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West Central College of Arts and Science

Del Carmen, Floridablanca, Pampanga

A Thesis Proposal to the

Senior High School Department of

West Central College of Arts and Science Inc.

The Efficacy of Digital Literacy into Communication among Senior High School Students

Submitted By:

Johann R. Bitor

Ejei A. Roman

Jocas D. Tiamzon

Charmaine T. Laxamana

Sharliza H. Radjail

Jennalyn Lalas
West Central College of Arts and Science
Del Carmen, Floridablanca, Pampanga

Johnrey Quiros

Chapter 1


In the era of digital advancements, communication skills have become more vital than ever,

particularly for senior high school students who need to thrive in the digital landscape. Digital

literacy, encompassing a range of skills and competencies related to the use of digital

technology, plays a crucial role in enhancing students’ communication abilities.

Access to information is a fundamental aspect of digital literacy. Senior high school students can

leverage digital tools to access a wealth of information, conduct research, and expand their

knowledge base. By utilizing search engines, online databases, and educational websites,

students can gather relevant and up-to-date information, enabling them to communicate

effectively and substantiate their ideas.

Digital literacy also equips senior high school students with the skills to utilize various

communication platforms. Email, instant messaging, social media, and video conferencing tools

offer avenues for students to connect and collaborate with their peers, teachers, and experts.

These platforms facilitate communication, enabling students to exchange ideas, seek feedback,

and engage in meaningful discussions, both within and beyond the classroom.

Critical thinking and evaluation are essential components of digital literacy. Students must

develop the ability to evaluate the credibility and reliability of online information. By discerning
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Del Carmen, Floridablanca, Pampanga

between accurate and misleading sources, students can communicate more confidently, support

their arguments with reliable evidence, and make informed decisions.

Digital citizenship is another crucial aspect of digital literacy. Students learn about responsible

online behavior, including topics such as online etiquette, privacy, and cyberbullying. By

understanding the ethical considerations associated with digital communication, students can

develop respectful and responsible communication habits, fostering a positive and inclusive

online envidecision

Multimedia communication is enhanced through digital literacy. Senior high school students can

utilize video editing software, graphic design tools, and presentation software to express their

ideas creatively. By leveraging multimedia formats, students can effectively engage their

audience, convey messages visually, and enhance their overall communication skills.

Collaboration and teamwork are also fostered by digital literacy. Online platforms and tools

enable students to collaborate on projects, share documents, and provide feedback to their peers.

This collaborative communication not only enhances teamwork but also develops problem-

solving skills and prepares students for future professional environments.

According to H. Jenkins (2015 et al), digital literacy encompasses more than just technical skills.

It also includes the development of social skills through collaboration and networking. In today’s

digital age, it is not enough for individuals to possess technical know-how; they must also be

able to effectively navigate social interactions and collaborate with others in online spaces.

Digital literacy goes beyond the ability to use digital tools and platforms. It involves

understanding how to engage with others, build relationships, and work together towards
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Del Carmen, Floridablanca, Pampanga

common goals in a digital environment. This includes skills such as effective communication,

active listening, empathy, and the ability to collaborate with diverse individuals and perspectives.

Collaboration and networking are key components of digital literacy. Through collaboration,

individuals can leverage the collective knowledge and expertise of a group to solve problems,

generate ideas, and create innovative solutions. Networking allows individuals to connect with

others, build professional relationships, and access opportunities for learning and growth.

As digital technology becomes more accessible and widespread, people from various

backgrounds are embracing online platforms. However, understanding he complexities of the

digital world, including its advantages, limitations, potential risks, is not always straightforward,

even for long-time users. Not everyone has the necessary knowledge to effectively utilize digital

tools, even experienced individuals can encounter challenges such as cyber threats, loss of

control over their online presence, or difficulties in managing their digital identity.

