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Chapter -01


1.1 Overview

An internship program is a very good approach to co-relate the practical work experience with

the theoretical knowledge because it provides an individual the great opportunity to work in an

organization with some specific objectives. As a result, it bears great importance in case of

business graduates.

As an intern, it was a great opportunity for me to work in one of the reputed government

commercial banks of Bangladesh, the Janata Bank Limited. During this period I had the

opportunity to work in the Green Banking Unit under the Risk Management Division of Janata

Bank Limited at Kandirpar Branch, Cumilla.

Green banking has become a buzzword in the banking arena in Bangladesh and other countries

in the world. Simply, green banking means an 'eco-friendly socially responsible banking' which

plays the role of financing intermediary in financing economic activities and operates all other

activities in line with attaining objectives towards a healthy environment for the present

generation as well as the future generation. Green banking has also been motivated to include

ethical investment, socially responsible investment and corporate social responsibility in addition

to sustainable investment and day-to-day eco-friendly operational procedures. Following the

immense importance of green banking, Bangladesh has introduced green banking practices in

2009 and issued guidelines on green banking in 2011 as a first nation in South Asia.

In order to enhance green banking activities, Bangladesh bank as a Central Bank of the country

has undertaken various initiatives. The present paper will assess green banking practices in

Bangladesh focusing on its present status, policy analysis, challenges and future policy. The

present paper would use secondary sources and appropriate research methodology to attain the

objectives of the paper. The findings of the paper will assist policy makers in designing and

implementing policies for smooth expansion of green banking activities in Bangladesh. It will

suggest necessary policy options for expanding green banking activities in Bangladesh which

would be also helpful in other countries.

1.2. Background Of The Study

After completion of all the credit hours, the BBA program demands a report on practical

experience. Internship program is a must criteria for Bachelor of Business Administration

students , designed to put them in a challenging environment of the relevant field, where the

students get a sample opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge into practical applications.

During the internship training , students have the opportunity to adapt themselves into the

particular environment of the organization . It provides a unique opportunity to see the reality of

business during student life , which enables them to build confidence and working knowledge in

advance of the start of their career . To fulfill this requirement every university of business

arranges an internship program. Here we get a chance to apply our theoretical knowledge that we

acquired from class lectures, books, journals, case studies, seminar projects, workshops, etc and

compare them with practical settings.

1.3 Objectives Of The Study

The objective of this report can be viewed from two perspectives:

1. General Objective

2. Specific Objective

General Objective:

This internship report is primarily prepared as a requirement of the completion of the Bachelor of

Business Administration degree under the Department of Management Studies at Comilla


Specific Objective:

➔ To find the historical evaluation of Green Banking at Janata Bank Limited.

➔ To find the concept of the institution's management about Green Banking.

➔ To analyze the components of Green Banking & their effectiveness of Janata Bank


➔ And finally, to identify the major areas of efficiency or inefficiency of the bank regarding

its Green Banking initiatives.

1.4. Scope Of The Study

The scopes of preparing the report can be described as bellow:-

➔ The Information needed for the resolution was raised from the Janata Bank’s websites,

databases, annual reports of Janata Bank, Internal Crowd base network, and social


➔ Geographic area of preparing the report is confined within the Bangladesh market.

1.5 Research Methodology

1.5.1 Research design

In this study, the research was conducted to find out and understand Green banking on employee

performance. The research project was considered as a quantitative method and descriptive

survey or descriptive research study aims to explore awareness of the knowledge. A survey

strategy was applied through a self-administrated questionnaire as a data collected method.

1.5.2 Population

Target population is the employees of Janata Bank Limited at kandirpar Branch in Cumilla. The

target population for the study is 20 people who are working at Janata bank Limited.

1.5.3 Sample size

The sample size of the study constituted all the staff from the various departments of the banks.

Out of total Universe 15 respondents have been taken for convenience.

1.5.4 Sampling Technique

A random sample is a randomly selected subset of a population. In this sampling technique, each

member of the population has an exactly equal chance of being selected. Here, I was used to

random sampling techniques because it allows me to obtain basic data from respondents. This

method is the most straightforward of all the probability sampling techniques since it only

involves a single random selection and requires little advanced knowledge about the population.

