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Republic of the Philippines

St. Paul University Dumaguete

St. Paul University Systems
Veterans Ave, Bantayan
Dumaguete City


Script of Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo

Submitted by:
Franz Anthony Q. Go
Meijay Arnn Baydal

Submitted to:
Josefino Tulabing Larena Jr, MPA, KCR, DSM
Senior Instructor I
Title: From Ibarra to Simoun
Scene: The Cemetery Incident
Setting: A cemetery in San Diego, Philippines. It is a somber evening with light rain falling, casting a
dreary atmosphere. Graves and mausoleums are scattered across the landscape.
- Crisostomo Ibarra: A young idealist seeking to honor his late father's memory.
- Padre Damaso: A loud and authoritarian Franciscan friar.
- Gravedigger: A laborer tasked with exhuming bodies.
- Captain Tiago: A wealthy socialite and Ibarra's benefactor.

Crisostomo Ibarra arrives at the cemetery, carrying flowers to place on his father's grave. He walks
solemnly, observing the weathered tombstones. He approaches the site where his father's grave should be
but finds an empty plot. Confused, he turns to a nearby gravedigger.
Ibarra: "Excuse me, where is Don Rafael Ibarra's grave? It was right here."
Gravedigger (nervously): "Ah, Señor, there was an order to remove his body. They said it was unfit to
remain in consecrated ground."
Ibarra (shocked and angry): "Who gave this order? Who would desecrate my father's grave?"
Gravedigger (pointing to the church): "Padre Damaso. He said it was not proper for Don Rafael to be
buried here."
Ibarra's expression shifts from shock to rage. He storms out of the cemetery, heading directly to the
church where Padre Damaso resides.

Scene: Ibarra Confronts Padre Damaso

Setting: The interior of a church, dimly lit with flickering candles. A large crucifix dominates the altar,
with pews leading to it. Padre Damaso is seen attending to church matters, while other priests and nuns
move about.
Ibarra bursts into the church, his anger evident. He approaches Padre Damaso, who is surprised by the
sudden intrusion.

Ibarra (with fury): "Padre Damaso! Why did you desecrate my father's grave? What right did you
Padre Damaso (dismissively, with a hint of disdain): "Your father was a heretic! His presence in
consecrated ground was an insult to the church. I had every right to remove him."
Ibarra (seething): "You had no right! My father was a good man, respected by many. You desecrated his
Padre Damaso (with growing impatience): "Enough, young man! Your anger is misplaced. The church
has its laws, and your father violated them. Now leave before you cause more trouble."
Ibarra's fists clench, but he turns and leaves, his rage brewing beneath the surface. He exits the church, his
mind filled with thoughts of vengeance.

Scene: Simoun's Return to Manila

Setting: Manila's busy port area. It's bustling with activity as ships come and go. Various government
officials, merchants, and common folk mix and mingle.
- Simoun: The mysterious and wealthy jeweler, once known as Crisostomo Ibarra.
- Ben Zayb: A Spanish journalist with a penchant for sensationalism.
- Government Officials: Representatives of the colonial government.
- Basilio: A young medical student who knew Ibarra in his youth.
- Tandang Selo: Basilio's grandfather, a simple farmer.

Simoun leaves the port and walks through the bustling streets of Manila. His arrival has caused a stir
among the locals, with whispers spreading about the wealthy jeweler. As he moves through the crowd, he
passes by a group of street vendors and laborers. Among them is Basilio, who recognizes Simoun but
keeps his distance.

Simoun (to himself, as he surveys the city): "The same streets, the same oppression. Nothing has
changed. It's time to bring about the change this place needs."
Simoun arrives at the colonial government offices, where he is expected to meet with several high-
ranking officials. Inside, the atmosphere is formal, with guards standing at attention and clerks bustling
with paperwork.
Scene: Simoun Meets with Government Officials
Setting: A grand office in the government building, with large windows overlooking Manila. The room is
richly decorated with European furnishings and a large mahogany desk. Several government officials are
gathered, discussing various matters.
Simoun enters the room, greeted by a group of government officials. Ben Zayb, the journalist, is also
present, eagerly taking notes.
Government Official (with a warm smile): "Señor Simoun, welcome! It's an honor to have you back in
Manila. We heard you have some interesting business proposals for us."
Simoun (with a polite nod): "Thank you. Yes, I have a few ideas that could benefit the city and, of
course, the colony. I'd like to discuss them with you at your convenience."
Ben Zayb (leaning in, hoping for a story): "Señor Simoun, what brings you back to Manila after all
these years? There's been much speculation about your sudden return."
Simoun (calmly, but with a hint of mystery): "Let's just say I've come to rekindle old friendships and
explore new opportunities. Manila has always held a special place in my heart."

The government officials seem intrigued by Simoun's presence, while Ben Zayb continues to jot down
notes, eager for a sensational headline.

Scene: Simoun's Hidden Agenda

Setting: Simoun's private quarters, dimly lit with a single candle. A large chest sits in the corner, filled
with weapons and revolutionary materials. The room is filled with maps, documents, and blueprints for
various projects.
Simoun enters his private quarters and locks the door behind him. He removes his hat and glasses,
revealing his intense expression. He opens the chest, revealing a cache of weapons and revolutionary
materials. He examines the maps and blueprints, carefully planning his next move.

