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Survey No.90- Beside Balaji Township RCI Road, Balapur, Hyderabad -R.R. Dist. Pin- 500 005 Hyderabad.
Phone: 9177980033 / 92480 22221
Date- Name: MARKS: 20

Task 1. Tick the correct option.

1.Which feature of the word allows reverting back to the changes done in a

i .Cancel ( ) ii. Undo( ) iii. Revert( )

2. Which of the combination is used to save the changes in word file?

i. Ctrl +S( ) ii. Ctrl +A( ) iii. Ctrl +C ( )

3.Which key combination will you use to select the entire document?

i. Ctrl + R ( ) ii. Ctrl +A ( ) iii. Ctrl +L( )

4. Which of the following refers to placement of the text with respect to left
and right margins?

i. Line spacing( ) ii. Alignment( ) iii. Paragraph spacing ( )

5.By defaults ,the text is aligned to the _________________.

i. Left ii. Right iii. Center

Task 2. Fill in the blanks with correct words.

Ruler status word Editing File

1. Ms word is a _________________processing software.

2. __________________found below the ribbon.

3. _______________bar provides us information about the current page and

the number of words in the document.

4. The ____________________tab has an option to save a file which is called

the save an option.
5. Making changes in an existing text is called __________________a

TASK 3. Define the following terms .

I. Insertion point ii. Word wrap iii. Editing a document

Task 4. State whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Bold option makes the text italic. ( )
2. Font size is measured in points. ( )
3. The justify alignment distributes the text evenly between left and right
margins. ( )
4. Back space key delete the letter to the right of the cursor .( )
5. Undo button is on the Quick access toolbar .( )
6. Word automatically adds an extension which is docx to the file name.( )

Task 5. Answer the following question .

1. What is the use of MS word.
2. write the full form of MS word and write the types of MS word.

TASK 6. Fill in the missing letters to complete these words.

1. D__CU__EN__. 5. I __CO__P__R__TE.
2. S__RU__ __URA__. 6. G __AMM__T__CA__
3. APP__L__C__TI__ __. 7. W__RD P__R__EC__T
4. A U__O__A __IC__ ALL__ 8. RE __T__R__IN__.

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