Pink and Green Doodle Hand Drawn Science Project Presentation

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Coconut oil (or coconut fat) is an edible oil derived from the kernels, meat, and milk of
the coconut palm fruit. Coconut oil is a white solid fat below around 25 °C (77 °F), and a
clear thin liquid oil in warmer climates. Roughly 90% of the fat in coconut oil is saturated
fat, and the remaining 9% is unsaturated. Its saturated fats, however, are not the same
as those found in animal fats. Lauric acid (12:0) and other medium-chain fatty acids
make up more than half of the fat in coconut oil. The best natural source of lauric acid is
coconut oil. The type of coconut used in this process was native coconuts. The way the
coconut oil was extracted was through boiling it.
Chopping board
Knives (small and large)
metel basins
Dutch pot
The coconut was husked
and cracked. Then it was
removed from the shell
using a small knife

The coconut was cut into

very small pieces and
placed inside a blender
where it was blended to be
as grainy as possible.
The blend was then poured
out into a strainer and
juiced of all its milk into a
dutch pot

The Dutch pot filled now

with coconut "milk" was
placed on the fire and
boiled till oil was seen
rising to the top, adding 4
cups of water to the "milk"
only once.
After the milk had een
boiling for 10 minutes large
quantities of oil began to
float to the top. It was then
skimmed off.

The skimmed oil was then

fryed out to purify it.
$0 was spent on this production due to the coconuts
being obtained from friends
It took 5 hours to produce the coconut oil from start
to finish
Some advantages of making coconut oil at home is
that you know that no chemicals were added and
that it is pure. A disadvantage is that making
coconut oil from home is very time consuming and
can lead to ingury if not doneproperly.
Coconut oil is edible and low in unsaturated fats.
Coconut oil is inexpensive to make at home but is very
time consuming and labouring.
I would like to thank my mother for telling
how to to make the coconut oil and my
mother's friend, Mr. Chance who owns a
farm near us and provied me with he
coconut free of charge
Ms. Beverley Lynch (my mother)

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