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Student Pack

What is the purpose of this

The StudentPack is the document you, the student, needs to complete to
demonstrate competency. This document includes the context and conditions of
your assessment, the tasks to be completed by you and an outline of the
evidence to be gathered.

The information includes the following:

 Information related to the unit of competency

 Guidelines and instructions to complete each task and activity
 A student evaluation form

Student Evaluation Form

These documents are designed after conducting thorough industry consultation.

Students are encouraged to evaluate this document and provide constructive
feedback to their training organisation if they feel that this document can be

Link to other unit documents

 The Student Pack is a document for students to complete to demonstrate

their competency. This document includes context and conditions of
assessment, tasks to be administered to the student, and an outline of the
evidence to be gathered from the student.
 The Unit Mapping is a document that contains information and
comprehensive mapping with the training package requirements.
 The Unit Requirements is a document that contains information related to
the unit of competency for the Training Organisation staff and students.

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1. Student and trainer details

Student details
Full name: Faizan Ahmad
Student ID: CIET21496
Contact 0414180387
Email address:
Trainer details
Full name:

2. Qualification and unit of competency

Qualification/Course/Program Details
Unit of competency
Code: CPCCBL3002
Name: Carry out masonry veneer construction
Releases: 1.0
Release date: 27/Nov/2020

3. Assessment Submission Method

By hand to trainer/assessor By email to trainer/assessor

Online submission via Learning Management System (LMS)
Any other method
(Please describe here)

4. Student declaration

• I have read and understood the information in the Unit Requirements prior

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to commencing this Student Pack
• I certify that the work submitted for this assessment pack is my own. I
have clearly referenced any sources used in my submission. I understand
that a false declaration is a form of malpractice;
• I have kept a copy of this Student Pack and all relevant notes,
attachments, and reference material that I used in the production of this
Student Pack;
• For the purposes of assessment, I give the trainer/assessor permission to:

o Reproduce this assessment and provide a copy to another member

of staff; and
o Take steps to authenticate the assessment, including
communicating a copy of this assessment to a plagiarism checking
service (which may retain a copy of the assessment on its database
for future plagiarism checking).

Student signature: ____Faizan Ahmad____________________________

Date: ___22_/___4__/_______2024_______

5. Assessment Plan

The student must be assessed as satisfactory in each of the following assessment

methods in order to demonstrate competence in a variety of ways.
Evidence Assessment method/ Type of Sufficient evidence
number/ Task evidence/ Task name recorded/Outcome
Assessment task Knowledge Test (KT) S / NS (First Attempt)
S / NS (Second Attempt)
Assessment task Skills Test (ST) S / NS (First Attempt)
S / NS (Second Attempt)
Outcome C Date assessed: Trainer signature:

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6. Completion of the Assessment Plan

Your trainer is required to fill out the Assessment Plan Outcome records
above, when:

• You have completed and submitted all the requirements for the
assessment tasks for this cluster or unit of competency.
• Your work has been reviewed and assessed by your trainer/assessor.
• You have been assessed as either satisfactory or unsatisfactory for each
assessment task within the unit of competency.
• You have been provided with relevant and detailed feedback.
Every assessment has a “Feedback to Student” section used to record the
following information. Your trainer/assessor must also ensure that all
sections are filled in appropriately, such as:

• Result of Assessment (satisfactory or unsatisfactory)

• Student name, signature and date
• Assessor name, signature and date
• Relevant and detailed feedback

7. Unit Requirements

You, the student, must read and understand all of the information in the Unit
Requirements before completing the Student Pack. If you have any questions
regarding the information, see your trainer/assessor for further information and

