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Integrative Tumor Board

6. Tisdale MJ. Wasting in cancer. J Nutr. 1999;129(1S Suppl):243S- 27. Fraker LD, Halter SA, Forbes JT. Growth inhibition by retinol of
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and vinorelbine for patients with advanced breast cancer previ- and TGF-beta R-II expression by human MDA-MB-435 breast
ously treated with anthracyclines: a phase II study. Oncol cancer cells. Nutr Cancer. 1996;26:237-250.
Rep.2001;8(4):801-805. 29. Dai J, Ram PT, Yuan L, et al. Transcriptional repression of ROR
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breast cancer with vinorelbine and docetaxel with or without Cell Endocrinol. 2001;176(1-2):111-120.
human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. J Clin Oncol. 30. Eur J Cancer. 1996;32A;1340-1343.
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10. Perkins JB, Fields KK, Elfenbein GJ. Ifosfamide/carboplatin/ sion of human prostate and breast tumors in athymic mice by
etoposide chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer with or tea epigallocatechin gallate. Cancer Lett. 1995;96(2):239-243.
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evaluation of dose-response relationships. Semin Oncol.
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11. Tisdale MJ. Cancer anorexia and cachexia. Nutrition. Shauna Rey, ND
2001;17(5):438-442. Julie Martin, ND
12. al-Majid S, McCarthy DO. Cancer-induced fatigue and skeletal Michelle Rogers, ND
muscle wasting: the role of exercise. Biol Res Nurs. 2001;2(3): Department of Naturopathic Medicine
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13. Roubenoff R, Wilson IB. Effect of resistance training on self-
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reported physical functioning in HIV infection. Med Sci Sports
Exerc. 2001;33(11):1811-1817. 2520 Elisha Avenue
14. Roubenoff R. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome wasting, Zion, IL 60046
functional performance, and quality of life. Am J Manag Care.
15. Agin D, Gallagher D, Wang J, et al. Effects of whey protein and Traditional Chinese Medicine Analysis
resistance exercise on body cell mass, muscle strength, and
quality of life in women with HIV. AIDS. 2001;15(18):2431- The current case study of a female, age 51, with breast
2440. cancer, is especially well suited for a Traditional Chi-
16. Quella SK, Loprinzi CL, Barton DL, et al. Evaluation of soy nese Medicine (TCM) approach because the clinical
phytoestrogens for the treatment of hot flashes in breast can- data provided is relatively detailed; enough relevant
cer survivors: a North Central Cancer Treatment Group Trial. J
Clin Oncol. 2000;18(5):1068-1074.
symptoms and clinical signs are described to permit
17. Allred CD, Allred KF, Ju YH, et al. Soy diets containing varying differential assessment of at least the major categories
amounts of genistein stimulate growth of estrogen-dependent of TCM syndromes with a high level of certainty. Most
(MCF-7) tumors in a dose-dependent manner. Cancer Res. of the TCM syndromes typical of individuals with
cancer1 are present to some degree in the present case,
18. Nakagawa H, Yamamoto D, Kiyozuka Y, et al. Effects of
genistein and synergistic action in combination with making this a nearly textbook example of common el-
eicosapentaenoic acid on the growth of breast cancer cell lines. ements involved in designing a clinical strategy and
J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2000;126(8):448-454. herbal formula for such individuals. One should note,
19. Messina MJ, Loprinzi CL. Soy for breast cancer survivors: a criti- however, that wide variations in the manifestation of
cal review of the literature. J Nutr. 2001;131(11 Suppl):3095S-
108S. cancer from this textbook-like case are possible; in
20. This P, De La Rochefordiere A, Clough K, et al. Phytoestrogens such cases, the correct strategy may differ considerably
after breast cancer. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2001;8(2):129-134. from that outlined here. For readers unfamiliar with
21. Petilli M, Fiorelli G, Benvenuti S. Interactions between TCM terminology, the authors’ article elsewhere in
ipriflavone and the estrogen receptor. Calcif Tissue Int. 1
this issue may provide some clarification.
22. Kuiper GG, Lemmen JG, Carlsson B, et al. Interaction of estro-
genic chemicals and phytoestrogens with estrogen receptor TCM Syndrome Assessment
beta. Endocrinology. 1998;139(10):4252-4263. TCM syndromes relevant to this case of a female, age
23. Chen I, McDougal A, Wang F, et al. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor- 51, with breast cancer, are listed below, followed in pa-
mediated antiestrogenic and antitumorigenic activity of
diindolylmethane. Carcinogenesis. 1998;19:1631-1639. rentheses by a magnitude estimate from 0 to 7, fol-
24. Ge X, Yannai S, Rennert G, et al. 3,3¢-diindolylmethane lowed by a list of specific symptoms that provide
induces apoptosis in human cancer cells. Biochem Biophys Res evidence for the syndrome according to the rules and
Commun. 1996;228:153-158. definitions of traditional Chinese health care. Magni-
25. Meng Q, Goldberg ID, Rosen EM, et al. Inhibitory effects of
tude estimates are scalar indicators related to both the
indole-3-carbinol on invasion and migration in human breast
cancer cells. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2000;63(2):147-152. likelihood that a syndrome validly describes aspects of
26. Recchia F, Sica G, de Filippis S, et al. Interferon-beta, retinoids, the case and its relative magnitude or intensity; the
and tamoxifen in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer: a higher the number, the more probable is the syn-
phase II study. J Interferon Cytokine Res. 1995;15:605-610. drome and the greater its intensity. Rules of inference


