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How are your flying skills?

By Tim Van Milligan The other big “flying skill” that I am concerned about is
how a rocketeer preps the model for flight. Is it a race against
It is pretty simple to judge building skills of a modeler. the clock, or do they prep the model as if the rocket was worth
You can physically look at the rocket and tell by the quality of a million dollars?
the craftsmanship. Are the balsa fins airfoiled, or are they just Does the modeler carefully inspect his own rocket for
rounded off. Is the model bare, or painted?Are the fins glued defects? Do they pull out the shock cord fully and give it a
on straight, or are they crooked. Are they evenly spaced around good hard tug? Do they inspect ejection baffles? Do they
the perimeter of the rocket? Are the grooves in the tube filled? wiggle the motor mount to see if it has come loose on the last
Is the rocket multi-colored, or just a solid color? Are there flight? Do they wiggle the fins to see if any hairline fractures
fillets along the edges of the fins? occurred the last launch? Does the nose cone fit properly?
But judging a person’s flying skills is much harder. One Does the person carefully fold the parachute before in-
way that I can tell is how a modeler chooses a motor for the serting it into the tube, or do they wad it up and jam it in?
rocket. Once the chute is in the tube, do they check it to see if it will
Do you know how to select a proper motor for your rocket? eject easily? How is the motor installed. Is it securely fas-
Or do you ask someone else for assistance? Being able to tened so that it doesn’t move either forward or rearward?
choose the right motor for the rocket, is just part of what I call Finally, the last flying skill is what I call “good judgment.”
“flying skills.” Does the modeler know enough about the flight characteris-
I’m often asked by competition modelers for advice on tics of the rocket to judge whether or not it should be flown? I
selecting motors for different competition events. They’ll of- often see modelers arrive to the range after not having launched
ten say: “what is the best motor for such-n-such event?” To a rocket in a couple of months. They show up with a brand
me, this question lets me know the person is lacking in their new rocket; and they are determined to fly it under any cir-
flying skills. Because if they had sufficient flying skills, the cumstances; because they know that they won’t be able to
question would be phrased much differently. They’d first tell launch again for another couple of months. So they want it to
me about the physical size of the rocket: how big in diameter, fly “TODAY.” Even if the wind is blowing 20 miles per hour.
how much does it weigh, how many fins, what airfoil shape is Not flying that rocket takes a lot of guts, and is a great
used on the fins, the predicted drag coefficient, the engine measure of a modeler’s flying skills.
mount size, and then stability margin. Then, they’d tell me So how do you acquire flying skills? The only way is to
about the wind conditions of the launch site, and how they practice, practice, practice. It could take hundreds of launches
plan on launching the rocket. Such as: launch rod, rail launcher, before you feel comfortable.
and piston launcher. Because larger rockets can be expensive, I recommend
Finally, they’d let me know the purpose of the flight. Do that new modelers stick with low power rockets for a long
they want to gain maximum altitude, or maximum speed. Do time before graduating up to the bigger ones. In my opinion, it
you want highest reliability, or is the model going for broke? takes a lot of bravery for these people to fly the smaller rock-
Wow! Look at all these factors are used to determine what ets while there is a lot of peer pressure from others to launch
motor should be selected. And that is just one portion of “fly- the bigger ones. In the long run, this patience will pay off.
ing skills.” When they launch their rockets, they will be more successful,

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and they’ll get them back to fly again another day. About the Author:
The newer way to gain experience is to run computer simu- Tim Van Milligan is the owner of Apogee Components
lations. In my opinion, the best program to use is RockSim. It ( and the curator of the rock-
will allow you to design a variety of models and test them etry education web site:
under different launch conditions, and with different motors. cation. He is also the author of the books: "Model Rocket De-
What I suggest you do is to download some of the de- sign and Construction," "69 Simple Science Fair Projects with
signs of other modelers, and erase the simulations that they’ve Model Rockets: Aeronautics" and publisher of the FREE e-
run. Then, look at the model, and make a guess as to what zine newsletter about model rockets. You can subscribe to the
motor you think would give it a good flight. You can do this e-zine at the Apogee Components web site, or sending an email
with dozens of different designs. The more you play with it, to: with "SUBSCRIBE" as the sub-
the faster you’ll acquire good flying skills. ject line of the message.
In a future article, I’ll try to give you some guidelines and
criteria for what makes a “good” flight.

