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various types of adjectives occurring in the same noun phrase:

1. Quantity or number
2. Quality or opinion
3. Size
4. Age
5. Shape
6. Color
7. Proper adjective (often nationality, origin, or material)
8. Purpose or qualifier

"The five large, beautiful, ancient, round, blue Italian porcelain vases adorned the shelf."

In this sentence:

 "The" is a determiner.
 "five" is a determiner indicating quantity.
 "large" is an observer adjective indicating size.
 "beautiful" is an opinion adjective.
 "ancient" is an adjective indicating age.
 "round" is an adjective indicating shape.
 "blue" is an adjective indicating color.
 "Italian" is an adjective indicating origin.
 "porcelain" is an adjective indicating material.
 "adorned" is a participle adjective indicating purpose or qualifier.

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