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School Based Assessment

Candidates Names: Romian Kanye Gray, Jordan Omari Bijorn Jackson, Ronaldo Anthonio
Candidates Number: 1000530989, 1000531179, 1000532132
Centre Number: 100053
Centre: Jose Marti Technical High School
Techer: Mr. Bleary
Year: 2024
Territory: Jamaica

We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who helped us with our Mathematics
School Based Assessment (SBA). We want to express our gratitude to our teacher, Mr. Bleary
for guiding us through this SBA. And we would also like to thank God for making this
happen. We would also like to thank our friends in class for all the ideas and encouragement.
Your guidance helped us a lot.

Thank you, everyone.

Romian Kanye Gray
Jordan Omari Bijorn Jackson
Ronaldo Anthonio Stephens

SBA Topic
Predict whether the height of a person affects the distance when throwing an object.

Table of Contents

Method of Collection..........................................................................................3
Presentation of Data...........................................................................................4
Analysis and Interpretation of Data.................................................................9
Discussion of Finding........................................................................................10

The investigation aims to explore the relationship between height and throwing distance.
Through a survey, the study seeks to ascertain whether there exists a correlation between an
individual's height and the distance they can throw an object. This quantitative analysis
endeavours to use mathematical modelling to predict throwing distance based on height,
thereby elucidating whether taller individuals tend to achieve greater throwing distances.
Understanding this potential correlation could provide insights into the influence of height on
throwing ability.

The study will involve recruiting various participants and asking them to fill out a survey
about their height and throwing ability. We'll make sure the questions are clear and easy to
answer. Before starting, we'll get their permission and promise to keep their information
private. During the survey, we'll carefully record their height and predict how far they can
throw an object based on their height. After collecting the data, we'll use math to see if there's
a connection between height and throwing distance while considering other factors that might
affect the results. We'll also talk about any limitations, like if the number of participants is
small. Finally, we'll write up what we found.

Method of Collection
For this school-based assessment, we have opted to utilize a survey as our chosen method of
data collection. The objective is to gather information to ascertain whether there is a
connection between one's height and the distance achieved when throwing an object. The
survey results will be presented, and a conclusion will be drawn from it.

Presentation of Data
1. Height = 160 cm Distance=5+0.05×(160−150)=5.5


2. Height = 164 cm Distance=5+0.05×(164−150)=5.7


3. Height = 172 cm Distance=5+0.05×(172−150)=6.1


4. Height = 170 cm Distance=5+0.05×(170−150)=6.0


5. Height = 157 cm Distance=5+0.05×(157−150)=5.35


6. Height = 190 cm Distance=5+0.05×(190−150)=7.0


7. Height = 185 cm Distance=5+0.05×(185−150)=6.75


8. Height = 180 cm Distance=5+0.05×(180−150)=6.5


9. Height = 182 cm Distance=5+0.05×(182−150)=6.6


10. Height = 165 cm Distance=5+0.05×(165−150)=5.75


11. Height = 160 cm (repeated) Distance=5+0.05×(160−150)=5.5


12. Height = 170 cm Distance=5+0.05×(170−150)=6.0


13. Height = 162 cm Distance=5+0.05×(162−150)=5.6


Height (cm) Distance Thrown(m)

160 5.5

164 5.7

172 6.1

170 6.0

157 5.3

190 7.0

185 6.7

180 6.5

182 6.6

165 5.7

160 5.4

170 6.0

162 5.8

Figure 1

The table depicts the height and throwing distances recorded for students who took part in the
survey. This data represents a set of measurements involving height (in centimetres) and the
corresponding distances thrown (in meters). Each row represents an individual's height and
the distance they were able to throw. For instance, the first row indicates that an individual
with a height of 160 cm was able to throw 5.5 meters. Similarly, each subsequent row
provides corresponding height and throwing distance measurements for different individuals.
This data can be used to analyse potential correlations or relationships between height and
throwing abilities

Pie Chart

Perceived Impact of Height on Throwing Ability

Believe Height Af-


Don't Believe Height


Believe Height Affects Don't Believe Height Affects

Figure 2

This pie chart depicts the proportion of survey participants among students, distinguishing

between those who perceive a correlation between height and throwing abilities and those

who do not. The data from the pie chart indicates that most students surveyed, comprising

62%, do not believe that height has an impact on throwing abilities. Conversely, 38% of the

surveyed students hold the belief that height does influence throwing abilities.

Pie Chart

Participation Frequency in Activities Involving Throwing


8; 22%
10; 27%

19; 51%

Rarely Occassionally Regularly

Figure 3

This table illustrates the frequency of participation in sports involving throwing objects
among the survey participants. The data shows how often people take part in sports where
they throw things. It's interesting to see that only a few, about 10%, do it rarely. More, around
19%, do it sometimes, which means they might not do it regularly, but they do it occasionally.
Surprisingly, about 8% of people do it regularly, meaning they throw things often. This gives
us a glimpse into how different people engage with these kinds of sports.

Analysis and Interpretation of Data
Figure 1
Upon examining the data provided, it appears to contain measurements of people's heights (in
centimetres) and how far they can throw objects (in meters). After calculating averages, we
found that the group's average height is about 170.23 centimetres, and they throw objects an
average distance of around 6.00 meters. Interestingly, upon analysing the data, it seems that
taller individuals tend to throw objects farther.

Figure 2

In looking at the pie chart data, it's clear that most students, about 62%, don't think height
affects throwing ability. On the other hand, 38% of students believe that height does play a
role in how well someone can throw. This shows that while many students don't see a
connection between height and throwing, there's still a sizable group who think otherwise.
Understanding these viewpoints helps us see how students view the link between physical
traits and sports performance.

Figure 3

Upon reviewing the data, it's clear that many people enjoy sports where they throw things.
Only a few, about 10%, do it rarely. However, a larger group, approximately 19%, participate
occasionally. Surprisingly, about 8% of people are quite dedicated, doing it regularly. This
shows that while some people only throw things from time to time, there's a solid group who
really love these sports and do them often. Overall, it reveals a range of involvement levels,
from occasional participants to those who are deeply committed.

Discussion of Finding

The limitations when doing this School Based Assessment was.

 Small number of participants

 Participants may not accurately report their height or throwing distances, leading to

biased or unreliable data.

Based on the provided data and the prevailing perspectives, it's evident that height

significantly influences throwing ability. The data table illustrating the relationship between

height and throwing distance reveals a clear trend: taller individuals tend to achieve greater

throwing distances compared to shorter individuals. Additionally, a notable minority of 38%

of survey respondents believe that height does indeed have an impact on throwing ability.

This consensus aligns with the observed correlation in the data, suggesting that height plays a

crucial role in determining throwing performance. Therefore, it can be concluded that height

influences throwing ability greatly.


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