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For example, we say,
natural partnerships In English.
Collocations are words tha t form

but 'Happy New Year!'

'Me rry Chr istm asf'
e words
lish speaker wouldn't expect thes
can 't we say 'Me ny New Year'? It's because a native Eng ons. They mig ht be:
Why is full of collocati
toge ther . They do not form a good collocation. Legal English
to go
-: adjective+ noun
e ver b+n oun
She made a fata l error.
Do you acc ept liability?
;,-. adverb+ adjective
nou n+v erb ute.
This is a highly contentious disp
The gap has widened between

ver b+a dve rb

matter rationally?
Could we please discuss this
ity with collocation. Some nouns
key to lear ning accurat e legal English is to have a good familiar just one verb. The
The d collocation with
coll oca tion s with mor e than one verb. Some nouns form a goo mpl e:
goo d orise them. For exa
ce accurate collocations and mem
imp orta nt thin g is to start to noti

to write a contract
to draft a contract
Bad collocation: to respect a contract
Good collocation: to honour a contract
to infringe a contract
to breach a contract-

you notice and remember acc
see many collocations. To help
As you wor k thro ugh this book you will
into a collocation bank for you.
The symbol means 'me mor ise' . ®>
collocations they have been put
n <!r c-:::a.. --:-...-" t":~.... .:.-:"~~
.-~,,., .~...,~ -....~ , t r.-c. ·~
~;;--:• -~'!1:. --•.;--- ~.:--,,
~ . - . - ~ ..,~
, ..
Col loc atio n ban k
to breach a contract
to dra ft a contract @ to honour a contract

Exercise 1 Unit 1A. Complete the sentenc

es with the
contain collocations that are in
Loo k at these sentences. They
choices on the next page.
coff ect collocation from the four

__ __ clients in court.
a Solicitors are allowed to __
is a criminal
I am a commercial lawyer and this --------
b f am afraid l can't help you.
for your case?
c What are the __ __ __
l law exams in June of next yea
d f will - - - - - - my fina

e My client is
a about the relevant health and
new factory and he needs advice
safety reg ula -t-io _n_ s_- ---

e Global Legal English 23




A represent

A issue
B work for

B matter
C stand for

C subject
D advocate

D point

C A grounds B reasons C motives D basis

d A pass B make C prepare D take

e A starting B launching C opening D initiating


To help you notice and remember accurate
As you .~ork ~hrough this book you will see many prepositions. means
preposition bank for you. The symbol
prepositions in a legal context they have been put into a

Preposition bank

0 an attorney at law o to send a cheque for an amount of money

'My daughter is an attorney at law in Atlanta.' 'Please send a cheque for £2000.'
0 to work on something it, subject to something
'I'm currently working on a merger agreement.' 'The goods are for sale at this price subject
to availability.'
.... ..,, __..,.,. .;r,i:c. ...." " ' - " - ' • - - - ~ - ..; • ..-. - · ,
,.~... ~ , . . , . c : c , : 0 . . - . 1. . . .
. , : - ~ ~ ~ . . , .......-..:......g,..c_-..=,,,

Exercise 1
in Unit 1A.
Complete these sentences with a preposition that you saw

The judge awarded my client £20,000 d Stephen works for a law firm
damages. ---
b Suing someone is a more informal way of saying
e When you are _ _ _ dispute with someone
you can start a claim in the civil court.
starting proceedings _ _ _ someone.

f Could I take a look _ _ _ your

c A small claim is a claim - - - a maximum
employment contract?
of £5000.

EJCerclse 2
prepositions correct the language below.
Using the knowledge that you have about co/locations and
Into a big law firm. Today I am very busy. I am
'My name is Luigi and I am a la'h,'er (a) at Milan. I work (b)
am (e) speaking for a different client in court. It
(c) writing a contract (d) to a new client. This afternoon I
case because our (g) reasons are very strong.'
is a (f) disrespect of contract case. I think we will win the

(b) _ _ _ a big law firm. Today I

'My name is Luigi and I am a la'h,'er (a) ___ MIian. I work
new client. This afternoon I am
am very busy. I am (c) _ _ _ a contract (d) _ _ _ a
court. It is a (f) ___ __ of contract case. I think
(e} _ _ _ _ _ _ a different client in
we will win the case because our (g) ___ __ are very

24 © Global Legal English

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