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Pre-Assessment Checklist: Task 1 - Knowledge Test
The purpose of this checklist
The pre-assessment checklist helps students determine if they are ready
for assessment. The trainer/assessor must review the checklist with the
student before the student attempts the assessment task. If any items of
the checklist are incomplete or not clear to the student, the
trainer/assessor must provide relevant information to the student to
ensure they understand the requirements of the assessment task. The
student must ensure they are ready for the assessment task before
undertaking it.
Section 1: Information for Students
Make sure you have completed the necessary prior learning before attempting
this assessment.
Make sure your trainer/assessor clearly explained the assessment process and
tasks to be completed.
Make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how.
Make sure you know your rights and the Complaints and Appeal process.
Make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be
considered during the assessment (refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Strategy
Matrix - Appendix A and negotiate these with your trainer/assessor).
Make sure that you have access to a computer and the internet (if you prefer
to type the answers).
Make sure that you have all the required resources needed to complete this
assessment task.
The due date of this assessment task is in accordance with your timetable.
In exceptional (compelling and compassionate) circumstances, an extension to
submit an assessment can be granted by the trainer/assessor. Evidence of the
compelling and compassionate circumstances must be provided together with
your request for an extension to submit your assessment work.
The request for an extension to submit your assessment work must be made
before the due date.
Section 2: Reasonable adjustments
I confirm that I have reviewed the Reasonable Adjustments guidelines and
criteria as provided in Appendix A and attached relevant evidence as required
and select the correct checkbox.
I do require reasonable adjustment
I do not require reasonable adjustment
Declaration (Student to complete)
I confirm that the purpose and procedure of this assessment task has been
clearly explained to me.
I confirm that I have been consulted about any special needs I might have in
relation to the assessment process.
I confirm that the criteria used for this assessment has been discussed with
me, as have the consequences and possible outcomes of this assessment.
I confirm I have accessed and understand the assessment information as
provided in the Training Organisation’s Student Handbook.
I confirm I have been given fair notice of the date, time, venue and/or other
arrangements for this assessment.

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I confirm that I am ready for assessment.

Student Name: ___Faizan Ahmad______________________________

StudentSignature:____Faizan Ahmad____________________________

Assessment method-based instructions and guidelines: Knowledge Test

Assessment type

 Written Questions

Instructions provided to the student:

Assessment task description:

 This is the first (1) assessment task you must successfully complete to be
deemed competent in this unit of competency.
 The Knowledge Test is comprised of sixteen (16)written questions
 You must respond to all questions and submit them to your
 You must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide an
answer within the required word limit, to be deemed satisfactory in this
 You will receive your feedback within two (2) weeks, and you will be
notified by your Trainer/Assessor when your results are available.

Applicable conditions:

 All knowledge tests are untimed and are conducted as open book
assessment (this means you can refer to your textbook during the test).
 You must read and respond to all questions.
 You may handwrite/use a computer to answer the questions.
 You must complete the task independently.
 No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of
the task will be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
 As you complete this assessment task, you are predominately
demonstrating your written skills and knowledge to your trainer/assessor.

Resubmissions and reattempts:

 Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first
attempt, a resubmission attempt will be allowed.
 The student may speak to their trainer/assessor if they have any difficulty
in completing this task and require reasonable adjustments.
 For more information, please refer to the Training Organisation’s Student


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 This assessment task may be completed in:

a classroom
learning management system (i.e. Moodle),
or an independent learning environment.

 Your trainer/assessor will provide you with further information regarding

the location for completing this assessment task.

Instructions for answering the written questions:

 Complete a written assessment consisting of a series of questions.

 You will be required to answer all the questions correctly.
 Do not start answering questions without understanding what is required.
Read the questions carefully and critically analyse them for a few seconds;
this will help you to identify what information is needed in the answer.
 Your answers must demonstrate an understanding and application of the
relevant concepts and critical thinking.
 Be concise, to the point and write answers within the word-limit given to
each question. Do not provide irrelevant information. Remember, quantity
is not quality.
 You must write your responses in your own words.
 Use non-discriminatory language. The language used should not devalue,
demean, or exclude individuals or groups based on attributes such as
gender, disability, culture, race, religion, sexual preference or age.
Gender-inclusive language should be used.
 When you quote, paraphrase, summarise or copy information from other
sources to write your answers or research your work, always acknowledge
the source.

