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‘ 13 Read the blogs again.

Mark the sentences

Ak true (T), false (F) or doesn’t say (DS).
Start thmkmg 1 Alice’s mum's job is for a year and a half.
11 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 2 Alice is worried about getting bored in Dubai.
1 What is the population of your town? She is excited by the Arab culture.

2 Does your town have a festival each year? It gets very cold in Yellowknife.

The Snowking Winter Festival takes place on ice.
12 CPEEE Read and listen to the blogs about

Brian really likes sport.
people who are moving to another country

soon. Answer the questions in Exercise 11 for
both p ces.

Today — rain in London. Tomorrow — sun in Dubai! It's time

to go. We're going to fly out tomorrow! | am soooo excited!
OK, I'm a bit sad to say goodbye to my friends butwe aren’t
going to be in Dubai too long. Mum's contract is only for 18
months. Actually, that's quite a long time but i'm certainly not
4 going to get bored. There are loads of things to do in Dubai. |
Here's what 'm going to do: AL
# Go to the top of the Burj al Arab (you know
— that
building that looks like a ship's sail).
l Visit Park Jebel Ali — the largest man-made harbour in
the world.

1 Shop — there are zillions of shopping malls there. You

can go skiing in one of them.
¥ Eat Middle Eastern food — | just love it.
E Get into khaliji music. It's amazing.
¥ Play some golf in the desert (yes, it's possible) and see
some tennis at the Dubai tennis stadium.
l And go to school, of course. I'm going to go to the Dubai
British School
| think that’s enough to keep me busy!

Big news this week. We're moving! That's right, two months
from now it's ‘Goodbye Toronto’ and ‘Hello Yellowknife!”
For those of you who don’t know, Yellowknife (population
about 19,000) is right at the top of Canada so obviously it's
pretty cold. -27 °C in January! But it gets up to 17 °C in the
We're going because dad’s got a new job. He's going to work
for a diamond company there.
Anyway the best thing about Yellowknife is every winter there’s
this really cool festival. It's called the Snowking Winter Festival.
Basically, every year they build a really big ice castle on the
frozen lake. Then they have loads of concerts and activities
for kids. They even show films on the walls of the castle. I'm
definitely going to that. It's also a really good place to see the
Northern Lights. | promise to take loads of photos and put
them on my blog.
My sister and | are going to study at the Sir John Franklin High
School. It's got a really good theatre so l’m going to do some
acting there for sure. There's also a good sports centre too.
It's going to be different but I'm sure l’m going to have a good
time. And don't worry —I'm not going to stop writing my blog.

17 Write the verbs in the correct form of be going to.

0 Alice and her mother are going to fly (fly) to
Appreciating other cultures Dubai.
1 Alice _ " (not/live) in Dubaifor a
14 You are on an exchange trip in a new
long time.
country for two weeks. Read and tick (v)
2 She——ee (visit) the QE2.
the things you do.
3 Alice _ (not / be) bored in Dubai.
O Make friends with the local people.
4 Brian __ (do)some acting.
O Try and find people from your own country 5 Hisdad —r (not / work) for an IT
who are also on holiday there. company.
| Try and learn some of the language. 6 Brianand hissister (study) at
| Speak your own language (and hope the Sir John Franklin High School
people understand you). 7 Bran_ (not
/ stop) writing his blog.
See if theTV shows programmes
18 Write sentences using the prompts and
from your own country.
be going to.
LI Visit the museums.
| 0 Alice
/ go skiing / Dubai
_| Listen to and buy some music
by musicians in that country.
We /not / be / bored / museum.

15 Work in pairs. Decide which of My friends / wait / me / bus stop.
the things in Exercise 14 are good to help wN
you / move / house soon?
you find out more about a different culture. When / they / arrive?
What other things are also good to do? j I/ not / buy
/ any / new jeans.

They / build / new theatre / our town.

19 Complete the sentences with the correct form

GRAMMAR of the verbs in the box.
Be going to (intentions) netwateh - take « notfight + clean
not borrow « do -« eat
+ -

I'm (am) going to work. | 'm not (am not) going to 0 |_‘mnotgoingtowatch _ 5o muchTv.
work. 1 My parents __ out more often.
He / she / it's (is) going He / she / itisn’t (is not) 2 We all more exercise.
to work. going to work. 3 My brother _ with me anymore,
You / we / they're (are) You / we / they aren't (are 4 | thedog for a walk every day.
going to work. not) going to work. 5 My sisters __ my clothes without asking.
? Short answers 6 We __ our bedrooms once a week.

