Splash Distribution

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Exponential Distribution Theory and the Interpretation of Splash Detachment

and Transport Experiments

A. I. J. M. van Dijk,* A. G. C. A. Meesters, and L. A. Bruijnzeel

ABSTRACT same will be true for a similar experimental technique

Soil detachment and transport by rainsplash is usually the first step in which a cup filled with soil is subjected to (artificial)
in soil loss and sediment transport. It can be measured using a variety rain and the sediment ejected from the cup is collected
of approaches, including splash cups, trays, and boards. However, the (Ellison, 1947; Rose, 1960; Al-Durrah and Bradford,
results of splash experiments are affected by their geometry and not 1981, 1982; Kinnell, 1982; Riezebos and Epema, 1985;
readily translated into generally applicable parameters. In this study, Sharma and Gupta, 1989). If the cup is small compared
we develop a theory that can be used to interpret splash experiments. with the average splash length, it can be argued that
It is based on the assumption that the spatial distribution of particles
the bulk of sediment splashed from the cup will end up
splashed from a point source can be described by an exponential decay
outside the cup (Rose, 1960). However, the use of very
function, for which there is considerable support in the literature. The
theory is evaluated for the cited experimental techniques, partly with
small cups gives rise to practical problems, and therefore
the use of a numerical model. It is made clear that conventional mea- cups are normally used with a diameter of a few to
surements of splash and the true rate of detachment by splash are ⬎10 cm. Under such conditions, the resulting amount
two different entities that can be linked if the average splash length of collected sediment can no longer be equated to de-
is known. In principle, the theory is not valid for a sloping surface, tachment rate, as is still commonly practiced.
but analysis of the magnitude of the error involved indicates that in Alternatives to circular cups include splash boards
many cases good estimates of detached amounts can still be obtained. (Ellison, 1944; Kwaad, 1977) and trays (Quansah, 1981;
Savat and Poesen, 1981; Wan et al., 1996), in which case
the amount of splash is expressed either per unit tray

T he detachment and transport of soil particles en-

suing from the impact of raindrops, or splash for
short, is usually considered an important first step in the
area or length. The results are again not readily con-
verted to actual detachment rate (␮) because the
amounts of sediment ending up in the collectors them-
chain of processes leading to loss of soil and subsequent selves depend on the distribution of distances over
sediment transport. Falling raindrops are able to detach which the splashed particles travel. In addition, unless
much larger amounts of soil particles than unconcen- the dimensions of the tray are several orders of magni-
trated overland flow, after which the detached particles tude greater than the average splash length, tray size
may be entrained and carried off by the flowing water will also have a significant effect on measured splash
(Hudson, 1995). In addition, splash may result in signifi- rates, as does the size of splash cups.
cant net transport of sediment on sloping soils (Moeyer- The problems outlined above complicate the interpre-
sons and de Ploey, 1976; Wan et al., 1996). To quantify tation of experimental results much more than is often
splash detachment and transport, a range of techniques acknowledged. Farmer (1973), for example, subjected
has been developed with time. a soil-filled tray of 46 by 122 cm to artificial rainfall.
Sreenivas et al. (1947) were among the first to use From the difference in particle size distributions be-
round cups or funnels embedded in the soil to catch tween the original and splashed material, he inferred
splashed particles. They considered the mass of col- preferential detachment of certain size classes. A com-
lected material divided by the surface area of the cup parable study by Gabriels and Moldenhauer (1978) used
(with radius R, in m), denoted here by mR, as an indicator trays of 30 by 45 cm. However, as Poesen and Torri
of detachment rate on the surrounding soil. This method (1988) demonstrated, small particles are splashed over
has been applied in many subsequent studies, a number greater distances than larger particles. Consequently, a
of which were reviewed by Poesen and Torri (1988). greater fraction of detached particles will end up outside
However, the cup splash rate (mR) is not independent the tray for small size classes than for larger size classes.
of cup size, as already put forward by Rose (1960) and Thus, wrong conclusions may be drawn from the mea-
Bolline (1975). Furthermore, the relationship between surements (regardless of the possibility that smaller par-
cup size and splash rate is also influenced by the distribu- ticles are indeed detached more easily).
tion of distances over which the splashed particles travel: Summarizing, the (apparent) detachment rates de-
Given a particular amount of soil detached per unit of rived from cup, tray, or splash board experiments must
area outside the cup (i.e., detachment rate ␮, as mass be considered ill-defined, experiment-specific, and not
per unit area) more sediment will end up in the cup as applicable to field situations, unless the geometry of the
the distance over which splashed particles travel in- experiment and the spatial distribution of the splashed
creases. On the basis of the reciprocity principle, the particles around their source are taken into account.
Recognizing this, Farrell et al. (1974) advanced a theory
Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, Vrije Univ. Amsterdam, De Boele- describing the influence of experimental geometry on
laan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Received 14 May splash measurements. The practical application of their
2001. *Corresponding author (dija@geo.vu.nl).

