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In our stitching and manufacturing industries, errors can be categorized into several types, including
random errors, gross errors, and statistical errors, among others. Gross errors are particularly attributable
to human involvement, manifesting through inaccuracies in measurements, computations, or the
documentation of specific items or objects. These errors are unintentional on the part of the individual
committing them and contravene established regulations, guidelines, or procedural directives.
Fundamentally, they result in deviations from anticipated outcomes, thereby compromising the system's
integrity and reducing its operational efficiency. It is noteworthy that even when procedures are executed
in accordance with a pre-established plan, the inherent inefficacies within the plan itself can precipitate
suboptimal results for the project in question.

Within the framework of apparel industry management, we have detected twelve specific human error
types. Encountering errors in any project is a common occurrence; however, the pivotal measure lies in
acknowledging these errors and instituting a robust error prevention strategy. It is imperative to
understand that human errors in such environments can significantly derail operational efficiency,
accuracy, and the overall effectiveness of the system

Here are the 12 problems detection and prevention cases

Problem 1: Incorrect Fabric Cut

Incorrect fabric cutting is a critical issue in a stitching factory, leading to significant material waste, cost
overruns, and potential delays in production schedules. The precision of fabric cutting directly influences
the final product's quality and fit, making it essential to detect and prevent inaccuracies early in the
manufacturing process.

Figure : fabric cutting protection(photo from Texeurop (BD) Ltd

Detection Methods

The detection of incorrect fabric cuts involves the integration of digital pattern recognition systems.
These systems work by scanning the cut fabric pieces and comparing them against the digital blueprints
provided by the client. By employing high-resolution cameras and advanced software algorithms, the
system can identify discrepancies in shape, size, or pattern alignment, flagging any deviations for review.
This method allows for real-time monitoring and immediate correction, significantly reducing the risk of
proceeding with flawed materials.

Additionally, the use of barcode systems for each fabric roll can track the usage and ensure that the
correct fabric type and color are being cut according to the production requirements. This preemptive
check serves to avoid material misidentification before cutting begins.

Figure: incorrect fabric cut detection model

Prevention Methods

Preventing incorrect fabric cuts starts with the rigorous calibration and maintenance of cutting machines.
Calibration ensures that cutting blades are precise and aligned according to the digital patterns. Regular
maintenance checks prevent mechanical wear and tear from leading to inaccuracies in the cutting process.

Training for workers plays a crucial role in prevention. Employees must be proficient in aligning fabrics
correctly on the cutting table, understanding the importance of fabric grain, and handling the material
without stretching or distorting it before the cut. Such training should be ongoing, incorporating the latest
best practices and technological advances in fabric cutting.

Implementing a quality control checkpoint after cutting but before sewing allows for any necessary
adjustments early in the production process. This step involves manual or digital verification of cut pieces
against the pattern specifications to ensure accuracy.

Problem 2: Mismatched Color or Fabric Type

A common issue in our stitching factories is the use of mismatched colors or incorrect fabric types for a
project. This problem can result from human error in the selection process, miscommunication with
suppliers, or incorrect inventory management. Such mistakes can lead to significant production delays,
increased costs, and dissatisfaction from clients if not detected and corrected early.
Figure : mismatched fabric for a project(sent from a factory upon request about mismatched fabric)

Detection Methods

The primary method for detecting mismatched colors or fabric types involves the implementation of a
barcode system. Each fabric roll and dye lot received from suppliers is assigned a unique barcode that
contains detailed information about the fabric type, color, batch number, and any other relevant
specifications. Before the fabric is cut or used in production, workers scan its barcode, and the system
automatically checks the fabric against the project requirements. This process ensures that only the
correct materials are used and reduces the likelihood of human error in fabric selection.

Additionally, visual inspections by trained personnel can serve as a secondary check, especially for color
matching under different lighting conditions. This step is crucial because certain colors might look similar
under artificial light but noticeably different in natural light or the specific lighting conditions in which the
final product will be used.

Figure : incorrect fabric detection model(created using lucid chart)

Prevention Methods

Preventing the use of mismatched colors or incorrect fabric types starts with a robust supplier verification
process. This involves thoroughly vetting suppliers to ensure they can consistently meet quality and
specification requirements. Establishing clear communication channels and detailed order specifications
with suppliers minimizes the risk of receiving incorrect materials.