Am | going to work? Yes, l am. 20 Look at the table. Tick (v) the things
No, l'm not. you are going to do.
Is he / she / it going to Yes, he / she /itis.
work? No, he / she /itisn't. tonight this week this year
Are you / we / they Yes, you / we / they are. study play sport write a blog
going to work? No, you / we / they aren’t.
watch TV visit have a G
Wh- questions relatives holiday
Where am | going to work? tidy my play a learn
When is he going to work? room computer something
Why are they going to work? game new
We use be going to to talk about our intentions in the
21 Workin pairs. Ask and answer
questions about the activities in Exercise 20.

n - Are you going to watch TV tonight?

-Yes, lam.
16 circle examples of be going to in the text. - What are you going to watch?
Present continuous (arrangements)
They're leaving at 7am tomorrow.
We aren’t going to the shopping mall this afternoon.
Are you coming on the school trip next week?
What are you doing tomorrow?
To talk about arrangements in the future we use the
present continuous.
Emma HiFrancis, are you busy?
Francis I'm trying to finish my history project, so, yes, |
am busy. 24 Complete the sentences. Use the present
continuous form of the verb.
Emma |just wanted to ask you about Saturday. Are
you coming with us to the football match? 0 | 'mgoing (go) to Dan's party on Saturday.
Francis No, | can't because I'm going away with the 1 Oliver (not come) this afternoon.
basketball team. We're playing in a tournament 2 Saraand| (do) our homework
on Saturday. together after school.
Emma When are you coming back? 3 We___ _ (notvisit) my grandparents on
Francis | don't know exactly, but late. Sunday.
Emma That's a shame. Jacob and Holly aren't coming 4 your class (go) on a school
either. trip next week?
Francis | What time are you meeting up? 5 My brother (play) in the basketball
Emma I'm meeting the others in the shopping mall final on Monday.
at 2pm and then we're walking to the football
6 Whattime (we / leave) on Tuesday?
25 Write sentences in the present continuous using
29 Read and listen to the dialogue. Then
the prompts.
answer the questions.
0 My class / go / trip / France / next week.
1 What s Francis doing now?
2 When is the football match? My class is goingon a tripto France next week.
3 Whoisn't going to the football match? I/ not / go / the dentist / next week.

4 Where is Emma meeting her friends? Molly / have / party / Saturday.

What time / you / leave / for/ station?
23 Look at the dialogue and circle the correct
answer. Dad / cook / roast chicken / for dinner / tonight.

1 Inlines1and 2, they are talking about the The students / do / the exam / tomorrow?

present / past / future. My grandparents /stay / us / next week.


We / not / meet / our friends / afternoon.


2 Inthe rest of the dialogue, they are talking

about the present / past / future. Jack / play / football match / Saturday?


26 Complete the conversation. Use the present FUNCTIONS

continuous form of the verbs in the box.
Inviting and making arrangements
buy « meet
+ de + play + stay « shop + do I
32 Listen agaifi to the dialogue between
Kenny — What°_are_you __ doing __ this Tom and Annie. Complete the sentences.
Inviting ! — _ like to go the
Olivia l haven't got any plans.1'___________at
cinema with me?
home. Why?
Accepting l'd2 to.
Kenny Well Pauland 2 __ football, Do
you want to come along? Refusing | l'm sorry. 1_ l'm busy.
Olivia OK. Can l invite Tim too?

Kenny Sure. And what about your brother? 33 Work in pairs. Take turnsto invite
3 W _P anything? your partner to do these things.
Olivia Yes he 4 with my mum. They
- his birthday present.
Kenny OK.Well, we 6 __ Jack, Adam,
Lucy and Julia at the park at two.
Olivia OK. See you at two, then.

27 Write two true and two false sentences about

your plans for next weekend.

28 ENN In pairs, read out your sentences

and guess if they are true or false.
- l’m fiying to Las Vegas.
- False!

29 Listen to Tom and Annie. Who is Tom
going to the cinema with: Emily or Annie? 34 Think of three arrangements and write them
in your diary.
30 Listen again and complete the
sentences with places in a town.
Friday | Saturday | Sunday
1 Tom wants to take Annie to the
2 Theresanew__= __ in Bridge Street. morning ì school
3 The restaurant is next to the afternoon ‘ school ;
4 Annie is meeting Emily at the evening ‘ "
5 Annie’s relatives want to see the |
31 Listen again and fill in Annie’s diary.

35 Can you complete your diary? Work in groups.

1_ Invite people to do things with you.

