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Chapter 1: Genesis of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Chapter 1

Genesis of Islamic Republic of Pakistan


1. Quaid e Azam gave his fourteen points in which year?

a. 1932
b. 1931
c. 1930
d. 1929
2. The Cabinet Mission Plan arrived in India in which year?
a. 1946
b. 1942
c. 1949
d. 1950
3. Allama Iqbal presided Muslim League in Allahabad in which year?
a. 1932
b. 1930
c. 1933
d. 1934
4. In which year Aligarh College rose to the status of a university?
a. 1922
b. 1921
c. 1923
d. 1924
5. In which year Chaudhary Rehmat Ali proposed the name of “Pakistan”?
a. 1936
b. 1933
c. 1934
d. 1935

Chapter 1: Genesis of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

6. Who started Pakistan National Movement?

a. Chaudhary Rehmat Ali
b. Allama Iqbal
c. Quaid e Azam
d. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
7. When was the “Direct Action Day” observed?
a. 16 August 1946
b. 15 August 1946
c. 17 August 1946
d. 18 August 1946
8. In which year the Pakistan Muslim Students Federation adopted the demand of a
separate Muslim homeland and made a part of its constitution?
a. 1937
b. 1936
c. 1938
d. 1940
9. When was the first session of Constituent Assembly of Pakistan held in Karachi?
a. 11 August 1947
b. 12 August 1947
c. 13 August 1947
d. 15 August 1947
10. When “Deliverance Day” was observed?
a. 23rd December 1939
b. 24th December 1939
c. 25th December 1939
d. 26th December 1940
11. Who wrote a book titled “Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind”?
a. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
b. Allama Iqbal
c. Quaid e Azam
d. Ameer Ali

Chapter 1: Genesis of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

12. When “Loyal Mohammadons of India” was launched?

a. 1870
b. 1860
c. 1890
d. 1900
13. When MAO School was established?
a. 1876
b. 1877
c. 1875
d. 1878
14. When MAO College was established?
a. 1877
b. 1876
c. 1873
d. 1874
15. When Treaty of Sevres was signed?
a. 1923
b. 1922
c. 1921
d. 1920
16. When did Chora Chori incident occur?
a. 1920
b. 1921
c. 1922
d. 1923
17. When was Khilafat of Turkey abolished?
a. 1921
b. 1922
c. 1924
d. 1926

Chapter 1: Genesis of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

18. Who moved the Lahore Resolution?

a. Molvi Fazl ul Haq
b. Ibne Khuldoon
c. Allama Iqbal
d. Quaid e Azam
19. First Pakistan Day was celebrated on:
a. 23rd March 1941
b. 24th March 1941
c. 25th March 1941
d. 26th March 1941
20. During 1945 – 1946 Elections, out of 495 Muslim members of the provincial assemblies
how many belonged to the Muslim League?
a. 446
b. 447
c. 448
d. 449
21. Who was the first Governor General of Pakistan?
a. Lord Mountbatten
b. Lord Minto
c. Quaid e Azam
d. Lord Wavell
22. Shahi Jirga of which of the following provinces decided to join Pakistan?
b. Baluchistan
c. Sindh
d. Punjab
23. The Muslims believes that by virtue of their __________, they have a separate identity.
a. Religion
b. Faith
c. Objectives
d. All of them

Chapter 1: Genesis of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

24. ____________ wanted to make the Muslims loyal subjects of the British Government.
a. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
b. Quaid e Azam
c. Allama Iqbal
d. Chaudhary Rehmat Ali
25. Sir Syed started Risala _____________________.
a. Tehzeeb ul Ikhlaq
b. Aligarh
c. Hayat-e-Javed
d. None of them
26. A magazine “Loyal Mohammadons of India” was launched by ___________________ :
a. Sir Agha Khan
b. Chaudhary Rehmat Ali
c. Allama Iqbal
d. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
27. Sir Syed opened schools at Muradabad in __________ and in Ghazipur in ___________.
a. 1859
b. 1860
c. 1861
d. 1862
28. Sir Syed visited England in the year _____________________.
a. 1867
b. 1868
c. 1869
d. 1870
29. The sole purpose of “Khwastgan-e-Tareeki-e-Takmeel-e-Musalmanan-e-Hind” was to
establish _______________ in India.
a. Political Party
b. Educational Institutions
c. Hospitals
d. War Training Institues

