Probabilistic Seismic Assessment of Multispan RC Highway Brid 2024 Engineeri

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Engineering Structures 301 (2024) 117257

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Probabilistic seismic assessment of multispan RC highway bridges

considering soil-structure interaction and chloride-induced corrosion
Francisco Pinto a, Rodrigo Astroza b, *, Ramiro Bazáez c, Francisco Hernández b,
Nibaldo Navarro c
Department of Civil Engineering, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Universidad de los Andes, Santiago, Chile
Departamento de Obras Civiles, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile


Keywords: Deterioration mechanisms, such as chloride-induced corrosion, affect bridges in aggressive environments,
Bridges making them more vulnerable to extreme events like earthquakes. Although many studies have assessed the
Seismic response impact of chloride-induced corrosion on the seismic vulnerability of reinforced concrete (RC) highway bridges,
several gaps still need to be addressed. Accordingly, this research primarily focuses on evaluating the seismic
performance of RC highway bridges in aggressive environments susceptible to chloride-induced corrosion and
Fragility analysis earthquakes. To achieve this, a probabilistic framework is employed, which incorporates uncertainties associated
with corrosion progression, seismic events, and the impact of different modeling approaches for boundary
condition. The framework considers the time-dependent effects of corrosion on the physical and material
properties of steel and concrete in bridge columns. Monte Carlo Simulations (MCS), probabilistic seismic hazard
analysis (PSHA), and record selection strategies are utilized to address the uncertainties in corrosion and seismic
demand. Nonlinear dynamic models and multiple stripe analysis (MSA) are employed to obtain fragility surfaces
and curves for main bridge components and the entire system under different boundary conditions. The study
focuses on a five-span highway bridge with simply-supported prestressed concrete I-girder and RC multi-column
bents located in Chile. The results reveal that elastomeric bearings are the most vulnerable components,
exhibiting varying vulnerability levels under different corrosion exposure and boundary conditions. Abutments,
although the second most susceptible, are unaffected by corrosion uncertainty in terms of seismic fragility.
Bridge columns are identified as the third most vulnerable components, with the probability of exceeding slight
damage state consistently increasing with more prolonged corrosion exposure. It is noted that only flexure failure
mode in column is analyzed and possible shifting to shear or flexure-shear modes is not accounted for. The
findings of this study underscore the exceptional resilience of Chilean highway bridge columns to seismic de­
mand and corrosion uncertainties, contrasting with the situation in US regions where columns are more
vunerable. Additionally, the study indicates that Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) tends to reduce bridge vulner­
ability under combined corrosion and earthquake effects. The insights obtained from this study and the proposed
framework can inform the development of maintenance programs based on bridge performance expectations and
enhance the seismic resilience of bridge systems worldwide.

1. Introduction continuous deterioration of bridges, increasing their vulnerability to

extreme events, such as earthquakes [66,67]. Recent reports showed the
Bridges are essential for economic and social activities and play a structural deterioration of bridges in Canada and the United States,
significant role in disaster-resilient communities and sustainable highlighting the relevance of considering their degradation to reach a
development. Therefore, ensuring these structures to withstand opera­ more comprehensive understanding of the potential risks and vulnera­
tional loads, environmental effects, and natural hazards during service bilities of multi-span RC highway bridges. For instance, the Canadian
life is crucial. Aging and exposure to aggressive environments cause Infrastructure Report Card of 2016 [88] states that 26% of Canada’s

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (F. Pinto), (R. Astroza).
Received 4 June 2023; Received in revised form 19 November 2023; Accepted 26 November 2023
Available online 20 December 2023
0141-0296/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Pinto et al. Engineering Structures 301 (2024) 117257

bridges are in fair, poor, or very poor condition, requiring an investment chloride-induced corrosion on the seismic vulnerability of aging RC
of US$50 billion for maintenance and replacement. Similarly, the bridges, technical gaps still need to be addressed. The findings and
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) reports that 42% of bridges methodologies from these studies have been limited to typical bridges
in the U.S. have exceeded their 50-year design life, with an average age with a regular configuration with one to three spans and constant col­
of 44 years [7]. umn height in California, Central, and Southeastern US or crude column-
Reinforced concrete (RC) highway bridges are highly vulnerable to based models of bridges with designs and modeling philosophies pro­
corrosion, which can significantly reduce their structural performance. posed for medium to high seismicity. This kind of study tends to omit the
Two primary corrosion processes can affect RC structures, i.e., effect of corrosion on the seismic vulnerability of bridges with irregular
carbonation-induced and chloride-induced corrosions [11]. The latter geometries designed in regions of extreme seismicity, such as Chile.
represents a significant problem in RC bridges, causing time-dependent Moreover, uncertainty in time-dependent chloride-induced corrosion
corrosion of reinforcing steel due to the ingress of chloride ions [87]. has been limited to the absolute presence of corrosion during the service
Chloride-induced corrosion can cause severe effects on RC bridges, life of the bridge, overlooking the fact that due to the uncertain nature of
including extensive delamination, cracking, and spalling of concrete, earthquakes and parameters describing corrosion initiation time (Ti ), it
degradation of steel reinforcement properties, and loss of bond between is possible that corrosion may or may not occur in conjunction with
concrete and reinforcing bars. Consequently, RC bridges under some earthquakes during the bridge’s exposure period to corrosion.
chloride-induced corrosion become more vulnerable to earthquake Additionally, all these studies have focused only on the impact of the
events. The engineering and scientific communities have recognized the corrosion on the reduction of rebar area or/and strength parameters of
need to define a performance-based approach to assess bridges under the steel and concrete, without considering the impact of corrosion on the
combined effects of corrosion and earthquake in probabilistic terms [47, degradation of other material properties (strength and stiffness) of both
58]. This performance-based earthquake engineering approach involves concrete and steel in columns of RC highway bridges. Furthermore,
using nonlinear dynamic analyses and objective performance criteria in seismic demand has been treated without considering probabilistic
line with the inherent and epistemic uncertainties characterizing ma­ seismic hazard analysis of regions with extreme seismicity that accounts
terial and geometric properties of structures, deterioration models, nu­ for the uncertainty in seismic loading. Finally, neither of these studies
merical models, and external excitations. have evaluated the impact of the two typical philosophies of modeling
Numerous studies have underscored the significance of chloride- boundary condition [i.e., fixed-base (FX) and Soil-Structure interaction
induced corrosion on the seismic vulnerability of aging highway (SSI)] in the seismic vulnerability of RC bridges affected by chloride-
bridges in moderate to high seismicity areas and the development of induced corrosion.
seismic fragility analysis accounting for such deterioration. Alipour et al. Given Chile’s notable history of earthquake-induced bridge failures,
[6] introduced a deterministic framework assessing the life-cycle per­ such as the collapse of nearly 24 bridges and 300 damaged during the
formance of box-girder concrete bridges, focusing on the impact of 2010 Maule earthquake [20], and the absence of performance-based
earthquake ground motions and chloride ion attacks on the yield maintenance programs for highway bridges [91], the country offers a
strength of reinforcing bars in columns. Biondini et al. [13] proposed a valuable opportunity to probabilistically examine bridge vulnerability
probabilistic procedure to model chloride-induced corrosion’s impact under the combined effects of chloride-induced corrosion and severe
on a four-span RC continuous bridge, emphasizing the randomness earthquakes, while addressing the identified gaps. Thus, a probabilistic
involved in the diffusion process of aggressive agents and their effects on assessment framework is carried out in this study to evaluate the seismic
concrete and steel strength. Their results highlighted the importance of performance of typical multi-span RC highway bridges under
environmental exposure severity and structural lifetime in seismic chloride-induced corrosion. The framework is applied to a real five-span
design. Cui et al. [29] conducted a probabilistic seismic fragility analysis bridge with simply-supported prestressed concrete (PSC) girders located
on a three-span continuous box girder bridge, factoring in uncertainties in Chile with geometric irregularities regarding the height of its piers.
in bridge geometry, the area reduction of the reinforcing bars due to Unlike other studies, the framework accounts for combined un­
corrosion, and the initiation of corrosion. Their research showed an certainties related to seismic demand and the time-dependent chlor­
accelerated growth of RC column vulnerability over time, particularly ide-induced corrosion process, meaning that the corrosion could affect
after twenty-five years of chloride exposure. Ghosh and Padgett [38] or not the seismic performance of the bridge at any year of its lifetime.
evaluated the lifetime exposure impact of chlorides from deicing salts on This is achieved by propagating the uncertainties via Monte Carlo
the seismic performance of multi-span continuous highway bridges, simulation (MCS) by estimating deteriorated physical and material
mainly through reinforcement area loss, without considering the effects properties of RC columns involved in nonlinear numerical modeling of
on the strength and stiffness of the concrete and steel materials. Sub­ highway bridges. Additionally, the seismic excitation uncertainty is
sequently, Ghosh and Sood [39] presented a methodology for devel­ addressed using probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) and record
oping seismic fragility analysis for deteriorating steel girder bridge in selection strategies, which provide a more comprehensive definition of
Central and Southeastern US, considering the effects of pitting corrosion the seismic demand in probabilistic terms. Nonlinear dynamic analysis
deterioration in the strength of steel and concrete in columns as well as considering two typical boundary conditions used in the engineering
time-dependent capacity distributions for reinforced concrete columns. practice (i.e., FX and SSI) are analyzed via MCS to obtain fragility sur­
Li et al. [48] proposed an alternative time-dependent seismic fragility faces related to the component responses and the global response of the
assessment framework for aging RC girder bridges in China, considering bridge.
non-uniform chloride-induced corrosion and various modeling uncer­ The study concludes with the assessment of the impact of chloride-
tainty parameters. These studies have demonstrated that induced corrosion and earthquake excitation on the vulnerability of
chloride-induced corrosion, a process with an uncertain evolution, de­ the five-span bridge with simply-supported PSC girder through 48000
teriorates bridge structural capacity by affecting the mechanical prop­ nonlinear finite element (FE) model simulations. The analysis further
erties of its steel and concrete components. Additionally, they have shows the impact of geometric irregularity (i.e., different heights of
identified various uncertainty sources impacting the seismic vulnera­ columns along the length of the bridge) and boundary conditions on the
bility of corroded RC highway bridges, such as material behavior vari­ seismic fragility of the bridge. Finally, the findings from this research
ability, uncertainty in corrosion initiation, seismic excitation, geometric provide evidence of how the design philosophy for Chilean bridges could
characteristics of bridge components, and epistemic uncertainty from impact the performance of bridges under the combined effect of
insufficient knowledge or modeling assumptions. chloride-induced corrosion and earthquakes.
Although the studies above and others with similar scopes have
contributed significantly to a better understanding of the effects of