I —
- Would you like to go to a football match
with me on Saturday afternoon?
a_ _
- I'd love to.
2 Find things to do when you're free.
i_ _
Voiced /3/ and unvoiced /6/ Turn to page 283. >

| 107
Human Science


10 Look at the pictures. What do you think the text

will be about? Bonl Es
1 What we want to look like in the future.
2 What the human body will be like in the future. A long time ago, people were very different from the
way we are now. For example, if you go into a really
3 How we can change our bodies if we want. !
old house, you'll see that the doors are usually much
11 Read and listen to the article and lower than they are today. Why? Because hundreds of
check your ideas. years ago, people were shorter. Over time, the human
body changes to adapt to a new way of life.
12 Read the article again and answer the
questions. Will the human body change in the future? For sure.
And the main reason is that we have more
N and more
1 Why are we taller than people in the past?
technology, and it is changing how we live.
2 What is the most important reason our bodies

will change in the future? What kind of changes can we expect? We can't be
3 Why will people get weaker? 100% sure, but here are some possibilities.
4 What will happen to eyes and fingers? 1 Let's start with the example above. Humans are
5 Why will we have one less toe? now ten centimetres taller than 150 years ago.
6 Why won't people have so much hair on their So, in the future, people will probably be even
bodies? taller. Most of us now have much better food than
people in the past — and so we grow more.

THlNk ’Values We'll get weaker in more than one way. The most
. important way is that our muscles will be weaker
Exercise and health because we won't do a lot of physical work.
R We are already using our feet less, and our hands
13 R'ead the seAntences. Which do you agree and more (think about gcomputers and tablets and
disagree with? so on.) So we can expect that our feet will get
1 You need to do sport every day to be healthy. smaller, and at the same time, our fingers will
2 Using a computer and texting are good ways get longer. Our fingers and our eyes will both get
to exercise your hands and arms. better, because they'll do more work together.
3 You don't need to do sportto be healthy, just Now, what about the mouth? It'l get smaller,
do simple exercise (for example, go up the perhaps, because technological improvements
stairs and don't take the lift). will mean that we don't need to talk so much —and
also because our teeth will get smaller (so mouths
14 In small groups, discuss your don’t need to be so big to keep them in).
answers to Exercise 13. / Here's a good one - it's very possible that people
will have four toes, not five. The little toe really
isn't needed any more (people who lose them
GRAMMAR don't miss them) so it will probably disappear
some time in the future.
2 7
will | won”t (future predlctlons) And last but not least — people won't have so
+ - much hair on their bodies, as we don't need it to
ke h ‘
I/you/he/she/it/we/ |/you/he/she/it/we/they won't . eep ourselves warm any7 more Y
they'll (will) grow. (will not) grow. Wil all these things happen? And if so, when? These
are questions that no-one can answer for sure.
? Short answers
Will I/you/he/she/it/we/ | Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they
they grow? will.
No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they
won't (will not).
We use will
/ won't + the base form of the verb to make
predictions about the future.
We'll get weaker.
We won't do a lot of physical work.

Wp.234 2
14 |

16 Complete with will, ‘Il or won’t and a verb from

the box.
get . stay go . find + glve - be - }he\p

Oh, Mark, it's the French test tomorrow! | hate

French. I'm sure |°_womn’t get _ the answers right!
Don't worry, you ' __ fine! You got a good
result in your last test.
Yes, but this is more difficult. | really don't feel well.
Maybel?_______ to school tomorrow.
1> in bedall day.
That* you. The teacher 5. __ you
the test on Wednesday.
You're right. But what can | do?
Look, why don't we do some French together?
You® ___thatit's not so difficult.

Making predictions
17 Write predictions according to your opinions.
0 People / use / technology more.
People will use technology more.
we / live / longer

athletes / run / faster


our diet / get / better

people / become / more intelligent
doctors / find / a cure for all illnesses

18 In pairs, compare your predictions.

- ‘l think we'll live longer?
- ‘l don't agree. | think there will be new
dangerous diseases.

19 In pairs ask and answer the questions about

your future using the ideas in the table.

You move abroad in the future

Your friends | do a manual job in 10 years'time
15 Look back at the text and complete the Your family | live near you in 50 years'time
sentences with will or won't. be healthier
0 We __ will _ grow taller because we have | have (a) good job(s)
be wealthy
better food.
1 Ourfeet — grow so big because we
walk so much. Look
2 Ourfingers get longer because we + When we express opinions / predictions, we often use /
__ use them more. think..
3 Oureyes and fingers do more work I think humans will become more intelligent.
together. BUT:
4 Our muscles be so strong because I don’t think we’ll have robots in our homes.
we___ do a lot of physical work. NOT tthinkwewon’t-havetobotsirotrhomes:
5 We______talksomuch so our mouths Other useful verbs for making predictions are: expect,
- get smaller. believe, imagine, reckon.
6 There be so much hair on our bodies Will your friends live near you in the future?
because we __ need it to keep us warm. Yes, | expect my friends will live near me.