Published in Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66:1466–1474 (2002). Abbreviations: FSDF, fundamental splash distribution function.


theory was limited initially, because little information

existed about the spatial distribution of splashed parti-
cles. However, the spatial distribution of splash has been
measured in later studies, such as those of Poesen and
Savat (1981), Savat and Poesen (1981), Riezebos and
Epema (1985), and Torri et al. (1987).
The objective of the current paper is to develop a
mathematical distribution theory that can be used to
assess the influence of geometry and splash length in
the type of experiments described above. In doing so,
it is initially assumed that the spatial distribution of
particles splashed from a point of raindrop impact can
be described by an exponential function, which will be
called the fundamental splash distribution function
(FSDF). It will be shown that there is considerable sup-
port for this in the literature. On the basis of the FSDF, Fig. 1. The mass of soil splashed beyond a radial distance r from its
the relationship between observed amounts of splash point source (data from Riezebos and Epema, 1985). Exponential
functions are fitted to the data, which represent splash resulting
and actual detachment rates will be evaluated in terms from artificial drops falling from indicated heights.
of a characteristic splash length and the geometry of
the experiment. In some cases, this is done analytically; the spatial distribution of particles close to the impact center
in others, a numerical model is used. remains unknown.
In principle, the amount of material detached (splash mass,
M, in g) by a single impacting drop can be calculated once
THEORY the area of impact (a, in m2) is known:

Exponential Fundamental Splash
Distribution Function
M⫽a 冮 Mring dr ⫽ a␮, [3]
Let the rate of detachment ␮ (in g m⫺2) be defined as the which demonstrates that the use of ␮ in Eq. [1] is consistent.
mass per unit source area that has been detached by rainsplash. In reality, the exact definition of a and ␮ may create some
Consider the splash from a small source area onto a small problems. One reason is that Eq. [3] is only truly valid if the
target area at radial distance r; let the splash density mpoint(r) area of impact a is of infinitely small size. However, a falling
(in g m⫺4) be the splashed mass per unit of source area, per raindrop will create an impact crater of up to a few millimeters
unit of target area. It is subsequently assumed that mpoint(r) is in diameter and then break up into droplets that carry soil
described by the following exponential function: particles (Ghadiri and Payne, 1988). Therefore, the highest
density of transported particles will occur around the perime-

mpoint (r) ⫽ exp(⫺r/⌳), [1] ter of the impact crater. This does not pose a major obstacle
⌳2␲r to using Eq. [1], provided that the average splash length is
not of the same order of magnitude as the size of the impact
where ⌳ (in m) is the average splash length, that is, the mass- crater. Assuming, for example, that the impact of a raindrop
weighted average radial distance over which the particles are leaves a crater with a radius of 2 mm and the average splash
splashed. Within the context of the theory presented in this length (⌳) has a value of 0.1 m (a representative value, see
paper, Eq. [1] may be called the FSDF, since all other equa- below), then the amount of material implicitly assumed by
tions are derived from it by integration. Eq. [1] to be inside the crater would be only 2% of the total
There is empirical support for the assumption that the FSDF amount of splashed material. Another point to be made in
conforms to an exponential equation. Riezebos and Epema this respect is that splash detachment itself is difficult to deter-
(1985) conducted laboratory experiments using a soil cup sur- mine and even to define. Some soil particles may be detached
rounded by concentric rings at 5-cm intervals that collected but returned to their original position, while others may be
sediment splashed from the cup. Individual artificially pro- pushed away to the perimeter of the impact crater without
duced water drops fell from different heights on the center actually leaving the soil surface, as has been demonstrated in
of the soil-filled cup. In all cases, the experimental results for splash cup experiments (Kinnell, 1974, 1982) and in numerical
the mass splashed beyond a distance r were described very simulations of raindrop impact (Huang et al., 1982, 1983). For
well by an exponential function (Fig. 1). It can be shown that pragmatic reasons, therefore, detachment is defined here as
this conforms to the assumed FSDF by considering the amount the amount of soil that appears to have been detached based
of material Mring(r) (in g m⫺3) that is splashed from a small on measurements of splash. In some cases, this may include
source area at the center of impact, onto a very narrow ring some pushed material as well (Kinnell, 1974, 1982).
at a distance r from the source, per unit of radial distance and
per unit of source area: Splash Distribution in One Dimension
␮ The distribution theory developed above can be applied to
exp冢⫺⌳冣 .
Mring (r) ⫽ 2␲r mpoint (r) ⫽ [2] a situation in which material is splashed across an (effectively)

