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CHANGING CULTURE OF MUSLIM WOMEN IN THE 21ST CENTURY Muslim women are a member of the great nation of Islam,

the best nation ever produced for mankind. No other nation on earth has more great men, leaders and conquerors than this nation. It is the nation of guidance and the straight religion, and it leads humanity to righteousness and truth. Great women of Islam, were one of the main reasons for this nation to take this great place today. Allah, created men and women, gave Islam to this nation, so that they can enjoin good, forbid evil and raising the flag of Islam. Women make up half of society and inspires principles and faith into the souls of the nation. Before we step into the topic on the changing culture of muslim women in the 21st century , let us first see what status has Islam given to its believing women..In the midst of the darkness that engulfed the world, the divine revelation echoed in the wide desert of Arabia with a fresh, noble, and universal message to humanity. The status of women as defined by Islam is that the woman is a mother and it is said that "Paradise lies under her feet" (reported by Al Tabarani). In an authentic hadith the Prophet (peace be upon him) was asked by a man: 'Who is the one most worthy of my care?'. The Prophet replied: 'Your mother'. The man asked: 'Then whom?'. He replied: 'Your mother'. The man further asked: 'Then whom?'. He replied: 'Your mother'. The man asked: 'Then whom?'. And in this fourth time the Prophet replied: 'Then your father.' This shows that Allah has placed the care of the mother as a primary responsibility of man. In this 21st century the most significant change is an increase in the importance of education of women in the muslim world. Though this existed at the time of our beloved Prophet Muhammed ( SAW) , it had vanished in the later years. The modern Muslim woman, looking at the magnificent heritage of women in Islamic history, are filled with the desire for knowledge, as these prominent women only became famous and renowned throughout history by virtue of their knowledge. Their minds can only be developed, and their characters can only grow in wisdom, through the acquisition of useful, beneficial and correct knowledge. Now this increase in the importance has encouraged women to acquire knowledge both for this world and for the hereafter. Women have taken appreciable efforts to in the interpretation of Islamic law, that has been taken under great consideration in education point of view. As the roles of muftis and judges are generally held by men, some women seek to acquire these roles in order to have a voice in the community. For example, in 2006, the American Society for Muslim Advancement organized a conference on Women's Islamic Initiative in Spirituality and Equity that resulted in the formation of a women's shura (advisory) council to provide alternative opinions and claim a voice for women's rights in the field of Islamic law.

Another American-based organization, Karamah: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights, founded in 2004 by Egyptian-American scholar Azizah al-Hibri, is also working to change the practice of shariah in countries where the shariah is not implemented in a balanced way. Even countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran have expanded the public roles of women in the Islamic court system. In Saudi Arabia, women cannot serve as judges; however, female representatives of the Ministry of Social Affairs attend all hearings and court cases related to children as advisors to the male judges to assure that the mother's concerns are included in the deliberations. The active role of Muslim women are taking in effective historic change in every region, invalidating the stereotypical view that Muslim women are voiceless and meek. As media coverage of the revolution in Egypt revealed, many Egyptian non govt oraganisations that have led to political, social and economic change are organizations run by women. The UN Womens report highlights similar NGOs that exist in many other Muslim countries and showcases examples of the groundbreaking work being done by these organizations under the direction of women. Though there is a very significant positive change in the muslim women by the 21st century, we have to accept that this change is not a balanced one. The above pointed out advancements have to be appreciated but we also have to agree that as women understand more about their responsibilities for the community they have started to forget their personal ones. Still there are a large number of muslim women who yet havent figured out the evils of community that is pulling them away from their religion. Muslim women are into an age of fitnah and trials. Their eeman is like a flame which sputters to life suddenly when they read or come across something inspirational. At other times it flickers weakly and nearly stops giving out light. Their heart is weak and vulnerable, certainly not like the one a believer should have. In the age of Facebooking, twitting and blogging , they have lost sight of whats important as they are more obsess about themselves, their opinions, their ideas, their refreshing approach to life, and whether or not people like them. Women nowadays are indulged in matters which are a pure waste of money and time and that which just increases enimity and competition among them. The devils of the community portray peity and honour as chains of freedom. Women are so much into worldly pleasures that they get into so many things not even realizing that it is haram. Today women in community consider hijab as a license than as a responsibility. Some consider the hijab not only as a covering on their head but also on their minds. Hijab has been manupilated according to the changing trends and

fashions that the very purpose for which the All Mighty made us wear this has been totally washed out. Women are so much into jewellery , fashions , trends and new models that come from non Islamic countries that their desires are raised and a hunger is developed in them that can never be satisfied. This pleasure and competition has become an endless joy for them. Now that women have individually lost their modesty, they cant stand the responsibility they have to face in the family. Anti- Islamic elements use these women as instruments in the society to degrade Islam. They portray the men in Islamic community as unjust, hypocrites and suppressors. Our muslim sisters fall into these satanic traps and are directed against their father, arrogant with their brother and disobedient to their husband. Women have started giving more importance to what they can get than what they can give. As a result the family gets distorted. When the families in the community arent in form then the community loses its form too. Before I end up let me share something with my muslim sisters .We have to be proud of our religion and our ancestors in Islam. We have to be a good example for our sons and daughters and sincere in our belonging to this mighty nation .Our happiness solely lies in being a modest and an obedient daughter, a loyal and generous wife and a pious and merciful mother, most importantly a grateful and believing slave of our Lord. My dear sister, we are called upon today to truly become an active member of the Muslim nation, strive to establish victory for Allah's Word, implement the Quran and help build the generation of Iman. We must perform our duty and not be a cause for destruction. We must be a maker of righteous generation that will lead mankind, again, to what is right and proper, to the great religion of Islam.

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