1.5.5 Source of data

Two sources (primary data and secondary data) of data have been collected for the research

work. They are described briefly:

Primary data: Primary data was collected by variety of ways, first of all by respondents

through a prepare questionnaire about practice of Green banking practices on employee


Secondary data: Different types of secondary data collected in this research such as prior

research report, Internet Browsing, annual report, thesis paper and websites.

1.5.6 Data Collection Method

I created a one set Questionnaire, an online survey using Google form and sent a link of the

questionnaire to all the respondents through social media, IMO, WhatsApp to collect data.

1.5.7 Data Analysis Techniques

After collecting the data from the respondents these collected data will be analyzed by using

some techniques. Here, I analyzed the data to find out the required information. The collected

data has been analyzed by using SPSS.

1.6 Limitations of the study:

Almost every research work has to face some limitations in its completion. Limitations of a study

are those issues that if analyzed could be more helpful for the study. This internship report is not

also out of limitations. For the purpose of acquiring data to prepare this report I faced some

constraints that are listed below:

➢ Organizations maintain strict confidentiality to give financial information.

➢ Proper understanding of these matters needs proper and sufficient time to analyze, 3

months isn't enough time to understand it properly.

➢ The difficulty started when finding the information from the respective employee and

seniors of the organization. They are bound to those ties because of legal agreements of

their job.

➢ Non-availability of the most recent statistical data.

➢ The employee of the organization did not want to disclose enough information to the

interns or any other outsiders; they were committed to their agreement.

➢ The lack of experience makes a huge chance of having so many mistakes on report

though I am trying my level best to mitigate those erasers.

➢ Another basic limitation is not getting enough time and making a proper report based on

such a topic.

Chapter -02

Literature Review

2.1 Employee performance

Employees’ green behaviors can be promoted by the organization to minimize negative impacts

and maximize positive impacts on the environment (Norton et al., 2017). Employees can be

environmentally friendly while performing their assigned tasks. In addition, they can make

broader and “greener” changes to their workplace policies that are supported by organizations

(Ramus & Steger, 2000). If employees know the benefits and results of using green practices,

they are more likely to volunteer to engage in the company’s environmental plans and activities

(Paill´e & Meija-Morelos, 2019). Scholars have argued that green HRM can be implemented

through the realization of green practices, that it has a beneficial effect on employees’

environmental behavior, and that it ultimately meets organizational environmental goals (Kim et

al., 2019). Green banking avoids paperwork as much as possible and relies on online/electronic

transactions for processing so that green technologies like green credit cards and green

mortgages can be encouraged (Singh & Singh, 2012). The reduced use of paper can actually

diminish the carbon footprint from banking practices and promote environmental-friendly

practices in the banking sector (Goyal & Joshi, 2011). It reduces paperwork which helps to

increase employees efficiency and creates awareness to business people regarding the

environment of the greater society (Bahl 2012).According to Biswas (2011) green banking

rationalizes the uses of paper and minimizes the cost by practicing online banking, internet

banking, mobile banking, SMS baking and ATM services helps to perform accurate and foster


2.2 Green Banking Practices

“Green” in green banking principally indicates banks’ environmental accountability and

environmental performances in business operations (Rahaman et al., 2015). Therefore, the term

‘green banking’ generally refers to banking practices that foster environmentally responsible

financing practices and environmentally sustainable internal processes (Babiak & Trendafilova,

2011). A green bank is also called an ethical bank, environmentally responsible bank, socially

responsible bank or a sustainable bank and is expected to consider all the social and

environmental issues in their banking processes (Rahman & Barua, 2016). Although green

banking is a global initiative, these eco-friendly policies play a special role for developing

economies like Bangladesh. Bangladesh is highly vulnerable to climate changes and natural

calamities, as a result of which, concern about environmental degradation is a common

phenomenon here (Nisha 2016). Moreover, the role of the banking sector is crucial for the

growth and development activities of all developing countries. Therefore, banks must come
forward to play a more effective role in mitigating any environmental degradation

(Masukujjaman et al., 2016). In a very specific way-Green Banking means banking practices that

foster environmentally responsible financing practices as well as using environmentally

sustainable internal processes(Lalon & Mozib, 2015).