F. Pinto et al. Engineering Structures 301 (2024) 117257

Fig. 1. Schematic framework for the probabilistic assessment of the seismic performance of aging multi-span simply supported bridges considering soil-structure
interaction and uncertainties in corrosion deterioration and seismic events.

2. Probabilistic assessment framework study, T1 ) to determine conditional mean spectra (CMS) for the different
return periods of seismic hazard levels (HL) of interest (four in this
The proposed probabilistic framework for the seismic performance study), and select GM records based on the CMS as proposed by [9].
assessment of degrading bridges is presented in Fig. 1. The framework In Part 3-Nonlinear dynamic analyses are conducted using FE models
incorporates uncertainties related to corrosion initiation time (Ti ) dur­ developed in OpenSees [55] considering m different θij randomly
ing possible exposure period of the bridge to corrosion (tj ) and the selected for each HL (see Section 5). Although the structural system can
degradation of strength and stiffness of confined and unconfined con­ be analyzed at each tj where θij database was defined, this study uses
crete and reinforcing steel material models in bridge columns, earth­ specific exposure period of the bridge to corrosion (i.e., tk = 0, 25, 50,
quake excitation uncertainty, and the effects of presence/absence of SSI and 100 years) to reduce the number of cases and computation time.
effects. The corrosion effects are mainly considered for the simulation of Therefore, the analysis involves m realization of θij parameters to carry
the bridge’s columns because they are the components most exposed to out nonlinear dynamic analysis under the suite of selected GMs.
chloride-induced corrosion. In Part 4-Fragility analysis, fragility surfaces are developed for
In Part 1-Deterioration uncertainty, MCS is conducted using relevant bridge components and the entire system at each tk using
informed probabilistic density functions (PDFs) related to the parame­ multiple stripe analysis (MSA) [10] as shown in Section 6. In this step,
ters that define Ti and corrosion progress in concrete and steel (see engineering demand parameters (EDP) defining different damage states
Section 3). This determines random parameter vector (θ) related to the (DS) for bridge components are selected and defined according to the
modeling of effects of chloride-induced corrosion on the mechanical and literature [39,80,81,82,83]. Then, fragility surfaces of the entire system
physical properties of concrete and steel in columns during tj . Random are obtained by means of the first-order reliability method [41]. The
samples of Ti (20,000 in this study) are obtained and compared against resulting fragility analysis provide a probabilistic assessment of the
tj , ranging 1–100 years, to determine whether corrosion has started seismic performance of aging highway bridges, considering (1) uncer­
during the current tj and how long the corrosion has been progressing. tain of Ti during tj and its effect in the degradation of material properties
Depending on the comparison between each Ti and tj , θ is computed of concrete and reinforcing steel in columns, (2) input excitation un­
according to state-of-art laws for chloride-induced corrosion modeling certainty, and (3) the impact of the modeling approach for the boundary
(see Section 3), e.g. the parameters of the pristine bridge are preserved conditions. The proposed framework provides a useful tool for engineers
when Ti ≥ tj . As a result, a database of θij possible values (20,000 in this to evaluate the seismic performance of aging bridges under effects of
study) for each tj is stored. Finally, nq realizations (1000 in this study) of chloride-induced corrosion in order to make informed decisions about
θ are randomly selected from θij at each tj for a posterior stochastic their capacity and maintenance.
seismic fragility analysis of the bridge.
In Part 2-Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment, a suite of ground 3. Modeling of time-dependent chloride-induced corrosion
motions (GMs) is selected following PSHA (see Section 4) and strategies uncertain parameters
for seismic record selection. The PSHA involves the selection of ground
motion models (GMMs) as well as recurrence models for the site being One of the most relevant parameters in the study of the corrosion
analyzed. Then, PSHA is developed considering the period of interest of process and its impact on the performance of RC highway bridges is the
the structural system (i.e., fundamental period of the bridge in this uncertainty in the estimation of Ti . Structural deterioration in RC

F. Pinto et al. Engineering Structures 301 (2024) 117257

Table 1 bridge structures.

Statistical information for estimating corrosion initiation time under splash [ [ ( ) ]− 2 ]1−1 n
exposure conditions. x2 Ccr
Ti = erf − 1
1 − (1)
Variable Unit Distribution Parameters 4ke kc D0 (to )n Cs
Do mm2 /year N(μ, σ)a μ = σ = -

(For w/c 473 43.2 where, x is the depth of the reinforcement steel (cover depth, 8 cm in
ratio = this study), Ccr is the chloride concentration when the corrosion begins,
0.50) ke is an environmental factor, kc is a parameter considering the influence
Ccr (For w/c mass % of N(μ, σ)a μ = σ =
ratio = binder 0.5 0.10
of curing, Do (to ) is the diffusion coefficient, to is the age of the concrete
0.50) when the compliance test is performed, and n is an age factor. Finally, Cs
Acs mass % of N(μ, σ) a
μ = σ = is the equilibrium chloride concentration in the exposed concrete sur­
binder 7.76 1.36 face, estimated as Cs = Acs (w/c) + εcs , where Acs is the chloride surface
mass % of N(μ, σ)a μ =0
content regression parameter, εcs is an error term, and wb is the water-
εcs σ =
binder 1.11
ke (-) Ga(α, β)c α = β = binder ratio.
2.92 11.0 The DuraCrete Guidelines [34] provide PDFs for the parameters in
kc (-) B(a, b, p, q)d a = b = p = q = Eq. 1 to assess the uncertainty in Ti in various corrosion exposure zones.
1.0 4.0 2.15 10.7
In this study, these PDFs are utilized to propagate corrosion uncertainty
n (-) B(a, b, p, q)d a = b = p = q =
0.0 1.0 17.2 29.3 in a bridge located in a splash zone (see Table 1).
The uncertainty in Ti modifies material properties related to concrete
N (λ, ζ) refers to a Lognormal distribution with parameters λ and ζ. These pa­
and reinforcing steel of bridge column by means of the chloride corro­
rameters correspond to the mean and standard deviation of the corresponding [ ( )]
Normal distribution.
sion rate at year tp (= tj − Ti ) after corrosion initiation rcorr tp , as
(μ, σ) refers to a normal distribution with μ and σ referring to the mean and presented in Fig. 2 and Appendix A. To account for the propagation of
standard deviation of the distribution. this uncertainty in the probabilistic nonlinear dynamic analysis of the
a(α, β) refers to a Gamma distribution with shape parameter α and inverse bridge, the material properties of concrete and steel affected by the
scale parameter β. evolution of the corrosion process are defined from state-of-art consti­
(a, b, p, q) refers to a four-parameter Beta distribution with a and b repre­ tutive models used to represent the behavior of these materials. The
senting the upper and lower bounds, and p and q representing the shape Giuffrè -Menegotto-Pinto uniaxial steel constitutive law [57] is used for
parameters. steel, while the Mander et al. [51] constitutive model is used for un­
confined and confined concrete. The probability distributions defined in
Table 1 and the time-dependent corrosion model discussed in Appendix
structures due to corrosion initiates after some exposure time. During A, are employed to generate 20,000 samples of these parameters
this time, chloride ions ingress the concrete cover, depassivates the through MCS. After estimating the corroded parameters for concrete and
embedded steel, and initiates the corrosion [34]. Ti calculation is usually steel as summarized in Fig. 2 (see Appendix A for corresponding equa­
based on the solution of the one-dimensional version of Fick’s second tions), they are implemented in the numerical model by generating m
law of diffusion through a semi-infinite solid [12,24,34]. Engelund et al. (50 in this study) realizations of the parameters for each hazard level
[34] introduced a model (Eq. 1) that can take into account the uncer­ (see Section 4) and replacing them in the numerical model. It is worth
tainty in the governing parameters in the calculation of Ti . This model mentioning that this study goes beyond prior studies that only consid­
such as presented in DuraCrete Guidelines [34] and [78] is used in this ered the impact of corrosion on the strength of steel and concrete, by
study to probabilistically predict the corrosion status of RC columns of taking into account both strength and stiffness properties involved in the

Fig. 2. Flow Diagram of physical and mechanical parameters involved in the propagation of uncertainty of chloride-induced corrosion.

