion‘of- the bucket stands about at right 85
35 the steam in the nozzle or conduit the press angles to the axis of the nozzle. This per
ure of the steam is converted into velocity mits the steam current to enter between-the.
and the energy contained in the steam is buckets on the receiving side of the'wheel
made use of after it leaves the nozzle or con
with very little resistance.
duit in the form of its cis mica. The steam Scienti?c researches made by other inves- 9o
40 reaches the wheel in this expandedcondition tigators, as well as my own, have shown that
and rotates the wheel by its m's m'va while when steam issues from a cylindrical or con
-heretofore the steam was expanded within or verging nozzle, the maximum of expansion
against the turbine wheel or other movable which it is possible to attain by either of
part, which was so actuated by the pressure these forms of nozzles corresponds to 57.7 per 9 5
' 45 of the expanding steam. ~ cent. of the initial pressure. ' A certain
In the accompanying drawings:—Figure 1 amount of velocity and of ms rim is im->
is a front View of myimproved steam engine, parted to the steam by such nozzles but a
partly in section. Fig. 2 is a fragmentary large amount of the pressure, more than one
side view of the same, also partly in section. half, is not convertedv into velocity and the, 100'
50 Like letters of reference refer to like parts efficiency of such nozzles is therefore very ,
in both ?gures. ' low. I have ascertained that it is possible to
2 522,066 '

expand the steam to or below the atmospheric gravity, hence there is no tendency for the
pressure by a diverging or ?aring nozzle and steam to leak atthe sides of the wheel but
to convert all the energy contained in the the entire jet is bodily thrown against the 1O
steam into vis wine. Wheel and made effective in actuating the
In my improved nozzle, as shown in the same.
drawings, the converging portion of the noz The steam current issuing from the nozzle
zle serves principally to reduce the cross sec with little or no pressure, but great velocity,
strikes the buckets of the wheel and revolves
tion of the outlet to that area which will emit 75
the necessary quantity of steam. In engines the latter at an exceedingly high rate of speed,
10 of ordinary size, this area of the narrowest in many cases higher than ?fteen thousand
portion of the nozzle is so small that the revolutions per minute. The practically com
steam supply pipe has to be much larger in plete conversion of the pressure of the steam
diameter in order to render its connection into velocity and the utilization of the we
with other ?ttings convenient and to avoid rim of the swiftly moving current of steam
excessive friction in the pipe, but while therenders this engine very economical in the
converging portion of the nozzle is therefore consumption of steam while its construction
desirable, it is not indispensable. is exceedingly simple. ‘ ‘
The steam current, when leaving the nar From what has been said, it is evident that 85
rowest part of the discharge nozzle, has all necessity of tightening againststeam press
20 reached the maximum of expansion which is ure ceases at the end of the nozzle. In this
possible in a straight or contracted nozzle, consists one of the advantages of my steam
and the pressure under this degree of expan turbine above all other constructions where
sion is equal to 57.7 per cent. of the initial steam is admitted to the turbine under press 9O
pressure. In the diverging nozzle, the press ure, and consequently leaks out at all sides
25 ure is still further reduced by expansion and instead of passing through the turbine wheel.
‘ the speed of the current is correspondingly The live steam does not come in contact with
increased so that, at the discharge end of the any of the working parts of the turbine, and
diverging nozzle, the pressure has nearly the machine therefore works equally well with 95
dropped to that of the atmosphere or to that superheated as with saturated steam. ‘ Here
of the ?uid or medium into which the nozzle is also an opportunity for eeonomizing heat,
discharges and practically allthe pressure of which is impossible in ordinary steam en
the steam has been converted into velocity. gines on account of the sensitiveness of the
In other words, the 57.7 per cent. of the ini packing boxes to heat. 100
tial pressure, which existed in the steam cur The economy of this turbine has been es
35 rent at the throat or narrowest point of the tablished by numerous trials. For instance
‘ nozzle, is converted into velocity by expan with a ?fty horse power turbine dynamo an
sion in the diverging nozzle. effect of 63.7 horse power was obtained with
The diverging nozzle is so proportioned that a consumption of 19.73 pounds of steam and [05
the speed of the steam increases as it passes 2.67 pounds of coal per hour and horse power.
through the nozzle. In order to attain this I am aware that in Williams on Heat in its
result the divergency of the nozzle should be Relations to Water and Steam, pages 235 to
such that the areas of succeeding cross sec 244, a theory is set forth which apparently
tions of the nozzle increase in a lesser degree does not agree with that set forth in the fore
than the volume of the steam from cross sec going description, but whether this disagree
45 tion to cross section. The speed of the steam ment be real or only apparent, the fact is that
at each given cross section of the nozzle de the statements contained herein are correct
pends upon the proportion between the pass and based upon many carefully conducted
ing volume of the steam and the area of the trials of steam turbines provided with the I15
cross section, and under the proportion stated various nozzles referred to, which trials have
the volume of the steam in passing through extended over a considerable period of time ‘
the diverging nozzle increases in greater pro and were made under widely different press
portion than the areas of the cross sections of ures.
the nozzles, whereby the velocity of the steam I claim as my invention—— I20
is correspondingly increased. 1. The combination with a bucket or tur~
55 As an illustration it may be stated that a bine wheel, of astationary nozzle opening ad
nozzle in which the diverging portion has a j acent to the wheel and having its bore di
diameter of one-eighth of an inch at its nar verging or increasing in area of cross section
rowest point, a diameter of three-eighths of toward its discharge end, whereby the elastic 125
an inch at its discharge end and a length of fluid under pressure is expanded in passing
three inches will expand steam of one‘hun through the diverging nozzle and its pressure
dred andsixty-?ve pounds pressure per square is converted into velocity before the jet is de
inch down to three pounds and will produce livered against the wheel, substantially as set
a steam current of corresponding velocity. forth. 130
With a properly proportioned diverging 2. The combination with a bucket or tur~
65 nozzle, the steam issues from the nozzle in a bine wheel, of a stationary nozzle opening ad
compact jet, which has no tendency to fur jacent to the wheel and provided with a con
ther expand or change its pressure or speci?c tracted receiving portion and with a discharge
522,066 3

portion having its bore diverging or increas-, ing in area toward its discharge end in a lesser
ing in area or cross section toward its dis degree than the increase of the volumes of
charge end, substantially as set forth. the ?uid passingthrough the respective cross
3. The combination with a turbine wheel sections, whereby velocity is imparted to the
provided with concavo-convex buckets, of ay ?uid during its expansion in the nozzle, sub 20
7 stationary nozzle arranged at an acute angle stantially as set forth. <~
adjacent to the side of the wheel and pro In testimony that I claim the foregoing as ,
vided with a discharge portion having its my invention I have signed my name in pres
bore diverging or increasing in area of cross ence of two witnesses, this 19th day of March, 7
IO section toward its dischargeend,substantially 1889.
as set forth. a _
4=._The'con1bination with a bucket or tur CAR-L GUSTAF PATRIK DE LAVAL.
bine wheel, of a stationary nozzle‘arranged to Witnesses:
deliver a jet of expansive ?uid against the TYKO ROBSAHM,
Wheel and having its cross sections increas EMIL HAASE.

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