| 115
Grammar and practice
26 e A. Present continuous con valore di futuro| D. Future simple
B. To be going to E. Future simple / To be going to
C. Present continuous / To be going to Revision: tempi verbali (il futuro)

* 7Y PRESENT CONTINUOUS con valore di futuro

Uso —
11 present continuous si usa | /'m going to the pub tonight.
con valore di futuro per I'm not going to the pub tonight.
parlare di Are you going to the pub tonight?
azioni future programmate | Aren't you going to the pub tonight?
prima del momento in cui si | Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.
parla. What are you doing this afternoon?

I'm going to the supermarket and then

I'm meeting Jenny at 5.

Espressioni di tempo usate con il present continuous con valore di futuro:

tonight/this evening questasera tomorrow domani
next week la prossima settimana in two weeks tra due settimane
in July in luglio on Monday lunedi
—— 1
7 ione!!!
Attenzione!!! Confronta gli esempi:

He's watching TV. | He's watching

@/(;— ' \ Sta g}xgrdando la |TV t{us
\/ elevisione.
a evening.
~ “A azione del Questa sera
I\ ì - ( ©)Vi) £ presen te in corso | guardera la
=1 A VWG svolgiimento)
di i svolg -
| televisione.
" Y i
~/ (azione futura

1. Indica quali frasi esprimono un'azione del presente in corso di svòlgiméuto (P) e quali frasi
esprimono un'azione futura programmata (F).
> Look! That's Peter over there. Where is he going? (P)
1. What are you doing next summer? Have you got any plans? (P.)
2. Tom is in the sitting room. He's trying to repair the television. (L)
3. What time are they leaving? - In a few minutes. (.P)
4. What are you doing? - I'm sending an e-mail. (f..)
5. Mary's working at a supermarket these days. Cu }
6. He's taking an exam next week. (.R)

2 Cofipîéîa le frasi con la farm; affermativa del present continuous con valore futuro.
i g ii sss ai d until eight o'clock this evening.
2. Mary and Peter (visit) . their parents on Saturday.
3. I(play) . tennis this afternoon.
4. Our friends (come) to visit us next Sunday.
5. We (have) .. . lunch in a few minutes.
6. They (leave) .. next Friday.

3. Trasforma le frasi nella forma indicata tra parentesi.

> My friends are going to Rome next week. (neg.)
My friends aren't going to Rome next week.
1. Is David meeting the boss this afternoon? (aff.)
2. George is visiting Cambridge next weekend. (interr.)
3. Are they leaving for India next week? (aff.)
4. The French tourists are arriving on Saturday morning. (interr.-neg.)
5. I'm going to the dentist's on Friday afternoon. (neg.)

4. Leggi i programmi di Alan per il prossimo sabato e scrivi mini-dialoghi come nell'esempio.

SATURDAY 18 th { > A:What's Alan doing at 9 o'clock?

9 am visit the dentist b¢ B: He's visiting g the dentist at 9 o'clock.
11 am meet Jano for_coffee C What is alan going to do on saturday at 5 pm?
1 pm have lunch with Peter f He is going to catch the train to Manchester
5 pm catch the train to Manchester
o pme
10 go e to the
Ri disco with
z Pamela = J
5. Completa i mini-dialoghi con le domande adeguate. Usa il present continuous e le question
words appropriate (who, how, where, how long, how many)
> A: My friends Sarah and Paul are spending their holidays at the Bahamas this summer.
B: Really? How long are they spending there?
A: I'm not sure. Two weeks, I presume.
1. A: We're going on a school trip next week.

3 À t a Bed & Breakfast, I think.

4. A: Some of my schoolmates are going to Italy next week.
i ?



* [:] 70 BE coina ro
Forma —— |
UAN sogg. + (?://,l://: Zî : going to + forma base

Negativa am/is/are not + i + |

sogg- + ('m not / isn't / aren't) + going to formnabiass ;
Interrogativa am / is / are + sogg. + going to + forma base ?
Interrogativo- aren't] +
negativa isn't he / she /it + } going to + forma base ?
aren't we / you / they +
Risposte brevi Yes, sogg. + am / is / are |
No, sogg. + 'm not / isn't / aren't
He is ('s) going to take his car to a mechanic.
He is not (isn't) going to take his car to a mechanic.
Is he going to take his car to a mechanic?
Isn't he going to take his car to a mechanic?
Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.
Frase Question tag
(vero? / non è vero?)
Affermativa aren't / isn't + sogg.?
They're going to spend their holidays in Spain, aren't they?
Hanno intenzione di trascorrere le loro vacanze in Spagna, vero?
Negativa am / is / are + sogg.?
They aren't going to spend their holidays in Spain, are they?
Non hanno intenzione di trascorrere le loro vacanze in Spagna, | vero?

