Solar Appointment Setting Script Packet

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What is it? or What's this about?

"Hello? Hi sir/ma'am, this is (agentname) with the

American Power Association. The reason for the call is "Great question -- just to re-iterate, I'm with the
because the property was flagged for having abnormally American Power Association. This is a company that
high energy consumption. Do you remember how high works in tandem with all the electric providers in the
your energy bill was this past summer? state. My only job here is to reach out to homeowners
every day that the system flags as having abnormally
high energy consumption unless you prefer not to
Yes/I'm not sure/No Specific Amount Client provides an amount save money, but I am calling to help. With that being
said..." (resume script)

"I'm showing here What address do you have on file?

"Wow, that's quite high
Less than in the system the
"What's the compared to others in the
$150/mo energy bill for the "Great question -- give me a moment to pull it up and
highest it's area....What steps have
during property was over double check. Sometimes we have an outdated record
ever you taken to lower the on file so if you're experiencing high
summer? $150 a month,
been?" energy consumption up
DNC does that sound consumption/usage for another property, just let me
to this point?"
right to you?" know and I'll get it updated. I have you at..." (provide
physical address)

How did you know my property was flagged?

"Understood and that's exactly why I'm calling to help -- we'd like to slash that
"Great question -- our system operates in line with
energy bill by 50% as we're working alongside local electric providers and co-
electric providers across the entire state. The role I
ops to provide a no out of pocket program for homeowners. The way we're
have here is to reach out to homeowners challenged
doing this is by providing a suite of efficiency and renewable solutions
with high consumption and high energy bills to
including roofing, solar, duct work, insulation, HVAC, etc in order to reduce
provide long term permanent solutions you can benefit
your energy consumption...
from. With that being said..." (resume script)
And, ...for a short period of time the cherry on top, we're giving $500 cash I'm not interested
back if we can get you into this program... just for putting you in a better
situation financially. "I'm sorry to hear that, but I do understand. Let me ask
you this -- what's concerning you the most about this
(Go slow and highlight each point) conversation considering you're in a situation having a
larger energy bill per month compared to others in the
So the question I always ask clients is... How would you feel if (A) you didn't area and we'd like to lower that as much as possible
come out of pocket for anything, (B) we worked with your current provider to with a no out of pocket program?"
slash your energy bill in half, (C) and gave you $500 cashback for enrolling?"

I'm really happy with my current energy provider

"Good deal. All we're looking for on this call is for you to be open to an
alternative approach that is going to save you money with your current "That's great to hear sir/ma'am. I wouldn't want to be
provider. IF we can get the numbers to make sense, fantastic, otherwise, we the one to pull you away from your current provider if
obviously don't expect anyone to enroll in the program if it doesn't place you you're happy with them. Let me ask you this -- how
in a better situation financially. How fair does that sound with you?" would you feel if you didn't have to change providers
and we were able to put you in a better situation
**MUST HAVE CLIENT'S BUY IN** financially long term with an energy program designed
to work with your current provider?"
Great - My role is to schedule a specialist to come out to the property, shake
Are you talking about solar? Is this solar?
hands with you, and investigate the best solution available to lower your
energy bill. "Yes, correct. This conversation does pertain to solar,
however, unlike your traditional solar company, we
also provide an entire suite of efficiencies as part of
"With that said... We have a handful of homeowners in your area that our no out of pocket energy program. This can include
are opting into the program through the rest of this week. What do you the solar, as well as insulation, roofing, duct work, etc
feel may be the best time tomorrow afternoon or evening for you to be in order to put you as the homeowner in a better
home and comfortable for about 30 minutes in order for someone to situation financially. Before I say anything else though,
connect with you? I'd like to ask, what concerns you the most about solar
if it meant no longer battling the challenges with your
Appointment current energy bill?"
Date provided Afternoon/Evening I already have solar
"Understood, no worries. Most
"Understood. I'll get that "Understood, not a problem at all. I appreciate you
homeowners typically meet with a
notated down. Just to sharing that with me -- I'll go ahead and jump a few
specialist in those early evening hours
double check, is there steps and ask:
because they have things like work,
any reason you feel like Does the client have a complete offset for electricity
errands, things going on with the
you wouldn't be home every month with their current solar?
kids etc. What's typically the best time
during this time?" If no, how much are they paying for the solar vs.
you're home during the week?"
electricity every month?
If more than $150/mo, take a look at their property via
If the homeowner has a legitimate reason for pushing the satellite on Google Maps. Does it seem viable to add
date beyond 5 days i.e out of town, proceed. Otherwise, it's more panels somewhere?
a callback. Urgency matters. Every day 20% interest is lost
Who is your current electricity Power
provider? WHY DOES CREDIT MATTER? Statements/Questions

