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Persona Name: Jane Cleansmith

Profile Goals Challenges

Job Title: Senior VP Jobs to be Done: Account & brand executive responsible for owning & Pain Points: Dual-spouse careers (Husband is Architect), work-related travel, after
Job Role: Vice President Consumer Goods maintaining client-facing relationships & overall brand strategy & M&As, R&D, -business hours work interruption, maintaining a house, stress of maintaining a
Responsibilities: Executive ownership of P&L for development, launch, & execution. De-Facto Brand CEO. busy social life.
multi-national brand portfolio. Manages cross- Success definition: Establish consumer-brand relationships anchored to Worries: Not spending enough time with loved ones.
functional leadership to drive innovative customer delight. Time Wasters: Household chores
consumer goods brand strategies. Personal goals: Drive strong performance results in business while
Age: 36 maintaining a successful familial relationship (Husband, Son, Daughter, Father,
Education: MBA – Marketing, BS – Economics Mother, Friends).
Experience: 13 YOE in consumer marketing &
product management (High Tech & CGS)
Geography: Los Angeles, CA Personality Information Sources
Company Size: 5000+ (Medium)
Demeanor: Ambitious, Dedicated, Logical, Caring, Faithful Media Consumption: Internet Periodicals & Articles, Blogs, YouTube
Personality Traits: Curious, Compassionate, Impatient Watering Holes: Regional Company Offices, Client Locations, Airports, Uber / Lyft, Local
Values: Family, Health, Career Advertising, Restaurants, Athletics & Outdoors Groups
Social Networks: Instagram, Fishbowl, Blind, Reddit
Influencers: Ariana Huffington, Mark Cuban, Oprah Winfrey, Gary Vaynerchuk, Tony
Robbins, The Home Edit
Professional Associations: American Marketing Association (AMA), American Business
Women’s Association, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, World Wildlife Fund

See Jane. See Jane run. See Jane fly. Oftentimes it feels to Jane that this is all that she does, run from client to client, fly from deal to deal. She’s worked hard to achieve her position at the pinnacle of brand strategy
in the consumer goods space and her work ethic and innovative approach to driving consumer delight is unparalleled. Yet, Jane feels lost. While her career is important to her, she prizes her family & social life
above all else. With her husband (Richard, who is building his own architecture firm) working full-time as well, it leaves little time between the two of them to maintain their family and provide the love and support
required by their son, Miles, and their daughter, Jennifer. Add onto this the stress of maintaining close relationships with their relatives and their most important friends, it seems as if they have no time for
anything else, much less keeping a house in order. Household chores are a weekly struggle for Jane and her family and takes away much needed time that could be spent with her family. See Jane frustrated. See
Jane juggling. Jane could use some help…

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