11 futuro con "to be going to" si usa per:
«* esprimere intenzione Bob is going to save money because he
(azioni che si ha intenzione di realizzare | wants to buy a motorbike.
ma che non si è sicuri che si Bob ha intenzione di risparmiare del danaro
realizzeranno) perchè vuole comperare una motocicletta.
e parlare di azioni/eventi che quasi Look at that girl! She's going to fall off her
certamente si realizzeranno perché ne bike.
esistono già i presupposti Guarda quella ragazza! Sta per cadere dalla
(previsione basata su ciò che si vede) bicicletta.
P\_lò tradurre l'italiano "stare per"
. . 1 — . .
— Attenzione!!! — Confronta gli esempi:

It's It's going

raining. to rain.

Sta Sta per

piovendo. piovere.

/1.’ Comple ta
le fras i con la forma corretta affermativadi t0 be going to dei verbi tra parentesi, poi
trasforma le frasi ottenute in forma negativa, interrogativa e interrogativo-negativa.
> They (give) are going to give Mary a present for her birthday.
They aren't going to give Mary a present for her birthday.
Are they going to give Mary a present for her birthday?
Aren't they going to give Mary a present for her birthday?
1. He (bwy) ... .. a new car. 2. Pamela (invite) .
a lot of people to her birthday party. 3. Tom and Paul (watch) the
football match. 4. Alan and Betty (spend) their holidays in Greece.

2. Rispondi con risposte brevi.

Are you going to book the tickets for the show? - Yes, I am.

Is Bob going to attend a guitar course? - No,

Are they going to sell their flat? - Yes,

Are you going to stay in France until the end of September? - No, .............
Is Clare going to move to Manchester? - Yes, ...............

Aggiungi in coda a ciascuna frase la question tag corretta.


You are going to invite George and Michael to your party, aren't you?
She's going to fly to Paris, ....
She isn't going to get up early,

They aren't going to leave immediately, ........................7

Tom's going to see a doctor,

. Abbina i verbi forniti alle immagini e scrivi che cosa le persone stanno per fare o che cosa sta

per accadere, come nell'esempio.

What's going to happen?
a) fall off the wall ¢) score a goal e) have a bath
b) wash the car d) open the window f) paint the wall

1d AT
He's going to open the window.

5. Fai riferimento all'esercizio precedente e scrivi domande e risposte come nell'esempio.

> A: Is he opening the window?
B: No, he isn't. He's going to open the window.

azione programmata / intenzione
Quando si parla di programmi futuri si può usare il present continuous oppure to be going to ma
confronta il diverso uso:


tempo futuro
e per parlare di un'azione programmata e per esprimere un'intenzione
(che si è sicuri di realizzare) (che non si è sicuri di realizzare)
We're moving to London next month. We're going to move to London.
Ci trasferiamo a Londra il mese prossimo. Abbiamo intenzione di trasferirci a Londra.
(& gia deciso) (ma ancora non ne siamo certi)

— ’
Usa questa strategia: — _ Attenzione!!!
Come si può vedere dagli
e Il present continuou…di un'azione
programmata/progetto futuro se accompagnato da un'espressione di
esempi nella tabella si usa to
tempo futuro o se è chiaro dal contesto che si tratta di un'azione
be going to quando il verbo al
futura. Nel caso di dubbio se l'azione sia presente o futura, si
futuro può essere sostituito
con "avere intenzione di fare preferisce usare la forma to be going to.
They're having a party. (Quando? In questo momento o in futuro?)
They're going to have a party.
In caso di azione programmata e Per motivi di stile, generalmente non si usa to be going to con il
il present continuous inglese verbo go.
corrisponde all'indicativo Si dice: I'm going to Scotland next summer.
presente italiano. E non: # Seotland
——— i _ — __ _

1. Indica quali frasi esprimono un'intenzione (1) e quali esprimono un'azione programmata (AP).
I'm meeting my cousin at five o'clock. ( .i. )

I'm going to work in a department store next sammer. ( à

We're going to the cinema at eight o'clock. ( ... ) P
S n e

They're having a party this evening. ( ... )

We're going to buy a house. (.ap
She's seeing the dentist at four o'clock. ( .i. )

2. Sottolinea l'alternativa che esprime correttamente il futuro.

Ifthe weather is nice, 1'm going to visit / 'm visiting my friends who live at the seaside.
/'m buying a new c can save enough money.

ing about the night shifts.

