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Some people hold the view that economic development is one of the most

crucial targets for their nations’ success, and I believe that education and the
security and well-being of citizens are also two of them. Personally, I am
convinced that economic growth has the utmost importance of all.
It is my belief that schooling and security level can also determine the
sustainable development of a country. Regarding education, its goal is to
enhance people’s knowledge, strengthen their minds and nurture potential
talents who could create great contributions to their nations, that is why its
growth also needs a lot of focus. Additionally, the development of a country
should also be judged by the government’s responsibility in the security and
well-being of their citizens, such as reducing crime rates, backing up the
disabled and using censorship in the media to protect children.
Nonetheless, I believe that economic progress is the key criterion to inform
the success of a nation. Firstly, with a strong economy, residents’ living
standard will be improved since there are more job opportunities and higher
salaries for public sector workers. Secondly, a well-developed economy will
strengthen a country’s position globally by enhancing its commerce and
attracting foreign cooperation. Thirdly, a healthy economy enables governments
to invest in various areas such as resources or campaigns. To be specific,
countries with high incomes can allocate more money on facilities for schools,
enhancing healthcare systems or fostering environmental preservation.
In conclusion, although education, the security and well-being of residents
are also vital to the success of a country, I am of the opinion that a strong
economy could do the most in heralding a bright future for it.

1. "Some people hold the view that economic development is one of the most crucial
targets for their nations’ success, and I believe that education and the security and
well-being of citizens are also two of them." - "Some people hold the view that
economic development is one of the most crucial factors for their nation’s success,
while I believe that education, security, and the well-being of citizens are equally
2. "Personally, I am convinced that economic growth has the utmost importance of all."
- "Personally, I am convinced that economic growth is of utmost importance."
3. "It is my belief that schooling and security level can also determine the sustainable
development of a country." - "I believe that the level of education and security can
also determine the sustainable development of a country."
4. "Regarding education, its goal is to enhance people’s knowledge, strengthen their
minds and nurture potential talents who could create great contributions to their
nations, that is why its growth also needs a lot of focus." - "Education aims to enhance
people’s knowledge, strengthen their minds, and nurture potential talents who could
make significant contributions to their nations. That's why its growth requires a lot of
5. "Additionally, the development of a country should also be judged by the
government’s responsibility in the security and well-being of their citizens, such as
reducing crime rates, backing up the disabled and using censorship in the media to
protect children." - "Additionally, the development of a country should also be judged
by the government’s responsibility in ensuring the security and well-being of its
citizens, including reducing crime rates, supporting the disabled, and implementing
media censorship to protect children."
6. "Nonetheless, I believe that economic progress is the key criterion to inform the
success of a nation." - "However, I believe that economic progress is the key criterion
for determining the success of a nation."
7. "Firstly, with a strong economy, residents’ living standard will be improved since
there are more job opportunities and higher salaries for public sector workers." -
"Firstly, a strong economy improves residents’ living standards by providing more job
opportunities and higher salaries for public sector workers."
8. "Secondly, a well-developed economy will strengthen a country’s position globally by
enhancing its commerce and attracting foreign cooperation." - "Secondly, a well-
developed economy strengthens a country’s global position by boosting its commerce
and attracting foreign cooperation."
9. "Thirdly, a healthy economy enables governments to invest in various areas such as
resources or campaigns." - "Thirdly, a healthy economy enables governments to
invest in various areas such as resources or campaigns."
10. "To be specific, countries with high incomes can allocate more money on facilities for
schools, enhancing healthcare systems or fostering environmental preservation." -
"Specifically, countries with high incomes can allocate more money to facilities for
schools, enhance healthcare systems, or foster environmental preservation."
11. "In conclusion, although education, the security and well-being of residents are also
vital to the success of a country, I am of the opinion that a strong economy could do
the most in heralding a bright future for it." - "In conclusion, while education,
security, and the well-being of residents are vital to a country's success, I believe that
a strong economy plays the most significant role in ensuring a bright future for the

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