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“Moving beyond GDP to look at the world through the lens of wealth”


● Use the link above as your basis in making your article review on “Moving

beyond GDP to look at the world through the lens of wealth”

● Read and understand the article and make your own analysis.
● Follow the format below in answering this activity.
● Sharing of opinion is PROHIBITED.

I. FULL BIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: (State the complete bibliographic reference of

the article you are reviewing (authors, title, journal name, volume, issue, year, page
numbers, etc)

The World Bank Organization, "Moving beyond GDP to look at the world through the
lens of wealth." January 30, 2018.

II. INTRODUCTION: (State the Objective of the Article (goals or purpose), its domain/
topic area)

The goal of this article is to provide information about the economic status of countries
worldwide, including statistics and data comparisons over the last two decades. Its data
focuses primarily on the state of global wealth, the various sources of capital from high,
middle, and low-income countries, and its measured GDP. This article contributes to the
advancement of global wealth research by allowing future researchers to use this data
and improve the study that this article outlines.

III. BRIEF SUMMARY: (Summarize the article very briefly.)

The World Bank Organization reveals that there was an increase in global wealth in
comparison over the past two decades, in which middle-income countries were able to
catch up with the high-income countries. It was also revealed from the article, that from
the different sources of capital generated around the world, Human capital has the
largest contribution to the increase of global wealth, which points out the importance of
investing more in people. And it was also stated in the article that half of the wealth in
low-income countries comes from their Natural capital, and they were able to sustain and
build their wealth by investing and managing their renewable resources, which is where
their natural capital comes from. Although there's a rise in the total global wealth, there is
still inequality of wealth per capita for low-income countries. But despite this, there is still
an open gap for improvement in this research, and can be further studied by future

IV. ANALYSIS: (State what has changed since the article was written? How do its lessons,
ideas, and theories still apply? To what extent have its issues been resolved?)

Many events have occurred in recent years that have had a significant impact on the
state of the economies of various countries and global wealth in general. The worsening
of global warming in recent years has had a significant impact on low-income countries
that rely heavily on natural capital, lowering the state of the economy and income in
those countries. The global pandemic has contributed to the decline of global wealth,
and the economies of high, middle, and low-income countries that rely on business,
labor, tourism, and infrastructure have suffered. However, the ideas and theories
presented in this article are still relevant today and can be used by researchers to further
the study of global wealth.

V. GENERAL CRITIQUE: (In this section one should state his/her opinions of how well
the authors presented and discussed the results including interpretations in the article. It
should contain both positive and negative comments with due justification.)

This article is well-structured and comprehensible because it presents information on this

research using simple words, data, and graphs. The interpretations in the article are
informative and relevant to the study of economics, and researchers may find this article
useful as a reference for their research. This article, however, was written in 2018, and
there is already new additional information and updated studies from other recently
written articles. My only criticism of this article is that it lacks specifics and examples that
reflect the current state of global wealth. Overall, this article is very informative, but it
does have a few flaws.

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