It's fixed. We're lea ing / " leave tomorrow at seven o'clock.
We're 're spending our next summer holidays in Italy. We booked the tickets

By Compiem‘ le frasi con il present continuous o t0 be gòing to pé;'espfime;e correttamente il
1. Mr and Mrs Gorman (move) mgoing to studyare g?‘&gégs's?e?(vgext month. They have already
bought a house thlesrîòoìî nl (study) . computer science at university.
3. Paul (look) 9 for a job after the school-leaving examination. 4. Bill and
1(go) . to the theatre tomorrow evening. I bought the tickets last week.

4. Leggi i programmi che Sarah ha fatto per le sere della prossima settimana e completa le frasi.
Usa il present continuous quando vedi che Sarah ha preso accordi precisi con qualcuno,
altrimenti usa to be going to.
Monday 6 p.m. play tennis with Greg ;
Tuesday wash my hair
Wednesday 8 p.m. visit aunt Lucy
Thursday watch a Tom Cruise film on TV
Friday 7 p.m. have dinner with Bob
Saturday 9 p.m. meet David at the station

> Sarah can't see Alan on Monday evening because she is playing tennis with Greg.
1 She doesn't want to go out on Tuesday evening because she
2. She can't go to the cinema with Jane on Wednesday evening because she .
3 She doesn't want to go out on Thursday evening because she
4. On Friday evening she ...
S. On Saturday evening she .

5. Completa la lettera con il present continuous o to be going to (azioni programmate o


Dear Sam,
9've got some great news. David
and I 1) (go) ............. 11r. on bioliday for a whole
month. Guess whene - - - Sandinia!
We &) (leave) i on lot Yuly. We both lihe cwimming a we 5) (stay)
at a hotel night uext to the leack. We @) (relax)
as much as possible because we're guite thed aften
working band all
WeS) (come) ........................ back from oun holidays ou Slot Yuly and 7've got a
lot of plans for the nest of the cummer. Finst,
9 6) (work) .................... ata
Youth (b becanse I want to earn some extha money and buy some acwu clothes and a wew
car. 7 7) (also | joiw) ............. Rt R a gym to lose dome weight., Finally,
9 8) (etane) . ss a compater counse because I want to find a better job.
Ok, I wearly forgor! Ou 20 th August we G) (have) ........................ a partyat
my bouse to celetrate David's binthday. I hope you can come.
Well, that's all for wow. Hope to sce you s00n.
—\’———_'\_4…' %.,‘


Forma — .
Affermativa sogg. + will ('11) + forma base
Negativa sogg. + will not (won't) + forma base
Interrogativa will + sogg. + forma base?
Interrogativo- won't + sogg. + forma base?
Risposte brevi Yes, sogg. + will / No, sogg. + won't
It will ('ll) rain. / It will not (won't) rain.
Will it rain? / Won't it rain?
Yes, it will. / No, it won't.

Frase Question tag

(vero? / non è vero?)
Affermativa won't + sogg. ?
He will win the championship, wont' he?
Lui vincerà il campionato, vero?
Negativa will + sogg. ?
He won't win the championship, will he?
Lui non vincera il campionato, vero?

Uso —
11 future simple si usa:
e per fare previsioni basate su cio che si 1 don't think he will win the championship.
pensa o ci si aspetta accadra (spesso con verbi Non penso che lui vincera il campionato.
come: expect, think; con espressioni ed avverbi (Perhaps) it will rain.
come: to be certain/sure, certainly, probably, (Forse) piovera.
| perhaps, ...)
e per esprimere una decisione presa nel This room is dirty. I'll clean it.
momento in cui si parla (ad esempio quando Questa stanza ¢ sporca. La pulisco.
ci si offre di fare qualcosa o si formulano 1 promise I won't do it again..
promesse o minacce. In questi casi di norma si Prometto che non lo farò più.
usa la forma contratta 'll/won't))
e quando qualcosa è inevitabile He will be eighteen next month.
Avra diciotto anni il mese prossimo.
e per fare raccomandazioni, - You'll remember to lock the door, won't you?
esprimere accordo o disaccordo - Yes, I will. Don't worry.
- Ti ricorderai di chiudere la porta a chiave,
- Si, non ti preoccupare.

- You won't forget to lock the door, will you?