Chapter 1: Genesis of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

30. Viceroy __________________ led the foundation stone of MAO College.

a. Lord Manto
b. Lord Curzon
c. Lord Lighten
d. Lord Wellesley
31. Urdu-Hindi Controversy started in the year _____.
a. 1857
b. 1867
c. 1877
d. 1887
32. Simla Deputation comprised _____ Muslim leaders.
a. 20
b. 25
c. 30
d. 35
33. The Indian National Congress was established in the year _____.
a. 1881
b. 1883
c. 1885
d. 1887
34. The province Bengal was divided into two parts in _____.
a. 1904
b. 1905
c. 1907
d. 1911
35. _____ Party returned to power in 1905 elections held in Britain.
a. Liberal
b. Labour
c. Congress
d. Democratic

Chapter 1: Genesis of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

36. In the last two decades of the 19th century, the extremist Hindus started anti-Muslim
Movement namely ______.
a. Khilafat
b. Arya Samaj
c. Faraizi
d. Jihadi
37. The Viceroy ______ partitioned the province of Bengal into two parts.
a. Lord Minto
b. Lord Lyton
c. Lord Curzon
d. Lord Wellesley
38. Round Table Conferences were held from 1930 to _____.
a. 1931
b. 1932
c. 1933
d. 1934
39. Minto-Morley reforms are also called Government of India Act _____
a. 1909
b. 1915
c. 1927
d. 1935
40. Montague Chelmsford Reforms are called Government of India Act _____.
a. 1909
b. 1919
c. 1927
d. 1935
41. London branch of Muslim League was established in _____.
a. 1906
b. 1907
c. 1908
d. 1909

Chapter 1: Genesis of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

42. A session of the All India Muhammadan Educational Conference was held under the
chairmanship of _____ in 1906 at Decca.
a. Quaid-e-Azam
b. Allama iqbal
c. Sir Agha Khan
d. Nawab Waqar ul Mulk
43. Resolution for the establishment of All India Muslim League was moved by _____.
a. Quaid-e-Azam
b. Allama Iqbal
c. Nawab Waqar ul Mulk
d. Nawab Saleem Ullah khan
44. At the time of formation, the Muslim League said ___ point’s agenda.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
45. Quaid-e-Azam joined All India Muslim League in ______.
a. 1906
b. 1909
c. 1913
d. 1920
46. In the _____ Movement, the Hindus stood by the Muslim side and gave them full
a. Aligarh
b. Khilafat
c. Jahadi
d. Quit India
47. Congress Ministries were formed in _____ out of the 11 Indian provinces in 1935.
a. 3
b. 5
c. 7

Chapter 1: Genesis of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

d. 9
48. Word “Pakistan” was ____ used in the text of Lahore Resolution.
a. Nowhere
b. Two times
c. Three times
d. Four times
49. The British Prime Minister ______ had sent Stafford Cripps to India.
a. Montague Chelmsford
b. Lord Curzon
c. Lord minto
d. Winston Churchill
50. Cripps discussed matters with the Indian leaders and published his proposals on _____.
a. 30 March, 1942
b. 29 March, 1942
c. 28 March, 1942
d. 27 March, 1942
51. The Cripps proposal was _____ by the Muslim League.
a. Rejected
b. Accepted
c. Delayed
d. Considered
52. After the termination of the World War 2, elections for the Central Legislature were
held in __________
a. Dec, 1945
b. Nov, 1945
c. Dec 1946
d. Nov, 1946
53. In March 1946, the British Government sent _____ senior members of the British
cabinet, as a last attempt to preserve unity of the Indian federation.
a. 2
b. 3