F. Pinto et al. Engineering Structures 301 (2024) 117257

Fig. 3. Effects of corrosion in (a) area loss of rebar [A(t)/A(0) ], (b) material behavior of core concrete, and (c) and steel, considering service lifetime of 25, 50, and
100 years and samples for HL-MCE.

modeling of concrete and steel in columns. results indicate that core concrete is more impacted by corrosion un­
The effect of uncertainty in Ti on the hysteretic behavior of concrete certainty than steel, as seen in more variable stress-strain curves. Also, it
and steel in RC columns is showed in Fig. 3 for those samples selected for is noted that core concrete strength can decrease by 50%, 65%, and 78%
HL-MCE (see Section 4). Fig. 3a shows the effect of uncertainty on the after exposure periods of 25, 50, and 100 years, respectively, while the
area of reinforcing steel over 1–100 years of exposure to corrosion, in strength of the steel can be reduced by only 5% after 100 years exposure
terms of the remaining area of rebar with respect to the pristine condi­ of the bridge to corrosion.
tion [A(t)/A(0)]. The uncertainty band and the mean ± 1 standard de­
viation of the estimates reveal a high degree of variation in A(t)/A(0), 4. Ground motion selection
which increases with tj .Fig. 3a indicates that on average, after 100 years
of exposure, the area of rebar in bridge columns undergoes an average Probabilistic seismic response assessment of aging highway bridges,
reduction of 6% due to corrosion, with a range between 0% and 10%. accounting for corrosion uncertainty, must also consider seismic un­
This suggests that corrosion may not have a significant impact on the certainty. Therefore, suites of GM records are selected for four HLs. The
cross-sectional area of rebars in most cases. These findings align with considered HLs are those typical used in engineering practice in Chile
previous research conducted by [39,66,79]. They reported a decrease in and worldwide [18,1,62,61,53]. These HLs lead to mean return periods
the cross-sectional area of rebars ranging from 10% to 20% after 100 of 108, 461, 1033, and 2475 years when assuming a Poisson model, and
years of exposure, considering a cover depth between 3.8 cm and they are defined as follows: low level hazard (HL-Low) with a 50%
4.5 cm. probability of exceedance in 75 years, intermediate level hazard
The effect of corrosion on the material properties of column com­ (HL-Inter.) with a 15% probability of exceedance in 75 years, high level
ponents is shown in Fig. 3b and c for core concrete and steel, respec­ hazard (HL-High) with a 7% probability of exceedance in 75 years, and
tively, through stress-strain curves for tk = 25, 50, and 100 years. The MCE level (HL-MCE) with a 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years.

F. Pinto et al. Engineering Structures 301 (2024) 117257

Fig. 4. Response spectra of ground motion for the four hazard levels conditioned to T1 at FX and SSI boundary conditions.

To ensure the appropriateness of the GM records for each of the four [23] are selected and scaled for the case study bridge. These ground
hazard levels in this study, they are chosen and scaled using the pro­ motions are scaled while considering T1 under the FX (0.71s) and SSI
cedure introduced by [9]. This procedure involves defining CMS by (0.97s) boundary conditions as show in Fig. 4. It is important to point
means of PSHA and imposing spectral constraints at a single period of out that the vertical component of the records is not included into the
structural interest (T1 , in this case). Accordingly, CMSs at each HLs are analysis.
obtained by means of disaggregation data from the SeismicHazard plat­
form [22] which integrates the latest developments related to ground-­ 5. Finite element model
motion models (GMMs) for Chilean subduction [42,60] and recurrence
models [71]. Finally, the PSHA and CMS are established, accounting for 5.1. Bridge description
the fundamental period of the bridge according to boundary conditions
of interest (i.e., FX and SSI). An existing bridge is selected as case study since it is representative
Once the target spectra (i.e., CMS at each HL) are determined, 30 of multi-span highway bridges in Chile. This bridge showed no signifi­
pairs of ground motions from the Siber-Risk Strong Motion database cant damage after the 2010 Mw= 8.8 Maule earthquake, indicating its

Fig. 5. Case study bridge.

F. Pinto et al. Engineering Structures 301 (2024) 117257

Fig. 6. Nonlinear FE model of the bridge (dimensions in meters).

good performance in the face of high seismic demand. The bridge is a The initial phase of validation of the numerical modeling of the
five-span bridge with simply-supported prestressed concrete girders Águila Norte bridge involved an in-depth analysis of the soil properties
(see, Fig. 5 and Fig. 6) that cross the Angostura River. The total length of surrounding the piles, utilizing geophysical prospecting methods
the bridge is 148 m, each span with a length of 29.6 m. The super­ including surface wave analysis, Cone Penetration Test (CPT), and
structure of the bridge includes the deck, seismic bars, elastomeric Standard Penetration Test (SPT) measurements. This was further sup­
bearings, four longitudinal girders in each span, and diaphragms, while plemented with additional data from nearby tests such as soil charac­
the substructure is comprised of multi-column bents with shear keys, terization tests and boreholes, providing a multifaceted and
seat-type abutments, and 3 piles at bents and 5 piles at abutments. The comprehensive understanding of the site’s characteristics, which
continuous deck is supported by four simply-supported longitudinal PSC informed subsequent modeling processes of SSI (see below). System
girders per span and is prevented from uplift by means of seismic bars identification methods based on recorded ambient vibration responses
connected to the substructure. The longitudinal girders rest on unan­ were employed to estimate the modal properties of the bridge [26,27].
chored elastomeric bearings, are connected by transverse RC beams These identified dynamic properties were then meticulously contrasted
(diaphragms) at the ends of each span, and are prevented from unseating with several calibrated FE models of varying sophistication levels in
by external RC shear keys. The superstructure loads are transmitted to OpenSees [55], focusing on modeling SSI.
the foundation system via four bents (B1 to B4, see Fig. 6) with columns Moreover, the research conducted by [14,15,70] played a crucial
of varying heights, from 3.3 to 4.9 m, and two abutments (Abut. 1 and role in this study, providing thorough uncertainty quantification in
Abut. 2, see Fig. 6) with a height of 1.70 m. The bents are supported by 3 constitutive models for specific components of Chilean highway bridges.
RC piles of 16.75 m long and 1.2 m in diameter, while abutments rest on Pinto et al. [70] defined Bayesian updated parameters of constitutive
5 RC piles of 12.75 m long and similar diameter to those in bents. models of seismic bars, elastomeric bearings, and proposed joint prob­
ability distributions for the most influential parameters. In addition, [14,
15] conducted Bayesian updating of uniaxial reinforcing steel models
5.2. FE model and calibrated hysteretic constitutive models of reinforcing steel. The
numerical model of the Aguila Norte bridge incorporated the outcomes
Three dimensional (3D) nonlinear numerical simulations of the from these studies by considering the mean values of the posterior
bridge are conducted using the open-source FE software OpenSees [55]. probability distributions of the parameters of the constitutive models
Fig. 6 shows a schematic view of the 3D FE model of the bridge. The used for modeling seismic bars, elastomeric bearings, and reinforcing
numerical modeling approach was first rigorously validated for the steel in bridge columns. It is imperative to note that these constitutive
pristine structure through a comprehensive approach, leveraging in-situ models represent the state-of-the-art in the numerical modeling of
data derived from the Aguila Norte bridge [68].

