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TLE 7&8 -Cookery

Written Works –Week 1

NAME: _______________________________________________________________________
Part I:
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of the correct answer beside
the number.
_____1. It is electrical
kitchen equipment used in _____7. It is a container _____12. It cleans the floor
mixing ingredients. used for food mixing. without touching unsafe,
A. electric mixer A. measuring spoons dirty mop heads.
B. barbecue grill B. mixing bowl A. spin mop
C. oven C. Pasta Spoon or Server B. sponge
D. refrigerator D. vegetable peeler C. spray bottle
_____2. It is used for storing D. vacuum
_____8. It is electrical
semi-perishable foods.
kitchen equipment used in
A. electric mixer mixing ingredients by _____13. Which of the
B. barbecue grill beating, stirring, or following is generally
C. oven whipping? electrically handled that
D. refrigerator eliminates dirt floors and
A. chiller other surfaces?
_____3. It is an enclosed B. electric mixer A. spin mop
chamber - used for dry- C. funnels B. sponge
heat cooking (like baking)
D. graters C. spray bottle
fueled by either Liquefied
D. vacuum
Petroleum Gas (LPG) or
_____9. It is a tool used to
open food tin, preferably _____14. Which of the
A. electric mixer
with smooth operation, and following is used for
B. barbecue grill comfortable grip, and spraying detergent to any
C. oven turning knob. kitchen equipment and
D. refrigerator A. can opener surfaces?
_____4. It is an equipment B. chopping board A. knife cleaner
used in cooking in broiling C. kitchen knives B. sponge
fish, meat, or vegetables D. vegetable peeler C. spray bottle
like corn and sweet potato. D. whisk wiper
A. barbecue grill _____10. Which of the
B. electric mixer following dishwashing _____15. Which of the
C. oven materials cannot scratch following is the process of
dishes? removing unwanted
D. refrigerator
A. knife cleaner substances, such as dirt,
_____5. It is a utensil used B. sponge infectious agents, and other
to measure smaller impurities from an object or
quantities of liquid and dry C. stainless steel cast iron environment?
ingredients. cleaner
A. cleaning
A. measuring spoons D. whisk wiper B. disinfecting
B. mixing bowl C. sterilizing
C. pasta spoon or server _____11. It helps remove
D. none of these
the surface rust/stains of
D. vegetable peeler
utensils like cutlery,
_____6. It is used to scrape ceramic dinnerware, and
vegetables, such as carrots any glass and melamine
and potatoes, and to peel utensils.
fruits. A. baking soda
A. measuring spoons
B. liquid detergent
B. mixing bowl
C. pasta spoon or server C. cleaning detergent
D. vegetable peeler D. Steel Wool
Part II:
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
1. ____________ is the wooden or plastic board where meat, fruits, and vegetables are cut.
2. ____________ is an enclosed chamber used for dry-heat cooking fueled by electricity.
3. ____________ is used to open a food tin.
4. Cleaning is the process of _______________ unwanted substances, such as dirt, infectious agents, and
other impurities, from an object or environment.
5. ____________ helps in keeping the plastic straws of bottles and any tubes of kitchenware without
microbial growth.

Part III:
Directions: List down at least 3 tools/paraphernalia, 3 equipment, 2 cleaning tools and 2
cleaning equipment, classify them & give their uses.


Example: Measuring cup Kitchen tool Used to measure ingredients
in small amount.
Kitchen Tools and Paraphernalia

Kitchen Equipment

Kitchen Cleaning Tools and Paraphernalia

Kitchen Cleaning Equipment

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