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% Europe

Exploring Utrecht
By Keith Jenkins

It’s curious how we sometimes look farther afield when

we think of travelling to beautiful places, while
overlooking the gems in our very own backyard. I’ve
lived in Amsterdam for about thirty years and I’ve been
to Utrecht many times before, usually for a meal or a
concert. I never really thought much about the city until
recently when two expats I chatted with, on separate
occasions, gushed about how much they love Utrecht.
That prompted me to plan a day trip to Utrecht. This
time, I told myself, I would just wander around the city
and check out the attractions of Utrecht at my own
pace. I discovered many things to see and do in Utrecht
and at the end of the day, I found myself in love with
this gorgeous city as well! Without doubt, Utrecht is
one of the most beautiful cities in the Netherlands.

Beautiful houses at the Oudegracht.

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Things to see and do in

Utrecht is the fourth largest city in the Netherlands and
also one of the oldest. The city’s history goes back to
the 1st century AD when a Roman fort was built on the
shores of the Rhine River (at the time, the Rhine River
followed a more northerly course in the Netherlands
than it does today), marking the northwestern border of
the Roman Empire. Through the centuries, Utrecht
played a significant role in the Netherlands’ history as a
religious and cultural centre. These days, the city is
home to the country’s largest university, whilst its
location in the geographic centre of the Netherlands
makes it a vital road and rail hub.

The map below shows the main attractions in Utrecht as

well as my walking route around the historic city centre.

Attractions in Utrecht

Kaartgegevens ©2022 Voorwaarden 500 m Sneltoetsen

Deze kaart is gemaakt door een gebruiker. Meer informatie over hoe


Vredenburg to Oudegracht
I started my walk at the Utrecht Central Station which
opens out into the Hoog Catharijne shopping mall.
From here, I made my way to Vredenburgplein
(Vredenburg square) and continued along the Lange
Elizabethstraat and Steenweg (two shopping streets),
the Mariastraat (with its many restaurants) and the
Speelklok Museum (an interesting museum
dedicated to mechanical music instruments) to the
Oudegracht (Old Canal). Along the way, I stopped for
brunch at the beautiful Olivier Belgian café.


The Hoog Catharijne Mall is located across from the

Utrecht Central Station.


The Hoog Catharijne shopping mall.

The Tivoli Vredenburg concert hall next to the Hoog

Catharijne mall.



At the Vredenburg square, I spotted this gorgeous Art

Nouveau building with Moorish influences.


The Huis Zoudenbalch is a 15th century house in the

Donkerstraat, just off the Steenweg.

The Olivier Belgian beer café.

At the Oudegracht (Old Canal), I crossed the
Maartensbrug (bridge) and continued my walk along
the eastern bank of the canal. The Oudegracht largely
follows the ancient path of the Rhine River. One of the
things that makes Utrecht so unique is the structure of
its canals, which have the street on the upper level and
warehouses and wharfs at the water or canal level.


I loved this little square adjacent to the Maartensbrug.

The Oudegracht seen from the Maartensbrug.

Many of these warehouses have been converted into

restaurants, art galleries, cafés and homes. One of the
best things to do in Utrecht is definitely a stroll along
the Oudegracht, one of the most beautiful canals in the


Quaint houses along the Oudegracht.

The canals in Utrecht with their two-levels: upper street

and lower canal-side.

Staircases connect both levels


Visitors can also kayak along the canals in Utrecht.

At the Haverstraat, take a moment to look into the

street. At the far end, you’ll spot something quite
extraordinary: a UFO perched atop De Inktpot

Spot the UFO!


! Find your accommodation in Utrecht


Check-in date

" 4 Aug '22

Check-out date

# 5 Aug '22


Zeven Steegjes (Seven Lanes)

Near the end of the canal, I turned right towards the
Zeven Steegjes (Seven Lanes) neighbourhood and
continued past the Geertekerk (church) to the
Pelmolenweg. This neighbourhood, commissioned by
the Church, was built in the mid-19th century for
labourers with families. Due to the prevalence of
diseases at the time (such as cholera), the houses and
lanes were designed with a focus on hygiene and
ventilation. For instance, the straight lanes in an east-
west axis were designed to channel wind through the


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