Simoun (looking at a map of Manila, his finger tracing the streets): "Every revolution begins with a
spark. I need allies, but I also need to ensure that those in power don't suspect my true intentions."
Simoun continues to plan his strategy, knowing that the success of his mission depends on secrecy and
careful coordination with his allies. He arranges meetings with key figures, including Basilio, who has his
own reasons for joining the cause.

Scene: Simoun Meets Basilio

Setting: A secluded area in a park, away from prying eyes. It's evening, and the shadows provide cover
for clandestine meetings. Simoun and Basilio meet in secret, both aware of the risks involved.
Basilio arrives at the designated meeting spot, looking around to ensure he's not being followed. Simoun
appears from the shadows, his presence both reassuring and intimidating.

Simoun (with a low voice): "Basilio, thank you for meeting me. I have something important to discuss
with you."
Basilio (cautiously, but curious): "What is it, Señor Simoun? Why all the secrecy?"
Simoun (leaning in, his tone serious): "You knew Crisostomo Ibarra, didn't you? What if I told you that
Ibarra's death was not the end, but the beginning? What if I told you that there is a way to bring justice to
those who have wronged us?"
Basilio (hesitant, but intrigued): "What are you suggesting? A rebellion? That could be dangerous, not
just for us, but for everyone."
Simoun (firmly): "The risks are high, but the reward is freedom. I need your help, Basilio. I need allies
who understand the injustice and are willing to fight for change."

Basilio considers Simoun's words, his expression filled with uncertainty. He knows the risks, but he also
knows the pain of loss and injustice. The script ends with Basilio's decision hanging in the balance, his
choice to join Simoun's cause defining the future of the revolution.
Continuing from the previous scene, here's what happens as Simoun's revolutionary plans develop and
Basilio's involvement grows. The script delves into their clandestine operations and the escalating tension
between Simoun and the colonial authorities.

Scene: Simoun and Basilio's Plan

Setting: A small room in a hidden location, dimly lit with a single oil lamp. The walls are covered with
maps and revolutionary pamphlets. A large table dominates the center, cluttered with plans and materials
for revolutionary activities.
- Simoun: The mysterious jeweler with a hidden revolutionary agenda.
- Basilio: A young medical student who has joined Simoun's cause.
- Tandang Selo: Basilio's grandfather, a simple farmer who also supports the revolution.

Simoun and Basilio are gathered around the table, discussing their next steps. Tandang Selo sits quietly in
the corner, listening to their conversation. The mood is serious and tense.
Simoun (pointing to a map of Manila, indicating key locations): "Basilio, we need to be strategic. The
success of our revolution depends on hitting the right targets at the right time. We'll need to coordinate
with our allies across the city."
Basilio (nodding, understanding the gravity of the situation): "I agree. But we must be careful. The
authorities have eyes everywhere, and any misstep could expose us."
Simoun (leaning in, his voice low and intense): "That's why secrecy is crucial. We can't afford to be
discovered. Every move must be calculated, every ally must be trusted."
Tandang Selo (speaking softly, with a sense of wisdom): "Revolution is a dangerous path. You must be
prepared for the consequences. Many lives are at stake."
Simoun (acknowledging Tandang Selo's words): "We know the risks, but the time for change is now.
Too many have suffered under this oppressive regime. It's time to fight for justice."
Scene: Simoun's Meeting with Revolutionary Allies
Setting: A hidden underground meeting place, deep beneath the streets of Manila. The room is dimly lit
with torches, casting flickering shadows on the walls. A large group of revolutionary allies gathers, each
with their own motivations for joining the cause.
Simoun enters the underground meeting place, greeted by a diverse group of revolutionary allies. The
atmosphere is charged with anticipation and determination.

Revolutionary Ally 1 (with excitement): "Señor Simoun, it's an honor to have you with us. We've heard
of your plans, and we're ready to support you."
Simoun (with a commanding presence): "Thank you. Our goal is to bring down the colonial regime and
establish a new era of justice and freedom. But we must be cautious. The authorities are ruthless, and they
will stop at nothing to crush us."
Revolutionary Ally 2 (with determination): "We know the risks. We're ready to fight for our people, for
our families, and for our future."
Simoun (nodding, his eyes filled with intensity): "Good. We have a plan, but we need everyone to stay
focused and committed. Our success depends on our unity and secrecy. Any leak could jeopardize

Scene: The Colonial Authorities' Suspicion

Setting: The office of the Civil Guard in Manila. The walls are adorned with Spanish colonial symbols,
and a large desk sits in the center. The head of the Civil Guard, a stern and authoritative figure, receives
reports from his subordinates.
- Civil Guard Head: The leader of the Spanish Civil Guard in Manila.
- Civil Guard Officer: A subordinate reporting on the activities in the city.
- Padre Damaso: The Franciscan friar with a vested interest in maintaining colonial control.
The Civil Guard Head sits at his desk, reading reports from various sources. He seems agitated as he
listens to a Civil Guard Officer's briefing.