Chapter 1: Genesis of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

c. 4
d. 5
54. The Cabinet Mission published its own proposals on ____
a. May 16, 1946
b. May 16, 1945
c. May 15, 1946
d. May 15, 1945
55. According to the Cabinet Mission plan provinces shall be divided into ____ groups.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
56. _____ came to India as Viceroy in 1944.
a. Minto
b. Lyton
c. Wavell
d. Curzon
57. Wavell called An All party’s Conference at Simla in _____.
a. June 45.
b. June 46
c. July 46
d. July 45
58. On October 26, 1946 _____________ Muslim League Ministers took oath of office in
interim government.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

Chapter 1: Genesis of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

59. Holding the finance portfolio________ acquired a key position to control all other
ministries and departments.
a. Quaid-e-Azam
b. Liaquat Ali Khan
c. Pandit Nehru
d. Gandhi
60. All important leaders except _______ attended Simla Conference.
a. Quaid-e-Azam
b. Liaquat Ali Khan
c. Pandit Nehru
d. Gandhi
61. Indian Independence act was passed by the British Parliament and rectified by the
crown in ______.
a. July 1947
b. August 1947
c. July 1946
d. August 1946

Chapter 1: Genesis of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Short Qs/Ans

Q1: What is meant by the term Ideology?


1) Ideology is the set of ideas or norms on which the collective ideals of a community, nation or
millet is based.
2) It also includes the sum total of the principles set forth for the achievement of these
common ideals.
3) The Muslims follow the Islamic Ideology which simply means the way of life based on the
tenets of Islam.

Q2: What is Islamic theory of Nationhood?


1) The Muslims believe that by virtue of their faith, they have an identity, separate and distinct
from other nations of the world.
2) This feeling of oneness among themselves combined with the consciousness of being
separate from others is called “Two Nation Theory”.
3) Islam believes on the democratic way of life which implies that in all parts of the world,
where the Muslims forms a sizeable majority, they should be given a right to form an
independent state of their own.

Q3: Explain Pakistan Ideology briefly?


1) The term “Pakistan Ideology” refers to that set of beliefs and objectives which formed the
basis of the Muslim freedom struggle in South East Asia.
2) This struggle was motivated by the Islamic faith to established independent state for
3) On the basis of the principle that Muslims and non-Muslims in India were separate and
distinct nations, Muslims should be given a right to form an Independent state.

Chapter 1: Genesis of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Q4: What objectives were set for the Muslim League at time of its inception?


1) To safeguard and protect the interests of the Indian Muslims and to convey their demands to
the British Government in a peaceful manner and through constitutional means.
2) To create feelings of respect and goodwill for the government amongst the Muslims and to
remove any misunderstanding they might have, regarding government policies.
3) To create feelings of brotherhood between the Muslims and other Indian Communities.

Q5: What important change was made in the objectives of Muslim League & when?


1) In March 1913, change in the objectives of the All India Muslim League was made on
Quaid-e-Azam’s initiative.
2) The policy of unconditional subservience was forsaken in the favor of “self-government”
suitable for Indian conditions.
3) This proves to be a turning point in the history of the Muslim of India.

Q6: Write a note on Simla Conference?


1) In 1945 at Simla Lord Wavell called an All Party Conference and proposed a proposal for the
solution of Indian problems.
2) The plan stipulated a Viceroy’s Executive Council representing all Indian communities and
pledged that all offices except that of the commander-in-chief shall be filled by the Indian
leaders. Secondly the Muslim members shall be equal in number to the caste-Hindus.
3) Gandhi did not attend the Conference. The congress and the government intended to appoint
one Muslim member on the Viceroy’s Executive Council, from the Unionist party. It was not
acceptable for Muslims so the Conference broke out due to disagreement on this point.

Chapter 1: Genesis of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Q7: What were the salient features of the Indian Independence Act?


Indian Independence Act was ratified by the British Crown in July 1947.