Purpose of the assessment

This assessment task is designed to evaluate student’s knowledge essential to

carry out masonry veneer construction in a range of contexts and industry
settings and knowledge regarding the following:

 Knowledge of the characteristics, applications and limitations of specified

materials for masonry veneer construction:
o aggregates, cement and lime
o mortar ingredients and consistency
o clay and masonry bricks
 Knowledge of the construction terminology relating to masonry veneer
 Knowledge of the processes and techniques for masonry veneer
o incorporating suspended floor
o on concrete slab on ground
o vermin control and anti-termite measures
o damp-proofing, flashing and ventilation
o fire control and separation requirements

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o frame tying components
o lintels and load bearing components
o timber, steel and aluminium windows
o timber and steel door frames
o gable and eaves construction
 knowledge of the brick bond patterns
 knowledge of the brick and block expansion and growth, control and
articulation joints
 knowledge of the functional and operational features of plant, equipment
and hand and power tools:
o battery operated tools
 knowledge of the workplace safety:
o job safety and environmental analysis (JSEA)
o work at heights
o exposure to silica dust
o exposure to loud noise
o requirements to erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolds
 Knowledge of the acceptable brickwork tolerances stated in Australian
Standards and building codes
 Knowledge of the fire resistance and stability
 Knowledge of the key requirements of National Construction Code (NCC)
relating to masonry veneer construction
 Knowledge of the features of working drawing and specifications

 Knowledge of the environmental requirements relating to workplace

processes and waste disposal.
Task instructions
 This is an individual assessment.
 To ensure your responses are satisfactory, consult a range of learning
resources and other information such as handouts, textbooks, learner
resources etc.
 To be assessed as Satisfactory in this assessment task, all questions
must be answered correctly.

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Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Test

Provide your response to each question in the box below.

Q1 Write two (2) characteristics, applications and limitations Satisfactor
: each of the of specified materials for masonry veneer y response
construction given in column 1 of table. Yes No

Material Characteristics Application Limitation

(Two) (Two) (Two)
Aggregat Provides structural - Used as filler
e stability and strength material in
- Lack of
concrete mixes
- Offers thermal for masonry
properties on
insulation its own,
properties requiring a
- Provides stable binder such as
base for masonry cement for
units, aiding in load
- Variability in
quality and size
may affect
integrity and
aesthetics of the

- Susceptible
to shrinkage
- Used as and cracking
- Provides binding primary binding during curing,
properties, adhering agent in mortar especially in
masonry units for laying hot and dry
Cement together masonry units conditions
- Offers excellent - Can be used to - Requires
compressive create various careful mixing
strength finishes such as and
stucco or application
concrete procedures to

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ensure proper
adhesion and
veneers integrity
- Lower
- Used strength
historically in compared to
Q2: Answer the following questions: Satisfactory
2.1. What are mortar ingredients? What consistency of Yes No
material is required in mortar? Write your answer in
50-100 words.

2.2. Mention two (2) classifications, applications and

limitations mortar ingredients for masonry veneer

2.1. Mortar regularly comprises of three essential fixings: concrete, sand, and
water. Concrete goes about as the fastener, while sand gives mass and conveys
the concrete equally. Water is utilized to enact the concrete and make a
serviceable glue. The consistency of mortar is pivotal; it ought to be sufficiently
thick to hold its shape however liquid enough to effortlessly spread. The ideal
consistency guarantees appropriate bond and strength in the stone work

2.2. In workmanship facade development, mortar fixings can be arranged in

light of their sythesis and properties. One arrangement is water driven mortars,
which set and solidify through hydration responses. Another is lime mortars,
which use lime as the limiting specialist. Water driven mortars are generally
utilized for outside applications because of their solidness, while lime mortars
are liked for verifiable rebuilding because of their similarity with more seasoned
stone work. The two kinds have constraints; water powered mortars can be
inclined to shrinkage and breaking, while lime mortars might have more slow
relieving times and lower introductory strength.

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Q Explain the construction terminology relating to masonry veneer Satisfact
3: construction given in the column 1 of the table. ory
Construction terminology Explanation (1-2 Yes No



Clay bricks


Masonry blocks

Reinforcing materials

Waterproofing materials

 Totals: Totals are granular materials like sand, rock, or squashed

stone that are blended in with concrete and water to make
cement or mortar. In brick work facade development, totals give
mass and soundness to the mortar combination.

