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Task 1. Unit 2. Product 1.

Today is April 23, 2023 and my name is Isabella Herrera Sossa and I am in English
student level 5.
I like all kinds of food, you could say that I am a person who eats everything but if I had to
choose, my favorite food would be pasta.
I like pasta for its ease and quick preparation, for its versatility when it comes to cooking,
because it is an excellent source of energy and because pasta is NOT fattening.
Contrary to what many people think, pasta consumption is not associated with weight gain,
as has been confirmed by numerous studies. For all these reasons, I enjoy pasta
whenever I want in its different versions!
That's why I would like to invite people watching this video to eat pasta and also to cook it
because it helps you to use your creativity to mix ingredients and try new flavors. So I'm
going to show you the different types of pasta so you can create unique dishes.
Long pasta
Long pastas have a good length and are quite thin, some of them are spaghetti, long
macaroni, tagliatelle and bucatini.
These different types of pasta are great for making preparations with traditional sauces,
such as tomato-based sauces or pesto sauce. Also, most of these pastas are ideal
accompaniments for meats.
Short pastas
Short pastas are very versatile and that's why you can take advantage of them when you
want to bring an eye-catching food carrier.
With short pastas such as screws, ties, macaroni or rigatoni you can create delicious
salads and cold dishes to enjoy wherever and whenever you want. No need to reheat!
Stuffed pasta
These are ravioli and similar pastas that already have a filling included. These are perfect
for the moment of surprise, so they are ideal preparations for celebrations.
After knowing this +information, I hope you are encouraged to embark on this experience
with pasta and fall in love with it as I did!
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