infinitely long straight boundary. This is important to interpret
Since integration of Eq. [2] between r and infinity also yields measurements made with, for example, splash trays and splash
an exponential function, these results are in accordance with boards. To this end, the radial form of Eq. [1] has to be
the hypothesis. It should be noted, however, that because converted to a two-dimensional coordinate system first and
Riezebos and Epema (1985) used a cup diameter of 5 cm, eventually to a single dimension. One way of doing this is to

Fig. 2. One-dimensional distribution of particles splashed from a source strip expressed as a density function of perpendicular distance x {vstrip(x );
Eq. [5]} and as a transport function indicating the fraction of detached material splashed beyond distance x {vbeyond(x ); Eq. [6]}. All variables
have been made dimensionless; dashed lines represent approximate exponential functions. K ⫽ average splash length.

imagine an array of very small unit source areas, forming a up beyond (a boundary at) a distance x. This can be found
narrow source strip. First, the splash density pattern resulting by integration of Eq. [5], between x and infinity. The result
from one such source strip will be considered. Taking the may be called the transport function, denoted by vbeyond(x). It
y-axis along the source strip, it is easy to see that splash density represents the splashed mass ending up beyond a boundary
will be a function of the distance 兩x兩 (perpendicular to the line at distance x, per unit width and per unit of boundary
source strip) alone. This function can be determined by consid- length. Therefore, vbeyond(x) has the dimension of mass per
ering an element of the source strip (having length dy and area (in g m⫺2). The integration is written as:
width dx) positioned at (0, y) and a target element positioned ∞
at (x, 0). The contribution of the source element to the splash
density in (x, 0) is then given by mpoint(r)dxdy, where r is the
vbeyond (x) ⫽ 冮 vstrip (x⬘) dx⬘, [6]
Euclidean distance (Eq. [1]). The contribution of all elements
forming the source strip to the splash density at (x,0) will be where x⬘ is the integration variable. There is no simple analyti-
denoted by vstrip(x)dx. Because this involves the entire length cal solution to this integral but its numerical solution is rela-
of the strip, vstrip(x) has the dimension of mass per unit width tively straightforward, except for very small values of x (Abra-
of strip per unit target area (i.e., g m⫺3). It can be found by mowitz and Stegun, 1965, Eq. [11.1.9]; see Fig. 2). Taking
integration along the length of the strip: things one step further, a source area of soil is considered that
∞ is infinitely large at one side of a boundary. The amount of
vstrip (x)dx ⫽ dx 冮 dy ⫻ mpoint (√x2 ⫹ y2). [4] material transported across this boundary may be called the
rate of transport, denoted by q and expressed in mass per unit
boundary length (g m⫺1). It represents the cumulative amounts
Thus, vstrip(x) is the one-dimensional equivalent of the radial of vbeyond(x) for the entire assembly of possible source strips
splash density function represented by Eq. [1]. It can be shown positioned between zero and an infinitely large distance from
that the solution of Eq. [4] involves a zero-order modified the boundary. The value of q may be found by single integra-
Bessel function denoted by K0 (Eq. [9.6.24] in Abramowitz tion of Eq. [6] between 0 and infinity:
and Stegun, 1965): ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

␮ q⫽ 冮 dx 冮 dx⬘vstrip (x ⫹ x⬘) ⫽ 冮 dx 冮 dx″ vstrip (x″)
vstrip (x)dx ⫽ dx 冮 dy exp(⫺√x ⫹ y /⌳)2 2
0 0 0 x
⫺∞ ⌳2␲√x2 ⫹ y2 ∞ x″ ∞
⫽ 冮 dx″ vstrip (x″) 冮 dx ⫽ 冮 dx″ vstrip (x″)x″, [7]