Inventory management systems play a vital role in prevention. By maintaining accurate, up-to-date
records of all materials in stock and implementing automated alerts for low inventory levels or
mismatches, factories can avoid running into situations where the wrong material might be used out of

Pre-production meetings with all relevant departments (design, production, procurement) to review the
project requirements and materials can also help identify any potential issues before they reach the
production floor. These meetings provide an opportunity for clarification and final confirmation of the
materials to be used, further reducing the risk of errors.

Figure : prevention method for mismatch colors

Problem 3: Improper Stitching Quality

Improper stitching quality is a pervasive issue that can undermine the integrity and appearance of the
final product, leading to client dissatisfaction and potential returns. This problem may stem from a variety
of factors, including incorrect machine settings, use of inappropriate thread or needle types, or operator
error. Maintaining high stitching quality is crucial for the reputation and success of a stitching factory.
Figure : example of improper stitching (from internet)

Detection Methods

Quality control (QC) teams play a pivotal role in detecting improper stitching. Through spot checks at
various stages of the production process, QC personnel assess products against a standardized quality
checklist that includes criteria such as stitch length, tension, alignment, and overall seam strength. These
checks help identify issues early, preventing the bulk production of defective items.

Advanced technologies, such as computerized sewing machines equipped with error detection
capabilities, can also aid in monitoring stitch quality. These machines automatically alert operators if there
are deviations from preset parameters, allowing for immediate correction.

Prevention Methods

Preventing improper stitching quality begins with regular training sessions for machine operators. Training
should cover proper machine use, including selecting the correct needle and thread types for different
fabrics and understanding how to adjust machine settings for various stitch requirements. Ongoing
education ensures that operators are up-to-date with best practices and new technologies.

Routine maintenance and calibration of sewing machines are equally important. Well-maintained
machines are less likely to experience breakdowns or malfunctions that can lead to stitching errors.
Regular checks ensure that machines operate at optimal conditions, producing consistent stitches.

Implementing a pre-production sample or prototype review process allows for the identification and
correction of potential stitching issues before mass production. Approval of these samples by the client
and the production team ensures that everyone has agreed on the expected quality standards.
Figure : employee training for prevention

Problem 4: Incorrect Sizing

Incorrect sizing in garment production can lead to significant issues, including customer dissatisfaction,
returns, and wasted resources. This problem often arises from inaccuracies in pattern making,
misinterpretation of size charts, or inconsistencies during the cutting or sewing processes. Ensuring that
every garment meets the specified dimensions is crucial for maintaining quality and reputation.

Detection Methods

The detection of incorrect sizing typically involves rigorous measurement checks against the approved
prototype and the size chart provided by the client. This process starts with the pattern making and
continues through cutting, sewing, and final assembly stages. Each garment or a statistically significant
sample is measured for key dimensions, such as length, width, sleeve size, and other specific
measurements critical to the design. Automated measurement technologies, like 3D body scanning and
digital pattern sizing software, can provide precise and consistent results, quickly identifying deviations
from the required sizes.

Prevention Methods

Preventing incorrect sizing starts with the standardization of size charts and the use of digital patterning
software. Digital patterns can be adjusted to scale for different sizes, ensuring consistency across the
production. Training for pattern makers and technicians in interpreting and applying size charts correctly
is also vital, as this reduces human error in the initial stages of production.

The use of computerized cutting technology can further prevent sizing issues by ensuring that all pieces
are cut to the exact specifications of the digital pattern. These machines can reduce the variability that
might occur with manual cutting and can automatically adjust for different fabric types and stretch
characteristics, which might affect the fit.

Implementing quality control checkpoints at various stages of the production process allows for early
detection of size discrepancies. These checkpoints should include not only measurement verifications but
also fit tests on mannequins or live models to assess the overall fit and drape of the garment, ensuring it
matches the intended design and sizing specifications.

Finally, fostering open communication channels between the design, production, and quality control
teams ensures any issues can be promptly addressed and corrected. Regular feedback loops and
adjustments based on QC findings help refine the processes and prevent recurrence of sizing errors

Problem 5: Misalignment of Design Elements

Misalignment of design elements in garment production, such as patterns, pockets, buttons, or zippers,
can significantly detract from the aesthetic and functional quality of the final product. This issue is often
the result of inaccuracies during the pattern cutting, assembly, or sewing phases. Ensuring alignment is
crucial for meeting design specifications and achieving customer satisfaction.

Detection Methods

The primary method for detecting misalignment involves visual inspections at key stages of the production
process. Skilled workers or quality control personnel examine components and partially assembled
garments against the design blueprint or prototype. This inspection checks for the correct placement and
alignment of design elements relative to fabric patterns, seams, and other features.