 Concrete: Concrete is a limiting specialist utilized in

workmanship development to bond blocks, blocks, or stones
together. It responds with water to shape a hard, strong
material, giving strength and union to the stone work structure.

 Mud blocks: Dirt blocks are rectangular structure units produced

using earth that have been terminated in a furnace. They are
usually utilized in workmanship development because of their
solidarity, toughness, and tasteful allure.

 Lime: Lime is a limiting specialist utilized in conventional mortar

blends. It responds with carbon dioxide in the air to shape
calcium carbonate, giving glue properties to the mortar. Lime
mortar is many times utilized in authentic rebuilding projects for
its similarity with more established workmanship materials.

 Workmanship blocks: Workmanship blocks are enormous,

rectangular structure units produced using materials like
cement, mud, or stone. They are ordinarily utilized in
workmanship development for their solidarity, sturdiness, and
simplicity of establishment.

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 Supporting materials: Building up materials, for example, steel
bars or cross section, are utilized to reinforce brick work
structures and forestall breaking or underlying disappointment.
In brick work facade development, building up materials might
be utilized to offer extra help to the facade.

 Waterproofing materials: Waterproofing materials are utilized to

safeguard workmanship structures from water invasion and
dampness harm. These materials might incorporate sealants,
layers, or coatings applied to the outer layer of the workmanship
to make an obstruction against water entrance. In stone work
facade development, waterproofing materials assist with
keeping dampness from leaking behind the facade and making
harm the basic design.

Q Discuss the following processes and techniques for masonry veneer Satisfact
4: construction in 50-80 words each: ory
1. On concrete slab on ground Yes No
2. Vermin control and anti- termite measures
3. Damp proofing, flashing and ventilation
4. Fire control and separation requirements

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 Stone work facade development on a substantial section on the ground
includes laying a dampness obstruction on the piece prior to introducing
a metal or wooden system to help the facade. Mortar is then applied to
tie down the facade to the system, giving a solid and tastefully satisfying
outside finish.
 Vermin control and against termite estimates in brick work facade
development incorporate introducing actual obstructions, for example,
metal lattice or substance medicines to keep bugs from penetrating the
design. This guarantees the life span and underlying trustworthiness of
the facade by deflecting irritations that could cause harm over the long
 Clammy sealing, glimmering, and ventilation are fundamental for
keeping up with the honesty of workmanship facade developments.
Clammy sealing materials are applied to forestall dampness penetration,
while glimmering is introduced to divert water away from weak regions.
Satisfactory ventilation assists with relieving dampness development
inside the wall cavity, forestalling issues like shape and rot.
 Fire control and detachment necessities in stone work facade
development include executing heat proof materials and development
methods to consent to construction regulations and guarantee tenant
security. This might incorporate utilizing fire-evaluated protection,
introducing fire obstructions among units, and consolidating heat proof
sheathing materials to forestall the spread of flares in case of a fire.

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Q5: Answer the following questions regarding processes and Satisfactory
techniques for masonry veneer construction: response
Yes No
5.1. What are lintel and load bearing components? Write
your answer in 50-100 words.

5.2. Explain the procedure to install flashing on timber

and steel door frames in 50-100 words.

5.3. Explain the process of eave construction in 50-100


5.4. Explain gable construction process in 50-100 words.

5.1. Lintels are level primary parts put above openings, for example, entryways and
windows in workmanship facade development. They circulate the heaviness of the design
above, guaranteeing appropriate help and forestalling listing or imploding. Load-bearing
parts allude to components inside the design that bear the heaviness of the structure, like
walls, sections, and pillars. Legitimate plan and establishment of lintels and burden
bearing parts are fundamental for the underlying honesty of the stone work facade.

5.2. To introduce blazing on wood and steel entryway outlines in brick work
facade development, begin by slicing the glimmering material to the suitable
length. Position the glimmering over the door jamb, guaranteeing it covers the
encompassing stone work by a few inches. Secure the blazing set up utilizing
erosion safe latches, then, at that point, seal the edges with viable sealant to
forestall water invasion. This glimmering fills in as an obstruction, diverting
water away from the door jamb and forestalling dampness harm.