⌳冢 冣
dx. [5] 0 0 0

where x″ is defined by x⬘ ⫽ x″⫺ x. The solution of this compli-

This result implies that when the exponential FSDF is applied cated integration is surprisingly simple (Abramowitz and
to a one-dimensional strip source, it does not retain its expo- Stegun, 1965, Eq. [11.4.22]):
nential form. However, it does resemble an exponential func-
tion at larger distances from the source (Fig. 2). Another ⌳
characteristic of Eq. [5] is that, like Eq. [1], it attains an infinite q⫽ ␮. [8]

value for x ⫽ 0. Mathematically, this is not a problem since
integration across a distance larger than zero will always yield Eq. [8] describes the relationship between splash detachment
a finite value. In further calculations, it is important to know rate (␮) and splash transport rate (q) across a straight line.
what amount of material splashed from the source strip ends Provided that ⌳ is known, Eq. [8] can, in principle, be used

to calculate detachment rates from measurements of splash

across a straight boundary, for example, from a soil tray.
However, the source area of an experimental tray is not
infinitely large. Momentarily assuming a tray of (effectively)
infinite length but of finite width (w in m), the transport rate
over one side of the tray [q(w), in g m⫺1] can still be obtained
using Eq. [6], which is now integrated across 0 ⬍ x ⬍ w,
resulting in:
w ∞

冮 dx 冮 dx⬘ K0冢 冣
␮ x ⫹ x⬘
q(w) ⫽ . [9]
␲⌳ 0 0

For comparative purposes, it will prove useful to express q(w)
as a fraction Fw of the infinite splash transport rate (q), by
isolating the latter in Eq. [8] and substitution into Eq. [9],
after which the resulting equation can be simplified (reversing
Fig. 3. Rates of splash transport [q(⌬X )] onto 10-cm wide strips,
the order of integration and rewriting; Eq. [11.3.27] in Abra- placed at increasing distances from a soil tray subjected to artificial
mowitz and Stegun, 1965) to: rainfall and filled with different soils (approximate median grain
w ∞ size indicated; data from Savat and Poesen, 1981) with Eq. [12c]
冮 dx 冮 dx⬘ K0 冢 冣
q(w) 1 x ⫹ x⬘
Fw ⫽ ⫽ 2 fitted to the data.
q ⌳ 0 0

Clearly, these equations too are based on an approximation
⌳ 冤
K1 (w/⌳) ⫺ 冮
d␰K0 (␰) , 冥 [10]
of the actual geometrical correction factor (Eq. [11] vs. Eq.
[10]), and therefore should not be used at very small distances
from the boundary. The practical application of the equations
where the integration variable ␰ is equal to (x/⌳). Fw may be above is that through a plot of distance on the x-axis vs. the
regarded as a correction factor that may be used to correct amount of material splashed beyond or before X on the y-axis,
measurements of splash from a tray of limited width but infi- an exponential function can be drawn, the exponent of which
nite length. Equation [10] is still not readily solved analytically, yields the average splash length (⌳; Eq. [12a] or [12b]). Once
but it can be solved numerically (Abramowitz and Stegun, ⌳ is known, the detachment rate (␮) can be calculated from
1965; Eq. [11.1.9] and [11.1.18]). The resulting solution is not the coefficient of the fitted function.
an exponential function itself, but Fw can be approximated Examples of experimental results that can be interpreted
very well by the following exponential function: with Eq. [12c] include those of Savat and Poesen (1981), who
measured splash from a soil-filled tray (100 ⫻ 20 cm) onto a
q(w) series of 10-cm wide strips next to the long side of the tray
Fw ⫽ ≈ 1 ⫺ exp(⫺1.30w/⌳). [11] (Poesen and Savat, 1981). The results are shown in Fig. 3;
the average splash lengths (⌳) derived from the exponential
This expression agrees within 1% with values calculated using curves that were fitted to the data were between 0.11 and
Eq. [10] for 1 ⬍ w/⌳ ⬍ 100. For 0.2 ⱕ w/⌳ ⱕ 1, the difference is 0.15 m. However, strictly speaking, Eq. [12c] could not be
still ⬍10%. In principle, the detachment rate can be calculated used in this case because the tray width was limited to 20 cm
from the results of soil tray experiments using the geometrical and numerical calculation is therefore needed. Cursory analy-
correction factor given by Eq. [11], but the average splash sis using Eq. [11] in combination with the determined ⌳ values
length (⌳) will need to be known. Its value may be derived suggests that total splash transport from the experimental
from measurements of splash over a range of distances, as tray would have been about 8 to 18% less than that from an
will be described below. Of course, Eq. [11] still assumes an infinitely large area. Similarly, the results of soil tray experi-
infinitely long tray. This problem will be approached with a ments (size 200 by 50 cm) by Torri et al. (1987) were described
numerical model further on. very well by exponential functions, the application of which
A situation analogous to the one described above concerns yielded average splash lengths of 0.10 to 0.12 m. In this case,
splash transport from an infinitely large source area on one application of Eq. [11] suggested an underestimation of true
side of a boundary, onto the area between distance 0 and X transport rate (q) of ⬍0.5%. The fact that simple exponential
from it, denoted here by q(⬍X). Because of the mathematical functions fitted the measurements so well in both cases offers
reciprocity of this situation compared to that of a tray of further support to the theory outlined above, although of
limited width, Eq. [8] and [11] can also be used here, substitut- course the distribution of splash very close to the source re-
ing X for w in the latter. In a similar manner, equations can mained unknown in these experiments.
be derived for splash beyond a distance X and splash between
distances X1 and X2, denoted by q(⬎X) and q(⌬X), respec-
tively. The resulting equations read:
Splash from or onto a Rectangular Area
q(⬍X) ⫽ [1 ⫺ exp(⫺1.30X/⌳)] [12a] A more complicated situation arises when an area of