F. Pinto et al. Engineering Structures 301 (2024) 117257

bridges subjected to extreme seismicity and have been extensively uti­ flexure failure. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that under severe
lized in assessing the impact of corrosion on the seismic response of corrosion conditions, there may be a transition from flexure to shear or
bridges. flexure-shear failure mode. This shifting in failure modes, while a critical
The corrosion modeling approach adopted in this study is based on consideration in real-world scenarios, falls beyond the scope of this
methodologies from [6,29,39,48,66,67,72,76]. This approach aligns paper and the state-of-the-art in numerical modeling of corrosion.
well with design philosophies for Chilean bridges and others in extreme Future research endeavors should aim to delve deeper into compre­
seismicity zones, combining applicability with preserved significance in hensively understanding and characterizing practical modeling ap­
results. The methods emphasize the reduced cross-sectional area of proaches for these corrosion-induced failure modes. Such efforts will
corroded reinforcement and update the effects of corrosion on the contribute to a more holistic assessment of structural integrity under
stiffness of both concrete and steel, an aspect earlier overlooked in adverse environmental conditions and pave the way for a more robust
literature. This corrosion modeling is suitable for the highway bridge understanding of corrosion-induced structural behavior.
columns examined herein, given that corrosion-induced bond loss is Finally, considering the natural unpredictability of corrosion pro­
assumed negligible. Panchireddi and Ghosh [67] highlighted that bond cesses influenced by field conditions, actual structural degradation can
strength reduction has a minimal impact on the structural failure of deviate from standard model predictions. Hence, the probabilistic
corroding reinforced concrete under cyclic loading. Furthermore, tests seismic assessment framework, considering uncertainties from chloride-
on bare steel suggest that corrosion might influence buckling strength induced corrosion, employs broad measures and techniques to picture
and low-cycle fatigue degradation [45]. However, they underscored the corrosion effects. Applying this framework to a Chilean multi-span
need for extended research on RC components, since the uncertainty bridge underscores its value, especially for fragility analysis and
surrounding localized corrosion and pit formation necessitates a prob­ decision-making. The approach used here is consistent with suggestion
abilistic approach for precise modeling. As a result, the modeling of in literature of holding simplicity when evaluating vulnerability and
bridge case study omits considerations of deteriorated bond and buck­ cost implications of bridge exposure to corrosion [38,65,78,79].
ling strengths, as well as low-cycle fatigue degradation. However, this Furthermore, bridge engineers can easily adapt the proposed framework
approach might overestimate energy dissipation in other deteriorated to alternative benchmarks or techniques based on unique needs, incor­
RC structures. Advanced techniques addressing these aspects have porating specific effects such as spatial variability of corrosion, buckling,
recently been introduced, as demonstrated in [2,3,4]. Therefore, bridge low-cycle fatigue, and bond-slip.
engineers can incorporate these techniques within the probabilistic
framework introduced here. For instance, in extreme cases, like expo­ 5.2.1. FE characteristics
sure to deicing salts, models disregarding these factors could substan­ The deck, diaphragm, and longitudinal girders are modeled using
tially undervalue seismic vulnerability. Under such conditions, elastictimoshenkoBeamColumn elements with uncracked concrete prop­
sophisticated modeling, as emphasized by [78], becomes imperative. erties, since they are expected to remain linear elastic during the
This study also acknowledges the spatial-temporal nature of pitting anticipated loads.
corrosion. While the temporal dimension is implicitly addressed, the Bridge columns are modeled using nonlinear fiber-based beam-col­
spatial variability is not directly incorporated due to the uncertainties umn elements with forced-based formulation. The model takes into ac­
surrounding the exact locations of pits along the steel rebars. This de­ count steel reinforcement, confined and unconfined concrete, and
cision, while potentially could lead to a slight overestimation of the spread of plasticity along the element. The unconfined and confined
fragility/vulnerability estimates as indicated by [30], was made to avoid concrete are modeled using the uniaxialMaterial Concrete02 material,
computational complexities as recommended by [38,65,78,79]. Also, while longitudinal reinforcement is modeled using the uniaxialMaterial
defining spatial variability parameters, particularly the mean value, Steel02 material. The effect of the uncertainty of the time-dependent
standard deviation, and correlation length of the properties defining chloride-induced corrosion is incorporated in the numerical FE model
time-dependent corrosion, is challenging. This complexity arises from by modifying, in each realization during the numerical simulation, the
the specific conditions of the corrosion, as underscored by [43,64]. deteriorated physical and mechanical properties of the steel and con­
However, such data is currently lacking, especially for bridges in regions crete in columns. Columns are the most affected bridge component in
with extreme seismicity. Several factors, including corrosion rate, con­ splash zone since the constant wetting and drying cycles can lead to the
crete mix, and exposure type, could influence the spatial variability of presence of salt, moisture, and oxygen triggering the corrosion process
corroded bars. Given that most existing studies have used bars corroded in columns.
at a consistent rate and sourced from concrete specimens with identical The seismic bars, elastomeric bearings, and shear keys are also
mixes, these parameters remain largely unexplored. Thus, integrating modeled to account for their nonlinear behavior. The elastomeric
spatial variability of corrosion at the section level across the entire bearings are modeled using a twoNodelink element, which incorporates
system is a complex endeavor that necessitates further investigation. A constitutive models for their lateral, vertical, and rotational response, in
potential scenario where localized pitting corrosion could substantially accordance with common engineering practices in Chile. The lateral
impact the global response would be if the structure experiences severe response is characterized using the Steel01 material with parameters
localized pitting corrosion at a critical location, like a plastic hinge. Such defined in [74], while the vertical and rotational response are modeled
occurrences, which could stem from defects in the cover concrete or using a uniaxial elastic material with properties defined in [18,96]. The
construction quality, are unpredictable. Furthermore, [30] suggested seismic bars are modeled using a zeroLength nonlinear element, incor­
that overlooking the spatial variability of pitting corrosion might result porating Hysteretic and MinMax materials to reflect the transverse and
in a minor/slight overestimation of structural capacity. They further longitudinal behavior of this bridge component as proposed by [54]. The
concluded that for nonlinear behavior modeling, it is sufficient to shear keys, which play a crucial role in limiting the lateral movement of
consider pitting uniformly distributed along the reinforcing bars. In the deck, are modeled as a zeroLength element using a combination of
addition, they suggested that while spatial variability of pitting corro­ ElasticPPGap and uniaxialMaterial materials through a Series integrator
sion may have a pronounced local effect at the material level, its impact as recommended by [96].
on the global nonlinear dynamic response of the structure might be The pile-soil interaction in the bents and abutments of the bridge is
limited. modeled by establishing two interacting zones, as shown in Fig. 6. The
It is also important to acknowledge a limitation related to the po­ first zone, with 6 degrees of freedom per node, comprises the pile rep­
tential variation in failure modes in columns due to corrosion. While this resented by elasticBeamColumn element and their corresponding nodes.
study employs state-of-the-art numerical modeling techniques to assess The second zone, with 3 degrees of freedom per node, comprises springs
the impact of corrosion on bridges, the modeling approach focuses on (zeroLength elements) representing the vertical and horizontal behavior

F. Pinto et al. Engineering Structures 301 (2024) 117257

Fig. 7. Time history response of bridge components at bent 2 under HL-MCE ground motion. (a) Column for FX, (b) Elastomeric bearing for FX, (c) Column for SSI
and (d) Elastomeric bearing for SSI.

of the soil and their corresponding free nodes (magenta in Fig. 6) and fix the responses of columns and elastomeric bearings are presented,
nodes (green in Fig. 6). The interaction between both zones is accom­ considering HL-MCE and bridge exposure periods to corrosion of 0, 25,
plished through equalDOF constraints, which enforce equal movement at 50, and 100 years.
the same height between nodes in pile and free nodes of the springs Fig. 7a and b compare the column transverse curvature response
representing the soil. Each pile is modeled with 21 elasticBeamColumn considering both boundary conditions (i.e., FX and SSI) for the case
elements, with nodes that match the soil stratification. The springs at the study bridge at tk = 0, 25, 50, and 100 years. Compared to the pristine
bottom end node of the pile depict lateral thrust and toe bearing of the structure (tk = 0 years), the column transverse curvature shows no
soil using p-y and q-z curves, while the springs in other nodes represent impact at 25 and 50 years of exposure to corrosion, while at 100 years
lateral thrust and shaft friction of the soil-pile interaction using p-y and t- the column curvature increases by approximately 56% and 17% for FX
z curves. The properties of the soil material model vary depending on the and SSI, respectively. Experimental results from simplified column
soil type, following the formulation of [16]. For the studied bridge, three specimens under corrosion effects align with the degradation observed
soil layers are considered: medium to dense gravel, stiff clay, and dense for the FX boundary condition after 100 years. For example, Meda et al.
gravel. These geomaterials, along with their corresponding p-y, t-z, and [56] found that a corroded column, with around 20% corrosion, showed
q-z models, are implemented in OpenSees [55] through Pysimple1, a 30% decrease in lateral load and a 50% reduction in maximum
Tzsimple1, and Qzsimple1 materials, respectively. These materials also displacement compared to an uncorroded counterpart. Similarly, Ma
incorporate vertical and horizontal radiation damping as recommended et al. [50] reported a 50% reduction in ultimate displacement capacity
by [16]. and a 20% decrease in yield and ultimate forces for a corroded RC col­
The behavior of the abutment in the numerical model of the bridge is umn with a 15% corrosion level. Kashani [44] presented a
incorporated by considering the impact of the surrounding backfill soil. state-of-the-art review of residual capacity of corroded reinforced con­
The soil behavior is modeled using the hyperbolic material presented in crete bridge components. Kashani’s research highlight from experi­
[32,77] and failure coefficient as described in [17]. The simulation of mental results in ([94,95]) that corrosion effects are minimal for
the backfill soil is achieved through a zeroLength element equipped with mass-loss ratios below 10%, consistent with the negligible impact
a HyperbolicGap material placed on both abutments. observed at 25 and 50 years (Fig. 7) in this study. This is attributed to the
corrosion propagation uncertainty and design philosophy of design for
6. Probabilistic seismic response assessment Chilean bridges, which led to a mass-loss ratio of less than 5% for
corrosion exposure under 50 years as shown in Fig. 3. However, after
6.1. Time history analysis 100 years, the mass-loss ratio exceeds 10%, leading to significant cur­
vature impacts. This emphasizes the importance of incorporating
A total of 48,000 nonlinear dynamic analysis of the five-span Chilean corrosion propagation uncertainty in the bridge’s fragility analysis, as
highway bridge are conducted through FE simulations considering the column degradation may or may not occur during its service life.
physical and mechanical parameters affected by time-dependent Furthermore, the results highlight the influence of SSI on the col­
corrosion process as detailed in Section 3 and GMs selected as umn’s response. SSI increases the system’s lateral flexibility and energy
described in Section 4. These simulations consider m = 50 different dissipation capabilities, reducing the column’s transverse curvature
random samples of θij for each tk (i.e., 0, 25, 50 and 100 years), the 30 response by over 40% compared to the FX condition. Historically,
GM pairs selected for each HL in Section 4, and two boundary conditions corrosion impacts on column specimens have been studied under fixed-
at the base of the bridge (i.e., FX and SSI). To illustrate the influence of base conditions, neglecting the potential flexibility introduced by SSI.
corrosion uncertainty on the seismic performance of multi-span bridges, This emphasizes the need to understand how SSI can modify the effects