5.3. Eave development in stone work facade includes making a shade at the
edge of the rooftop to give assurance from the components. This is ordinarily
accomplished by broadening the rooftop rafters past the outside walls and
introducing sash sheets and soffits to encase the underside of the eave.

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Appropriately built roof help to channel water away from the structure and
forestall water harm to the outside walls and establishment.

5.4. Peak development in stone work facade includes building the three-sided
piece of the outside wall that stretches out from the overhang to the pinnacle of
the rooftop. This is ordinarily outlined utilizing even and askew individuals to
frame the three-sided shape, with sheathing and cladding applied to the
outside surface. Peaks might incorporate highlights like windows or brightening
components and assume an underlying and stylish part in the general plan of
the structure.

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Q6: Answer the following questions regarding processes and Satisfactory
techniques for masonry veneer construction: response
Yes No
6.1. Explain the following frame tying components in 50-
100 words.
a) Unit ties
b) Adjustable ties

6.2. Discuss the technique of incorporating suspended

floor in 50-100 words.

a) Unit ties: Unit ties are connectors used to get the workmanship facade to the
underlying casing of a structure. They are regularly made of metal and are set
between courses of blocks or blocks. Unit ties guarantee appropriate
arrangement and strength of the facade by mooring it to the primary casing.

b) Customizable ties: Flexible ties are like unit ties however offer the additional
benefit of movability. This considers calibrating the arrangement and situating
of the facade during establishment. They are especially helpful in obliging
varieties in the underlying edge or brick work units.

Integrating a suspended floor includes making a story framework that is upheld
by the primary structure of the structure instead of laying straightforwardly on
the ground. This method is regularly utilized in multi-story structures where the
floors are developed autonomously of one another. Suspended floors give
adaptability in plan and consider simple admittance to utilities and
administrations running underneath the floor. The floor is commonly built
utilizing a blend of joists, radiates, and decking materials, giving strength and
backing while likewise considering open spaces underneath.

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Q7 Explain the following brick bond pattern in 50-100 words. Satisfactory
: a) Header bond
b) English bond Yes No

a) Header bond: In a header bond design, the essence of the wall comprises prevalently of
headers, which are blocks set with their closures confronting outward. The headers structure the
noticeable surface of the wall, giving a reliable example of uncovered block closes. This bond
design is ordinarily utilized for enhancing purposes and gives a uniform appearance to the
exterior of the construction.

b) English bond: English bond is a customary block bond design

described by exchanging courses of cots and headers. In each course,
the cot blocks (set with their long sides looking out) substitute with
header blocks (set with their closures looking out). This example
makes major areas of strength for a steady wall structure while
likewise giving a stylishly satisfying appearance rotating lines of blocks
showing their long and short faces.

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Q8 Answer the following questions: Satisfactory
8.1. What is an expansion joint in brickwork and
Yes No
blockwork? Write your answer in 30-50 words.

8.2. How can you determine location of control joints?

Write your answer in 50-100 words.

8.3. Explain the purpose of articulation joints in 30-50


8.1. A development joint in brickwork and blockwork is a purposeful

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detachment or hole acquainted in the design with oblige possible
extension and constriction because of temperature varieties, dampness
changes, or settling. It forestalls breaking or harm by taking into
consideration development without putting weight on the

8.2. The area of control joints is resolved in view of variables, for

example, the components of the wall, the sort of stone work units
utilized, and the expected natural circumstances. For the most part,
control joints are put at customary stretches, commonly every 20 to 30
feet on a level plane and in an upward direction, to control breaking
and advance underlying respectability.

8.3. Verbalization joints are intended to give alleviation from stress

and oblige development in workmanship structures, especially in huge
breadths of walls or where different structure materials meet. They
assist with forestalling breaking, keep up with the respectability of the
construction, and improve its tasteful allure by separating huge
surfaces into more modest, more sensible areas.