both limited width and limited length is considered.
⌳␮ The question now is how the observed transport rates
q(⬎X) ⫽ exp(⫺1.30X/⌳) [12b]
␲ compare with true transport rates (q). Dimension analy-
⌳␮ sis shows that the three variables involved include the
q(⌬X) ⫽ [exp(⫺1.30X1/⌳) ⫺ [12c] average splash length (⌳) and the sides of the tray,
␲ denoted by A and B (see Fig. 4a). Furthermore, two
exp(⫺1.30X2/⌳)] dimensionless groups can be formed from these vari-

Fig. 4. Illustration of (a) the matrix used to model the distribution of particles splashed from a rectangular area (the meaning of the areas
labelled SCREEN and CORNER is explained in the text); (b) a soil tray bordered by a very wide collecting screen having the same length;
(c) a soil tray bordered by an infinitely large horizontal collecting screen; and (d) a soil tray bordered by a collector with vertical splash
guards on three sides.

ables by considering the ratios A/⌳ and B/⌳ or, more The matrix model was used to find relationships be-
conveniently, A/⌳ and A/B. tween A/⌳ and A/B on the one hand, and transport rate
The problem was approached using a simple matrix on the other, depending on the boundary conditions of
model involving the density function represented by Eq. the problem. For example, consider a tray of soil with
[1]. For the calculations, input values of ⌳, A/⌳, and a horizontal collecting screen on one side, having the
A/B were needed. Detachment rate (␮) was set at unity. same length as the tray and a width of five times the
A matrix was constructed with elements of unit area average splash length in the direction of the tray (numer-
and of such a size that the edge of the matrix was at a ically, this will be virtually equal to a screen that effec-
distance of five times ⌳ from the central tray on all tively extends infinitely in the direction of the tray; see
sides. Application of Eq. [12b] suggests that under these Fig. 4b). The total amount of material splashed onto
conditions, ⬍0.15% of the amount of material splashed this screen (as a ratio to detachment rate) is obtained
from the tray would be unaccounted for. All elements by summing the amounts for all elements in the area
were given (x, y) coordinates and the elements repre- labeled “SCREEN” in Fig. 4a. This total was calculated
senting the soil in the tray were labeled (Fig. 4a). For for a range of A/K and A/B values. The results were
each target matrix element (x1, y1), the amount of mate- then compared with transport rates (q) from an infi-
rial (per unit area) received from any source matrix nitely large area of soil (Eq. [8], again using unit detach-
element (x2, y2) was calculated using Eq. [1] (provided ment rate). The ratios of the two values listed in Table 1a
of course that the source element was part of the tray for various combinations of A/⌳ and A/B are shown in
area). As will be apparent from Eq. [1], calculations Fig. 5a. These ratios can be used to correct the results
cannot be made if the source and target area are one,
of experiments involving splash trays and screens for
but this will not affect the final result since the source
their geometry.
(tray) and target (receiving) areas are always separate.
Similarly, the total amount of material splashed from
However, to allow a check on numerical errors in the
model, an accurate substitute value for this special case the tray onto a larger screen extending to either side of
was determined (details about the followed procedure the area labeled SCREEN is obtained by summation
are available from the authors upon request). The out- of all elements in the areas denoted SCREEN and
put of the model consists of a matrix in which the total “CORNER” (Fig. 4a, c). Again, these values were calcu-
amount of material deposited on each element, ex- lated for a range of A/⌳ and A/B values and the corre-
pressed as a fraction of (unit) detachment rate, was sponding ratios to actual transport rate (q) are listed in
assigned to that element. As a control on numerical Table 1b and plotted in Fig. 5b. A third situation con-
errors, the total amount of material for the entire target cerns a tray having (on one side) a splash collector with
matrix was calculated and divided by the number of vertical guard screens on all other sides (Fig. 4d). The
source elements; the resulting value should be close to guards intercept material that would otherwise be de-
unity. If the latter deviated by ⬎1%, the values of ⌳, posited beyond or next to it (Wan et al., 1996). In the
A, and B were doubled to reduce numerical errors, and case of a square source tray with collectors on all sides,
the model was run again. it is not difficult to see that the amount of material

