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Paper 2 The Environment of Pakistan MOCK 2024

1 hour 30 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
Additional Materials: Ruler

● Answer three questions.
● Use a black or dark blue pen.
● Write your name in the boxes at the top of the page.
● Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
● Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
● Do not write on any bar codes.
● If additional space is needed, you should use the lined page at the end of this booklet; the question
number or numbers must be clearly shown.

● The total mark for this paper is 75.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].
1 (a) Study Fig. 1, a graph showing wheat production and cultivation.

30 100
production area
(million tonnes) (million acres)

20 90

10 80

0 70
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Fig. 1

(i) By how much did wheat production increase from 1991 to 2010?

....................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) By how much did the area of wheat cultivation increase from 1991 to 2010?

....................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) Compare the production of wheat from 1991 to 2000 with the production from 2001 to




....................................................................................................................................... [2]

(iv) To what extent was the amount of wheat produced related to the cultivated area from
1991 to 2010?






....................................................................................................................................... [3]
(b) (i) Circle the months in which most wheat is grown in Pakistan.


(ii) Explain why the climate at this time is most suitable for wheat farming.







(c) Why are waterlogging and salinity called ‘the twin menaces for farmers’?





(d) Describe the ways in which damage by waterlogging and salinity can be prevented.












(e) To what extent can better education and training increase farm production?













[Total: 25]
2 (a) Study Figs 1 and 2 which give information about the extraction of three metallic minerals in
Pakistan in 2010–11.


300 0%


200 80% 20%

tonnes Iron ore
(000) Bauxite

60% 40%
Chromite Bauxite Iron ore

Fig. 1 Fig. 2
(i) How much iron ore was extracted in 2010–11?

(ii) State the difference between the type of information being provided in Fig. 1 compared to
that in Fig. 2.


(b) (i) Give one use for the mineral chromite and name one area where it is extracted in

Use ....................................................................................................................................

Area ...............................................................................................................................[2]

(ii) What are the benefits of extracting mineral resources for local people and the national








(iii) Explain the effects of mineral extraction on the natural environment.








(c) (i) Fig. 2.1 is a diagram of a thermal power station.




warm water cool water

cool water

Fig. 2.1
Choose three terms from the list below and use them to label the diagram in three of the
spaces provided.

reservoir transformer boiler turbine cooling tower steam [3]

(ii) Explain why burning fossil fuels in power stations is unsustainable.








Pakistan Railways now carry less than 10 percent of Pakistan’s passenger traffic and
5 percent of its freight.

To what extent is it possible to develop railways further in Pakistan? Support your answer by
using examples you have studied.














[Total: 25]
3 (a) Study Fig. 3 which gives information about employment in Pakistan by sector.

1973 2013


80% 20% 80% 20% Secondary

60% 40% 60% 40%

Fig. 3

(i) A. State the proportion of primary sector employment in 1973.


B. By how much has secondary employment increased between 1973 and 2013?


(ii) Suggest reasons for the change in tertiary employment shown in Fig. 3.






(b) (i) What are the causes of unemployment and underemployment in urban areas of Pakistan?







(ii) Suggest two reasons why unemployment is difficult to measure in countries such as

1 ........................................................................................................................................


2 ........................................................................................................................................

(c) (i) Study Fig. 3.1 which shows the distribution in Pakistan of selected cottage industries and
the engineering industry.

Peshawar Risalpur Rawalpindi

Taxila Gujrat

Dera Faisalabad Lahore
Quetta Khan
cottage industries
engineering industry
cottage industries
and engineering industry
international boundary
Karachi disputed boundary
provincial boundary
Arabian Sea 0 400

Fig. 3.1

A. Give an example of a cottage industry.


B. Compare the distribution of cottage industries and engineering industry as shown in

Fig. 3.1.






(ii) For the products of either cottage industry or engineering industry, identify your chosen
industry and circle a suitable method of transport.

Chosen industry ...............................................

air road ship rail [1]

(iii) Suggest one advantage of using this method of transport for your selected industry.



(iv) Explain what is meant by the term ‘small-scale industry’.






(d) Read the following two views about possibilities for industrial development in Pakistan.


It is better for Pakistan to promote large- It is better for Pakistan

scale industries which provide more goods to promote small-scale
for domestic use and for other industries. and cottage industries
in rural areas.

Which view do you agree with more? Give reasons to support your answer and refer to places
or examples you have studied.














[TOTAL: 25]
4 (a) (i) Study Fig. 4, which shows a diagram of the karez system of irrigation.







Fig. 4

Choose three terms from the list below and use them to label the diagram in three of the
spaces provided.

maintenance shaft aquifer canal tunnel water table [3]

(ii) Give an example of a barrage in Pakistan and name the river it is on.

Barrage ..............................................................................................................................

River ..............................................................................................................................[2]

(iii) State why barrages are needed in Pakistan.





(b) (i) Describe two ways in which the atmosphere in Pakistan can be polluted.

1 .........................................................................................................................................


2 ........................................................................................................................................

(ii) Explain how the use of chemical fertilisers on farms damages the natural environment.
You should develop your answer.









(c) Study Fig. 4.1, which shows water use by sector in Pakistan in 2008.


80% 20% Key:

irrigation / livestock

60% 40%

Fig. 4.1

(i) A Which sector used least water?


B How much water was used by the irrigation/livestock sector?


(ii) Name a type of industry that uses large amounts of water.

(iii) About 60% of irrigation water is lost before it reaches crops. Give three reasons why
irrigation water is lost in this way.

1 ........................................................................................................................................


2 ........................................................................................................................................


3 ........................................................................................................................................

(d) Read the following two views about water shortages in Pakistan:

The best way to prevent water The best way to prevent water shortages
shortages in Pakistan is to in Pakistan is to educate people about
build more dams and other different methods of saving water.
infrastructure projects. These These methods could be carried out in
will store or supply more water. agriculture, industry, and in homes.

Which view do you agree with more? Give reasons to support your answer and refer to
examples you have studied. You should consider both View A and View B in your answer.



















[TOTAL: 25]
5 (a) Study Fig. 5.1, which is a diagram of the Demographic Transition Model.


rate Z ...................................

births and deaths

(per 000 30
per year)

10 death
1 2 3 4 time

Fig. 5.1

(i) Add a suitable label for line Z on Fig. 5.1. [1]

(ii) Describe the changes that occur in Stage 2 of the Demographic Transition Model in
Fig. 5.1.




(b) (i) Suggest three reasons for a high and fluctuating death rate in Pakistan during Stage 1 of
the Demographic Transition Model.

1 ........................................................................................................................................


2 ........................................................................................................................................


3 ........................................................................................................................................


(ii) Explain two reasons for a fall in the birth rate in Pakistan during Stage 3 of the
Demographic Transition Model. You should develop your answer.








(c) (i) Define the term ‘population density’.



(ii) Study Fig. 5.2, a map showing the population density of Pakistan.

people per square kilometre
over 1000
101–1000 JAMMU &
disputed territory
international boundary
province-level boundary
disputed boundary

0 100 200 300

Arabian Sea

Fig. 5.2

Describe the population density of Pakistan.






(iii) Suggest reasons for the variation in population density in Pakistan as shown in Fig. 5.2.










(d) Pakistan’s population is predicted to double by 2050 if population growth continues at the
current rate.

Evaluate whether it will be possible for the government to support the population of Pakistan
in the future. Give reasons to support your judgement and refer to examples you have
studied. You should consider different points of view in your answer.



















[TOTAL: 25]

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