Advanced technologies, such as computer vision systems, can also be employed to automate the
detection of misalignment. These systems analyze images of the garments to identify discrepancies from
the digital design specifications, offering a high degree of precision and reducing reliance on manual

Prevention Methods

Preventing misalignment starts with accurate pattern making and digital layout planning. Utilizing
computer-aided design (CAD) software allows for precise control over the placement of design elements
in relation to fabric patterns and garment contours. This software can adjust layouts for different sizes
while maintaining proper alignment of all elements.

Training for sewing operators on the importance of alignment and techniques for maintaining consistency
is also vital. This includes instruction on how to properly align fabric pieces before sewing and how to use
guides and markers on sewing machines.
The implementation of a buddy system, where one worker's output is checked by another before
proceeding to the next production stage, can further enhance quality control. This peer review process
encourages attention to detail and helps catch errors early.

Additionally, the use of templates, jigs, and other physical guides during the cutting and assembly
processes can ensure consistent placement of components like pockets, zippers, and buttons. These tools
provide a physical reference point, reducing variability in component placement.

Problem 6: Missing Components

Missing components in garment production, such as buttons, zippers, or decorative elements, can lead to
incomplete products that fail to meet design specifications or customer expectations. This issue may arise
from inventory shortages, errors during the assembly process, or oversight at the finishing stages.
Ensuring that all garments are complete with all their designated components is essential for quality
control and customer satisfaction.

Figure : A shirt missing button

Detection Methods

The detection of missing components primarily involves a final inspection checklist that includes a detailed
count and verification of all components specified in the design. Quality control (QC) personnel
systematically review each garment against this checklist to ensure that no elements are missing before
the product is packaged and shipped.

Automated tracking systems can also be employed to monitor component usage throughout the
production process. These systems can alert managers if the expected number of components doesn't
match the number of products assembled, indicating a potential issue with missing elements.

Prevention Methods

Preventing missing components starts with robust inventory management systems. These systems track
the stock levels of all components in real-time, automating reordering processes to avoid shortages.
Suppliers of critical components can be diversified to reduce the risk of delays or stockouts due to reliance
on a single source.
Training assembly line workers to meticulously follow the production checklists for each garment type
ensures that no step is skipped, including the attachment of all components. This training should
emphasize the importance of these components to the garment's functionality and appearance.

Implementation of quality control checkpoints at various stages of the assembly process, not just at the
final inspection, allows for earlier detection of missing components. This staged approach ensures that
errors can be corrected before proceeding too far in the production process, reducing waste and rework.

Finally, fostering a culture of accountability and attention to detail among all staff members encourages
vigilance in monitoring for missing components. Regular feedback sessions can highlight common issues
and solutions, promoting continuous improvement in the production process.

Problem 7: Fabric Damage during Production

Fabric damage during production, including tears, stains, or stretching, can significantly impact the
quality and yield of garment manufacturing. This issue may arise from mishandling of materials, machine
malfunctions, or environmental factors within the production facility. Preventing and detecting fabric
damage is essential for maintaining high standards of product quality and minimizing waste.

Figure : damged fabric and spot detected on inspection( Photos by Inzamul Chowdhury)

Detection Methods

Visual inspections serve as the primary method for detecting fabric damage. These inspections are
conducted at multiple stages of the production process, from initial fabric receipt and pre-cutting to post-
sewing and final assembly. Skilled inspectors look for any signs of damage that could compromise the
integrity or appearance of the final product.

Incorporating technology, such as high-resolution cameras and automated scanning systems, can enhance
the detection process. These systems can quickly scan large volumes of fabric and identify imperfections
that might not be visible to the naked eye, such as slight color variations, small tears, or embedded foreign

Prevention Methods
Preventing fabric damage begins with proper handling and storage techniques. Training programs for
workers emphasize the importance of handling fabrics gently and avoiding exposure to potentially
damaging conditions, such as excessive moisture, direct sunlight, or rough surfaces. Storage solutions
should be designed to protect fabric from environmental damage, using breathable covers and
maintaining optimal temperature and humidity levels in storage areas.

Regular maintenance and calibration of machinery are crucial for preventing fabric damage. Sewing
machines, cutting tables, and other equipment should be kept in good working order to prevent
malfunctions that can lead to fabric tears or other damage. This includes routine checks and replacements
of needles, blades, and other parts that come into direct contact with the fabric.