1) British rule over India will come to an end on Aug 15, 1947.
2) Title of the “Emperor of India” will no more form a part of the titles of the British Crown
after that date.
3) The successor states will be run under the Government of India Act 1935, adapted and
modified to meet their requirements, as Interim Constitution, till their respective Constitution
Assemblies frame Constitutions.

Q8: What are the components of Pakistan Ideology?

Ans: The components of Pakistan Ideology comprises the religion Islam, the democratic way of
life, provision of social justice, equality, sense of responsibility and fundamental human rights.

Q9: Write short note on Aligarh Movement.


1) Sir Sayyad found the solution of the Muslim problems in the British Education system and in
making friendship with the British rulers.
2) In 1875 he founded the Aligarh school and established many other educational and research
institutions i-e, Scientific Society, Mohammadan Educational Conference etc.
3) As a result of Urdu-Hindi Controversy that was started by Hindus in 1867,Sir Sayyad forsaw
a parting of the two communities i-e Hindus and Muslims.

Q10: Write short note on Simla Deputation.


1) Thirty five top ranking Muslim leaders called on the then Viceroy Lord Minto at Simla on
Oct, 01st, 1906 and presented the Muslim demands before him.
2) Separate electorate was the most significant of the Muslim demands.

Chapter 1: Genesis of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

3) Viceroy’s attitude was encouraging and thus the demand of separate electorate was accepted
in Minto-Morley reforms 1909.

Q11: What do you know about the partition of Bengal?


1) In the year 1905, Lord Curzon partitioned Bengal into two parts i-e East Bengal and West
Bengal, due to administrative reasons.
2) As this partition benefited the Muslim, so the Hindus & Congress strongly opposed it.
3) Thus the Muslim was convinced to form their own party to raise their voice and then in
1911, George V, annulled the partition of Bengal.

Q12: Write shortly about the establishment of Muslim League?


1) In Dec 1906, at the Annual session of Muhammadon Educational Conference, Nawab

Saleem Ullah Khan, moved a resolution for the establishment of “All India Muslim League,
under the Chairmanship of Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk.
2) Sir Agha Khan was made the first President.
3) The purpose of establishment of Muslim League was to take up the Muslim demands with
the government through constitutional means.

Q13: Write any three names of books or tracts, written by Sir Sayyad?


1) Tehqiq-e-lafz-e-Nasara
2) Tabaen-ul-Kalam
3) Loyal Muhammadons of India
4) Risala-Ehkam-e-Toam-e-Ahl-e-Kitab
5) Aligarh Institute Gazette

Chapter 1: Genesis of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Q14: What was “Loyal Muhammadons of India”?


1) In the year 1860, Sir Sayyad launched a magazine named “Loyal Muhammadons of India”
2) In this magazine, he started highlighting the services of those Muslim nobles who had put
their lives in danger to save the lives of the British officials and citizens.

Q15: When and who established Scientific Society and what was its purpose?


1) In 1964 in Ghazipur,
2) Sir Sayyad Ahmed Khan established Scientific Society.
3) The purpose of establishment was to translate important scholarly works from English to

Q16: What was the main education achievement of Sir Sayyad Ahmed Khan?


1) The establishment of Muhammadon Anglo Oriental (MAO) School was the main educational
achievement which was established in 1875.
2) MAO School was raised to the level of college in 1877.
3) After Sir Sayyad’s death in 1921, MAO College was raised to the level of university.

Q17: Who established the Indian National Congress and when?

Ans: A retired British civil servant Allan Octavian Hume generally called A.O. Hume
established the Indian National Congress in the year 1885. The Hindus welcomed it
enthusiastically and joined it in great numbers.

Q18: Write shortly about Mopla uprising.


Chapter 1: Genesis of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

1) Moplas were a Muslim community settled on the south Indian shores, claimed to be the
descendents of Arab traders.
2) In 1921, there was a clash between the Moplas and the Hindus business lords on issues of
purely local nature.
3) British got the golden opportunity and spread exaggerated reports about Hindu-Muslim riots.
Thus the Hindu Muslim Unity broke out and that was a great setback to the Khilafat

Q19: What were the results and consequences of Khilafat Movement?