F. Pinto et al. Engineering Structures 301 (2024) 117257

of corrosion on bridge responses and its fragility analysis. Table 2

Fig. 7c and d show that maximum responses of elastomeric bearing Values of LSs for EDP of abutments and elastomeric bearings.
decrease as the exposure period to corrosion of the bridge increases. The EDP/Damage State DS1 DS2 DS3 DS4
maximum transverse deformation decreases by about 11% and 3% at (Slight) (Moderate) (Extensive) (Complete)
100 years of exposure under FX and SSI conditions, respectively, Elastomeric bearing – 2.9 10.4 13.6 18.7
compared to the pristine bridge. However, no significant effects are relative displacement
observed at 25 and 50 years of exposure. This reduction in maximum (cm)
transversal deformation is due to the lateral flexibilization of bridge Abutment – relative 137.5 151.5 186.5 277.5
displacement (mm)
columns as corrosion reduces its lateral stiffness. This leads to a decrease
in relative displacement at the elastomeric bearing compared to its
response under the pristine bridge. This phenomenon is called the ( )
"isolation" effect, which is consistent with previous observations made nj zj ( )n −
P(zj in nj ) = pj 1 − pj j
by [38,39]. zj
The responses of columns and elastomeric bearings emphasize the
influence of the uncertain nature of corrosion initiation and progress 6.3. Damage limit state and engineering demand parameters
during the bridge’s exposure period to corrosion, as corrosion may or
may not affect the response of columns and elastomeric bearings at 25 The seismic performance of bridge components is evaluated using
and 50 years of exposure but is likely to manifest at 100 years. It is noted four DSs for the local EDPs of each bridge component investigated (i.e.,
that the results presented in this section relate to a deterministic sce­ columns, elastomeric bearings, and abutments). The DSs are mainly as
nario. The following section will evaluate further the effects of the un­ follows: slight (DS1), moderate (DS2), extensive (DS3), and complete
certainty in corrosion initiation and its effect on the fragility of the (DS4). DSs thresholds for abutments and bearings are identified in terms
studied bridge, propagating the uncertainties associated to deterioration of peak relative displacement of each component, as per literature rec­
of the bridge at specific values of tk . In addition, seismic demand un­ ommendations [80,83] and they are summarized in Table 2. The limits
certainty will also be investigated by analyzing a significant number of for the relative displacement of elastomeric bearing are estimated from
GMs for the different hazard levels. recommendations by [63]. DS1 for elastomeric bearings displacement is
related to the start of sliding for non-anchored bearings, while DS4 is
6.2. Multiple stripe analysis (MSA) considering EDP uncertainty related to a 250% shear deformation of the bearing. The DSs thresholds
for abutments are those proposed by [80] and are related to the relative
Fragility of structures is often assessed by comparing the probability displacement of abutment against the soil. DS1 is reached when the
that engineering demand parameters (EDPs) at a given IM exceed a DS. abutment relative displacement is 1.10 times the gap between the deck
MSA [8,10,52,80] is a method used to perform this analysis, and it has and the abutment’s backwall, starting cracking of the backwall. The
several advantages compared to other approaches, such as incremental other three DS are directly expressed as a function of the relative
dynamic analysis (IDA) and cloud analysis (CA). In particular, MSA have displacement at DS1, in terms of a fraction of the backwall height, with
shown better representation of ground motion conditions, improved DS4 representing a relative displacement in the abutment that generates
accuracy, greater flexibility, efficient computation, better handling of ultimate deformation of soil.
uncertainty, and high reliability of the results obtained [10]. Accord­ Component-specific DS thresholds for RC columns should consider
ingly, MSA is used to obtain the fragility curves from the dataset of 30 specific features of the column, such as geometry, material properties,
pairs of seismic records for each hazard level, using the pseudospectral reinforcement ratios, load, and boundary conditions [80]. This explicit
acceleration at the fundamental period of the bridge Sa (T1 ) IM and definition is necessary as it can affect the capacity of the columns. In this
relative displacement of elastomeric bearings and abutments and cur­ study, the material properties of columns vary with the propagation of
vature (φ) of the columns as EDPs. the uncertainty in the corrosion modeling, and DS threshold values are
The fragility curve obtained from MSA is represented according to defined accordingly as recommended by [39]. The four DSs considered
Eq. 2, which assumed that the curve follows a log-normal cumulative for corroded RC columns are qualitatively and quantitatively defined
distribution function. and associated to material strain limits based on recommendations by
( ) [80,81,82]. In accordance with the methodology presented by [82] for
P(EDP > LS|IM = x) = ϕ (2) evaluating fragility curves of retrofitted bridges with RC and steel
jackets, nonlinear moment–curvature (M − φ) analysis of the corroded
Where, LS refers to limit state, which correspond to different damage RC columns cross-sections are conducted in OpenSees [55]. The purpose
states (DS) determined by a capacity model, x is Sa (T1 ) at a specific HL, of the analysis is to determine the values of φ (φ1,φ2,φ3,φ4) at which the
and the mean estimator θ and the standard deviation estimator β define material strain limits are exceeded, while considering the database of
the distribution of the response. mechanical parameters of concrete and steel affected by uncertainty in
The fragility curve from Eq. 2 is represented by the likelihood the time-dependent corrosion process.
function in Eq. 3, which comprises the product of the binomial proba­ The impact of uncertain Ti during tk on M − φ and DSs of column
bility of each stripe [10]. curvature is shown in Fig. 8 for the different hazard levels at tk = 25 and
100 years. The results reveal that the values of DS3 and DS4 are highly
m ( ) ( )z ( ( ) )n j − z j
∏ nj ln(x/θ) j ln(x/θ) susceptible to corrosion uncertainty during tk , resulting in substantial
Likelihood = ϕ 1− ϕ (3)
zj β β variability when compared to DS1 and DS2. It is also observed that tk has
a significant impact on the capacity of the columns, as columns with 100
Where m is the number of stripes, nj is the number of seismic records years of exposure to corrosion, exhibit a lower capacity than those with
at the specific HL, and zj are the observations when the EDP is larger 25 years. Additionally, it is worth noting that the variation between HL
than the corresponding LS. was minimal; and therefore, the mean values of φ for the DSs are esti­
Then, the binomial probability in Eq. 3 is determined as follows in mated only for each tk . These mean values are then utilized to calculate
Eq. 4, where pj represents the probability of exceeding a specific DS the fragility surfaces of the bridge. Table 3 presents the mean values of φ
given x = Sa (T1 ) at a specific HL. for the DSs at 25 and 100 years of corrosion time as a representative
case. The mean values for DS3 and DS4 exhibit a slight increase with
more prolonged exposure to corrosion, consistent with finding from [25,

F. Pinto et al. Engineering Structures 301 (2024) 117257

Fig. 8. M − φ and DSs of the columns at each hazard level considering the database of mechanical parameters of concrete and steel affected by uncertainty in
corrosion for (a) tk = 25 and (b) 100 years.

6.4. Fragility analysis

Table 3
Mean values of LSs for φ of corroded columns for tk = 25 and 100 years.
This section presents the seismic fragility analysis from the 48,000
EDP/Damage State DS1 DS2 DS3 DS4 nonlinear dynamic analysis of the five-span highway bridge used as case
(Slight) (Moderate) (Extensive) (Complete)
of study considering tk = 0, 25, 50, and 100 years. The fragility analysis
φ(rad/m) (tk : 25 years) 0.0031 0.0181 0.0694 0.0869 is presented for the different bridge components analyzed (i.e., columns,
φ(rad/m) (tk : 100 years) 0.0033 0.0180 0.0871 0.1089
elastomeric bearings, and abutments), location of the bridge compo­
nents, and for both boundary conditions considered (i.e., FX and SSI).
39,46]. These studies indicated that higher curvatures are required to Fragility surfaces for DS1 of the most demanded columns in terms of
reach the concrete strain associated with higher damage states, curvature response are shown in Fig. 9a and b when FX and Fig. 9c and
accompanied by a decrease in the longitudinal steel ratio. However, d when SSI for Bent 1 and Bent 3, as representative cases. The results
uncertainty in the time to corrosion initiation can lead to instances imply that the chances of exceeding DS1 given a Sa (T1 ) are consistently
where the opposite trend is observed. This highlights the complexity of higher as the exposure time increases from 25 to 100 years, compared to
corrosion uncertainty over the bridge’s exposure time. While this study the pristine structure. A significant increase in the probability of
addresses such uncertainty through the Monte Carlo analysis approach, exceeding DS1 is observed over 50 years (see, Fig. 9c and d), primarily
it also offers opportunities to enhance our understanding and prediction while considering the SSI effects at the base of the bridge. This trend
of the impact of corrosion on column curvatures. could be attributed to an increased probability of corrosion presence and
progression in the bridge columns with prolonged exposure periods
(50–100 years) compared to shorter tk .