Implementing a quality control system that integrates feedback loops allows for the continuous
improvement of handling and processing techniques. When fabric damage is detected, the cause is
analyzed, and corrective actions are taken to prevent recurrence. This might involve adjusting machine
settings, revising handling protocols, or improving environmental controls within the production facility.

Problem 8: Inconsistent Pressing or Finishing

Inconsistent pressing or finishing in garment manufacturing can significantly impact the final product's
appearance, leading to unsatisfactory customer experiences and potential returns. This inconsistency can
result from varied operator skills, improper machine settings, or the use of incorrect pressing techniques
for different fabric types. Ensuring uniformity in the final stages of production is crucial for quality

Detection Methods

The detection of inconsistencies in pressing or finishing relies heavily on visual inspections conducted by
skilled quality control (QC) personnel. These inspections assess each garment for uniform appearance,
absence of unwanted creases, and correct application of finishing treatments. For more objective
assessments, factories can employ specialized equipment like fabric smoothness scanners, which evaluate
the surface of a garment to detect irregularities that deviate from established standards.

Prevention Methods

Preventing inconsistencies begins with the standardization of pressing and finishing processes. This
includes creating detailed procedure manuals that outline specific settings, techniques, and equipment to
be used for different fabric types. By standardizing these processes, factories can minimize variability
introduced by operator technique or equipment choice.

Investing in automated pressing machines that can be programmed with fabric-specific settings allows for
more consistent application of heat and pressure. These machines reduce the reliance on operator
judgment, thereby decreasing the chance of human error. Regular training sessions for operators on the
proper use of pressing and finishing equipment, as well as on the characteristics of different fabrics,
further ensure that garments are finished correctly.
Routine maintenance and calibration of finishing equipment ensure that machines operate within
specified parameters, delivering consistent results. Maintenance checks include verifying the accuracy of
temperature controls, steam pressure levels, and other critical settings that impact finishing quality.

Implementing a final quality check before packaging allows for the identification and correction of any
finishing issues. Garments that do not meet quality standards can be re-processed or corrected as needed,
ensuring that only products of consistent quality reach the customer.

Problem 9: Incorrect Labeling and Packaging

Incorrect labeling and packaging in the garment manufacturing process can lead to significant issues,
including compliance penalties, customer dissatisfaction, and logistical challenges in inventory
management and shipping. Mislabeling can result from data entry errors, misinterpretation of order
requirements, or mistakes in the packing process. Ensuring accuracy in labeling and packaging is crucial
for meeting customer expectations and regulatory standards.

Detection Methods

The detection of incorrect labeling and packaging typically involves a combination of barcode scanning
and visual inspections. Before packaging, each garment is scanned to verify that the label matches the
product specifications and order requirements. This step ensures that the product size, care instructions,
and other essential information are accurate. Visual inspections by quality control personnel provide an
additional layer of verification, checking for correct packaging and labeling conformity to brand standards.

Prevention Methods

Preventing incorrect labeling and packaging starts with automating the labeling process as much as
possible. Automated labeling systems reduce human error by ensuring that labels are printed based on
the product specifications entered into a centralized system. These systems can be integrated with order
management software to pull the correct information for each order directly, minimizing the risk of
manual data entry errors.

Implementing double-checking systems or peer reviews in the packaging process can also significantly
reduce mistakes. After a package is assembled and labeled, another team member reviews it against the
order requirements to confirm accuracy. This peer verification step acts as an additional quality control
measure before shipment.

Training staff on the importance of accurate labeling and packaging is essential. Regular training sessions
should cover the use of labeling equipment, understanding of labeling standards, and the potential
consequences of mislabeling, emphasizing the impact on customer satisfaction and legal compliance.

Finally, maintaining clear and open communication channels between the production, quality control, and
shipping departments ensures that any changes in order requirements or product specifications are
promptly communicated and addressed. This coordination helps prevent last-minute errors in labeling or
Problem 10: Loss of Inventory

Loss of inventory, encompassing both raw materials and finished goods, poses a significant challenge in
garment manufacturing. This issue can lead to production delays, increased costs, and customer
dissatisfaction. Inventory loss can occur due to theft, misplacement, damage, or administrative errors in
stock counts. Effective management and tracking of inventory are critical for minimizing losses and
ensuring smooth operation.

Detection Methods

Regular inventory audits are crucial for detecting inventory loss. By comparing physical stock counts with
inventory records, discrepancies can be identified and investigated. Implementing a real-time inventory
tracking system further aids in monitoring stock levels continuously, allowing for immediate detection of
unexpected inventory changes that could indicate loss.