Confirming Client: If there are any trees blocking Gamma has access to - What would stop you
sunlight to the roof, would you be additional credit-friendly from considering this
GO SLOW & CONTROLLED open to us trimming or cutting programs to get people program if it were to put
HERE. them if necessary? approved. It just determines you in a better situation
which programs are available
"Great! Listen, life happens to for the homeowner
everybody, including you and Is your roof more than 10 years - Worse case scenario,
myself. In the event something old or less than 10 years old? this program provides
So why do we ask?
comes up and you need a Prime deals pay differently than you with a bill swap to
reschedule, just let us know. sub-prime deals. For the take what you're
After the call you'll be able to Is your roof shingle, metal, or company as well as for you. currently paying today
text us at any time, but we tile? Green leases pay substantially and provide you with a
can't help you if you don't less than normal leasing and fixed rate that will never
communicate. How fair does financing options due to credit increase with the energy
that sound?" Do you know how old your HVAC market. How fair does
system is? When's the last time Green leases require that sound with you?
(LIGHT-HEARTED JOKE) you replaced the AC unit? homeowners to AT LEAST be up
to date on any mortgages/car - That's a fantastic
payments & no bankruptcies in question to ask. While I'm
Who is currently on the title for the last 2-3 years not qualified to give you a
All objections, questions, concerns the home? direct answer to your
should already be addressed or noted question, I'll defer to your
down for specialist specialist that can
Last but not least, is it fair to answer directly. What
Please provide/make note of all other questions or
questions/objections as additional
assume your credit score is No matter what, just
notes when submitting the decent, ballpark about 600 or notate and keep going concerns might you have
appointment i.e what did the client higher? about solar?
ask, what concerns do they have,
special requests, etc Collect Details: - In the event the
numbers don't make
Apologies, I didn't catch your name earlier in the call -- sense, there's no
who do I have the pleasure of speaking with? obligation or commitment
What's the physical address for the property so we know to move forward.
"Awesome, thank you for that. As where to send our guys out to? However, if we can get
the final stretch, I have you Confirm property on Google Maps or Project Sunroof. the numbers to make
booked on (appointment date) at Ensure it's not a mobile home. If it is -- verify that the home sense, you will be
(appointment time)" is double wide instead of single wide and either sitting on extremely happy with
a foundation/concrete slab or there's room for ground your new energy plan
What's the best email address to send you a confirmation -For a limited time promo
and introduce you to your specialist? we're running, we're
I'm not offering anyone the
sure why "Understood, no worries (homeowner). Just so you know, you'll chance to obtain a free
"(Homeowner), last but not it's consultation and solar
have your specialist ask you for a copy of a recent electric bill in proposal. If we can get
least, how accessible necessary order to have a better understanding of what's going on and why
would a recent copy of an the numbers to make
your energy consumption is so high. There's important data sense for you, we'll give
electric bill be for you to
provided on the bill that they can use in order to build you a you $500. It's a win, win
obtain for your energy
tailored solution. Just be sure to have a copy prepared when you
specialist?" situation.
connect for a very smooth process"

I can have a copy 1) Reconfirm appointment date and time. Have the client repeat back the date and/or time of the
prepared/available appointment. Then ask the homeowner if they are sure it will be the best time as of right now for
a specialist to connect with them

2) Recap the conversation & Touch back on any questions, comments, concerns, or objections that were
addressed during the call and any notes.
"Fantastic -- I'm not to ask for
your energy bill right now, but do "Just to make sure we're on the same page here, I have a Mr./Mrs. (client name) down for an energy
us a favor and have either a consultation for the property at (street address) on (appointment date) at (appointment time). There's no
digital or physical copy prepared obligation, there's no out of pocket costs, and worse comes to worse, we're just going to replace what you're
when your specialist arrives in currently paying for energy month to month should you decide this makes sense to you.
order to build a tailor proposal Are we on the same page?"
fitted around your energy usage.
With that being said..." 3) "Fantastic. (Client name), please allow the specialist 30 minutes after connecting with you to complete
process and answer any questions you have. They will go over your electric bill, take a walkthrough around
the property, & show you how the program works."