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Q Identify the type of masonry bond in column 1 and document your answers Satisfactor
9: in column 2. Write answer in 30-100 words. y response
Yes No
Column 1 Column 2
courses of
headers and
English bond is
by alternating
courses of
headers and
providing both
strength and
visual appeal
to the

Only headers
in every
course Header
bond features
only headers
in every
creating a
strong, solid
surface with a
pattern of
exposed brick

Two headers
placed side by
side in each
course Stack
bond involves
placing two
headers side
by side in each
resulting in a
modern and
aesthetic with
clean lines.

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One stretcher
followed by
one header in
each course
Flemish bond
consists of
stretcher and
header bricks
in every
creating a
pattern with
long and short
faces of the

Every sixth

Q10 Explain the following questions related to workplace safety. Satisfactory

; response
10.1. Explain the purpose of job safety and Yes No
environmental analysis (JSEA) in 50-100 words.

10.2. Discuss four (4) ways you can identify hazardous

manual tasks on the worksite in 100-150words.

10.3. Discuss exposure of silica to bricklayer. How can

you control the risks associated with exposure to silica?

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Write your answer in 50-100 words.

10.4. Discuss three (3) administrative and personal

hearing protective controls for reducing exposure to
loud noise.

10.5. How can you assess risks related to electrical

10.1. Work Wellbeing and Natural Investigation (JSEA) fills the need of
deliberately distinguishing, surveying, and controlling potential perils
related with explicit work assignments. It plans to forestall work
environment mishaps and wounds by assessing dangers to the two
specialists and the climate, consequently advancing a more secure
workplace and guaranteeing consistence with wellbeing guidelines.

10.2. Dangerous manual errands can be distinguished on the worksite

through: normal work environment examinations, conference with
laborers in regards to their undertakings, survey of episode reports and
injury information, and using peril recognizable proof apparatuses, for
example, risk appraisal frameworks or occupation wellbeing
examinations. These strategies help in recognizing undertakings that
include truly difficult work, monotonous movements, off-kilter stances,
or openness to destructive substances.

10.3. Bricklayers are in danger of silica openness because of exercises

like cutting, crushing, or penetrating workmanship materials. Control
measures incorporate utilizing wet strategies to diminish dust, utilizing
neighborhood exhaust ventilation, giving respiratory insurance like
N95 covers, and guaranteeing appropriate cleanliness practices like
washing hands and changing garments to forestall ingestion or inward
breath of silica particles.

10.4. Regulatory controls for decreasing openness to uproarious clamor

incorporate executing pivot timetables to restrict individual openness
time, directing customary commotion evaluations to distinguish high-
risk regions, and laying out calm zones where achievable. Individual
defensive controls include giving laborers earplugs or ear covers,
guaranteeing legitimate fit and utilization, and offering preparing on
the significance of hearing insurance and its right application.

10.5. Gambles with connected with electrical security can be surveyed

by leading thorough electrical wellbeing reviews, examining electrical
hardware and wiring for indications of harm or wear, recognizing
potential electrical perils like uncovered wires or over-burden circuits,
and guaranteeing consistence with important security principles and
guidelines. Ordinary preparation for laborers on electrical security

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techniques is likewise fundamental.

10.6. Earth spillage circuit breakers/boxes are utilized to safeguard

against electrical shocks and fire dangers by recognizing irregular
characteristics in electrical flows brought about by spillage to the
ground. At the point when such irregular characteristics are identified,
these gadgets naturally trip, removing power supply and forestalling
expected electrical mishaps or harm to gear.

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Q11 Explain the following questions related to workplace safety. Satisfactory
: response
11.1. Explain the workplace safety requirements for Yes No
working at heights in 100-150 words.

11.2. Explain the work health and safety requirements

for noise reduction in 100-150 words.

11.3. Explain the purpose of dust suppression systems

in 50-100 words.