In a study conducted by Abbas et. Al (2019), it was found that digital literacy significantly

influences students’ communication skills, research capabilities, and self-assurance. However,

the study did not find any direct correlation between digital literacy and students’ academic

achievement, as measured by their Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA). Therefore, further

research is needed to explore the specific impact of digital literacy on students’ academic


According to Rebecca Talledo (2016) “Digital Literacy refers to student proficiency in using,

analyzing, evaluating and producing media and materials that are technology driven.” The

findings indicates that students who possessed technological or digital literacy out-performed

those who did not (ABDUL et al. 2022) most importantly, students that are digitally literate are
West Central College of Arts and Science
Del Carmen, Floridablanca, Pampanga

better equipped to secure their personal information will feel more ease and confident using their

platforms for learning, whereas students who are not proficient in their area may find it difficult

or uneasy to use the linked technology, which impede their progress and their academic

performance at school.

Review of Related Literatures

According to Manny B Atoy Jr et al (2020) The extent to which students are able to maximize

the potential benefits of information from the online world depends, in great measure, on the

development of a set of skills that would make them effective users and decision-makers.

According to Hazel B Baterna et al (2020) Digital literacy promotes students’ competitiveness

and better opportunity in today’s digital world and in the fourth industrial revolution.

According to MARK JOHN T Pepito et al (2020) This study sought to determine the singular

and combined influence of digital literacy and self-directed learning in the online learning

success of STEM college students.

According to Alberto D Yazon et al (2019) This study determined the relationship between

digital literacy, digital competence, and research productivity of educators. This research

employed the descriptive-correlational research design.

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Del Carmen, Floridablanca, Pampanga

According to Adefunke Sarah Ebijuwa et al (2023) This study, therefore, assessed how digital

literacy and online information searching strategies determine electronic resources’ use among

undergraduates of select.

According to Dr. Carlou John Letigio et Al (2022) The critical thinking and evaluation skills that

are so important for employment in the Digital Age.

According to J. Tan et al (2022) Filipino youths are shifting away from reading printed text in

the 21st century. Digital Reading Skills is recommended.

According to Ma. Rebecca Talledo (2016) The digital literacies of the senior high school

students are sustained and enhanced through activities by their educators.

According to Regina Sitoy et al (2021) Digital Literacy has been reported to be related to 5

capacities Information Processing, Communication, Content Creation Safety and Problem

West Central College of Arts and Science
Del Carmen, Floridablanca, Pampanga

According to Baterna et. Al (2019) Students can learn more effectively when they are digitally

literate. In order to make the learning process more relevant, many students who are new to

educational settings use digital devices in digital surroundings.

According to Maria Rebecca B. Talledo (2016) Digital literacy refers to students’ proficiency in

using, analyzing, evaluating, and producing media and materials that are technology driven. The

senior high school students’ teachers create a variety of interesting exercises that support and

improve their digital literacy.

According to Younghee Noh et. Al (2017) The latest evaluation indicators of digital literacy are

applied to college students to evaluate their level of digital literacy. Evaluation areas applied in

this study are roughly classified into technical literacy, bit literacy, and virtual community

literacy, and each of these has five sub-groups.

According to Akram Madadi (2016) Teenagers, who benefit from digital literacy, have

higher ability to understand and decode most of the complex messages which are received from

the media.

According to S Pasterk, A Bollin (2017) The present deep impact of information technology

on society results in an increasing number of countries starting to introduce information

technology related topics even in primary schools.

West Central College of Arts and Science
Del Carmen, Floridablanca, Pampanga

According to Younghee Noh, (2017) The latest evaluation indicators of digital literacy are

applied to college students to evaluate their level of digital literacy.

According to Izzah, et. Al (2022) One of the learning strategies which can build students critical

thinking skills is socio-scientific issue based Learning and Digital Literacy

According to Hason Sadik Tatli et. Al (2023) Digital Technologies, which have made significant

progress in the last two decades, have passed the way for the emergence of many New

Generation Devices, Platform and Applications.

According to G. Argentin et. Al (2014) Digital skills are important, as they provide an

increasingly critical kind of labor input.

According to E. Maureen Acolo et. Al (2019) Digital Literacy can improve job performance of

21st Century.

According to Gutierrez et. Al (2022) The creation of new learning model and skill sets in relation

to information and communication technology.