Advanced Breast Cancer

based on correlation of individual symptoms and Predominant Organs Affected

symptom clusters with specific syndromes provides the by Deficiency of Blood
basis for deriving these estimates.
(1) Liver: Painful intercourse due to dryness, and
Notes without relief from lubricating gels; orthostatic
(1) terminology used in a TCM context is generally capitalized to hypotension due to anemia; plus the consideration
distinguish from ordinary colloquial or medical usage; (2) in the fol- that TCM theory indicates Liver to be primary organ
lowing analysis of syndromes, parenthetical comments preceded by affected by a significant Deficiency of Blood.
question marks call attention to symptoms and clinical signs for
which the TCM interpretation may not be clear, due either to inade-
quate detail in the original case history or to lack of confirming (2) Middle Burner (includes Organs of Liver, Stomach,
evidence. Spleen, and Gall Bladder): L2, R2 pulse positions are
weak-narrow-distinct in quality.
Deficiency Qualities or Syndromes
(a1). Deficiency of Yang (magnitude 7): Fatigue; feels (3) Heart: L1, R1 pulse positions are weak-wide-fuzzy
“cold to the bone”; prefers room temperature or warm in quality; difficulty falling asleep.
drinks; frequent, profuse urination, sometimes leaks
urine when coughing; chemotherapy gives her loose, (c). Deficiency of Yin (magnitude 4): Sensation of
watery stools; sensation of chills at night; voice quality excessive body warmth, only during chemotherapy
low, soft, and slow; tongue tissue pale and thin; tongue treatments; lack of perspiration for last 3 years—even
coating very thin, white; pulses generally weak; L1, R1, when hot outside cannot sweat; excessive thirst previ-
R3 pulse positions are weak-wide-fuzzy in quality; ous 2 years, drinks a lot; lost 10 pounds in the last year
hypothyroidism. (?currently underweight?); fingertips crack and bleed
after chemotherapy; painful intercourse due to dry-
(a2). Deficiency of Qi (magnitude 6): Fatigue; voice ness, without relief from lubricating gels; sleeps rest-
quality low, soft, and slow; tongue tissue pale and thin; lessly only 6 hours per night, claims to have no dreams,
tongue coating very thin, white; pulses generally weak; but difficulty falling asleep and tendency to reawaken;
L1, R1, R3 pulse positions are weak-wide-fuzzy in qual- tongue tissue dry and thin; tongue coating very thin,
ity; hypothyroidism. white with longitudinal yellow bands on both sides of
the midline; pulses generally weak; L2, L3, R2 pulse
Predominant Organs Affected by positions are weak-narrow-distinct in quality.
Deficiency of Yang and of Qi
Predominant Organs Affected
(1) Kidney/Urinary-Bladder: Frequent, profuse uri- by Deficiency of Yin
nation, sometimes leaks urine when coughing; hypo-
thyroidism; R3 pulse weak-wide-fuzzy. (1) Kidney: Excessive thirst; underweight; painful
intercourse due to dryness; plus the consideration
(2) Spleen: Poor appetite, has to force herself to eat; that TCM theory indicates kidney to be primary organ
chemotherapy gives her loose, watery stools; R2 pulse affected by a significant deficiency of yin; L3 pulse
weak-wide-fuzzy. position is weak-narrow-distinct in quality.

(3) Probably Lungs: Chemotherapy depresses immune (2) Heart: Sleeps restlessly only 6 hours per night,
system—weakened Protective Qi. tendency to reawaken.

(b). Deficiency of Blood (magnitude 7): Lost 10 (3) Stomach: Poor appetite; has to force herself to
pounds in the last year (?currently underweight?); fin- eat; tongue tissue dry and thin; tongue coating very
gertips crack and bleed after chemotherapy; painful thin; R2 pulse position is weak-narrow-distinct in
intercourse due to dryness, without relief from lubri- quality.
cating gels; dizziness (?if due to anemia, it is likely that
this type of “dizziness” is due to the faintness associ- Comments: Deficiency of Yin was assigned a magni-
ated with orthostatic hypotension, in contrast to rota- tude of only 4 relative to the Deficiency of Yang, Qi,
tory vertigo or disequilibrium); difficulty falling and Blood, because several important indicators of
asleep; tongue tissue pale, dry, and thin; tongue coat- severe Deficiency of Yin are absent: night sweats,
ing very thin, white; pulses generally weak; L2, L3, R2 noticeable fissures of tongue tissues, reddish hue to
pulse positions are weak-narrow-distinct in quality. tongue tissue, rapid pulse. Additionally, the sensations