Civil Guard Officer (reporting with urgency): "Sir, we've received reports of suspicious activities in
the city. There's talk of a revolutionary group planning something big."
Civil Guard Head (frowning, clearly concerned): "Do we know who is behind it? Any names or
Civil Guard Officer: "Nothing concrete, sir, but there's been mention of a wealthy jeweler, Simoun. He's
been seen meeting with various people across Manila."
Civil Guard Head (his eyes narrowing): "Simoun, you say? Keep an eye on him. We can't afford any
uprising or rebellion. The governor will not tolerate unrest."

Padre Damaso enters the office, his presence commanding attention. He listens to the conversation,
clearly interested in the topic of revolution.

Padre Damaso (with a sneer): "Simoun? I've heard that name. Isn't he the same man who was once
involved with that heretic, Ibarra? Keep a close watch on him. We can't let him stir up trouble."
Civil Guard Head (nodding, his expression stern): "Agreed. We'll increase patrols and monitor his
movements. If there's even a hint of rebellion, we'll crush it."

Scene: Simoun's Final Preparations

Setting: Simoun's private quarters, filled with revolutionary materials and weapons. Simoun is deep in
thought, considering his final preparations for the revolution. The room is dimly lit, creating a tense
Simoun sits at a table, examining various plans and maps. He looks focused but also aware of the risks
ahead. He knows that the colonial authorities are watching him closely.

Simoun (to himself, as he reviews the plans): "The time is near. Everything we've worked for depends
on this. If we succeed, we'll bring down the colonial regime and establish a new order. If we fail, we'll be
remembered as traitors."
Simoun carefully packs revolutionary materials into his satchel, ensuring everything is in place. He
knows that any misstep could lead to his capture and the failure of the revolution.
Simoun (looking at a portrait of his late father, Don Rafael Ibarra): "This is for you, Father. I will
bring justice to those who wronged you, even if it costs me my life."

Simoun leaves his private quarters, heading to the underground meeting place to finalize the plans with
his revolutionary allies. He knows that the success of the revolution depends on secrecy, coordination,
and unwavering commitment to the cause.

Scene: Simoun's Speech to the Revolutionaries

Setting: An underground meeting place, hidden from the eyes of the colonial authorities. The room is
filled with revolutionary allies, eagerly awaiting Simoun's address. Torches line the walls, casting a warm
glow over the gathering.
Simoun stands at the front of the room, his presence commanding attention. He holds a map of Manila,
indicating key locations for the revolution's first strikes. The revolutionaries listen intently, aware of the
risks and the stakes involved.

Simoun (with passion and determination): "My friends, the time for change has come. For too long,
we've suffered under the yoke of oppression. For too long, we've watched as our people were mistreated,
our rights denied, and our voices silenced. But no more!"
The revolutionaries cheer in agreement, their excitement growing as Simoun speaks. Simoun gestures to
the map, pointing to key locations for the planned uprising.

Simoun: "Our plan is simple, but it requires coordination and secrecy. We will strike at the heart of the
colonial regime, targeting their symbols of power and control. We will show them that we will not be
silenced, that we will not be oppressed any longer."
Revolutionary Ally (raising his fist): "For freedom! For justice!"
Simoun: "Yes, for freedom and justice! But remember, we must be careful. The authorities will not
hesitate to use force to suppress us. We must be prepared for resistance, and we must be willing to make
sacrifices for our cause."
Basilio (stepping forward, his voice calm but resolute): "Simoun, I believe in this cause. I believe in
the need for change. But we must also consider the innocent lives that could be lost in the process. We
must find a way to minimize the impact on the people."
Simoun (acknowledging Basilio's concern): "I understand, Basilio. We will do everything we can to
protect the innocent. But we must also remember that true change often requires sacrifice. If we succeed,
we will create a better future for everyone."

Scene: The Revolutionary Strike

Setting: A bustling street in Manila, with colonial government buildings and military installations. The
night is dark, providing cover for the revolutionary strike. The revolutionaries, led by Simoun, are
positioned in strategic locations, ready to execute their plan.
The revolutionaries move through the streets, avoiding detection by the colonial authorities. Simoun leads
the way, his eyes focused and determined. The plan is to strike key locations simultaneously, creating
chaos and confusion among the authorities.

Simoun (whispering to the revolutionaries as they take their positions): "Remember, timing is
everything. Wait for my signal, and then strike swiftly and decisively. We must act before the authorities
can respond."
The revolutionaries nod in agreement, their expressions filled with resolve. They wait in the shadows,
watching as the streets begin to clear. The tension is palpable, and the anticipation grows with each
passing moment.
Simoun (raising his hand, signaling the revolutionaries to prepare for the strike): "On my mark. Be
The revolutionaries hold their positions, waiting for Simoun's signal. The street is quiet, with only the
distant sound of footsteps echoing in the night. Simoun takes a deep breath, knowing that the success of
the revolution depends on this moment.

---------- To be Continue ----------

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