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World Link 3, Unit 1

Good Morning World – Jay’s bad weekend

Kim: Good morning! Welcome to Good Morning World! We are your hosts, Kim Kimal…
Jay: (sighs) …and Jay Jones.
Kim: Hmm. Something about you is different, Jay. Did you change your hairstyle?
Jay: Not on purpose.
Kim: And that outfit. Is it… (clears throat) new?
Jay: Okay Kim. Go ahead and laugh. It looks like you had a good weekend. But I am a little
Kim: Uh-oh. What happened?
Jay: It all started Saturday morning. I was at the stove making breakfast for Precious…
Kim: Yes… Go on.
Jay: A dog has to eat, Kim. Like I was saying, I was making breakfast, and I heard a noise
under the kitchen sink. Then water started to come out onto the floor. It was a cracked water
Kim: Oh no! What did you do?
Jay: I picked up Precious and ran outside. The whole house was flooded.
Kim: Why didn’t you turn off the water?
Jay: I don’t know how to do that! And I—I mean, Precious—can’t swim.
Kim: Wow! It sounds bad.
Jay: That’s not all. I was standing outside in my pajamas and holding my dog, when a
photographer from The Daily World walked by. Have you seen the paper this morning?
Kim: No. (Rashid enters)
Rashid: Here you go, Kim. I put the other copies in your dressing room. (to Jay) I’m very sorry,
Kim: Oh Jay.
Jay: Can you believe this? Am I not allowed to have privacy? Don’t public figures have rights
too? So what if my house is flooded? It’s none of your business, Daily World!
Kim: Um, Jay, you’re on a morning show. Now it’s everybody’s business.
Jay: Oh. Right. Newspapers!
Kim: So what happens now?
Jay: Now I wait for the workers to do repairs on my house. They’re fixing the pipes, putting in
new floors, rearranging the furniture. I’m not supposed to go back there for a week!
Kim: At least you’re getting some home improvement projects done! Where are you staying?
Jay: At a hotel downtown. I don’t want to say which one because I don’t want The Daily World
to disturb me again!
Kim: I know what you should do. Call my friend Todd. He has an extra bedroom you can stay in
for the week. And he can, uh… (clears throats) give you some clothes to wear.
Jay: Really? Thanks, Kim! Mother will be glad. She’s getting tired of the hotel.

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