According to Krebsbach (2005), the author proposed that banks adopt green lending principles in

the Indian concept of Green Banking. Sujatha.S and Ragupathi.M (2015) Green banking and

environmental sustainability by Indian commercial banks, Green banking initiatives of Indian

economic banks studied the benefits of going green through green banking.such a way that their

customer base is not impacted. Author came to the conclusion that environmental management in

the banking sector is similar to risk management in that it reduces credit risk, improves asset

quality, and increases enterprise value. In their research article on “Green Banking in India,”

Sahoo, Pravakar, and Nayak, Bibhu Prasad (2008) highlighted that the banking sector is one of

the major stakeholders in the industrial sector; it can face credit risk and liability risk.

Furthermore, environmental impact may have a long-term impact on the quality of assets as well

as the rate of return of banks. Goyal and Joshi (2011) highlighted social and ethical issues such

as social banking, ethical banking, green banking, and rural banking. Which facilitates the

achievement of long-term banking and finance development. They came to the conclusion that

banks can act as a socially and ethically oriented organization by granting loans only to

organizations that have environmental concerns. Vikas Nath et al., (2014) noted the RBI's green

rating standards, the World Bank's environmental and social norms, the initiatives taken by

public and private sector banks in India to adopt Green Banking practices, and to enlist the

various strategies for Green Banking adoption. Meena (2013) identified four benefits of green

banking- reducing deforestation, creating environmental awareness among employees and

customers, providing loans at a lower rate, changing business activities in a manner that is

environmentally friendly.


Profile of Janata Bank Limited

3.1 Brief History of Janata Bank Limited


With the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent, sovereign state in 1971 after a devastating

nine month war against the West Pakistani occupation army, a war, full of blood and tears,

trauma and pain of millions of our beloved ones, the legacy of rebuilding the already broken

financial base of the country was felt as an urgent call of the day against a collapsed economic

reality of a newly born state.


In this backdrop, in order to rebuild the country’s economy, measures had been taken to merge a

number of banks previously operated in this region and make new banks and this initiatives led

to formation of Janata Bank in 1972 by combining the erstwhile United Bank Limited and Union

Bank Limited under the Banks Nationalization Order (President’s Order No. 26) of 1972.


On 15 November, 2007 Janata Bank got registered with the Joint Stock of Registrars and

restructured it as a public limited company with the name Janata Bank Limited.


Including 4 overseas branches in United Arab Emirates Janata Bank runs its business with 912

branches across the country having a big family of around 11,463 (As on 31.07.2020) employees

with its head office located at Janata Bhaban at Motijheel C/A, the heart of the capital city,

Dhaka.At the end of 2019 the Bank held Deposit BDT 691,409,372,051, Advance BDT

548,473,941,439 with Authorized capital BDT 30,000 million and Paid-up Capital BDT 23,140


Janata Bank Limited, a corporate body trusted over the years, the 2nd largest (in respect of

Deposits/Assets) commercial bank in Bangladesh, has been playing pivotal role in overall

financial activities of the country and is possessing a long heritage of discharging laudable

services to the society since her embankment immediately after the emergence of this verdant

rich alluvial soil as a sovereign, independent state.

The contribution of the Bank to the national economy and social reform has set the standard bar

so high that others in this business can’t help but touch the benchmark of success earned by JBL.

More so a matter of great honor is that the contribution, commitment and success of the Bank

have been recognized with a number of prestigious awards by national and international

organizations of repute.

3.2 Janata Bank Limited (JBL) at a glance

Janata Bank Limited, one of the state-owned commercial banks in Bangladesh, has an authorized

capital of BDT.30000.00 million (Approx. US$ 360.0144058 million), paid-up capital Tk.23,140

million, foreign remittance of Tk. 78,144.30 million. The Bank has a total asset of Tk. 1,043,311

million as of 31st December 2020. Immediately after the emergence of Bangladesh in1971, the

erstwhile United Bank Limited and Union BankLimited were merged and renamed as Janata
Bank. 15th November 2007 the bank was corporatized and renamed Janata Bank Limited.Janata

Bank Limited currently operates through 912 branches including 4 overseas branches in the

UnitedArab Emirates. It is linked with 1239 foreign correspondents all over the world.The Bank

employees 12367 personnel.The mission of the bank is to actively participate in the socio-

economic development of the nation by operating a commercially sound banking

organization,providing credits to viable borrowers, efficiently delivered and competitively

priced, simultaneously protecting depositors' funds and providing a satisfactory return on equity

to the owners The Board of Directors is composed of 9 (nine) members headed by a Chairman.