F. Pinto et al. Engineering Structures 301 (2024) 117257

Fig. 9. Fragility surfaces for DS1 of column in Bent 1 and Bent 3 for different exposure periods and boundary conditions. (a) Column in Bent 1 for FX, (b) Column in
Bent 3 for FX, (c) Column in Bent 3 for SSI, (d) Column in Bent 3 for SSI.

FX boundary conditions lead to a higher probability of DS1 exceed­ includes a higher depth of concrete cover. This increased depth delays
ance than when SSI is present in the bridge foundation, regardless of tk the initiation of corrosion and reduces corrosion rates. Additionally, the
(as shown when comparing Fig. 9a with c and Fig. 9b with d). For presence of other bridge components serves as sacrificial elements,
instance, at Sa (T1 ) = 1g and tk = 50 years, differences ranging from 25% absorbing any demand before transmitting it to substructure compo­
to 100% are observed between fragility curves with FX (Fig. 9a and b) nents such as columns and piles.
and those curves with SSI (Fig. 9c and d). This observation can be Fragility surfaces of the most impacted elastomeric bearings in Bent
attributed to the damping and flexibility introduced by SSI effects at the 1 and Bent 3, as representative cases, and FX boundary conditions are
base of the bridge, which help to reduce the seismic demand due to presented in Fig. 10a and b for DS2 and Fig. 10c and d for DS3. Fragility
elongation of the vibration periods and effects of corrosion at the column surfaces for DS1 and DS4 are omitted, as they show 100% and 0%
during any tk . probabilities of exceedance at any Sa (T1 ), respectively. The proba­
In addition, increment of probability of exceedance between bility of elastomeric response exceeding DS2 marginally decreases with
different tk is affected by the boundary condition, with a greater increase increasing tk for models under FX conditions (refer to Fig. 10a and b),
when considering SSI. In particular, at Sa (T1 ) = 1g surface considering and this trend is more pronounced in fragility surfaces for DS3. For
SSI exhibit differences among different tk ranging from 0% to 200% (see instance, at Sa (T1 ) = 1g, the exceedance probability after 100 years of
Fig. 9c and d), while those considering FX boundary have differences corrosion exposure is approximately 15–35% lower for DS2 than for the
ranging between 0% and 10% (see Fig. 9a and b). This suggests that the pristine structure, whereas this drops in DS3 exceedance probability
degree of flexibility exhibited by the substructure plays a critical role in after the same exposure period ranges from 43% to 85% compared to the
determining the point to which corrosion uncertainty affects the seismic pristine structure. As mentioned in section 6.1.1, this observed trend can
vulnerability of the bridge throughout its exposure to corrosion. be attributed to the lateral flexibilization of bridge columns resulting
Moreover, the bent with the taller columns, Bent 3 (Fig. 9b or d), are from the reduction in their lateral stiffness due to corrosion. Conse­
generally more vulnerable to damage at the DS1 than those bents with quently, as the extent of corrosion increases in the bridge columns, there
shorter columns, Bent 1 (Fig. 9b or d). The difference in the probability is a corresponding decrease in relative displacement of elastomeric
of exceedance between bents at Sa (T1 ) = 1g and tk = 100 years range bearing. This phenomenon is called the "isolation" effect, which is
between 0% and 10% for those cases considering FX base condition consistent with previous observations made by [38,39].
(compare Fig. 9a and b) and 25% and 27% when considering SSI The fragility surfaces of elastomeric bearings for DS1 and DS4 with
(compare Fig. 9c and d). This trend emphasizes the importance of SSI boundary conditions exhibit similar vulnerability to those observed
evaluating the vulnerability of bridges with geometric irregularities for FX boundary conditions. In contrast, the DS2 fragility surfaces under
considering the location of the component in the system. SSI boundary conditions reveal that the impact of bridge exposure to
Finally, it is worth noting that the likelihood of surpassing damage corrosion on the exceedance probability of DS2 by elastomeric bearing
states DS2, DS3, and DS4 is minimal or nonexistent. This is attributed to response depends on their location within the bridge system (see
the design philosophy adopted for Chilean highway bridges, which Fig. 11a and b). For instance, at Sa (T1 ) = 1g, the exceedance probability

F. Pinto et al. Engineering Structures 301 (2024) 117257

Fig. 10. Fragility surfaces for DS2 and DS2 of elastomeric bearings in Bent 1 and Bent 3 for different exposure periods and FX boundary condition. (a) Elastomeric
bearing in Bent 1 at DS2, (b) Elastomeric bearing in Bent 3 at DS2, (c) Elastomeric bearing in Bent 1 at DS3, (d) Elastomeric bearing in Bent 3 at DS3.

Fig. 11. Fragility surface for DS2 of elastomer bearings for different exposure periods and SSI boundary condition. (a) Elastomeric bearing in Bent 1 and (b)
Elastomeric bearing in Bent 3.

for elastomeric bearings in Bent 1 (refer to Fig. 11a) after 100 years of (Fig. 10a and b) typically exhibit higher exceedance probabilities than
corrosion exposure drops by approximately 43% compared to the pris­ those with SSI (Fig. 11a and b), with differences ranging between 16%
tine structure. Meanwhile, elastomers in Bent 3 may experience around and 65% at Sa (T1 ) = 1g seismic intensity. These differences are rela­
an 8% increase after the same exposure period (refer to Fig. 11b). The tively smaller than those observed for bridge columns. This result can be
fragility surface for DS3 of the elastomers is also omitted, as it only attributed to the substantial contrast between the degraded column’s
shows a probability of exceedance below 5% when Sa (T1 ) surpasses flexibility and elastomeric bearings in cases analyzed under FX condi­
levels anticipated for HL-MCE. tions, as opposed to those with SSI-induced flexibility at the column
In addition, incorporating damping and flexibility through SSI at the base. Additionally, column (or bent) height tends to influence the ex­
bridge base reduces the vulnerability of elastomeric bearings. For the ceedance probability of elastomeric bearings. Contrary to column
same DS (i.e., DS2), models analyzed under FX boundary conditions components, elastomeric bearings in bents with taller columns (e.g.,

F. Pinto et al. Engineering Structures 301 (2024) 117257

Fig. 12. Fragility curves for the abutment for different exposure periods and boundary conditions (a) FX, (b) SSI.

Figs. 10b or 11b) are generally less vulnerable to DS2 damage than those effects due to tk , with differences less than 5% between curves. However,
with shorter columns (e.g., Figs. 10a or 11a). For example, the difference notable differences emerge when comparing bridges analyzed under
in exceedance probability between columns with different heights at different boundary conditions. Cases incorporating SSI (Fig. 12b)
Sa (T1 ) = 1g and tk of 100 years in DS2 ranges between 0% and 50% for generally exhibit a higher exceedance probability at DS1 and DS2, about
both boundary conditions (compare Figs. 10a and b or Figs. 11a and b). 33% higher than those cases examined under FX (Fig. 12a). Further­
Fragility curves for the abutments with the highest exceedance more, SSI effects reveal vulnerabilities of abutments reaching DS3
probability are presented in Fig. 12a and b for FX and SSI boundary (Fig. 12b), which is not observed when FX boundary conditions are
conditions, respectively. Overall, the fragility curves exhibit minimal considered. This result is attributed to the increased base flexibility in

Fig. 13. System fragility Surfaces by DS and boundary condition. (a) DS2 for FX, (b) DS2 for SSI, (c) DS3 for FX, and (d) DS3 for SSI.