4) "Last but not least, you're of course going to get a text confirmation following this call. On the day of your
appointment, you can respond back 'CONFIRMED' and we'll know you're expecting us. If life happens, you
can also provide a new date/time. With all that said, I hope you have a great day, and we'll talk to you soon"
CONDITIONS: Conditions are legitimate roadblocks expressed
by the prospect and cannot be overcome to advance further toward the sale.

Homeowner already has The individual you’re

Financial situation/credit Home/title is not
solar on their home and speaking with is renting
unqualified even for currently in the
completely satisfies their the home or does not
Green Lease homeowner’s name
power usage own it

Promptly and politely end the conversation. Set

as Do Not Contact (DNC)

Property has one or more

Homeowner resides in a Homeowner's roof is
Homeowner requests to trees blocking the roof
mobile home park with a ineligible or property is
be placed on DNC list and homeowner is not
single wide trailer inadequate with space
willing to cut trees

Invalid Objection: An objection that lacks merit or is not

based on factual information. It is important for setters to identify invalid objections
and avoid wasting time on addressing them

“I don’t want solar at this

“Don’t have the money”
time” Any combination of these objections are considered
to be invalid and advised to keep moving the
conversation forward
"I've already spoken to
"I want to hold off on this someone or had The most appropriate way to handle these
for awhile" someone come out to the objections are to use A.R.M
Move the conversation forward.
"Now isn't a good time to "I'd like to speak to my
talk about this" spouse or partner first" *Moving the conversation forward is the most
challenging component as it requires taking back
control and leading the conversation. Oftentimes
this is in the form of asking an open ended
"I think solar is a waste of "Solar won't give me any question back to the homeowner
money/too expensive" savings"
Valid Objection: Valid objections are based on real concerns or
challenges that the prospect may have, such as budget constraints, technical limitations,
or competitive considerations and should be addressed
Question to consider: Why continue
"I hear you. Perhaps there's a reason you're not
attempting to tell the homeowner about
interested. Allow me a moment just to tell you a
solar rather than identifying why they feel
few benefits others have enjoyed that you may
that way? Especially if we haven't clearly
want to consider..."
defined why they feel that way
“I don’t want solar at this
time” Acknowledging what the homeowner is
"Understood and I'm sorry to hear that sir/ma'am.
saying, pausing the process, and asking
I'd like to see your perspective on this. What
an open ended question to understand
reservations do you have about going solar at this
what the client is feeling. This allows us to
time considering there's no out of pocket costs
clearly understand what the client is

Question to consider: While we don't even

know what the client's thought process is
"No worries, perhaps I can circle back around to
behind holding off, what happens if they
you in the future and give you a callback. Would
say no to our request for permission?
that be okay?"
Additionally, what's the intended purpose
"I want to hold off on this of the phone call?
for awhile"
This response takes the rebuttal and
"I hear you loud and clear, (homeowner) as it
places it right back to the client to clarify
sounds like you're not comfortable making a
further what they intended or meant by
decision at this time. What considerations are you
the response. We won't know why the
thinking about on your end that's causing you to
client is wanting to hold off until we have
want to hold off for awhile?"
them clarify

Question to consider: What happens if the

homeowner says no? Sure you can
"Thank you for sharing that with me sir/ma'am,
provide another option or solution, but
would it be better to give you a call later this
now it's an uphill battle. Additionally,
evening when you get off work?"
would we rather book a callback for an
appt or book an appt directly?
"Now isn't a good time to
talk about this" "Understood, (homeowner), it sounds like I caught This identifies how serious the client is in
you at a bad time. How open are you to having moving forward. If the timing wasn't bad,
this conversation assuming the timing was better how open would the client be to
and we were to put you in a better situation continuing? Or what other reservations
financially?" does the client hold?

Question to consider: Not only defensive

"Well, actually sir/ma'am, we're not asking you to
from the client's remark, but without an
buy anything as this is simply just a bill swap
open ended question back to the client,
from what you're currently paying for electricity.
what happens if the client says 'That's
There are no upfront out of pocket costs
okay, no thank you'? We're allowing the
“Don’t have the money” involved..."
homeowner to decide where to go next
"Don't want to purchase "Understood, (homeowner), it sounds like
solar" Taking the approach of understanding the
finances are the main concern here. I'd like to ask
client's viewpoint is crucial. It's possible it
just to make sure we're on the same page, what's
may have nothing to do with actual
concerning you the most when you're evaluating
finances, but lack of understanding for
the "costs" behind going solar considering there
how solar is structured.
are no out of pocket costs involved?"

