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"Bladklov the Glaive" the name is new to me.

Before, I was simply known as Bladklov, but most people

just called me "Hey you, bugbear". However, since joining the guild, I have gained a lot of knowledge
about fighting. It turns out that being big and muscular can make you skilled in wielding heavy weapons -
who would have thought?

But let's backtrack a bit to when I was younger and more foolish. I lived with my parents and sister in a
village in the Dominion, near the Kourend Mountains. We were once a happy family, but everything
changed when my father lost his job. I don't recall the reason, as I was quite young at the time. However,
after that, he began drinking, gambling, and associating with shady individuals. I was the one to bring
food on the table after that, my father didn't want to try to work again. He bacame more aggressive and
would sometimes hit us for the smallest of reasons, and it only became worse as time went on.

One day, I had enough of him. I was entering puberty, becoming an adult, and I wanted to stop him from
hurting my mother and sister. So I beat him, I got stronger from the physical labor. While he became
weaker from drinking himself into a stupor and sleeping all day. I beat him and threw him out of our
house, telling him he shouldn't come back if he didn't shape up. So, he left, and he came back a changed
man, but not for the better.

You see, what we didn't know was that my father had joined a cult. We were completely unaware of its
existence until much later, when people began to mysteriously disappear. Our village hired a group of
adventurers (called Gorgon's Eye) who happened to be in the area to investigate. They discovered that
there was indeed a cult, and they were able to locate their base and eliminate most of the members
when the cultists attempted to interfere with their mission. Unfortunately, I cannot provide many details
as I was not present, and the adventurers did not go into great detail about their findings. After the
successful mission, we held a large celebration with the adventurers, unaware that another tragedy was
looming. While my mother and sister had already returned home for the night, I stayed behind to talk
with the adventurers. I was captivated by their tales of daring rescues, cunning villains, and the treasures
they had uncovered. They even extended an invitation for me to join them on their adventures and
experience it for myself. I had declined though. I informed them that I needed to remain to care for my
family. As the night grew late, I made my way home. However, what I discovered there will haunt me for
eternity. My mother and sister lay lifeless on the ground, and my father stood before me, holding a
bloodied dagger. He shouted accusations, blaming me for his misfortunes and threatening to make me
pay. He lunged at me, but I managed to defend myself and fend him off. I disarmed him, taking away his
dagger and forced him to flee. We later found out he stole one of the horses of Gorgon's Eye. I shouted
and screamed for help, hoping it wouldn't be too late for my mother and sister, but alas, they were gone.
The following morning, a small service was held for my family.
The following morning, a small service was held for my family. My mother and sister were laid to rest,
and I officially disowned my father. He was no longer my father, but rather Kr'vel, the murderer. After the
service, Gorgon's Eye approached me to offer their condolences and express their guilt for allowing
Kr'vel to escape. I made it clear that if they truly wanted to make amends, they would assist me in
tracking down and finishing what they had started by killing Kr'vel. Reluctantly, they agreed.

Using their magic, we tracked their horse for days, heading east and then north-east. Gorgon's Eye
believed that Kr'vel would flee to Frosthaven and board a ship from there. Their theory proved to be
correct, as we found the horse at the stables in Frosthaven. With the description of Kr'vel in hand, we
discovered that he had booked passage on a ship heading south. We were at a loss for what to do; we
could charter another ship that would go in the same direction. But Kr'vel would have at least a week's
head start, and he wouldn't stay at the port where he would end up, that much was for sure.

After spending a night at the inn and thinking about it, I told them they could go back and pursue their
own interests. I wouldn't keep them following Kr'vel forever, as long as they kept an eye open for any
leads. I would stay at Frosthaven and work on the docks, just in case Kr'vel came back one day. They
agreed to send me a message if they found anything on their travels.

And so, months passed with me working at the docks. My grief slowly faded, but the guilt remained.
One day, while I was working, there was a commotion ahead. A scruffy-looking man was running from
two people in uniform. "Stop that thief!" one of them shouted. The man was slippery, dodging several
people and hampering his pursuers. But he didn't count on a bugbear's long arms. I grabbed him and
held him up high after he tried to pass me. The two individuals approached me and expressed gratitude
for my service. They were members of the Greyhounds, a guild of bounty hunters who specialized in
capturing their targets alive. As an unofficial branch of the law, they pursued criminals and other
undesirable beings. The shorter of the two, a woman named Vienxay, introduced herself and
acknowledged my potential. She extended an invitation for me to join the guild, should I be interested

took my time to consider their offer, knowing that it would require me to spend less time at the docks.
However, the likelihood of Kr'vel's return was slim, and I saw the potential benefits of utilizing the guild's
resources and training to track him down and improve my skills. Unfortunately, my initiation into the
guild did not go as smoothly as I had hoped. The individual who evaluated me commented that I fought
like a drunken sailor, which was not surprising considering that they were often my opponents. However,
he gave me a chance due to Vienxay's recommendation. He offered me the opportunity to train with
their weapons master, with the condition that he also saw potential in me.

The weapons master's training was rigorous as he taught me the fundamentals of combat. Despite the
challenges, he recognized my potential. After weeks of training with various weapons and armor, he
advised me to focus on one main weapon that suited me best. I chose the glaive, a powerful weapon
with a long reach and versatile uses. My second attempt to join the guild went much better, and I was
However, things did not become easy after my acceptance. I had to prove to the others that I was
capable of more than just using my weapon. I worked diligently on my tasks, tracking down and
capturing mostly small-time criminals and people with debts. My reputation steadily grew, and
eventually, I was given the title of Bladklov the Glaive, a sign of my worthiness in the guild. Soon after, I
received a message from my friends at Gorgon's Eye that Kr'vel had been spotted near the Zanaris Gates
at the Verona Seaside. They were unable to investigate themselves but wanted to inform me. I quickly
informed the guild master of my plan to go after Kr'vel and received permission to leave. I then booked
passage on a ship heading to Relleka and set off on my journey to confront the man I once called father.

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