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Vocabularies Game

1. Ibu – Kota = Capital City

17. Makan – malam = dinner
(Mother – City)
( eat – night)
2. Ibu – Jari = (Thumb)
18. Air – mata = tears
( Mother – Finger)
( water – eye)
3. Mata – uang = Currency
19. Kepala – sekolah = head
( Eye – Money)
4. Air – Putih = Mineral Water
( head – school)
( water – White)
20. Rumah – sakit = hospital
5. Ibu – Negara = Firstlady
(house – sick)
( Mother – country)
21. Kaos – kaki = sock
6. Pulang – Kampung = Homecoming
( t-shirt – foot)
(Go home – Village)
22. Waktu – santai = leisure time/free
7. Orang – tua = Parents
(People – old)
( time – relax)
8. Polisi – tidur = speed bump
23. Uang – saku = allowance
(police – sleep)
(money – pocket)
9. Buaya – darat = playboy
24. Pasar – malam = fair night
(Crocodile –land)
( market – night)
10. Burung – hantu = owl
25. Meja – makan = dining table
(bird – ghost)
( table – eat)
11. Potongan – harga = discount
26. Keras – kepala = stubborn
( cut – price)
(hard/loud – head)
12. Mudah – hilang = ghosting
27. Salah – paham = misunderstand
(easy – lost)
(wrong – understand)
13. Empat – mata = face to face
28. Rumah – tangga = household
( four – eyes)
(house – stair)
14. Buah – tangan = souvenir
29. Kuning – telor = yolk
( fruit – hand)
( yellow – egg)
15. Sakit – kepala = headache
30. Kamar – tidur =bed room
( sick – head)
(bed –room)
16. Jam – tangan = watch
31. Tidak – apa apa =no problem
(clock – hand)
(no – what)
32. Pintu – keluar =exit
(door – out)
33. Jam – dinding = clock
( clock – wall)
34. Lantai – bawah = under floor
(floor – under)
35. Jari – manis = ring finger
(finger – sweet)
36. Masuk – angin = catch cold
( enter – wind)
37. Tidur – siang = take a nap
(sleep – afternoon
38. Cinta – pertama = first love
( love – first)
39. Mie – ayam = chicken noodle
(noodle – chicken)
40. Kaca – mata = glasses
(glass – eye)
41. Makan – siang = lunch
(eat – afternoon)
42. Daging – sapi = beef
( meat – cow)
43. Ulang – tahun = birthday
( repeat – year)
44. Makan – pagi = breakfast
(eat – morning)
45. Daging – babi – pork
(meat – pig)
Idiom Games Black and blue : babak belur

Break a leg : Semoga beruntung/semangat Easy peasy : gampang banget

Piece of cake : gampang Feel free : jangan sungkan

Feeling under the weather : tidak enak No sweet : gak masalah

Just by chance : hanya kebetulan
Over the moon : bahagia banget
You rock : kamu hebat banget
In the same boat : sepemikiran/sehati
I’m broke : bokek
on the same page
Go for it : lanjutkan
Hit the book : belajar
Don’t get me wrong : jangan salah paham
Hit the sack : tidur/waktunya tidur
you got it wrong : kamu salah paham
Butterflies in my stomach :
I’m all ears : aku dengerin kok
gugup( nervous)
I am swamped : aku capek banget
Use your head : mikir donk
No hard feeling : jangan tersinggung
Smart – aleck : sok tahu/sok pintar
My bad : kesalahan ku
Don’t beat around the bush : gak usah
bertele-tele You’re so sick : kamu keren banget

Act your age : bersikaplah dewasa Window shooping : cuci mata

I feel you : aku mengerti Hold your horses : tunggu dulu / tahan
Hit me up : hubungi aku
Sugar daddy : om – om kaya
Don’t let me down : jangan buat aku
kecewa Breal the word : tidak tepat janji

Catch a cold : masuk angina I need some space : aku lg ingin sendiri

It’s on me : aku yang traktir Raining cats and dogs : hujan lebat banget

Fast and furious : ugal –ugalan Keep your chin up : tetap semangat

Sick and tired : muak I’m aesy : aku iku saja

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