West Central College of Arts and Science
Del Carmen, Floridablanca, Pampanga

Statement of the problem

This study aims to investigate and determine the efficacy of the digital literacy into

communication among Senior high school students. This study seeks to answer the following


1. How does digital literacy skills Improves the academic performance of students?

2. What are the practices and strategies for improving digital literacy among senior high

school students to enhance their academic performance?

3. How is the level of performance in academic while using digital literacy of the students

in terms of?

I. Knowledge

II. Communication Skills

III. Learning abilities

4. How can educators help students to improve their digital literacy skills?

5. What is the profile of students/respondents in terms of grade level?

Conceptual Framework
Cognitive Skills Academic

Employ ability-
Learning Style Digital Literacy Future Career

Learning System Communication

West Central College of Arts and Science
Del Carmen, Floridablanca, Pampanga


H1.Senior High school Students achieved higher level of Digital Literacy and

Communication skills

H2.. Student can perform well in their academic performance even without books or

Teacher’s Guide.

H3.Senior High school Students will become more Digitally Literate compared to

those with average level of Digital Literacy.

Significance of the study

The focus of this research is investigating out how (respondents) perceive digital literacy

skills, which can guide curriculum development and ensures that students acquire relevant skills

for their future careers. The findings of this study could be a great significance to the following:

 The students would especially benefit with this study for it could give them valuable

information related to the digital literacy of their fellow students and its efficacy on

communication. These study contains such information that would give them thoughts

about how important digital literacy is on their educators.

 The Teachers may also find this study useful for observing their students inside and

outside the classroom. The study can highlight the importance of teacher training in

digital literacy, as educators play a pivotal role in fostering these skills it may lead to

professional development initiatives to better equip teachers in this area.

West Central College of Arts and Science
Del Carmen, Floridablanca, Pampanga

 This study can help parents understand the role of digital literacy and its effectiveness

towards student’s academic success. It highlights how digital skills can improve learning

and performance. Parents can make more informed decision about providing access to

digital tools and resources recognizing their role in their child’s education.

 This study will provide the Researchers Data and Information that is beneficial to the

study. The data results that will be gathered will help fulfillment of the study.

 The findings may also help “Future Researchers” as they may gain inspiration or idea

on this study. This can serve as a reference for those who wish to look interrelation in the

data or results in this study with information stated in their own research project and

includes this in their related literatures.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to identify the Efficacy of Digital Literacy into communication among Senior
High school Students on their academic performances. This research will conduct survey questionnaires.
Keeping in view, the time and resources of the research study is delimited only to grade 12 Senior High
School Students of West Central College of Arts and Science Inc. (Floridablanca) The student must be a
Grade 12 Senior High School Student of West Central College of Arts and Science, Floridablanca
Campus, (2) The participant must know how to use the basic cellphone, laptop, computers, etc. (3) The
participant must have at least a general average of 80.

Definition of Terms

Digital Literacy – is the person’s abilities about usage Information and Communication

technology to discover.
West Central College of Arts and Science
Del Carmen, Floridablanca, Pampanga

Digital Skills – is a range of abilities to use digital devices, such as Computers and

Smartphones ability to Find, Evaluate, Use, Share and Create Content.

Digital Literate – ability to confidently, creatively, and critically use technology to meet

the demands and challenges of life.

Social Media – Website and Applications use that focus on Communication, Interaction,

Content Sharing, and Collaboration.

Technology – The use of knowledge to invent new devices or tools, technology has made

people’s lives easier.

Academic Performance – define as the outcome of the student performance to a task.

Proficiency – The measure of how effectively an individual uses that skill or ability.

Generation Z – Generation that was born between 1997 – 2012 Following millennials.

Generation has been raised on internet and social media.

Average Level – unable to successfully determine the meaning of sentences, read

relatively short text to locate a single piece of information.


WCCAS – West Central College of Arts and Science Inc.