Table 1. Geometrical correction factors for splash transport measured in tray experiments, for a range of tray dimensions (A and B)
and average splash lengths, ⌳. The length A of the considered side of the tray is made dimensionless through division by average
splash length ⌳, while tray dimensions are expressed in the aspect (A/B). The geometrical correction factor represents measured
transport as a fraction of transport from an infinitely large area. Factors are calculated for the situation of a tray equipped with (a)
a very wide screen having the same length as the side A of the tray and (b) an infinitely large screen.
(a) Finite screen (b) Infinite screen
A/⌳ 1/2 2/3 1/1 3/2 2/1 1/2 2/3 1/1 3/2 2/1 A/⌳
0.1 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.24 0.18 0.14 0.09 0.07 0.1
0.2 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.42 0.33 0.25 0.16 0.13 0.2
0.5 0.17 0.16 0.13 0.10 0.09 0.72 0.61 0.50 0.34 0.28 0.5
1 0.35 0.33 0.30 0.24 0.21 0.91 0.83 0.73 0.55 0.47 1
2 0.56 0.56 0.53 0.47 0.42 0.99 0.97 0.91 0.79 0.71 2
5 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.78 0.77 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.97 0.95 5
10 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10
25 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 25
50 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 50
100 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 100

intercepted by one splash collector and its guards should Because of mathematical reciprocity, Eq. [14] is valid
be equal to the sum of elements in the area denoted for both ejecting and receiving splash cups. However, it
SCREEN plus half the elements in the two areas de- proved very difficult to evaluate Eq. [14] in an analytical
noted CORNER in Fig. 4a. Clearly, this will not change manner and therefore again a numerical model was
if the other collectors are removed. However, if the tray constructed, similar to the one described for a rectangu-
is rectangular instead of square, the solution becomes lar source area. The representation of a circular area in
less straightforward. Nevertheless, as long as A/⌳ and a matrix introduced additional numerical errors, but
B/⌳ are sufficiently large, the rate of transport can be
calculated in the same manner without introducing large
errors. Consequently, the correction factor needed for
this type of experiment can be approximated by averag-
ing the correction factors for the appropriate combina-
tion of A/B and A/⌳ values listed in Table 1a and 1b, re-

Splash from or into a Round Cup

In studies with splash cups, it is important to know the
relationship between the cup splash rate mR (i.e., the
amount of material splashed into or out of a cup of ra-
dius R per unit area of cup, in g m⫺2) and the detachment
rate (␮). In principle, the mass (M[⬎r], in g m⫺2) that
is splashed beyond a radial distance r of a small unit
source area is easily obtained by integration of Eq. [2]:

M (⬎r) ⫽ 冮 dr⬘ ⌳ exp(⫺r⬘/⌳) ⫽ ␮exp(⫺r/⌳). [13]

However, a circular source area represents a population

of individual sources whose distance to the perimeter
is a function of direction (except for the very center
point), and this complicates the calculation of the distri-
bution of splashed material. Torri and Poesen (1988)
attempted a combined analytical and numerical solution
to this problem and presented a table listing the factors
that relate detachment rate to cup diameter and average
splash length. However, similar to the approach fol-
lowed for the case of a rectangular soil tray, it may be
seen that cup radius R and average splash length (⌳)
can be combined into one dimensionless variable, R/⌳.
Furthermore, the cup splash rate (mR) can be expressed Fig. 5. Splash transport onto (a) a wide screen having the same length
as a side A, and (b) an infinitely large screen, both placed along
as a function of R/⌳ and detachment rate (␮), to yield a side A of a tray with dimensions A and B, as a function of the
the geometrical cup splash correction factor Fr: dimensionless length of that side, A/K, and for a number of different
values of the aspect (A/B ) of the tray. Splash transport was made
FR ⫽ ⫽ f (R/⌳). [14] dimensionless by expressing it as a fraction of the transport from
␮ an infinitely large area of soil.