F. Pinto et al. Engineering Structures 301 (2024) 117257

models analyzed under SSI, leading to greater longitudinal displacement entire bridge system’s response, as observed by [5] for Chilean skewed
in the superstructure and an impact on the bridge’s abutment, as highway bridges or [39] for steel girder bridge in Central and South­
compared to conditions that disregard the soil. eastern US. As a result, the probability of exceeding DS2 and DS3 re­
Finally, analyzing the seismic fragility under the influence of un­ mains steady or decreases over time with bridge exposure to corrosion.
certain corrosion during tk reveals intriguing trends in the vulnerability For instance, at Sa (T1 ) = 0.75g for DS2, the pristine structure under FX
among bridge components. Elastomeric bearings emerge as the most boundary condition (see Fig. 13a) has a 29% higher probability of ex­
vulnerable component, with their vulnerability decreasing as tk in­ ceedance than the bridge with 100 years of corrosion exposure, while
creases under FX condition. However, under influence of SSI effects, the this difference is around 0.1% under SSI boundary condition (see
vulnerability of elastomeric bearings either increases or decreases, Fig. 13b). Regarding DS3 at Sa (T1 ) = 0.75g, the pristine structure under
depending on the height of the column within the bent where the elas­ FX boundary condition (see Fig. 13c) exhibits an 80% higher probability
tomeric bearing is situated. Abutments are identified as the second most of exceedance than the bridge with 100 years of corrosion exposure,
vulnerable component and uncertainty of corrosion during tk does not while this difference is around 45% under SSI boundary condition (see
significantly impact their seismic fragility. Bridge columns are the least Fig. 13d). This trend is a result of the fact that elastomeric bearings
vulnerable component in the bridge system, showing significant experience more relative displacement when the bridge structural sys­
vulnerability only in DS1, which increases with a longer tk . These tem’s flexibility is increased, either by column corrosion or by SSI at the
findings contradict prior observations in typical bridges located in Cal­ foundation system.
ifornia, Central, and Southeastern US (see, [38,39]), which point out
that columns are the most vulnerable component in the bridge system. 7. Conclusions
This discrepancy is attributed to three main aspects. First, the complex
load patterns present in multi-span bridges with more than three spans This study proposed a probabilistic framework which addresses
and geometry irregularities, as in this study. These bridges may have existing research gaps related to vulnerability of reinforced concrete
components with different geometries, such as columns of different (RC) highway bridges subject to the combined effects of chloride-
heights absorbing more seismic demand, which can affect the seismic induced corrosion and earthquakes. The probabilistic framework fills
vulnerability of each component affected by exposure to corrosion. the gaps related to limited consideration of bridge typologies and
Second, the exceptional resilience of Chilean highway bridge columns to modeling methodologies beyond specific US regions, insufficient eval­
seismic demand and uncertainty corrosion during exposure period of the uation of corrosion’s impact on all material and physical properties of
bridge to corrosion is noted. Even with prolonged exposure to corrosion, bridge components, uncertainty of corrosion process in conjunction with
the columns are the least affected at any DS in the structural system of earthquakes during bridge’s exposure period to corrosion, and the need
the bridge. This resilience is primarily attributed to the design philoso­ for seismic demand analysis incorporating probabilistic seismic hazard
phy of bridge engineering in Chile, which includes RC shear keys at assessments with updated data for highly seismic regions in subduction
abutments and bents that act as sacrificial elements before transferring environments. The study comprehensively evaluated two main
any demand to substructure components such as columns and piles, as modeling philosophies for boundary conditions and employs direct
detailed by [96], and columns with deep cover concrete depth, which estimation of seismic response through Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) of
leads to delayed corrosion initiation time and reduces corrosion rates. 3D nonlinear dynamic FE models. By propagating uncertainties associ­
Finally, it is important to note that the uncertainty surrounding the ated with bridge deterioration due to chloride-induced corrosion at
initiation and progression of corrosion during tk can impact the mani­ specific exposure periods, this study led to a comprehensive under­
festation of vulnerability in bridge components. The longer a bridge is standing of the seismic vulnerability of multi-span RC bridges by means
exposed to corrosion, the higher the likelihood of corrosion affecting it, of fragility surfaces of main bridge components and the entire system
and previous studies may have overlooked this aspect. under typical boundary conditions used in engineering practice, i.e.,
fixed-based (FX) and including soil-structure-interaction (SSI).
The pertinence and novelty of the probabilistic framework was
6.5. System fragility curves evaluated by applying it to assess the seismic vulnerability of a five-span
Chilean bridge with simply-supported prestressed concrete (PSC)
The system probability of reaching any limit state is estimated using girders, accounting for chloride-induced corrosion uncertainty. Key
the first-order reliability method (Eq. 5), which provides both lower and findings included the observation that, after 100 years of corrosion
upper bounds for the system probability [41]. The lower bound, which is exposure, concrete strength reduced significantly, while reinforcing
a less conservative estimate, corresponds to the maximum probability of steel strength only decreased by 5%. The study highlighted increased
reaching each LS among EDPs as shown on the left side of the equation. lateral flexibility in bridge columns due to corrosion, emphasizing the
The upper bound, which is a more conservative estimate, is obtained by need to consider variable effects on material strength and stiffness in
the expression on the right side of the equation. This approach ensures evaluating structural performance. Nonlinear time-history response
that the system probability is estimated within a range of uncertainty, analysis of columns and elastomeric bearings in the bridge emphasized
providing a more comprehensive understanding of the system’s per­ the influence of corrosion initiation and progression during the bridge’s
formance under different damage conditions. exposure period. While the impact of corrosion may or may not be
max(P[Fcomp i ]) ≤ P[Fsystem ] ≤ 1 −
P[Fcomp i ]
(5) observed between 25 and 50 years, it became evident after 100 years.
EDPi The transverse column curvature response showed minimal impact at 25
and 50 years but increased after 100 years. Similarly, the demand for
Where, P[Fsystem ] and P[Fcomp i ] are probabilities of failure of the system elastomeric bearings decreased with increasing corrosion exposure.
and each bridge component, respectively, and Π is the product operator. In terms of the vulnerability of case study bridge, the fragility anal­
System fragility surfaces for DS2 and DS3 for both boundary condi­ ysis of columns revealed that the probability of exceeding damage state
tions (i.e., FX and SSI), are presented in Fig. 13. It is important to note DS1 (i.e., slight damage) consistently increases with longer exposure
that DS1 independent of corrosion condition exhibits a 100% probability periods, particularly when considering SSI effects. The presence of SSI
of exceedance beyond Sa (T1 ) = 0.20g, while DS4 shows minimal to non- reduced the probability of DS1 exceedance compared to FX condition
existent probability of exceedance. As shown in Fig. 13, the influence of due to additional damping and flexibility. The vulnerability of columns
bridge exposure to corrosion on system-level vulnerability is not sig­ to damage states DS3 and DS4 was minimal, highlighting the excep­
nificant. This is because the vulnerability of critical components, such as tional resilience of Chilean highway bridge columns to seismic demand
elastomeric bearings and abutments, has a significant impact on the and corrosion uncertainties. In addition, elastomeric bearings were the

F. Pinto et al. Engineering Structures 301 (2024) 117257

Fig. A 1. Types of deterioration mechanisms on reinforcing steel: a) uniform corrosion, b) deep-pit formation, c) pitting corrosion.
adapted from [78].

most vulnerable component, with abutments showing moderate Investigation, Funding acquisition, Formal analysis, Conceptualization.
vulnerability and bridge columns exhibiting resilience, particularly in Bazáez Ramiro: Writing – review & editing, Methodology, Investiga­
damage state DS1. The findings underscored the exceptional resilience tion, Conceptualization. Hernández Francisco: Writing – review &
of Chilean highway bridge columns to seismic demand and corrosion editing, Methodology, Investigation, Conceptualization.
effects. System fragility analysis indicated that the influence of bridge
exposure to corrosion on system-level vulnerability is not significant,
with the probability of exceeding certain damage states remaining Declaration of Competing Interest
steady or decreasing over time.
These conclusions are particularly applicable to bridges with similar The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
characteristics and seismic demand considered in this study, acknowl­ interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
edging that different modeling philosophies and bridge typologies may the work reported in this paper.
yield different outcomes. It is noted that only flexure failure mode is
considered in the columns, but under severe corrosion conditions, a shift Data availability
to shear or flexure-shear failure modes could be generated. This limi­
tation has not been fully addressed within the current state-of-the-art Data will be made available on request.
numerical modeling of corrosion and it is out of the scope of this paper.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
This study was financially supported by the National Research and
Navarro Nibaldo: Writing – original draft, Software, Investigation, Development Agency (ANID) through the FONDECYT Regular project
Conceptualization. Pinto Francisco: Writing – review & editing, 1200277 and the FONDECYT Postdoctoral project 3230313 and the
Writing – original draft, Software, Methodology, Investigation, Formal "Fondo de Ayuda a la Investigación" of the Universidad de los Andes
analysis, Conceptualization. Astroza Rodrigo: Writing – review & (Chile). The authors also acknowledge the support of Mr. Miguel Med­
editing, Supervision, Software, Project administration, Methodology, alla in the seismic hazard analysis.

Appendix A. Time-dependent chloride-induced corrosion

Deterioration of reinforcing steel.

After the corrosion initiation phase (diffusion) when chloride ingress through the depth of the concrete cover and depassivate the reinforcing steel,
the first effect is a loss of sectional area of embedded rebars in RC member. This can be manifested by two main modes: 1) uniform corrosion or 2)
pitting corrosion (see Fig. A1).
Reduced bar area due to uniform corrosion [Au (t)].
In the uniform corrosion modes, the loss of the sectional area of reinforcing steel after initiated corrosion is assumed constant around the
circumference and length of the embedded rebar (see Figure A1.a) and the reduced area of the rebar is computed as in Eq. A1 [35].
[ ∫t ]2
π Di − 2 Ti rcorr (tp )dtp
Au (t) = (A1)

where, t is the time after corrosion initiation (years), Ti is the corrosion initiation time (years), D0 is the initial uncorroded rebar diameter (mm) and
rcorr (tp ), in mm/year, is the chloride corrosion rate at tp year after corrosion initiation, calculated as in [97,37,49,90,93].
rcorr (t) = 0.85 rcorr (0)t−p 0.29 (A2)

F. Pinto et al. Engineering Structures 301 (2024) 117257

Where, rcorr (0) is the initial corrosion rate under marine exposure conditions, in mm/year.
⎛ ( )− 1.64 ⎞
37.8 1 − wc
⎜ ⎟
rcorr (0) = 0.0116⎝ ⎠ (A3)