West Central College of Arts and Science
Del Carmen, Floridablanca, Pampanga

Chapter 2


This study aims to identify the efficacy of digital literacy into communication among senior high school
grade 12 students of WCCAS. In this chapter it contains the Research Design, Study Participants,
Instruments, Construction and Validation of Questionnaires, Data Gathering, Data Analysis, and Ethical

Research Design

In qualitative research, the phenomenological approach is use to examine the efficacy of digital literacy

into communication among senior high school students. This approach focuses on understanding the

personal experiences and perspectives of students and how their digital literacy skills impact their

communication abilities. By employing the phenomenological approach, researchers aim to explore the

subjective experiences and meanings that senior high school students attribute to their digital literacy

skills in the context of communication. The goal is to gain insights into how students navigate the digital

world, develop their digital skills, and how these skills influence their communication behaviors and

outcomes. Through the phenomenological approach, researchers can provide valuable insights into the

efficacy of digital literacy in enhancing communication skills among senior high school students.

According to Ezgi Pelin Yildiz (2020) Recently, social media has risen to the status of an essential

component of our lives, giving rise to a new idea. This concept is Digital Literacy. Digital literacy can be

characterized as the capacity to generate information via the use of digital technologies. One of the most

crucial abilities that people in our day and age should possess is digital literacy. Children today are

exposed to digital technologies from an early age and begin using them before they learn to read and


Sampling Technique
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Del Carmen, Floridablanca, Pampanga

In this study, a probability technique is used specifically as a simple random sampling technique.

A subset of the population chosen at random is known as a simple random sample. Every person

in the population has an exact equal probability of getting chosen using this sampling technique.

Lauren Thomas (2020)

With only one random pick and minimal pre-population knowledge needed, this is the simplest

of all the probability sampling techniques.

Simple random sampling is a probability sampling technique that involves randomly selecting individuals

from a population to be included in a research study. Here is a simplified explanation of how simple

random sampling works:

1. Define the Population: Start by clearly defining the population of interest. This is the entire group from

which you want to draw your sample. For example, if you are studying the digital literacy skills of senior

high school students in a particular region, the population would be all senior high school students in that


2. Assign a Unique Identifier: Assign a unique identifier to each individual in the population. This could

be a student ID number or any other distinct identifier that allows you to differentiate between


3. Determine Sample Size: Decide on the desired sample size, which is the number of individuals you

want to include in your study. Ensure that the sample size is representative enough to provide reliable


4. Randomly Select Individuals: Use a random selection method to choose individuals from the

population. This can be done using a random number generator or by using a table of random numbers.

Each individual in the population should have an equal chance of being selected.
West Central College of Arts and Science
Del Carmen, Floridablanca, Pampanga

5. Contact Selected Individuals: Once you have randomly selected the individuals, reach out to them and

invite them to participate in your study. Ensure that you provide clear instructions on how to participate

and obtain informed consent if necessary.

6. Collect Data: Collect the necessary data from the selected individuals using appropriate research

methods, such as surveys, interviews, or observations.

7. Analyze and Interpret Results: Analyze the collected data and draw conclusions based on the findings.

Ensure that you consider any limitations or biases that may have influenced the results. Simple random

sampling is a widely used technique in research as it provides an unbiased representation of the

population, allowing researchers to generalize their findings to the larger population. It ensures that each

individual in the population has an equal chance of being selected, minimizing the potential for sampling


Participants of the study

The respondents are the Grade 12 Senior High School students of WCCAS (Flo). The following

participants must have the following criteria: (1) The student must be a Grade 12 Senior High

School Student of West Central College of Arts and Science, Floridablanca Campus, (2) The

participant must know how to use the basic cellphone, laptop, computers, etc. (3) Participants

must be 80 above average. Participants in a study are individuals who take part in the research

process. They are chosen based on specific criteria and are typically a representative sample of

the population under study. The number of participants can vary depending on the study’s


West Central College of Arts and Science
Del Carmen, Floridablanca, Pampanga

The researchers use utilize open ended survey questionnaires to gather information. Open-ended

survey responses are frequently an effective way to elicit genuine and unexpected feedback,

highlight the diversity of responses or subtle differences in opinions, and capture the “why” that

complements qualitative survey data. Open-ended survey responses are defined as follows:

respondents provide responses in an unstructured, open-text format rather that following

predefined response categories. Open-ended data analysis and reporting present a number of

difficulties. Rouder et. al (2021)

Construction and Validation of Questionnaires

The researchers will use a self-made 10-item open-ended questionnaires in conducting this study.