The Directors are representatives from both public and private sectors.The Bank is headed by the

Chief Executive Officer &Managing Director, who is a reputed banker.

3.3 Branches of Janata Bank Limited

Table-1: Branches of Janata Bank

SL Category Branches

01 Corporate-1 Branch 28

02 Corporate-2 Branch 77

03 Grade-1 Branch 223

04 Grade-2 Branch 225

05 Grade-3 Branch 281

06 Grade-4 Branch 76

Sub - Total 912

Overseas Branch 4

Total 916

3.4 Vision

To become the effective largest commercial bank in Bangladesh to support socio-economic

development of the country and to be a leading bank in South Asia.

3.5 Mission

Janata Bank Limited will be an effective commercial bank by maintaining a stable growth

strategy, delivering high quality financial products, providing excellent customer service through

an experienced management team and ensuring good corporate governance in every step of the

banking network.

3.6 Core Values

Core values of JBL are the key to success in their professional sectors, those are: -

⮚ Diversity.

⮚ Professionalism.

⮚ Accountability.

⮚ Integrity.

⮚ Growth.

⮚ Dignity.

3.7 Code of conduct

❖ In accordance with the ethical principles, the JBL employees shall;

❖ Act with integrity, competence and dignity;

❖ Be loyal to the bank and bank’s interest;

❖ Maintain professionalism and ethical standards;

❖ Deliver professional service in accordance with JBL policies and relevant standards;

❖ Try to fulfill the customer needs in the best possible manner according to the

guideline of corporate ethics;

❖ Keep confidentiality in all matters;

❖ Maintain knowledge of and comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations;

❖ Never offer or accept illegal gifts or other

❖ Show no discrimination against any person on the basis of race, religion, color,

gender, age, etc.

❖ Not commit any act that reflects adversely on honesty, trustworthiness and

professional competence

❖ Not be engaged in any unprofessional conduct including dishonesty, fraudulence

❖ misrepresentation


3.8 Products of Janata Bank Limited

Products of Janata Bank Limited that’s given below in the tabular format:

Table-2: Products of JBL.(Author’s Creation)


Current & Call Deposits Savings Bank Deposits

• Current Deposit • Savings Bank Deposit

• Call Deposit •Savings Deposit from the foreign remittance

• Deposit in Foreign Currency • Q-Cash Deposit

• Resident Foreign Currency Deposit • NRB FC Deposit

• Deposits in FC (WES) • School Banking Deposit

• Convertible Taka A/C (D)

Monthly Scheme Deposits Term Deposits

• Deposit Pension Scheme • Fixed Deposit

• JB Savings Pension Scheme • JB Double Benefit Scheme

• Medical Deposit Scheme • JB Monthly Benefit Scheme

• Education Deposit Scheme • Retirement Savings Scheme

• GhoreGhoreSanchay • JBL Retirement Savings Scheme

• JB Monthly Savings Scheme • Continuous Benefit Account

• JB Special Deposit Scheme

• JB Monthly AmanatProkalpa Special Notice Deposit

• Special Notice Deposit

• Convertible Taka A/C (SND)

Sources:(Janata Bank Ltd, 2020

Loans & Advances of Janata Bank Limited

Term Loan Specialized Loan Program

• Industrial Credit (IC) • Cyber Cafe

• Housing Building Loan (General & • Service holders Loan

• Doctor's Loan Scheme
• Agro-based Industry/Project Loan
• Special Credit Program for Women
• Shipyard loan Entrepreneurs

• Loan for Overseas Employment

• Consumer Credit Micro & Cottage industries loan

Small and Medium Enterprise Loan • Dairy/Poultry/Fish Culture

• Service Sector Loan • Loan for Handicrafts/Disabled People

• Trading Sector Loan • NGO linkage loan

• Manufacturing Sector Loan • Weavers’ Credit

Continuous Loan • Swanirvar Loan

• Cash Credit (Hypo) Import & Export Finance

• Cash Credit (Pledge) • Loan Against Imported Merchandise

• Export Cash Credit
• Inland Bill Purchase (IBP)
• Secured Overdraft (SOD)
• Loan Against Trust Receipt (LTR)
Rural & Agro Credit
• Payment Against Document (PAD)
• Crop Loan
• Packing Credit (PC)
• Fishery Loan
• Local/Foreign Bills Purchased (FBP)
• Animal Husbandry Loan
• Loan Against Export Development
• Agricultural Machineries Loan Fund(EDF)
• Rural Transport Loan • Advance Against Cash Incentive (Subsidy,
• Flower cultivation Assistance)

