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Assignment 2 B.Tech (CSE),

Subject: FLAT (formal Language &
Automata theory) (BCO 017A)
Maximum marks: 40
Course Outcomes (CO):
CO1: Understand and construct finite state machines and the equivalent regular expressions.
CO2: Prove the equivalence of languages described by finite state machines and regular
CO3: Construct pushdown automata and the equivalent context free grammars.
CO4: Prove the equivalence of languages described by pushdown automata and context free
CO5: Construct Turing machines and Post machines and prove the equivalence of languages described by
Turing machine and Post machines

SECTION-A (2 marks each) (4 marks)

1. Let R be any set of regular languages. Is UR regular? Prove it.
2. Differentiate L* and L+

SECTION-B (7 marks each) (14 marks)

1. Obtain an NFA which accepts strings of a‟s and b‟s starting with the string ab
2. Design a DFA accepting each of the following languages
a. {W € {a, b}* : W has neither aa nor bb as a substring } .
b. {W € {a, b}* : W has both ab and ba as substrings}.

SECTION-C (11 marks each) (22 marks)

1. Define grammar? Explain Chomsky Hierarchy? Give an example
2. State and prove Arden’s Theorem.

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