With the help of two validators, one who teaches the course of ICT and the other is experts

validated the questionnaires. To ensure that the questionnaires are on-point and does not offend

the participants. According to Cobern et. al (2020) An item for testing or survey item (which also

holds true for interview items) is valid if the person reading it recognize the object as the author



1. How has digital literacy transformed the way students communicate and interact with each


2. Can you share any personal experiences or anecdotes that highlight the positive impact of

digital literacy on student communication?

West Central College of Arts and Science
Del Carmen, Floridablanca, Pampanga

3. In what ways do you think digital literacy can contribute to fostering a sense of global

connectedness among students?

4. How do you envision digital literacy shaping the future of communication skills in the

academic and professional world?

5. What are some potential drawbacks or challenges that may arise from relying heavily on

digital communication in educational settings?

6. How can educators effectively integrate digital literacy into their teaching practices to enhance

student communication skills?

7. What role does digital literacy play in promoting inclusivity and equal access to

communication opportunities among students of diverse backgrounds?

8. How do you think digital literacy can empower students to become critical thinkers and

discerning consumers of information in the digital age?

9. What strategies or initiatives can be implemented to ensure that students develop responsible

and ethical communication habits online?

10. How can digital literacy programs be tailored to meet the unique needs and learning styles of

different students?

Data Gathering

Before researchers conduct a survey, first they studied their target population for their research

study. The participants are grade 12 senior high school of WCCAS Floridablanca branch. After
West Central College of Arts and Science
Del Carmen, Floridablanca, Pampanga

determining the participants, the researchers construct and organize survey questionnaires to be

distributes to the participants.

The researchers seek permission from their Practical Research advisers and to be guide

professionally to validate their survey questionnaires. Data collection is done through via face to

face. The researchers ensure that the questionnaires were understandable and easy to answer,

after answering the survey questionnaires by the respondents, researchers assure the

confidentiality of their identity. The researchers are grateful to the respondents for their time,

cooperation, and kindness.

Data Analysis

After the participants answers the survey questionnaires, the researchers carefully study their

answers and compile them. According to Lauren Erdelyl (2020) the researchers follow these

following steps: 1st before the researchers collects all the data, they must understand their goal.

2nd now that they have a clear understanding of they want to achieve, they are going to collect

all the data that they have gathered. 3rd Data cleaning, now that all of the data are collected and

combined from multiple sources, the collected data must be usable, readable, and actionable. 4th

Analyzing Data, in this step the researchers begin to make sense of the collected data to extract

meaningful insights. 5th Visualizing the results, after they have interpreted the results and drawn

meaningful insights the next step is to create visualization for the collected data.

Ethical Consideration
West Central College of Arts and Science
Del Carmen, Floridablanca, Pampanga

Researchers seeks to gain knowledge from the respondents, they make sure that they show

confidentiality and transparency in this study. Researchers protect all the rights of the

respondents who participate by ensuring that they can explain thoroughly their role in their

research. Before they took information from the respondents they have wrote a letter of consent

before their questions. The researchers made sure that it only uses the data. In addition, they

were not allowed to ask unethical questions and avoid divulging unnecessary information when

receiving answers from respondents to avoid biases and to be fair.

These ethical considerations were guaranteed to protect the validity of the data collected from

the target participants. According to Pritha Bhandari (2021) A set of guidelines that direct your

research ideas and procedures are known as ethical considerations in research. There is a code of

conduct that scientists and researchers must always follow when gathering information form


Understanding real-life occurrences, researching effective therapies, examining habits, and

enhancing lives in other ways are frequently the objectives of human research. There are

important ethical considerations in both what you choose to research and how you conduct that


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