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology can enhance inventory management. RFID tags attached
to items enable automatic tracking of materials and products as they move through the production and
storage areas, providing a detailed and accurate account of inventory levels.

Prevention Methods

Preventing inventory loss starts with secure storage solutions. Ensuring that warehouses and storage
areas are equipped with adequate security measures, such as surveillance cameras, access control
systems, and alarm systems, can deter theft and unauthorized access.

Improving the accuracy of inventory records through the adoption of an integrated inventory
management system is also vital. Such systems automate the entry and updating of inventory data,
reducing the likelihood of human error in manual record-keeping. Training staff on proper inventory
handling and documentation practices ensures that everyone understands the importance of accurate
inventory tracking.

Establishing clear policies for inventory control, including procedures for receiving, storing, and issuing
materials, creates a structured approach to inventory management. Regular training sessions reinforce
these policies and educate staff on best practices and the use of inventory management software.

Finally, fostering a culture of accountability among employees encourages responsible handling and
reporting of inventory. Incentives for accurate inventory management and penalties for negligence can
motivate staff to take inventory control seriously.
Figure : prevention method for inventory loss model

Problem 11: Delay in Production Schedule

Delays in the production schedule are a common challenge in garment manufacturing, impacting delivery
timelines, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency. These delays can stem from various sources,
including machine breakdowns, supply chain disruptions, labor shortages, or inefficient workflow
management. Addressing and mitigating these delays is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge and
fulfilling customer orders on time.

Detection Methods

Project management software tailored for manufacturing processes can play a pivotal role in detecting
delays. These systems allow for real-time monitoring of each production stage, comparing actual progress
against planned timelines. Alerts can be set up to notify managers when tasks fall behind schedule,
enabling quick identification and rectification of delays.

Regular progress review meetings with department heads and team leaders also facilitate early detection
of potential bottlenecks that could lead to schedule delays. These meetings provide a platform for
discussing challenges and strategizing on solutions.

Prevention Methods
Implementing buffer periods in the production schedule offers a proactive approach to managing delays.
These buffers account for unexpected events or issues, providing flexibility and reducing the impact of
delays on the final delivery date.

Cross-training of workers ensures that the production line can continue operating efficiently even in the
case of employee absences or labor shortages. By having employees skilled in multiple tasks, the factory
can maintain productivity levels and adapt to shifting workload demands.

Maintaining a preventive maintenance schedule for machinery minimizes the risk of unexpected
breakdowns. Regular checks and servicing of equipment ensure that machines are in optimal working
condition, reducing downtime and production delays.

Building strong relationships with suppliers and having multiple sources for critical materials can mitigate
supply chain disruptions. Establishing clear communication channels with suppliers ensures that any
potential issues are flagged early, allowing for alternative arrangements to be made.

Adopting lean manufacturing principles to streamline production processes and eliminate waste can also
enhance efficiency. Continuous improvement practices, such as the Kaizen methodology, encourage
constant evaluation and optimization of workflows, reducing the likelihood of delays.

Problem 12: Communication Errors with Clients

Communication errors with clients in garment manufacturing can lead to misunderstandings,

dissatisfaction, and errors in the final product. These errors may stem from unclear specifications,
misinterpretation of client needs, or inadequate updates on production progress. Effective
communication is essential for ensuring that client expectations are met and for fostering strong, long-
term relationships.

Detection Methods

Regular review meetings and updates with clients provide a platform for both parties to clarify
expectations, provide feedback, and address any concerns. Using project management tools that include
client portals can offer transparent, real-time insights into production progress, changes in specifications,
and potential issues.

Feedback mechanisms, such as surveys or follow-up calls post-delivery, help in identifying any
communication gaps experienced by clients. This feedback can pinpoint areas where misunderstandings
occurred, allowing for corrective action.

Prevention Methods

Establishing clear communication protocols at the outset of a client relationship sets the foundation for
effective interaction. This includes defining key points of contact, preferred communication channels, and
regular update schedules.

Collaborative platforms for sharing documents, designs, and feedback streamline communication and
ensure that all parties are working from the latest information. These platforms reduce the risk of errors
arising from outdated documents or miscommunication.
Training for client-facing staff on effective communication techniques and client management strategies
enhances the overall client experience. This training should cover listening skills, clarifying questions, and
how to convey technical information in an accessible manner.

Implementing a structured approval process for designs, prototypes, and final samples involves clients
directly in the decision-making process, ensuring their requirements are accurately met. This process also
provides multiple checkpoints for catching and correcting any misunderstandings before them impact

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