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How To Grow Faster - Lesson Eight

As you start posting, you’ll have some posts perform better than
others. The number one rule for success is to do more of what works
and less of what doesn’t. Right now I want to give you more insight in
how to actually do that.

#1 - Making A Snowman

Content volume + Content virality = Snowman

Have you ever built a snowman?

When you want to build one you start with a small snowball then start
pushing it through the snow right? Until it gets bigger and bigger?
Then the bigger it gets, the more momentum you can get rolling it
down a downward slope. That’s the snowball effect.

Our goal is to create a snowball effect with our posts on TikTok. Where
you have posts that go viral, then those posts fuel all of your other
ones, and as long as you keep pushing this will just continue to grow
and grow.

The way this happens all depends on your ability to implement and
test what we’ve talked about inside of this course.

Here’s how you can maximize this…

In the beginning you’ll be posting content until something sticks right?

This content will not be created by ChatGPT. You will write out the
scripts yourself and expect that something will work.

People say quality over quantity, but in this case you can do both.

1. Creating and posting until you see one get over 5k views.

2. Recreate that post and try to make it even better, while still
creating other posts so you can find another one that sticks.

3. When you get the second post that sticks, recreate it and try to
make it better.

4. Repeat this process until you get clear information on why

certain posts are going viral. Usually after 10-20 “viral” posts,
you’ll know when a post is going to perform good or bad before
posting it.

The more you dedicate to finding out what your audience likes, the
more success you will see.

#2 - Hashtags

A lot of people have a lot to say about hashtags. I’m going to tell you
the right way and the wrong way to use hashtags.

- Never use more than 4 hashtags in your caption

- Choose hashtags that target the viewers of your audience
- Don’t use hashtags that have billions of views, choose millions

#3 - SEO

There was crazy survey done lately that showed that TikTok is the #1
search engine for more than half of Gen Z. 51% of survey
respondents chose TikTok over Google as their search engine.

What does this mean? That you can make your content SEO

Here’s a little simple hack on how to implement this for your page.

1. Go onto TikTok search and type in keywords in your niche

2. Scroll down (mobile) until you see “others searched for”

What you’ll see is exactly what people are most commonly searching
for related to your search. You can use this to your advantage by
either using these words in your content and or using them in your

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