- No, I won't. Don't worry.
- Non ti dimenticherai di chiudere la porta a
chiave, vero?
- No, non ti preoccupare.
e per fare richieste e offerte Will you help me? Mi aiuti?
(vedi a rAG @38D ) Will you have a sandwich? Vuoi un sandwich?
M\Trasfél:;fl; le seguenti frasi in Îoma neéiz“t}va,’i;xtenbgati\;a e intefrogali\)a-negativa.
> They will get married. They won't get married.
Will they get married? Won't they get married?
1. They will be tired. 2. She will be late tonight. 3. He will be thirty next week. 4. There will be a
lot of traffic in half an hour. 5.They will get a pay rise. 6. The hotels will be full next weekend.

2 Complém con le corrette ques‘l'ior—l/;dgsierr'i;rpos!e brevi,

> Tonight's TV programmes will be interesting, won't they? - Yes, they will.
1. They will be here by dinner time,
2. We won't see our money again,
3. It will continue to snow all day,
4. She will be satisfied with her new job,
5. Alan won't agree with my idea,
6. You'll remember to send Peter an e-mail,

Guarda le previsioni del tempo per domani e scrivi domande e risposte usando gli elementi
- forniti, come nell'esempio.

Bangkok Seoul

Dublin Sydney
ì X
/4,9, L) 7,
Harare 14 //, 7 London 17 .«'(/ l
17 4 17 ,
> Bangkok / be sunny // yes A: Will it be sunny in Bangkok tomorrow?
B: Yes, it will.
1. Dublin/ be cloudy // yes 4. Sydney / be foggy // no
2. Harare / be windy // no 5. London / be rainy // yes
3. Seoul / be windy // no

4. Scrivi mini-dialoghi usando il future xtmple péf espnmere decisioni immediate.

> table/dirty )/ clean it A: The table is dirty.
B: Sorry, I'll clean it immediately.
1. glass / chipped // replace it 3. bill / wrong // correct it
2. soup / cold // heat it up 4. table cloth / dirty // replace it

5. Scrivi mini-dialoghi per fare raccomandazioni ed esprimere accordo, come negli esempi.
> close all the windows
A: You'll remember to close all the A: You won't forget to close all the
windows, won't you? windows, will you?
B: Yes, I will. Don't worry. B: No, I won't. Don't worry.

1. feed the dog before you go out 3. repair the dish-washer

2. do your homework this afternoon 4. clean the kitchen
» [ FUTURE sIMPLE / 70 BE GoinG TO
Sia il future simple che to be going to si usano per esprimere previsioni e decisioni ma confronta il
diverso uso.


e per fare previsioni ’ e per fare previsioni ‘
basate su ciò che si ] basate su ciò che si a
pensa o ci si aspetta vede (qualcosa sta per
accadrà (spesso con - accadere perché vi sono )
verbi come: expect, 1 premesse evidenti).
think; hope; con j è
espressioni ed avverbi 1 )
come: 0 be L] ’
certain/sure, certainly, It will rain. It's going to rain.
probably, perhaps, ...) Pioverà. Sta per piovere.
e per esprimere una decisione presa nel momento | e per esprimere una decisione presa prima di
in cui si parla parlare (intenzione)
There's no meat left. - I'll go and get some. The grass needs cutting. - 1 know. I'm going to
Non è rimasta della carne. - Ne vado a prendere. cut it tomorrow.
L'erba ha bisogno di essere tagliata. - Lo so. Ho
intenzione di tagliarla domani.

1. Completa le frasi con will o la forma corretta di 7o be going to (Rifletti: previsione basata su cio
che si pensa o su ciò che si vede?)
1. Look at that dog! He attack us!
2. Do you think Italy ... win the next World Cup?
3. It's freezing cold and it looks like it . SNOW.
4. Ithink that people .................. . live on other planets in one hundred years' time.
5. Look at that girl on her bicycle. She . fall off!
6. The sun's shining. It looks like it . be a nice day.
7. 1 don't expect they be back before the end of the week.
8. I'msure you . enjoy this film.

2. Completa i mini-dialoghi con 'll, 's going to, ‘m going to (Rifletti: decisione presa nel momento
in cui si parla o presa prima del momento in cui si parla?)

BT crssmavasssossmmsnss ssuasgrsssss make a sandwich for you.

2. A: Your trousers are dirty.
B: Iknow. I wash them later.
3. A: Why is Peter wearing his tennis shoes?
B:He.. play tennis with David.
4. A: Did you e-mail Susan?
B: Oh, I forgot! T . e-mail her this afternoon.
5. A: Have you decided which pullover to buy?
B: Yes; I. buy the blue one.
6. A: The phone is ringing.
BI Lacos cxsamaenns ra exmamamasssnsnonensraa answer it.
7. A: You forgot to phone Mary!
B Lisisionionianeneti o dbiditli phone her immediately.