Integrative Tumor Board

of heat are felt only during the chemotherapy, and not lack of symptoms characteristic of specific Organs or
at other times. body locations. The distribution of the yellow tongue
coating, by itself, suggests that the Excess-Heat is sys-
Excess Qualities or Syndromes temic but low-grade. This conclusion would be consis-
tent with the presence of chronic systemic infections
(a1). Stagnation of Blood (magnitude 7): Dark red (bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic) in people with can-
small dots appear after chemotherapy (where on body cer who have received radiation and conventional che-
surface?—location may have significance related to motherapy, which are very destructive to the immune
internal organs and acupuncture meridians affected, system as well as other body systems.
similar to phenomena of referred pain); hip pain due
to tumor; prior history of irregular periods, Comments: Excess-Heat was assigned a magnitude of
premenstrual bloating, breast tenderness and swell- only 3, because several important indicators of Excess-
ing, and anger; occasionally angers easily; pulse posi- Heat are absent: reddish tongue tissue, thick tongue
tion L2 choppy in quality; sciatica. coating, continual feverishness or sensation of heat,
rapid pulse rate.
Predominant Organs Affected
by Stagnation of Blood (c). Dampness/Phlegm (magnitude 2): Fatigue; nau-
sea and vomiting during chemotherapy only; chronic
Liver: Premenstrual bloating, breast tenderness sinus problems—copious, clear, thin, runny mucous
and swelling, and anger; occasionally angers easily; during chemotherapy; L1, R1, R3 pulse positions have
pulse position L2 choppy in quality; plus the consider- fuzzy or indistinct boundaries to the pulse pressure
ation that TCM theory indicates Liver to be primary profiles.
Organ affected by significant Stagnation of Blood.
Comments: Dampness/Phlegm was assigned a magni-
(a2). Stagnation of Qi (magnitude 7): Lack of perspira- tude of 2, because although the preceding listed symp-
tion for last 3 years —even when hot outside, cannot toms are not reliable indicators of Dampness/
sweat; prior history of irregular periods, premenstrual Phlegm, the weakness of Spleen Qi and Yang would
bloating, breast tenderness and swelling, and anger; make this a likely possibility; weak Spleen function is a
occasionally angers easily; pulse position L2 is choppy common etiologic factor in the development of
in quality, and position R1 palpated pulse duration is Dampness/Phlegm syndromes. Fatigue can also be
short; nausea, vomiting, and cramping during men- explained in this case by Deficiency of Yang and of Qi,
ses; sciatica. and sinus discharge can be present in allergic condi-
tions or during onset of upper respiratory infections
Predominant Organs Affected without necessarily indicating a true condition of Inte-
by Stagnation of Qi rior Dampness/Phlegm. More typical symptom-sign
indicators of Phlegm include slippery pulse quality
Liver: Premenstrual bloating, breast tenderness and and a tongue coating that is thick and greasy or slimy
swelling, and anger; occasionally angers easily; pulse in appearance. It is possible, however, that in cases of
position L2 choppy in quality; nausea and vomiting severe exhaustion, for which the various Deficiency
during menses—suggests “Liver Invading Stomach/ syndromes will predominate, that manifestations of
Spleen” syndrome; cramping during menses; plus the Phlegm may become “hidden” and only manifest as
consideration that TCM theory indicates Liver to be clear symptoms and signs once the Deficiencies are
primary Organ affected by significant Stagnation of resolved and the individual’s vitality improves.
Assessment Summary
(b). Excess-Heat (magnitude 3): Sensation of excessive
body warmth, only during chemotherapy treatments; Deficiency Aspects
excessive thirst previous 2 years, drinks a lot; tongue
(a) Deficiency of Yang (magnitude 7) and Deficiency of
coating with longitudinal yellow bands on both sides
Qi (magnitude 6): of Kidney/Urinary-Bladder, Spleen,
of the midline. Lungs.
(b) Deficiency of Blood (magnitude 7): of Liver, Middle
Predominant Organs Affected by Excess-Heat: In this Burner, Heart.
case, the Excess-Heat is difficult to localize to any spe- (c) Deficiency of Yin (magnitude 4): of Kidney, Heart,
cific subset of Organs or body regions, because of the Stomach.


