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Topic: Weather

1. Sunny: có nắng
2. Cloudy: mây
3. Clear: trong sạch
4. Hazy: mờ, sương mờ
5. Foggy: sương mù
6. Windy: có gió
7. humid/muggy: ẩm ướt
8. Raining: mưa
9. Drizzling: mưa rào
10. Snowing: tuyết
11. Hailing: mưa đá
12. Lightning: sấm sét
13. Thunderstorm: bão
14. Snowstorm: bão tuyết
15. dust storm: bão cát
16. Temperature: nhiệt độ
17. Thermometer: nhiệt kế
18. Hot: nóng
19. Warm: ấm
20. Cool: lạnh, mát mẻ
21. Cold: lạnh
22. Freezing: lạnh

II. Sentence.

Today, I want to tell about weather in Vietnam. I’m currently living in

Vietnam, which is a tropical country. When it comes to the weather
here, it’s scorching hot. It’s 37 degrees in Da nang during summer. I
usually go swimming with my family. In winter, it used to be frigid but
now it’s a bit more pleasant and bearable.

 kinda scorching hot: NÓNG NHƯ ĐỔ MỠ

 humid year-round: ẨM ƯỚT QUANH NĂM
 a tropical country: đất nước nhiệt đới
 pleasant and bearable. : dễ chịu
 frigid: lạnh lẽo

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