Fig. 6. Relationship between dimensionless cup radius R/K and the Fig. 7. Application of the theory for interpreting splash cup data (Eq.
amount of soil splashed out of the cup, expressed as a fraction of [16]) to data collected by Poesen and Torri (1988). The exponential
the total amount of detached sediment (FR ). equation proposed by Poesen and Torri (1988) is shown for com-
parison. mR ⫽ cup splash rate, R ⫽ radius.
these can be reduced by increasing the radius of the
source area. As a control on these errors, the number Eq. [16] were compared with the measurements of
of source elements representing the cup area was com- Poesen and Torri (1988), who used receiving splash
pared with the theoretical area (␲R2) for each model cups. As shown in Fig. 7, Eq. [16] fits the experimental
run. If the difference was ⬍0.5% the result was accepted, data slightly better than the exponential function pro-
otherwise the values of both R and ⌳ were doubled posed by the authors themselves. Whereas they inferred
and the model was run again. The summed amounts of a detachment rate of 790 g m⫺2 and an average splash
material deposited outside the circular source area were length of 0.060 m (Poesen and Torri, 1988; Torri and
calculated and divided by the sum for all elements to Poesen, 1988), Eq. [16] yielded values of 950 g m⫺2 and
determine the geometrical correction factor, FR, for 0.035 m, respectively. It should be noted, however, that
splash from or into a cup of radius R. the exponential function derived by Torri and Poesen
When plotted on a semilogarithmic scale, the results (1988) is not compatible with the theoretical require-
indicate an S-shaped function (Fig. 6). For low values ment that an inverse relationship (mR ⵑ 1/R) is ap-
of R/⌳, the results approach those of Eq. [13] and, conse- proached for large cup sizes.
quently, FR approaches unity. For high values of R/⌳,
on the other hand, the fact that the area is not infinitely Splash on a Sloping Surface
large becomes progressively less important and eventu-
A number of problems arise when the theory devel-
ally the situation approaches that of splash across the
oped above is applied to splash on a slope. For ballistic
boundary of an (effectively) infinitely large circular
reasons alone, a particle that is splashed downslope will
area, AR. The total length of the boundary equals the
travel a longer horizontal distance before meeting the
circumference of this circle, while transport rate (q)
soil surface again, compared with a particle that is
across the boundary is defined by Eq. [8]. In that case,
splashed upslope. In principle, the resulting anisotropic
cup splash rate out of or into a cup of radius R (mR, g
distribution of particles can be calculated using conven-
m⫺2) is given by:
tional ballistic equations, but this requires knowledge
mR(∞) q ⫻ 2␲R of the distribution of vertical angles and initial velocities
FR (∞) ⫽ ⫽ of all particles ejected from the point of impact, or
␮AR ␮ ⫻ ␲R2
assumptions about these. Moreover, it needs to be as-
1 sumed that these distributions and the amounts of parti-
⌳␮ ⫻ 2␲R
␲ 2 ⌳. cles splashed do not vary in the different horizontal
⫽ ⫽ [15] directions. These assumptions fail to describe the actual
␮ ⫻ ␲R 2
characteristics of splash on a slope. Laboratory experi-
Again, this equation only depends on the ratio of R to ments by Ghadiri and Payne (1988) demonstrated that,
⌳ and not on their absolute values. Using the boundary compared with splash on a horizontal surface, splash
conditions stated above, it was found empirically that on sloping surfaces (i) produced droplets with a lower
the model results were well described by: average vertical splash angle in the downward direction,
and a higher angle in the upslope direction; (ii) produced
FR ⫽
␮ 冤
⫽ 1 ⫺ exp ⫺ 冢
␲ R 2 ⌳.
2 ⌳ ␲R 冣冥 [16] droplets with comparable velocity distributions in all
directions; (iii) detached similar amounts of particles as
Predictions by Eq. [16] agreed with the numerical model drops falling on a horizontal slope; yet, (iv) produced
results within 4% (Fig. 6). Probably a significant part more large droplets splashing in the downslope direc-
of this difference relates to numerical errors within the tion, carrying more detached particles than droplets
model itself. Predictions of splash transport based on splashed upslope.