Advanced Breast Cancer

Excess Aspects Recommended Herbal Formula

(a) Stagnation of Blood (magnitude 7) and Stagnation of
Doses of each recommended ingredient are in grams/
Qi (magnitude 7): of Liver. day. For optimal effectiveness, most of the herbs below
(b) Excess-Heat (magnitude 3): possibly systemic. would be combined and water decoctions (slow cook-
(c) Dampness/Phlegm (magnitude 2). ing) prepared for several days at a time. Abbreviations
used include Cx = cortex or bark; Hb = herb (whole
Recommended Clinical Strategy plant); Rx = root; Rz = rhizome; S = seed; Rml = branch
or twigs (see Note below regarding herb names.
There is a general principle in TCM theory that one
For complete listings of botanical species that are
must resolve Excess conditions before tonifying or re-
considered equivalent for purposes of clinical usage
solving Deficiencies. If physical blockages prevent nu-
trients or other substances from reaching target cells and for optimal preparation and cooking, see refer-
or tissues, overloading the body with nutrients may ences by Bensky and Wicke.
place an added burden on excretory systems of the
body as the surplus is metabolized and excreted. As an Goals and Composition of Herbal Formula
example of this type of misguided strategy, if an indi- The following tonify Yang (magnitude 7) and Qi (mag-
vidual with cancer is characterized by severe Deficien- nitude 6) of the Kidney/Urinary-Bladder, Spleen, Lungs
cies including weight loss and a weakened digestive and warm Interior:
system, it makes no sense to force feed them rich meat
dishes when they will only get indigestion; such a strat- Rx Astragali (huang qi), 18 g,
egy risks creating additional systemic toxicity and in- Rx Aconiti Carmichaeli Praeparata (fu zi), 5 g,
Rx Codonopsis (dang shen), 6 g.
creased tumor growth. Another common example is
the problem of dealing with systemic staphylococcus
infections, which have a tendency to sequester them- The large dose of Rx Astragali will support the Pro-
selves in encapsulated pockets that are difficult to tective Qi and enhance immune response. Rx Aconiti
reach with antibiotics. In such cases, it makes sense to Carmichaeli Praeparata strongly warms the interior
supplement antibiotics (either medicinal or herbal) and counteracts feelings of cold that penetrates “to
with herbs that help to break through the encapsula- the bone”; the specially processed variety recom-
tions, such as Myrrha and Cx Moutan Radicis, which mended here has a much reduced toxicity relative to
are classified as “blood-invigorators” and can help to untreated aconite root; aconite stimulates adrenal
safely resolve blood clots and soften scar tissue and tu- hormone secretion and is a cardiotonic. Rx Codonopsis
mors. tonifies Qi and improves vitality levels.
In this clinical case, there are severe Deficiency The following tonify Blood (magnitude 7) of the
aspects combined with severe excess aspects, primarily Liver, Middle Burner, and Heart:
Stagnation of Blood and of Qi, and to a lesser degree,
systemic Excess-Heat. Applying the rule of removing Rx Angelicae Sinensis (dang gui), 5 g,
Excess before resolving Deficiency, in practice means Rx Rehmanniae Glutinosae Conquitae (shu di huang),
that we must place greater emphasis on removing 4 g.
Stagnation of Blood and Qi, but if we ignore the Defi-
ciencies altogether, the body may become danger- Both Rx Angelicae Sinensis and Rx Rehmanniae
ously weakened, and we cannot afford to do this Glutinosae Conquitae strongly tonify Blood. Tonifying
either. Chemotherapy is an example of what would be the Blood and the Yin should help improve sleep; the
classified as an “attacking” (clearing Excess) strategy insomnia in this case is associated with Deficiency of
in TCM, and the debilitating side effects of nausea, both Blood and Yin of the Heart. The large dose of Rx
vomiting, weakness, livers, and kidney damage are well Astragali will assist Rx Angelicae Sinensis in tonifying
known. Ideally, supportive strategies to tonify the Qi, the blood; these two herbs constitute a traditional for-
Blood, and Yin can help to counteract many of these mula called “Tangkuei Decoction to Tonify the Blood”.
severe side effects. The recommended initial strategy The following tonify Yin (magnitude 4) of the Kid-
at this point will be to use herbs that resolve Stagnation ney, Heart, and Stomach:
of Blood and Qi, but simultaneously and to a some-
what lesser degree, support the Yang, Qi, Blood, and Rx Trichosanthis (tian hua fen), 5 g,
Yin in the approximate proportions (see magnitude Carapax Amydae (bie jia), 15 g.
estimates in “Assessment Summary”) in which they are
Deficient. To a lesser degree, we must also clear and Rx Trichosanthis will moisten Fluids, alleviate thirst,
resolve the Excess-Heat. and also help to channel the effect of other herbs to


Integrative Tumor Board

the breast region. Carapax Amydae tonifies Kidney anticancer effects. Hb Oldenlandiae Diffusae acts pri-
Yin and softens tumors and hard masses. marily by stimulating white blood cell activity rather
The following invigorate the Blood and circulate Qi than directly attacking cancer cells.
(magnitude 7) of the Liver: Additional herbs for occasional or optional use
Rx Bupleuri (chai hu), 5 g,
Tuber Curcumae Zedoariae (e zhu), 3 g, S Coicis (yi yi ren), 12 g,
Rz Sparganii (san leng), 3 g, S Vaccariae (wang bu liu xing), 5 g,
Eupolyphaga (di bie chong), 3 g, Cx Albizziae (he huan pi), 6 g,
Myrrha (mo yao), 3 g, Rml Cinnamomi (gui zhi), 4 g,
Rx Sausurreae (mu xiang), 4 g, Hb Annona Muriata, 5 g.
Pseudoginseng (san qi), 3 g.
S Coicis may be used to gently firm up the stools
Rx Bupleuri is said to “dredge” the Qi of the Liver, when these are loose; it strengthens Spleen Qi and
and is also useful when Liver Qi is stagnant due to emo- gently drains Damp Heat; it also has mild but signifi-
tional factors, such as tendency to anger easily. Tuber cant effects in preventing certain types of cancers if
Curcumae Zedoariae and Rz Sparganii are commonly taken regularly over long periods of time. It would be
used together in many different types of cancer, espe- especially useful during and immediately after chemo-
cially in those cases where Stagnation of Blood is a therapy, as it is bland tasting and easily digested, is sim-
major factor. Eupolyphaga and Myrrha also invigorate ilar to rice in cooking procedure and texture, can be
Blood circulation and help to resolve tumors. eaten with other food, and will help to counteract the
Pseudoginseng, although it also invigorates Blood, is severe diarrhea that sometimes results from
added to buffer the possibly harsh effects of the other chemotherapy.
Blood-invigorating herbs and to counteract a ten- S Vaccariae and Cx Albizziae both invigorate Blood.
dency toward bleeding. The symptom of frequent S Vaccariae is specific for Stagnation of Blood in the
nosebleeds suggests a pattern called “Spleen Not breast region. Cx Albizziae also has a calming action
Holding Blood”, which will hopefully be minimized by and improves sleep in conditions of Stagnation of
the herbs listed under “Tonify Yang and Qi”; but if this Liver Qi associated with suppressed emotions, resent-
is not adequate, pseudoginseng should further dimin- ment, and anger.
ish the likelihood of bleeding, as it enhances the nor- Rml Cinnamomi may be added to the formula if a
mal clotting mechanism at the same time that it stronger action of tonifying the Heart Yang, improv-
promotes lysozymal activity necessary to break down ing peripheral circulation, and warming the extremi-
blood clots. (For this reason, and its relative safety and ties is desired.
low toxicity, it is commonly used before and during Hb Annona Muriata (graviola) is a South American
surgical procedures in China.) herb that would probably be classified in the TCM cat-
For examples of Blood-invigorating formulas that egory of herbs that “clear Heat and Toxicity”, and
have similar properties and/or ingredients to the might be used here to complement Hb Solani Nigri
Blood-invigorating section of the formula recom- and Hb Oldenlandiae Diffusae. Data published within
mended in this case, see “Rhubarb and Eupolyphaga recent years suggest that this may be a promising
Pill”, “Tonify Yang to Restore Five Decoction”, “drive anticancer herb. The authors’ limited experience with
Out Stasis in the Mansion of the Blood Decoction”, this particular herb suggests that it should be used
and “Corydalis Decoction”.5 intermittently to give the Spleen Qi a chance to recover,
The following clear Excess-Heat (magnitude 3): as it tends to inhibit digestive Qi, which is a common
side effect of other herbs in the “Clear Heat and Tox-
Rx Anemarrhenae (zhi mu), 4 g, icity” category.
Hb Solani Nigri (long kui), 5 g,
Hb Oldenlandiae Diffusae (bai hua she shi cao), 25 g. Comments and Precautions
At least several effects of this formula would typically
Rx Anemarrhenae is the herb of choice whenever be evident within several days. At that time, the total
there is deficiency of yin in combination with systemic clinical picture should be reevaluated for the follow-
Excess-Heat; it possesses antimicrobial activity against ing possibilities:
Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, E. coli, Bacillus
subtilis, Vibrio cholerae, and many pathogenic derma- (a) If digestive complaints develop, such as abdominal
tomycoses. Hb Solani Nigri and Hb Oldenlandiae bloating or nausea, or development of thick tongue
Diffusae help to clear Heat; both have significant coating, the tonification aspects probably need to be