Question to consider: What happens if the

"Oh, okay. Thank you for that -- is there any client says 'No'. Uphill battle and now
particular reason you chose not to go solar yet you're placed in a dead end. An opened
then?" ended question is required in order to
"I've already spoken to address the homeowner's concern
someone or had
someone come out to the
home" "Understood! I'm going to take a moment and
Acknowledging what the homeowner is
pause as I certainly don't want to be redundant
saying, pausing the process, and asking
here for you. What was the challenge or obstacle
an open ended question to understand
that impeded the decision to go solar in the
what the client is feeling
Question to consider: It's one thing to
consider what happens if the client says
"Understood. Can I give you two a callback later?" no, but even worse, what are you going to
do if the client says 'Sure, call us later'
and you never reach them again?
"I'd like to speak to my
spouse or partner first"
"Sounds good, (homeowner). I agree it's going to Perfect example to side with the client and
be extremely important to have your spouse let their rebuttal move through you. It's
involved in this process and decision. What's a obvious this is something they feel their
good time for a specialist to connect so you both spouse needs to be involved with, let's
get the information at the same time?" book an appointment with them together

Question to consider: While it feels like

"Well, yes, this for solar, but we're reaching out to
you're bracing for the objection or hang
find out if homeowners are interested in saving
up, how do you know what the client is
money every month..."
thinking without actually asking?
"Are you talking about
solar?/Is this for solar?"
Identifies there may be an objection
"Yes, sir/ma'am, this is for solar. Sounds like you around the corner and encourages the
may know a bit about it. How familiar are you with opportunity for the objection to present
solar?" itself. Gives the opportunity for the client
to open the dialogue further

Question to consider: What is the client

good with? How do you know without
"Okay, thanks for letting me know, take care" inquiring further? What effort did we take
to unveil pain points the client is currently
"I think I'm good/okay for
now, thank you though"
"Understood, (homeowner), it sounds like you Great example of digging deeper to
have some concerns about moving forward. What identify what the client is thinking or what
reservations do you have about saving money concerns they have. Closed mouths don't
and going solar?" get fed

Question to consider: How soon is soon &

"Understood, thanks for letting me know. Perhaps how do you know? Is the client moving in
we can circle back around to you in the future the next 3 months or the next 3 years? Is
when you move?" the house on the market? How does this
impact their ability to go solar?
"I'm planning on moving
soon" Provides room in the conversation to
"Understood, (homeowner). I'd like to ask to understand what the client is thinking or
clarify a few things and appropriately respond, considering. Moving or not living in their
what's the timeline for moving and how open 'forever home' isn't a reason to not have
would you be to solar if you weren't moving?" immediate savings even if they may not
see long term savings

Question to consider: Almost redundant,

"Got it. If you had to give a ballpark estimate, how but why would you ask the client for a
much do you believe you guys spend on ballpark estimate if they don't handle the
electricity every month?" electric bill and/or never seen the electric
bill? (Based on what they said)
"I've never seen our
electric bill/My spouse
takes care of it"
"I appreciate you letting me know! It sounds like it It's not a problem unless you treat it as a
would make more sense for you and your spouse problem. In most cases, it's just an empty
to be involved in this. How do you think they response, however, in the event the
would feel if you two were able to lower whatever homeowner says 'I need to talk to my
you're paying every month by 30-70% without spouse' we have an answer to that asking
having to come out of pocket for anything?" what do we think he/she would say?
Question to consider: What difference
does it make whether or not we're talking
"Oh, okay. I apologize and thank you for your
to one person or another? Who's the 'right
person' to speak to as long as they're a
homeowner (assuming they are)
"I think you have the
wrong number" While this objection should not occur
"I apologize for the confusion, sir/ma'am. This
considering how the script is constructed,
conversation isn't directed to anyone in particular
the conversation is not directed to a
as we're covering the entire state. How open
specific individual but rather those that
would you feel to lowering your monthly energy
are homeowners paying at least $150/mo
bill by up to 70% without coming out of pocket?"
for energy