Clearly, extremely detailed information on the distri- regard to the FSDF (but less complex), the relationship
bution of particles in all vertical and horizontal direc- between transport rate (q) and detachment rate (␮) can
tions as well as the corresponding initial velocities would be evaluated. Eventually, this relationship is given by:
be needed to develop a mathematical framework for ␮ ∞ ∞ x⫹x⬘
splash on a slope. To make matters worse, the experi- q⫽
冮 dx 冮 dx⬘exp冢⫺ ⌳ 冣 ⫽ ␮⌳↓.

ments of Ghadiri and Payne (1988) also demonstrated 0 0
that the effect of slope on the splash process varies, Results obtained with Eq. [18] can be compared with
depending on the material involved. This suggests a those of Eq. [8], but it should be noted that if splash
wide range of possible slope ⫺ (net) splash transport has indeed become entirely one-dimensional as de-
relationships, and indeed a considerable number of such scribed by Eq. [17], then interpreting the splash mea-
relationships has been reported for different soil types surements with radial theory will yield an apparent
(Foster and Martin, 1969; de Ploey, 1969; Mosley, 1973; splash length that differs from the actual average down-
Moeyersons and de Ploey, 1976; Quansah, 1981; Sa- slope splash length (K↓) by a factor of ≈1.30 (Eq. [12a–
vat, 1981). c]). Eventually, the maximum relative difference be-
An alternative, more pragmatic approach is to use tween apparent detachment rate (␮a) found using Eq.
the equations derived earlier for a horizontal surface to [12a–c] and true detachment rate (␮) based on Eq. [18]
interpret measurements of splash on a slope and to is given by:
try and obtain an estimate of the error involved. For
␮a ␲q ⌳↓
example, consider measurements made using a series ≈ ≈ 2.42. [19]
of long compartments, placed perpendicularly to the ␮ 1.30⌳↓ q
slope gradient, to measure downslope or upslope splash It follows that detachment rate estimated from measure-
transport, or along the slope gradient to measure lateral ments of downslope splash using the radially isotropic
splash transport. By interpreting these measurements theory for splash on a horizontal plane can be up to
using one-dimensional theory (Eq. [12a–c]), different 2.42 times higher than the actual detachment rate (in
apparent average splash lengths will be obtained for contrast, measurements of upslope and lateral splash
each direction in which transport was measured. This will yield an underestimate that, in theory, can become
apparent directional splash length represents a mass- infinitely large). Uncertainties from these considera-
weighted average of the respective average directional tions are less than variations in the detachability of dif-
splash lengths of particles splashed in the various hori- ferent soils (defined as the detachment per unit erosive
zontal directions. An error is likely to be introduced if energy input), which cover several orders of magnitude
these apparent splash lengths and observed transport (Poesen and Savat, 1981; Poesen and Torri, 1988).
rates are used to estimate detachment rate using Eq. Therefore, despite the error involved, measurements of
[8]. Arguably, the most important source of error lies downslope, upslope, and lateral splash transport and
in the preferential splash of particles downslope. The the associated apparent splash lengths on a sloping sur-
order of magnitude of this error can be investigated face may still be interpreted with the theory developed
analytically. For the special case that all detached parti- in this paper, and will result in useful (albeit initial)
cles are splashed downslope, with equal amounts of estimates of detachment rate.
particles still being splashed in all downslope directions,
it is readily shown that detachment rate estimated with CONCLUDING REMARKS
Eq. [8], using measurements of downslope splash, will
result in an overestimate of twice the actual value. It The present theoretical study shows that experiments
can also be shown that detachment rate determined to determine detachment and transport by rain splash
from lateral splash measurements will still be correct. must take into account the spatial distribution of the
If the radial distribution of particles is even more asym- splashed particles. There is considerable empirical evi-
metrical than this, the associated error will be greater. dence to suggest that an exponential FSDF adequately
The extreme situation is represented by a situation in describes reality. On the basis of the FSDF, a theory was
which all particles are splashed at very small angles developed that facilitates the interpretation of various
to the slope gradient; in that case, lateral and upslope kinds of splash measurements. Several theoretical appli-
transport are virtually and absolutely absent, respec- cations of the FSDF compared very well with results of
tively. Furthermore, it may be assumed that the distribu- experiments involving splash cups and splash trays. It
tion function for splash from a narrow strip perpendicu- is evident from the theory that the rate of splash detach-
lar to the slope gradient, becomes the one-sided function ment (␮) and observed rates of splash transport (q)
constitute two different entities. However, the relation-
␮ ship between the two proved surprisingly simple and
Mdown (x) ⫽ (x ⬎ 0), [17] only requires knowledge of the average splash length
(⌳). A number of equations and correction factors are
where ⌳↓ is the weighted-average downslope splash presented that can be used to interpret the results of
length, x is the distance downslope from the source area, splash experiments on a horizontal surface. The distri-
and Mdown(x) (in g m⫺3) is the splash mass per unit of bution of splashed particles is anisotropic on a slope
distance per unit source area. Following an approach and, consequently, splash experiments become more
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