Advanced Breast Cancer

Table 1. Complete Herbal Formula Blood tonics and possibly as Yin tonics, which are
Quantity to highly indicated in the present clinical case.
Be Taken (b) Avoid all sources of hydrogenated and poor quality
Herb (grams/day) fats and oils; use sparingly only olive, almond, and ses-
Rx Astragali (huang qi) 18 ame oils, and organically produced butter.
Rx Aconiti Carmichaeli Praeparata (fu zi) 5 (c) Avoid all sources containing soy and soy derivatives,
Rx Codonopsis (dang shen) 6
except for miso. Although there is much propaganda
Rx Angelicae Sinensis (dang gui) 5
Rx Rehmanniae Glutinosae Conquitae (shu di huang) 4 concerning the purported health benefits of soy, we
Rx Trichosanthis (tian hua fen) 5 have witnessed soy consumption to frequently result
Carapax Amydae (bie jia) 15 in numerous health problems, including digestive
Rx Bupleuri (chai hu) 5
Tuber Curcumae Zedoariae (e zhu) 3
difficulty, hypothyroidism, and possibly development
Rz Sparganii (san leng) 3 of cancers.7 From a TCM perspective, soy products
Eupolyphaga (tu bie chong) 3 tend to aggravate or induce Stagnation of Qi and
Myrrha (mo yao) 3 Blood, Phlegm/Dampness, and Deficiency of Qi and
Rx Sausurreae (mu xiang) 4
Pseudoginseng (san qi) 3
Rx Anemarrhenae (zhi mu) 4 (d)Avoid eating late at night. The last meal of the day
Hb Solani Nigri (long kui) 5 should be relatively light and no later than 6 PM. It is
Hb Oldenlandiae Diffusae (bai hua she shi cao) 25 important for the digestive system to be relatively
empty at night when, according to the TCM theory of
circadian rhythms, the detoxification cycle (“regulat-
ing and harmonizing the Qi”) of the Gall Bladder and
reduced. In any case, the formula should be taken
Liver reaches its peak (11 PM to 3 AM).
warm, on an empty stomach, preferably at least one
(e) Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate; all of these contain
hour before a meal, and definitely not in the evening
xanthine alkaloids, which may promote growth of
or before bed to minimize the likelihood of digestive
certain tumors. From a TCM perspective, these sub-
stances overstimulate the Yang and the Qi, leading to
(b) If bleeding develops, nose bleeds are aggravated, or
eventual exhaustion. Caffeine, being a diuretic, can
fatigue is aggravated, the dosage and number of
also lead to Deficiency of Yin if consumed regularly.
herbs in the “Invigorate Blood and Circulate Qi” cate-
(f) Eliminate or minimize use of pharmaceutical prod-
gory should be reduced. These herbs are somewhat
ucts, recreational drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. Opi-
harsh and may be too aggressive in nature, and must
ates, marijuana, and many other drugs act as immune
either be countered by adequate tonification herbs
system suppressants. Most drugs tend to place a toxic
or the dosages be reduced to where they are tolerated
burden on the liver and kidneys and lead to aggra-
vated Stagnation of Qi and Blood as well as aggra-
(c) The symptoms of fatigue, feeling “cold to the bone”,
vated Deficiency syndromes.
and insomnia would probably be the first symptoms
(g) Using appropriate lab tests, check for the possibility
to be alleviated, and this would typically occur to a
of heavy metal (mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, etc)
noticeable degree after the first week.
exposure and contamination. Although the absence
of a lot of neurological symptoms and signs in this
Diet and Other Supportive Strategies case makes heavy metal contamination less likely,
For any person with cancer, taking herbs alone is not there are a number of symptoms for which it remains
sufficient. Also necessary are a pure diet tailored to the a possibility, including her work in a dental office
individual’s body type and TCM syndromes, avoidance (possible mercury exposure). Anytime a clinical case
of toxic chemicals and environmental hazards, espe- presents with a broad spectrum of TCM syndromes,
cially those known to cause cancer, and the promotion for which it appears that many major body systems
of healthy activities. General recommendations we have degenerated simultaneously, as in this case, heavy
have found to be crucial, and that are also appropriate metal contamination should always be considered
and eliminated as a possibility. If heavy metals are
for the clinical case under consideration:
found in the body, their presence may severely sup-
press the immune system, place excessive burden on
(a) Include regular amounts of oily fishes (sardines, jack the antioxidant capacity of the body, and may be a
mackerel, herring, salmon) and freshly ground flax major factor in the development of cancers. TCM
seed in diet for their essential fatty acid (EFA) con- assessment methods, as exemplified in this article,
tent. Flax seed also contains lignans, and both lignans are not especially suitable for revealing heavy metal
and EFAs enhance the immune system’s ability to contamination; in addition, the traditional, historical
accurately distinguish between foreign cells, includ- TCM herbal protocols are not that effective in remov-
ing cancers, and the body’s normal, healthy cells. ing heavy metal contamination from the body. The
These food substances would be classified in TCM as authors have developed special dietary and herbal