Where, x is the concrete cover depth in mm, and w/c is the water-binder ratio (assumed 0.5 in this study).
Reduced bar area due to pitting corrosion [Ap (t)].
Engineering practice and researchers have extensively adopted uniform corrosion modes for seismic life-cycle analysis, because of its simplicity.
However, corrosion is recognized as a non-uniform deterioration process since chloride-induced corrosion generates intermittent deep-pit formation
or pitting cavities, and accordingly, models assuming that should be adopted. Cup-shaped hemispherical pit formations have been the most observed
in the corrosion process in rebars [89], and near-hemispherical and near-conical cavities have also been reported in a minor grade in literature [73].
Several studies have typically modeled localized cavity formation due to pitting corrosion as a cup-shaped hemispherical loss of steel area along with
uniform corrosion [40,84,85]. Thus, this study adopts the regularly used hemispherical pit formation to calculate the residual steel area at a pit
location Ap (t) (see Figure A1.c) after time t as defined by [19,39] in Eq. A4.
[ ]
Ap (t) = 1 − [Au (t) − A0 ] + ADP (t) (A4)

where, D0 is the initial rebar diameter (mm), t is the time after corrosion initiation (years), A0 is the area of uncorroded rebar (mm2), Au (t) is the
reduced rebar area for uniform corrosion, a(t) is the width of pit without uniform section loss and ADP (t) is the residual area of pit without uniform
section loss, calculated with Eq. A5 and Eq. A6, respectively.
( )2
a(t) = 2p(t) 1 − (A5)

⎪ D0
⎨ A0 − (A1 − A2 )
⎪ for p(t) ≤ √̅̅̅
ADP (t) = (A6)

⎪ D0

⎩ (A1 − A2 ) for D0 > p(t) ≥ √̅̅̅

where, p(t) is the pit depth and areas A1 and A2 are computed through Eq. A7, Eq. A8, and Eq. A9:
( )
p(t) = R rcorr tp dtp (A7)

[ ⃒ ⃒] [ ]
⃒ p(t)2 ⃒⃒ a(t)
A1 = 0.5 θ1 (0.5Di )2 − a(t)⃒⃒0.5Di − ; θ = 2arcsin (A8)
Di ⃒
[ ] [ ]
p(t)2 a(t)
A2 = 0.5 θ2 (p(t))2 − a(t) ; θ2 = 2arcsin (A9)
Di 2p(t)
In the Eq. A7, the factor R represents the pitting factor, characterized in this study by means of Extreme Value Type I Gumbel distribution with
Gumbel parameters modified as μo = 5.56 and αo = 1.16 [86].
Changes of the yield strength of corroding rebars [fy (t)], elastic modulus for steel [Es (t)] and time-dependent volumetric ratio of confining steel [ρs (t)].
Recent experimental studies such as Du et al. [31] and Kashani et al. [43] have confirmed a reduction in fy (t) and fu (t) for reinforcing bars due to
pitting corrosion. Accordingly, this study adopts a linear strength reduction model (Eq. A10 and Eq. A11) as a function of steel mass loss proposed by
Du et al. [31] using regression analysis of experimental data.
fy (t) = [1 − 0.005 Qcorr (t) ]fy (0) (A10)

fu (t) = [1 − 0.005 Qcorr (t) ]fu (0) (A11)

where, Qcorr (t) is the percentage area loss of reinforcing steel due to corrosion at time t [66], which can be expressed as in Eq. A12 [48].
A0 − Ar (t)
Qcorr (t) = • 100 (A12)

where, A0 is the initial area of reinforcement and Ar (t) is the time-variant residual cross-sectional area of reinforcement due to corrosion.
Similarly, Es (t) can be calculated as in Eq. A13 [21]:
Es (t) = [1 − 0.01 Qcorr (t) ]Es0 (A13)

where, Es0 is the elastic modulus and ultimate strain of uncorroded steel reinforcements and Qcorr (t) is the percentage area loss of reinforcing steel due
to corrosion at time t.
While ρs (t) can be computed as expressed in Firouzi et al. [36], as follows:

F. Pinto et al. Engineering Structures 301 (2024) 117257

ρs (t) = (1 − 0.3113 • Qcorr (t)) ρs0 (A14)

where, Qcorr (t) is the percentage area loss of reinforcing steel due to corrosion at time t and ρs0 is the ratio of volume of transverse confining steel to the
volume of confined concrete core, computed as expressed by Mander et al. [51] in Eq. A15.
ρs0 = (A15)
ds s

where, Asp is the area of transverse reinforcement bar, ds is the diameter between bar centers of the transverse reinforcement bar and s is the center to
center spacing of the transverse reinforcement bar.

Deterioration of concrete

Even though the main effect of corrosion is on mechanical properties of reinforcing steel of structural elements of the bridges, corrosion also attach
concrete in the form of various secondary effects such as loss of cover concrete strength from gradual micro-cracking or spalling due to the expansive
forces of accumulated rust products, loss of core concrete strength due to corrosion of reinforcing ties, changes in mechanical characteristics of steel,
loss of bond strength, amongst others. This is briefly discussed below along with the assumptions in the present study.
Reduction in cover concrete strength [fc′(t)].
The loss in cover concrete strength is a consequence of the expansion of corroding steel, which leads to complete cracking and eventual spalling of
cover. Coronelli and Gambarova [28,72] suggested models the reduction in cover concrete strength as in Eq. A16.
fc′(t) = ∗ (A16)
1 + κ εεcv(t)

where, fc′(0) is the compressive strength of cover concrete for the pristine column cover, κ is a parameter that depends on the reinforcing bar diameter
and roughness, assumed to be 0.1 for medium-diameter ribbed bars [92], εcv is the concrete compressive strain corresponding to fc′(0), and ε∗ (t) is the
average tensile strain in the transverse direction leading to the formation of microcracks due to corrosion, calculated as in Eq. A17 [72]:
nbars wcr (t)
ε∗ (t) = (A17)

where, nbars is the total number of corroded reinforcing bars in a column section, Dcol is the diameter of the column before corrosion and wcr (t) is the
total crack width for a given corrosion level, which can be computed using Eq. A18 proposed by Molina et al., [59]:
wcr = 4π(vrs − 1)Y (A18)

where, vrs is the ratio of the volume of the corroded steel bar including the expansive rust products to the volume of the virgin steel bar. This value is
assumed to be equal to 2, by Molina et al. [59], and Y is the depth of the corrosion attack which is equal to the reduction in bar radius.
Reduction in elastic modulus of concrete [Ec (t)] and shear modulus of concrete [Gc (t)].
Similarly, Ec (t) can be calculated by the typical expression (Eq. A19) dependent on f ′c , suggested by AASHTO [18]:
Ec (t) = 4700 f ′c (t)(MPa) (A19)

where, fc′(t) is the reduction in cover concrete strength at time t.

Furthermore, Gc (t) is computed following recommendations of Elwood & Eberhard [33] and expressed in Eq. A20.
Gc (t) = 0.2Ec (t) (A20)

Reduction in compressive strength of confined core concrete [f cc (t)] and time-dependent ultimate compressive strength of confined core concrete [fcu (t)] and

associated strain levels.

The loss in compressive strength of confined core concrete is a consequence of the corrosion deterioration and area loss of traversal tie re­
inforcements. This loss of strength is typically estimated using the theoretical stress–strain model of Mander et al., [51], Eq. A21.
( √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ )
7.94fl (t) fl (t)
f ′cc (t) = fc′(t) 2.254 1 + − 2 − 1.254 (A21)
fc′(t) fc′(t)

where, fc′(t) is the reduction in cover concrete strength at time t and fl (t) is the time-dependent effective lateral confining stress on the concrete,
evaluated as in Eq. A22.
fl (t) = ke ρs (t)fy (t) (A22)

where, ρs (t) is the time-dependent volumetric ratio of confining steel, fy (t) is the yield strength of corroding rebars and ke is the confinement
effectiveness coefficient, calculated for circular hoops as follows,

F. Pinto et al. Engineering Structures 301 (2024) 117257

( )2
1− 2ds
ke = (A23)
1 − ρcc (t)
where, s′ is the clear vertical spacing between hoop bars, ds is the diameter between bar centers of the transverse reinforcement bar and ρcc (t) is the
ratio of area of longitudinal reinforcement to area of core of section.
Likewise, Mander et al., [51] developed an expression (Eq. A24) for the compressive strain of confined core concrete [(εcc (t)]:
( [′ ])
f (t)
εcc (t) = εcv 1 + 5 cc′ − 1 (A24)
f c (t)

where, εcv is the concrete compressive strain corresponding to fc′(0), f ′cc (t) compressive strength of confined core concrete and fc′(t) is the cover
concrete strength.
Finally, the time-dependent ultimate concrete compressive strain (εcu (t)) can be determined according to Eq. A25 Paulay & Priestley [69] and the
associated ultimate compressive strength of confined core concrete (fcu (t)) following the material model proposed by Scott et al., [75], Eq. A26:
[ ]
ρ (t)f (t)ε
εcu (t) = 0.004 + 1.4 s ′ y su (A25)
f cc (t)

f ′cc (t) • X • r
fcu (t) = (A26)
r − 1 + Xr

where, f ′cc (t) compressive strength of confined core concrete, X and r are computed as in Eqs. A27–A29:
εcu (t)
X= (A27)
εcc (t)

Ec (t)
r= (A28)
Ec (t) − Esec

f ′cc (t)
Esec = (A29)
εcc (t)

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