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11.1. Work environment wellbeing prerequisites for working at levels include a
few vital measures to forestall falls and relieve gambles. These incorporate
directing intensive gamble appraisals prior to starting work, guaranteeing the
utilization of fitting fall security hardware like bridles, guardrails, or wellbeing
nets, giving sufficient preparation to laborers on the protected utilization of
gear and strategies for working at levels, carrying out appropriate oversight
and checking of work exercises, and laying out crisis techniques for salvage and
departure if necessary. Also, guaranteeing the underlying uprightness and
solidness of raised work stages or platform is critical to forestall breakdowns or

11.2. Work wellbeing and security prerequisites for sound decrease intend to
safeguard laborers from hearing misfortune and other antagonistic wellbeing
impacts related with unreasonable clamor openness. This includes carrying out
designing controls like commotion boundaries or walled in areas, confining
uproarious hardware, and utilizing calmer gear where conceivable. Authoritative
controls incorporate booking boisterous assignments during calmer periods,
giving hearing insurance like earplugs or ear protectors, and directing
customary commotion checking to evaluate openness levels. Moreover,
guaranteeing laborers get preparing on the dangers of clamor openness and
how to appropriately utilize hearing assurance is fundamental for consistence
with wellbeing guidelines.

11.3. Dust concealment frameworks effectively minimize the arrival of airborne

residue particles produced during different modern cycles, like cutting,
crushing, or boring. By stifling residue discharges, these frameworks help to
further develop air quality in the working environment, lessen the gamble of
respiratory ailments, and upgrade generally speaking word related wellbeing
and security. Dust concealment strategies might incorporate utilizing water
showers, moistening frameworks, or particular gear with worked in dust
assortment components. Carrying out powerful residue concealment measures
is fundamental for consistence with ecological guidelines and safeguarding the
wellbeing and prosperity of laborers.

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Q1 What fire resistance and stability measures requirements for Satisfact
2: lightweight as per National Construction Code (NCC) relating to response
masonry veneer construction? Write your answer in 100-150 words. Yes No

As per the Public Development Code (NCC), lightweight stone work

facade development should stick to explicit imperviousness to fire and
strength measures to guarantee the security and primary
trustworthiness of the structure. These prerequisites ordinarily include
utilizing materials and development strategies that meet indicated
imperviousness to fire appraisals, especially for components like walls
and veneers. The NCC might determine least imperviousness to fire
levels for lightweight stone work facade parts to guarantee they can
endure fire openness for an assigned period, taking into consideration
safe departure and limiting fire spread. Furthermore, steadiness
measures might incorporate guaranteeing appropriate mooring of the
facade to the underlying edge, satisfactory supporting to endure wind
burdens, and consistence with applicable primary designing guidelines
to forestall breakdown or disappointment during outrageous climate
occasions or different crises.

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Q1 Discuss the acceptable brickwork tolerances stated in Australian Satisfact
3: Standards and building codes for the items given in column 1 of the response
table. Yes No

Item Structural Non-structural

tolerance tolerance
The horizontal position of any ±10mm over a ±20mm over a 10-
masonry element documented or 10-meter span meter span
shown in plan at its base or at each
storey level
Relative displacement between
loadbearing walls in adjacent

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stories intended to be in vertical Not exceeding Up to 20mm
alignment 10mm

Maximum deviation from plumb ±10mm from

within a storey from a vertical line vertical line Up to ±20mm
through the base of the member through base
of member
Q1 Answer the following questions: Satisfact
14.1. What are plans and specifications? Write your answer response
in 50-100 words. Yes No

14.2. Explain the purpose of the following plans and

specifications in 40-80 words each.
a) Site Plan
b) Floor Plan
c) Cross Section
d) Elevation

14.1. Plans and determinations are fundamental records in development

projects. Plans are graphical portrayals of the venture, itemizing its format,
aspects, and plan components. Determinations, then again, give composed
directions and prerequisites in regards to materials, development strategies,
and quality principles. Together, they convey the venture's extension, plan
purpose, and specialized necessities to project workers, guaranteeing clearness
and consistency in execution.

a) Site Plan: A site plan gives an outline of the whole venture site, including its
limits, existing designs, utilities, and finishing highlights. It assists partners
with understanding the undertaking's specific circumstance and how it
incorporates with its environmental factors.

b) Floor Plan: Floor plans portray the design of each floor inside a structure,
showing the plan of rooms, walls, entryways, windows, and other compositional
elements. They act as a diagram for development, directing the situation of