1) It was the first popular movement which touched almost all parts of the sub-continent.
2) It served as a motivating force behind the Muslim struggle for the achievement of Pakistan.
3) Speeches and statements of the Khilafat leaders were translated and spread in Turkey, which
did great service to the Turks who were fighting the war of their survival.
4) Failure of the Khilafat-Movement enhanced people’s trust & confidence in moderate
politicians like Quaid-e-Azam & Allama Iqbal.

Q20: What is Two Nation Theory?


1) The Muslims by virtue of their faith are a nation separate and distinct from all other nations
of the world.
2) Their spiritual and national aspirations could only be realized in a state which was Islamic in
3) And where they could live as free citizens and could model their lives in accordance with
Islamic injunctions.

Q21: Write shortly about Lahore Resolution.


Chapter 1: Genesis of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

1) The Resolution was moved on March 23rd, 1940 by the Bengal Chief Minister Moulvi Fazl-
ul-Haq which was later known as Pakistan Resolution.
2) This is the most significant land mark in the history of our freedom struggle.
3) Through this resolution the Muslims of India expressed their firm commitment to make all
out efforts for the achievement of independence.

Q22: What is the importance of Pakistan Resolution?


1) Muslims of India set their national objectives i-e to achieve independence.

2) Muslim all over India had consensus on this Resolution. Thus Muslim league got popularity
and won 1945-46 elections.
3) It gave a direction to the political struggle of the Muslims & within a short span of seven
years’ time, the Muslims got Independent state Pakistan.

Q23: What was the reaction of Congress and Muslim League on Cripps Mission?


1) Both the Congress and Muslim League rejected the Cripps Mission for different reasons.
2) The Congress knew that the Government was under great stress due to her war engagements
& thought it as a golden opportunity to exert pressure on her to quit India.
3) The Muslim League rejected because it stood for a federal India and did not grant her
demand for Pakistan in clear terms.

Q24: What was the Election Manifesto of Muslim League during elections of 1945-46?


1) The Muslim League was the only political party that had a right to represent the Indian
2) Pakistan was the sole objective the Muslim League strived to achieve.

Q25: What was the Grouping Scheme in Cabinet Mission Plan?

Chapter 1: Genesis of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Ans: According to this scheme the provinces shall be divided into three groups formed under
following formula.

Group A would comprise six Hindu majority provinces i-e Bihar, Orisa, U.P, C.P, Madras, and

Group B would comprise three Muslim majority provinces i-e Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan.

Group C would comprise two Muslim majority provinces i-e Bengal and Assam.

Q26: What was the reaction of Congress and Muslim League to Cabinet Mission Plan?


1) As a representative of Congress, Gandhiji interpreted the plan as “an appeal and an advice”.
He said that the Constituent Assembly as a sovereign body shall have the power to amend the
2) The Muslim League saw a ray of hope in grouping scheme and confirmed to join the
constitutional assembly with the hope to achieve its objectives through constitutional means.

Q27: What did Quad-e-Azam think about minorities, quote a brief statement?

Ans: Quad-e-Azam said,” -----you are free; you are free to go to your mosques or to any other
places of worship in this state of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion on caste or creed------
that has nothing to do with the business of the state-----we are starting with this fundamental
principle that we are all citizens, and equal citizens, of one state”

Q28: What do you know about Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind (causes of the Indian Mutiry)?


1) This book was written by Sir Sayyad Ahmed Khan, meant for reading by the members of the
British parliament.
2) He tried to prove that the uprising of 1857 was just an upheaval caused by some trouble
mongers and called it a “mutiny”.

Chapter 1: Genesis of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

3) He declared that certain unwise policies of the British government also paved a way for this
unfortunate incidence to which the Muslims called “war of Independence”.


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