"Got it. Well the good news here is that we're not
actually asking you to change electric providers, Question to consider: What impact does a
but rather just consider saving money every client being in a contract have with their
month with solar. You can still keep your current ability to go solar?
"I'm currently in a electric provider"
contract with my current
electric provider, I can't Many homeowners will naturally be under
switch" "Understood. It sounds like you may be under a the impression they are being offered a
different impression, so I'd like to ask -- how new electricity plan. However, it's
would you feel if we worked with your current important to educate the homeowner that
provider to lower the current consumption by 30- this program is designed to work with
50% without having to come out of pocket?" energy provider including their current

"I'm happy to hear that, (homeowner)! Perhaps

Question to consider: While we're saying
you will consider furthering lowering your bill with
way too much here and overly eager for
your electric provider and look at going solar? I
the sale, what happens if the client says
can connect you with a specialist to tell you
no to the closed ended question?
"I'm satisfied/happy with
my current electric
"Understood, (homeowner). If I may, it sounds like
Calm and collected, it's a simple dialogue
you're under a different impression. How would
that provides an opportunity to open the
you feel if we worked with your current provider
conversation further and explore what the
to lower the current consumption by 30-50%
client's thought process is
without having to come out of pocket?"

"Yes, well, no. This is a program pertaining to Question to consider: What is the main
solar where you can save up to 30-70% on electric concern the client is asking and how well
costs, but we're not going to have you pay do we actually address their concern with
anything upfront..." an answer provided like this?
"Are you trying to sell me
"Great question, homeowner, but no. We're
reaching out to homeowners the system has
identified as paying a substantial amount for The response provided takes the question
energy every month. How would you feel if we provided by the homeowner and redirects
were to take what you're currently paying every the concern back to the homeowner to
month and lowered the cost down by 30-70% provide a clarifying response
without having to come out of pocket for

"That's a great question, homeowner -- perhaps I Question to consider: While it is true that
can get you connected with a specialist in order it's not the setters role or responsibility to
to go more in depth with that conversation as my go in depth about topics such as finances
job is only to book the appointment. Is that okay or return on investment, what happens if
with you?" the homeowners says no to our request?
"What's my ROI (return
on investment) if I go
solar?" "Fantastic question to ask, homeowner. While I This specific question requires a bit more
am not the expert you want to be talking about consideration as not only does the
this, I will say that this program is only designed conversation need to be
for those that see it make sense financially. If maintained/controlled, it still requires a
those numbers don't make sense, then you're not satisfying answer to have the homeowner
obligated to move forward. I'd like to connect you feel inclined to speak to someone else.
with a specialist that can help show you what Obtaining the client's buy in while
those numbers look like. How fair does that sound providing a direct answer is the best
with you?" practice in these instances
Appropriate Responses & Questions: Responses
that clearly address a client's question, comment, concern, issue, or objection in an
effective manner while maintaining control of the call

"I completely understand... here's what I would like to do.... how fair does that sound
with you?"
"What are your thoughts about... (solution)?"
"I'd like to understand more... what concerns you the most about...?"
"That makes complete sense and I see where you're coming from on this... what do
you think would happen if... (solution)?"
"Listen, I get it. You're in a position thinking/feeling... what are your thoughts on...
"The best way to understand this conversation is by thinking of it as a bill
swap... taking what you're currently paying for electricity every month and
lowering that down to a fixed cost that never increases in the future as a
worse case scenario. How fair does that sound to you?"
"Hey, say no more, I get it. You're under the impression.... (homeowner's POV), but
here's the good news. How would you feel if I told you... (solution)?"
"I can tell you're under a different impression... what do you feel like you need in
order to better understand what we're talking about here?"
"If we could....(solution), how do you think you might feel?"
"How open would you be to taking a short 30 minute consultation with no obligation
if it could.... (resolve pain point)?"
"If you were to go solar, what do you feel would be the #1 focus you would want it to
do for you and your property?"
How would you feel if... (solution), considering you're currently in a position where...
"What do you feel like is stopping you from moving forward with a consultation
seeing as there's no obligation involved and you mentioned earlier... (pain point)?"
"Worst case scenario you take a consultation, you hate everything they have
to say and you continue forward in the exact same situation you're in now
paying for energy indefinitely. Best case scenario is you love everything that
is presented to you. How fair does that sound with you?"
"How would you feel if we could present alternative solutions or programs to you that
deliver all the benefits without the downside risks you're wanting to avoid?"

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