Integrative Tumor Board

methods for handling this problem to supplement ounce of rosemary leaves for 20 minutes and add
TCM methods. decocted liquid to hot bath water to help stimulate
(h)Avoid drinking contaminated water (most tap water) sweating. Be sure to drink plenty of warm (not cold)
without filtration to reduce heavy metal content, liquids while in the hot bath. Perspiration is an impor-
organic chemicals (pesticides and solvents), and tant mechanism for elimination of toxins and waste
microbes. Preferably drink spring water from a certi- products, and the lack of perspiration in this case is of
fied clean source. Strictly avoid fluorinated water. concern. Inclusion of a large dose of Rx Astragali in
Unlike chloride, fluoride is difficult to remove; it is the herbal formula may also help to normalize perspi-
carcinogenic and suppresses immune function, and ration. Lack of perspiration in this case is probably
there is no excuse for including it in any water for due to both disruption and disharmony of Protective
human consumption. Note that green and black tea Qi and Deficiency of Yin and of Fluids.
(Camellia sinensis) contain extremely high concen- (c) Increase consumption of steamed vegetables, espe-
trations of natural fluoride and should be avoided for cially of cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, kale, col-
this reason. lards, mustard greens. These vegetables in raw form
(i) Get plenty of fresh air, moderate exercise, and expo- are too “cold” and may suppress thyroid activity and
sure to sunlight. aggravate Deficiency of Yang and Qi, but in steamed
(j) Avoid cooking or heating of food or drink in micro- form are a valuable source of phytochemicals known
wave ovens. Microwave ovens not only emit danger- to inhibit cancer cells; from a TCM perspective they
ous radiation, but alter the food chemically and also help to regulate the Qi and Blood. Also useful are
severely reduce its food value; consumption of the yellow vegetables, including carrots, squashes,
microwaved food may induce pathological changes yams and sweet potatoes, and pumpkins; these tonify
in the appearance of red and white blood cells. the Qi and are an important source of vitamin A
(k) Avoid fluorescent lights, television viewing, and all which helps to support the function of Protective Qi.
media with a negative emotional content. Fluores- Tomatoes and eggplant are helpful in resolving stag-
cent lighting may induce migraines and seizures in nation of Blood; plants in the Solanaceae (night-
susceptible individuals, and it induces unhealthy shade) family have been shown to have anticancer
brain-wave patterns in otherwise normal individuals. activity, including Solanum nigrum, which is included
Both the flickering and the color spectrum have been in the herbal formula. Note, while drinking raw vege-
shown to be factors in creating unhealthy effects. table juices is reputed be a helpful method in many
From a TCM perspective, habitual exposure to fluo- types and patterns of cancer, these tend to be not as
rescent lighting exhausts the Kidney Qi. beneficial for people with severe Deficiency of Yang
(l) Get plenty of sleep, and go to bed by 10 PM. Undis- and Deficiency of Spleen Qi, as in the present case,
turbed sleep at nighttime is essential for the body to for reasons similar to why consuming cold foods
perform much of its restorative functions. In this clin- should be avoided in such cases.
ical case, the insomnia is a key symptom that should (d)Coffee enemas may be useful to help detoxify the liver
be monitored; the success of the clinical strategy dur- and digestive system. From a TCM perspective, coffee
ing the first few weeks will depend upon how effec- enemas have a dredging action on the Liver, similar to
tively the insomnia can be relieved. Rx Bupleuri and Tuber Curcumae Zedoaria; they can
also aggravate Deficiency syndromes if done to excess
or without adequate supportive or tonifying mea-
The following recommendations are specific to the sures. Coffee administered by enema has very differ-
syndrome patterns of the present case. ent physiological effects from drinking coffee, and it
is a common practice in many successful cancer pro-
(a) All foods and liquids should be taken warm or hot; tocols. The coffee should be certified organically
cold foods and liquids should be strictly avoided. The grown; steep up to 1/4 cup of ground coffee in 8 cups
Deficiency of Yang will be aggravated by exposure to of hot boiling water (filtered or spring water) for 30
cold, either by cold weather or by ingestion of cold minutes, carefully strain liquid using unbleached fil-
substances. Digestion and the activity of digestive ter paper, let cool to slightly above body temperature
enzymes is significantly impaired by low tempera- (warm), then administer by enema and retain fluids
tures; most digestive enzymes have maximal activity at in colon for 10 to 20 minutes if possible.
close to normal body temperature. Consumption of
warm and hot foods will specifically help to alleviate Use of Music to Resolve Emotional/
Deficiency of Spleen Yang and Qi.
Psychosomatic Disharmonies
(b) Exercise, such as by walking uphill, to the point of
sweating and mild exertion if possible, followed by The pattern of Stagnation of Liver Qi and Blood with
hot baths alternating with a brief cold rinse to stimu- emotions of anger often benefits by supplementing
late circulation and open pores to promote sweating herbal formula with counseling and with use of spe-
(alternate 10 minutes comfortably hot water, 30 sec- cific music to resolve emotional imbalances and improve
onds cold shower, repeat at least once). Simmer 1/2 health. While popular prejudice may consider music