About this Newsletter

You can subscribe “FREE” to receive this e-zine at the Apogee Components web
site (, or sending an email to:
with "SUBSCRIBE" as the subject line of the message.

that they add strength to your rocket s body Fig 1-13 Fig 1-14

Equipment Pods and Air Scoops: Equip-

ment pods are used to store and protect
delicate cargo, and air scoops allow air
inside the aircraft. Adding either of these
Scoop Scoop
features to your rocket can dramatically
Air scoop made from Air scoop made from
change its appearance. Construction of these flat cardboard short body tubes
components is fairly easy, as they can be
made out of cardboard, plastic, or balsa
Fig 1-15 Fig 1-16
Fig 2-11
Forward Fins and Stabilizing Vanes: In Fig 2-11
addition to having fins at the rear of the
rocket, they can be added to the nose,
middle, or tail of the rocket. Vanes are the Pod
same a fins, but are usually much longer. Frontal air scoop is
Simple pods can be
Although they add a distinctive look to the CP a great decoration
constructed from body tubes
model, forward fins and vanes should be for missiles
small in size because they can cause the have to limit yourself to that material or to
rocket to become unstable. Always perform CP New CP
a flat shape. You can make stabilizing fins

 What thickness of wood should you use for fins

a stability check before flying the model out of plastic, paper, wood dowels or even
equipped with forward fins or vanes. hollow body tubes. The model does not even
have to use any fins if you use cone stability.
Fin Geometry and Shape: By changing This is described in Chapter 2. Fig 2-12
the geometry, the number, or the size of the centerline of the model,
fins, you can completely change the overall the fins will have to

a rocket powered by a D motor? appearance of the model. Fins are usually

made out of flat balsa sheet, but you don t
Fig 1-17
Extraneous Details:beLike
ent paint pattern or using
adding three dimensional
needed a lot
the engine.
outside of the rocketkeep
can the

larger to provide the
of decals,
to overcome
to the
This is why you
restoring force
the unbalanced force
look of should always
forces concentric around the

 What are the nine types of fin construction?

a basic rocket. These centerline
details orofcomponents
the model. Otherwise
can be simple pieces model
of wood,
may or they can be , the
become unstable as soon as it
extra plastic parts you have
clears thefrom a plastic
top of the launch rod.
airplane kit. Adding them to the rocket
Besides moving the is as
location of the CP or
Forward fins easy as gluing them thetoCG,
the side of the body
you might

 What are the other five different recovery

be able to correct insta-
tube. bility by causing the
rocket to spin on the Canted motor Keep
way up. This is called causes rotation
spin stabilization. The straight
Body Tube Shape: spinning
You can varycreates
action not only
Forward fin should be kept small angular momentum
the diameter but the which
shape of the body
provides tube
inherent ,
stability (think of a
as well. Why nottoy change the shape
spinning top orfrom a
a gyroscope). The
spinning also cancels

methods besides: parachute, streamer, glider, and

Fig 1-18 out any unbalanced but there is a photo
on page (18).
Fig 1-19 forces acting on a rocket, The drawback to spinning
produced by one fin such as that is the amount
creating more lift that of drag it produces.
the other fins. This increase in drag
will reduce the overall
Spinning the rocket height that the model
can be accomplished rocket is capable of

helicopter recovery?
in three ways. You Rockets with small
Vanes can cant the fins on fins have a harder
body tube at some the time producing the
small angle; you can necessary forces to
small canted tabs toA model s appearance add restore the model to
the bottom of existingis the correct flight path.
fins; or you can sand easily changed modifying To help increase these
Vanes are similar to tunnels except that each of the by

 What size wing do you need for a rocket glider?

have a cambered airfoil fins so they forces you can
they are made from thin sheets of wood fin shape
shape.and geometry increase the velocity.
of inducing a spin to Another way More air flowing over
the rocket is to use the fins will produce
a 15 You can larger restoring
spin tower-launcher.
These are very rare, increase speed by reducing forces.
Fig 2-13 selecting an engine drag or
Fig 2-14 that produces more

 How does high power construction differ from small

Fig 2-15
Spin tabs

Canted fins Cambered

airfoil on each

rockets? 22

How did you do? If you couldn’t answer them, you’ll be happy to know the
answers are in the book Model Rocket Design &
Construction. It was written for modelers that want to build
their own designs.

For more information, or to order your own copy, see our

web site at: Call Us at: 719-535-9335


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