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primary components and inside wraps up.

c) Cross Segment: Cross areas give vertical perspectives on the structure or

design, slicing through it to uncover subtleties like wall thicknesses, floor and
roof levels, and primary parts. They assist with picturing the inner course of
action and development of the structure, including how various components
connect with one another.

d) Rise: Heights are level, two-layered perspectives on the structure's outside

exteriors, showing its appearance from changed sides. They portray the
compositional subtleties, extents, and stylish components of the structure,
assisting modelers and developers with figuring out its visual effect and plan

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Q15 Answer the following questions: Satisfactor
: y response
15.1. How should the environmental issues be addressed Yes No
at the worksite? Write your answer in 30-50 words.

How can you identify the environmental requirements for workplace processes and waste disposal? Write

15.1. Natural issues at the worksite ought to be tended to by executing

reasonable practices, for example, limiting waste age, moderating
assets, and alleviating contamination through appropriate
administration and consistence with ecological guidelines.

15.2. Natural prerequisites for work environment cycles and garbage

removal can be distinguished by alluding to pertinent ecological
guidelines, licenses, and rules relevant to the business and area.

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Q16 Discuss two (2) applications and functions of the following two Satisfactory
(2) battery operated tools use in brick laying/ block laying response
construction. Yes No
a) Circular saw
b) Drilling machine

a) Roundabout Saw:

Cutting Blocks/Blocks: A roundabout saw furnished with a stone work sharp

edge is generally utilized in block/block laying development for slicing blocks or
blocks to estimate. It takes into consideration exact and proficient cutting of
stone work materials, working with the customization of blocks or blocks to fit
explicit aspects or shapes expected for the development project.
Making Openings: Roundabout saws are additionally used to make openings in
block or block walls for entryways, windows, vents, or utility infiltrations. The
saw's capacity to make precise and controlled slices empowers bricklayers to
make clean and appropriately estimated openings, guaranteeing primary
respectability and an expert completion to the development project.
b) Penetrating Machine:

Anchor Establishment: Battery-worked boring machines are utilized for

penetrating openings in workmanship surfaces to introduce anchors, latches, or
dowels. This is fundamental for getting different apparatuses, hardware, or
underlying components to block or impede walls, giving strength and
underlying scaffolding to the structure.
Plumbing and Electrical Work: In block/block laying development, penetrating
machines are utilized for making openings to oblige plumbing pipes, electrical
conductors, or wiring. This works with the establishment of plumbing and
electrical frameworks inside workmanship walls, guaranteeing appropriate
usefulness and incorporation of fundamental structure administrations while
keeping up with the underlying respectability of the development.

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Assessment Results Sheet
Outcome First attempt:

Outcome (make sure to tick the correct checkbox):

Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory (NS)

Date: ___22____(day)/ ___4____(month)/ __2024_____(year)


Second attempt:

Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox):

Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory (NS)
Date: _______(day)/ _______(month)/ _______(year)

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Student  I declare that the answers I have provided are my own work. Where
have accessed information from other sources, I have provide
references and/or links to my sources.
 I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that
used as part of my submission.
 I have provided references for all sources where the information is no
my own. I understand the consequences of falsifying documentation an
plagiarism. I understand how the assessment is structured. I accept tha
the work I submit may be subject to verification to establish that it is m
 I understand that if I disagree with the assessment outcome, I ca
appeal the assessment process, and either re-submit additional evidenc
undertake gap training and or have my submission re-assessed.
 All appeal options have been explained to me.

Student Signature Faizan Ahmad

Date 22/4/2024

Trainer/Assessor I hold:
Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered
Current relevant industry skills
Current knowledge and skills in VET, and undertake
Ongoing professional development in VET

I declare that I have conducted an assessment of this student’s submission

The assessment tasks were deemed current, sufficient, valid and reliable.
declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment
I have provided feedback to the student.

Date 22/4/2024

Office Use Only The outcome of this assessment has been entered into the Studen
Management System

on _________________ (insert date)

by (insert Name) __________________________________

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