Advanced Breast Cancer

generally as amusing but harmless background noise, (d)“Miserere”, by Gregorio Allegri: tonifies Heart and
research literature, ancient writings, and clinical expe- Kidney Yin, promotes deeper sleep.
rience of the authors indicate otherwise. Certain types (e) “Geistliche Chormusik: Zwei Moteten (op 74)”, by
of music have been shown to induce chaotic, cancer- Johannes Brahms: tonifies Heart and Kidney Yin, pro-
motes deeper sleep, and is especially appropriate
like growth in the dendritic structure of neurons in
before bedtime to gently reveal unresolved emo-
mice, to induce seizures in susceptible individuals,
tional issues and induce appropriate dreaming.
and to cause plants to shrivel and die within weeks.11-13 (f) Trio in E flat major for piano, violin, and cello (op
In contrast, the music of Mozart and other classical 100), by Franz Schubert: this piece provides a com-
composers has been used to demonstrate a wide variety plex combination of emotional resolution, introspec-
of beneficial effects, including improved learning abil- tion, and motivation, and is generally optimistic in
ity and seizure reduction in humans, and significantly mood; in TCM terms, it restores communication
increased growth rates in plants. Thus, it is important between Heart and Kidneys, tonifies Kidney Yi and
that the individual with cancer or any severe illness Qi, and enhances one’s will to live. It is appropriate in
strictly avoid all types of music and audio-visual media the recuperative phases after emotional and physical
that might result in such negative effects. In general, crises have been resolved.
the most potent healing effects are obtained using
classical music, such as the music of Bach, Mozart, Summary
Haydn, Schubert, Beethoven, and Brahms. In the Close monitoring of the individual’s tongue appear-
authors’ experience, when pronounced emotional ance and pulse from week to week will reveal whether
imbalances are present, such as chronic anger, the the formula and overall strategy recommended is hav-
most potent strategy is to take a homeopathic-type ing the desired, expected results. In cases similar to
approach: begin with music that mirrors the individ- the case presented here, the vitality level, sleeping pat-
ual’s current emotional state, then gradually lead into terns, and body thermal regulation would typically be
a resolution of this state, and end with emotionally bal- expected to improve within the first two weeks. As the
anced music. This is somewhat analogous to the TCM recommended formula is strong, the practitioner
principle of clearing Excess, or in this specific case, should monitor the case frequently to check for possi-
dredging the Liver Qi, before tonifying and resolving ble side effects.
the Deficiency patterns. For example, a bright and Each herb in the recommended formula was cho-
cheerful Mozart sonata may not necessarily be well sen with the primary goal of normalizing major TCM
received by someone experiencing frustration and syndromes constituting this individual’s overall meta-
anger; it may bounce off the auric field like a tennis bolic characteristics. Many of the herbs and recom-
ball. For the specific combination of syndromes in this mended diet and support methods also happen to
clinical case, the following music might be especially have anticancer effects, but this consideration must
appropriate, subject to personal preferences: always be secondary to satisfying TCM criteria for
appropriateness, for if herbs are chosen primarily for
(a) String Quartet No. 8 (op 110), by Dmitri Shostakovich. their reputed anticancer effects, one risks inducing
This piece is an intense emotional roller coaster, but side effects, weakening the body’s core functions, and
especially appropriate for victims of physical or sex- ultimately risking recurrence of the cancer, which is
ual abuse with repressed anger. It strongly dredges the very problem with conventional chemotherapy.
the emotional field that corresponds to Liver Qi, and
should be first listened to under the supervision of Note
the health practitioner or a trusted friend. It should Chinese herbal medicines are given Latinized pharmaceutical
also be immediately followed by more emotionally names, based on the plant part and the scientific name of each
balanced music, such as the next piece. medicinal plant species. They are also referred to using Chinese
names, transliterated (Pin Yin transliteration of the Mandarin pro-
(b) Cello Suites Nos. 1-6 (BWV 1007-1012), by J. S. Bach
nunciation) and shown in parentheses in the discussion of the
(especially the recording by Mstislav Rostropovich, herbal formula. In some herbal prescriptions, eg Rx Astragali, the
EMI Classics, 1995). This collection of pieces pro- most accurate designator of an herb is a combination of the
vides a gentler, but more sustained dredging and har- Latinized pharmaceutical name and the Pin Yin transliteration. For
monizing of the Liver Qi, is somewhat tonifying to the these herbs, there are 2 or more botanical species that have been
Kidneys, has a calming action, and is suitable for determined to be close enough pharmaceutically to be considered
before bedtime to deepen and prolong sleep. This practically interchangeable for clinical purposes. For other species,
eg Rx Angelicae Sinensis, a single species is used, whose botanical
individual’s sleep is crucial, and anything that will name is discernable in the pharmaceutical name. In addition to the
improve the sleep quality should be tried. plants, some animal species, eg Eupolyphaga, are given in the
(c) “Vespers” (op 37), by Sergei Rachmaninoff: tonifies formula.
Heart and Kidney Yin, promotes deeper sleep.


