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Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

Documento Escrito

Yoli Claire Barraza Perez

Instructor: Wilson Jaramillo

Ficha: 2721475

Responsibilities and skills as a person and worker in a stationery store

My name is Yoli Claire Barraza Perez, and I am proud to present this document that
details my experience, professional skills and personal qualities in the context of
working in a stationery store. Throughout my career, I have cultivated a deep passion
for organization and attention to detail, qualities that I consider fundamental in this
field. My goal is to highlight how my career and future aspirations align perfectly with
the demands and objectives of this position and then stand out as an educator, which
is what I am focused on.

Who I am?

I am an enthusiastic and committed person, with a solid career in the work and
educational field. From an early age, I have been drawn to the importance of
maintaining organization and efficiency in any environment. This passion has led me
to cultivate specific skills, such as meticulous attention to detail, an exceptional ability
to multitask, and a natural ability to interact with clients in a friendly and helpful

In addition to my technical skills, I consider my personal qualities, such as patience,

empathy and the ability to work as a team, to be fundamental aspects of who I am
as a professional. These characteristics allow me to not only meet the expectations
of the position, but also exceed them and contribute positively to the work
environment and the overall success of the business.

Why am I suitable for this program or position?

My previous experience and passion for the stationery field position me as an ideal
candidate for this position. I have worked in similar roles in the past, which has given
me a deep understanding of customer needs and expectations in this sector. My
ability to remain calm under pressure and resolve problems efficiently allows me to
provide exceptional service even during the busiest of times.

Additionally, my dedication to continuous improvement and my willingness to learn

and adapt to new technologies and processes allow me to stay up-to-date in a
constantly evolving environment. I firmly believe that my combination of technical
and personal skills makes me uniquely suited to excel in this position.

What are my future goals?

My future goals are intrinsically linked to professional and personal growth within the
field of education and systems engineering. In the short term, I would like to expand
my knowledge in specific areas, such as inventory management and implementing
marketing strategies to increase the visibility and profitability of stationery.

In the medium and long term, I aspire to assume roles of greater responsibility within
the company, such as shift supervisor or store manager. I am committed to
continuing to develop my leadership and management skills so that I can contribute
significantly to the success of the business and the professional development of my

In short, my ultimate goal is to become an education representative, able to positively

influence the group experience, drive operational efficiency, and foster a
collaborative and motivating work environment.


In conclusion, my experience, skills, and future goals position me as a highly

qualified and motivated candidate for this program or position in your stationery
store. I am excited by the opportunity to contribute to the continued success of the
business and look forward to proving myself through my hard work, dedication and
passion for the stationery industry.

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