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E am le Ro ine 3 (HARD)

If you are doing this routine, you should have your schedule pre planned. You should know
exactly what you need to do each day of the week. If you only work on one business and do the
same thing every day, this should be easier. But if you are, making content, dropping kits, and
making beats for sale .. You need to be planned out so you can be working on all of the things
you need to.

I typically have music days where I lock in and make 8-10 loops, Youtube days where I write
scripts/record videos all day, Business days where all I do is work on the upkeep of the
business side (ads, reports, managing employees, etc etc)

Focusing on one thing per day makes it A LOT easier mentally to keep up with everything.

That being said, here we go:

5:00 - 5:30 am - Wake Up, all that jazz

6:00 am - 10:00 am: Work on whatever is most important for you to get done that day according
to your plan. If you have 5 things to do, estimate the amount of time you should be able to get
each thing done, and set a stopwatch to keep yourself aware of how long you ve been tweaking
that EQ .. learn to move fast. If you re trying to outdo everyone you have to learn what is
important to obsess over and what isn t.

10:00 am - 12:00 m: Work out, get ready, eat lunch- probably a big lunch because you ve
probably skipped breakfast if you were locked in

12:15 i h - 5:00 m: Get back to work on your 2nd most important section of your day - I ve
found that I work less and less hard as the day goes on. If you get burnt out, go for a quick walk,
meditate for 5 minutes or so if you get overwhelmed, but don t take too long of a break.

5:00 m - 6:00 m: Eat some dinner, and enjoy pretty much your first little break of the day

6:00 m - 10/11 m: Finish leftover work, work on extra stuff for the upcoming days, and plan
your day specifically task by task for tomorrow. I m talking about every hour s task, more specific
if you have smaller tasks.

10:30 m -11:00 m: Get your ass to bed man. I m tired af by now unless I just started some
crazy shit
My routine is not that complex, but simple doesn t mean easy. Skip all of the things you do to
procrastinate the actual act of doing the work. Don t wake up and spend two hours getting ready
to work, get up and GO.

That being said, do what works for you.

But just be aware that if you aren t working like this, someone else is. And if you are really
serious about being THE BEST, you re less likely to get there then someone who is putting in
10-12 hours a day.

But also,

Just so I m not misleading, I AIM to do the all star routine every day. But it is probably more
realistically a mix between the pro and all star routine, with one day a week with 0 work to
spend time with my girlfriend.

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