Integrative Tumor Board

References yond the reach of medical treatment) by the local hos-

1. Wicke R. Principles for applying Traditional Chinese Medicine pitals or their doctors. However, through intensive
to cases of cancer. Integrat Cancer Ther 2002;1(2):175-178. training in the Taiji Five-Element Self-Recovery Sys-
2. Wicke R. Traditional Chinese Herbal Science: The Language and Pat-
terns of Life. Hot Springs, Montana: Rocky Mountain Herbal
tem (TFESRS), a medical-Qigong-based comprehen-
Institute; 1994. (Also available at <http://www.rmhiherbal. sive anticancer program together with other comple-
org/ai/pharintro.html>. Accessed January, 2002.) mentary Qigong therapies, these patients experienced
3. Bensky D, Gamble A, ed. Chinese Herbal Medicine: Materia Medica. dramatic improvements. Twelve of these patients have
Seattle, Wash: Eastland Press; 1986.
completely recovered from BCMB. Moreover, the clin-
4. Wicke R. Traditional Chinese Herbal Science: Herbs, Strategies, and
Case Studies. Hot Springs, Montana: Rocky Mountain Herbal ical assessment after Qigong treatment showed that
Institute; 1994. (Also available at <http://www.rmhiherbal. the tumor had, in most cases, disappeared, and that all
org/ai/pharintro.html>. Accessed January 2002.) clinical indicators are normal.
5. Bensky D, Barolet R, ed.Chinese Herbal Medicine: Formulas and Example: Ms Y.L., a 52-year-old high school teacher
Strategies. Seattle, Wash: Eastland Press; 1990.
from Guangxi, had BCMB. She was initially diagnosed
6. Taylor L. Herbal Secrets of the Rainforest. Roseville, Calif: Prima
Publishing; 1998. (Also available at <http://www.rain-tree. by biopsy, with malignant breast cancer in 1991. She
com/graviola.htm>. Accessed January, 2002.) was treated with 3 surgeries in 4 months, with both
7. Fallon S, Enig MG. Tragedy and Hype: The Third International breasts removed and multiple sessions of radiotherapy
Soy Symposium. Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients. 2000; and chemotherapy. Then in February 1993, she was
204:66-71; 205/206 :56-58. (Also available at: <http://www.>. Accessed January 2002.) informed by the tumor hospital (after a whole body
8. Wayne A, Newell L. The hidden hazards of microwave cooking. bone scan) that metastatic cancer of bone had spread
Available at < to the entire body, and was turned away by the hospital
hazards.htm>, Optimal Wellness Center, c1997. Accessed Janu- for further treatment due to her late-stage condition
ary 2002.
9. Wild M. Are microwave ovens a source of danger? Truth Cam-
and lack of effective treatment. She started practicing
paign Magazine 1998;49(11). Available at <http://www. TFESRS in April 1993 and stopped all other medica->. tion and therapies. Six months later, her condition
Accessed January, 2002. had changed dramatically—the bone scan showed
10. Moss R. Coffee: the royal flush. The CancerChronicles. 1990:6;7.
that her metastatic cancer had disappeared com-
(Also available at <>.
Accessed January 2002.) pletely, and other chronic diseases she had before
11. Wicke R. Effects of music and sound on human health. Hot (such as diabetes, fatty liver, prolapse of lumbar
Springs, Montana: Rocky Mountain Herbal Institute; 2002. intervertebral disc, etc) had all disappeared as well.
Available at < She has since enjoyed full health for the past 8 years.
html>. Accessed January 2002.
12. Tompkins P, Bird C. The Secret Life of Plants. New York:
Regular checkups have found no new metastases or
HarperCollins; 1989. recurrences.
13. Retallack, DL. The Sound of Music and Plants. Santa Monica, The successful results of this case and others indi-
Calif: DeVorss & Co; 1973. cate that the TFESRS combination of “energetic Bigu”
(Fu Qi Bi Gu) and “shattering tumor by strong Qi”
Roger W. Wicke, PhD (Qiang Qi Ji Liu) can help patients with BCMB, as well
C.S. Cheung, MD as other late-stage cancers, to full recovery. The follow-
Rocky Mountain Herbal Institute ing is our experience in treating BCMB with compre-
PO Box 579 hensive Qigong therapy, to be shared with other
Hot Springs, Montana 59845 professionals.
2. Basic Philosophy of TFESRS
The TFESRS and many medical Qigong therapies are
Qigong Analysis designed with a different approach from conventional
medicines in their treatment of cancer. They tend to
1. The Challenge take the whole-body system rather than the specific or
Recurrent breast cancer with postsurgery metastasis to localized treatment approach. The main focus of
bone (BCMB)is a problematic challenge to the medi- TFESRS is to activate the patients’ deteriorated im-
cal field. Clinically, there has been no effective treat- mune system, suppressed self-recovery power, and
ment or therapy available for this particular cancer concealed self-regeneration capabilities, which are
condition. The first author has helped 18 cases of the main ingredients for BCMB recovery. Therefore,
BCMB since his appointment as director of the Na- we usually pay less attention to the detailed diagnosis
tional Qigong Anti-Cancer Research Project in China or medical history, but more to the patient’s current
in the early 1990s. Most of these cases were in stage IV physical and mental status. We do not develop individ-
and were regarded as being of “no medical value” (be- ualized therapeutic procedures for each patient, but


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