REVISI tempi verbali
(il futuro: present continuous, to be going tn, future slmple)
1 ‘Sottolinea l'alternativa che espnme correttamente il futuro.
Look! There are clouds in the sky. It's going to rain / 'll rain.

It's a nice day today but it 's going to snow / 'll snow tomorrow.
1 want to go to university because I'm going to become / 'm becoming a doctor.
We are leaving / will leave for Peru on 14 th July.

You'll remember / 're going to remember to send her an-email, won't you?
I'm sure scientists are going to find / will find a cure for cancer.

People will spend / are going to spend their holidays on the moon in the future.
They 're having / will have lunch at Mario's today. They reserved a table there.
She hopes she is going to find / will find a flat to share.
I promise I won't tell / 'm not telling anyone.

Completa le frasi con il present continuous, il future simple o il futuro con to be going to dei
verbi tra parentesi.
Mark and Jennifer (celebrate) ...............cccoceeveeern. their wedding anniversary on
Look at that boy! He (fall).. . into the swimming pool.
"What are your plans for the summer?" "I (travel) . 2
Jenny didn't study hard for her exam. I don't think she (pa.vs)
"I've got a headache." "I (turn).. ... off the CD player."
"Mum, I don't feel well." "I (take) you to the doctor."
"The grass needs cutting. know. I (cuf) .... it tomorrow."
James (fly) .... to the Seychelles on 14th July.
"Sheila is thirty minutes late." "I think I (give) .. her a call."
10. "Your shirt is dirty." "I know. I (wash) t this afternoon."
11. "Would you like a cup of tea or a cup of coffee?" "I (have) ............... a cup of tea, please."
12. "Have you decided which shoes to buy?" "Yes, I (buy) .........cccoeeveenn the red ones."
13. I'm sure you (enjoy) . this book.
14. Get out of my restaurant or I (call) . the police.
15" You (remiember) viiiss ii aa d 6 to lock the door, won't you?" " Yes, I will. Don't

3. Completa adeguatamente i mini-dialoghi con la forma corretta di futuro.

1. A:Idon't understand this Maths problem.
Di That's'OK. LBelp) «voovmsss snvmsassisss you.
2. A: Why are you wearing those old clothes?
B: Because I (paint) ........................... the dining room.
3. A: Miss Swanson left a message for you. I think it's urgent.
i ANI , RRR her right away.
4. A: Where (90U G0N suiss s suapsissss sssainn for your holidays, now that summer is here?
B: I don't know. I haven't decided yet.
A: The sky is very cloudy.
B Yo, it iyii ia

£ . Grammar and practice
z : l A. Present simple con valore di futuro |D. Il futuro nelle subordinate ipotetiche
> 4 B. Periodo ipotetico di "tipo 0" e temporali - Principali connettivi di
C. Periodo ipotetico di 1° tipo "condizione" e di "tempo"
E. Altri connettivi di base

* [ PRESENT SIMPLE con valore di futuro

Uso —
11 present simple puo essere usato con valore di futuro per:
e parlare di orari prestabiliti di mezzi di "What time does the plane take off from
trasporto (navi, aerei, treni), luoghi pubblici, Heathrow?"
spettacoli, ecc. "It takes off at 9.30 p.m."
"A che ora decolla I'aereo da Heathrow?"
"Decolla alle 21.30."

1. Scrivi mini-dialoghi usando le parole fornite e il present simple.
> A: Can you meet Mary at the station tomorrow afierhoon?
B: Yes, of course. What time / the train from Manchester / arrive?
A: It/ arrive / at 4.00 p.m.
A: Can you meet Mary at the station tomorrow afternoon?
B: Yes, of course. What time does the train from Manchester arrive?
A: It arrives at 4.00 p.m.

: Will you hurry up, please? We're late!

> W>

: What time / be / our flight?

: It/ be / at half past three.

A: Shall we take the boat from Naples to Sicily?

B: Yes, good idea. What time / it / leave?
A: It / leave / at 9.00 a.m.

: After the visit to the Tower of London we can go to Kensington Palace.


B : Fine. What time / it / close?

A: : It / close / at 5.00 p.m.

4. A: Why don't we visit the "Fori Imperiali" tomorrow?

B: : Good idea. What time / the guided tour / start?
A: It / start / at 10.00 a.m.
A: What time / the conference / start?
B: It/ start / at 3.00 p.m.
A: And what time / it / finish?
B: It/ finish / at 5.30.
A: One more question. What time / be / the coffee break?
B: It/be/at4.15.


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