Loans & Advances of Janata Bank Limited

Poverty Alleviation Program Letter of Guarantee

• Supervised Credit Program • Advance Payment Guarantee

• Small Farmers & Landless Laborers • Bid Bond

• Self-employment Scheme • Performance Guarantee

• Family-Based Micro Credit • Shipping Guarantee

Other Credit Program Letter of Credit

• Transport • Letter of Credit - at Sight

• Loan to Diagnostic Centers • Letter of Credit – Usance

• Loan to Travel Agencies • Back to Back L/C

• Loan for Salt Production

Term Loan Specialized Loan Program

• Industrial Credit (IC) • Cyber Cafe

• Housing Building Loan (General & • Service holders Loan

• Doctor's Loan Scheme
• Agro-based Industry/Project Loan
• Special Credit Program for Women
• Shipyard loan Entrepreneurs

• Loan for Overseas Employment

• Consumer Credit Micro & Cottage industries loan

• Dairy/Poultry/Fish Culture

Small and Medium Enterprise Loan • Loan for Handicrafts/Disabled People

• Service Sector Loan • NGO linkage loan

• Trading Sector Loan • Weavers’ Credit

Loans & Advances of Janata Bank Limited

• Manufacturing Sector Loan • Swanirvar Loan

Continuous Loan Import & Export Finance

• Cash Credit (Hypo) • Loan Against Imported Merchandise (LIM)

• Cash Credit (Pledge) • Inland Bill Purchase (IBP)

• Export Cash Credit • Loan Against Trust Receipt (LTR)

• Secured Overdraft (SOD) • Payment Against Document (PAD)

• Packing Credit (PC)

Rural & Agro Credit • Local/Foreign Bills Purchased (FBP)

• Crop Loan • Loan Against Export Development

• Fishery Loan
• Advance Against Cash Incentive (Subsidy,
• Animal Husbandry Loan Assistance)
• Agricultural Machineries Loan

• Rural Transport Loan Letter of Guarantee

• Flower cultivation • Advance Payment Guarantee

• Bid Bond
Poverty Alleviation Program • Performance Guarantee
• Supervised Credit Program • Shipping Guarantee
• Small Farmers & Landless Laborers

• Self-employment Scheme Letter of Credit

• Family-Based Micro Credit • Letter of Credit - at Sight

• Letter of Credit – Usance

Other Credit Program • Back to Back L/C

Loans & Advances of Janata Bank Limited

• Transport

• Loan to Diagnostic Centers

• Loan to Travel Agencies

Term Loan Specialized Loan Program

• Industrial Credit (IC) • Cyber Cafe

• Housing Building Loan (General & • Service holders Loan

• Doctor's Loan Scheme
• Agro-based Industry/Project Loan
• Special Credit Program for Women
• Shipyard loan Entrepreneurs

• Loan for Overseas Employment

• Consumer Credit Micro & Cottage industries loan

• Dairy/Poultry/Fish Culture

Small and Medium Enterprise Loan • Loan for Handicrafts/Disabled People

• Service Sector Loan • NGO linkage loan

• Trading Sector Loan • Weavers’ Credit

• Manufacturing Sector Loan • Swanirvar Loan

Continuous Loan Import & Export Finance

• Cash Credit (Hypo) • Loan Against Imported Merchandise (LIM)

• Cash Credit (Pledge) • Inland Bill Purchase (IBP)

• Export Cash Credit • Loan Against Trust Receipt (LTR)

• Secured Overdraft (SOD) • Payment Against Document (PAD)

• Packing Credit (PC)

Rural & Agro Credit • Local/Foreign Bills Purchased (FBP)

Loans & Advances of Janata Bank Limited

• Crop Loan • Loan Against Export Development

• Fishery Loan
• Advance Against Cash Incentive (Subsidy,
• Animal Husbandry Loan Assistance
• Agricultural Machineries Loan

• Rural Transport Loan

• Flower cultivation

Poverty Alleviation Program

• Supervised Credit Program

• Small Farmers & Landless Laborers

• Self-employment Scheme

• Family-Based Micro Credit

Other Credit Program

• Transport

• Loan to Diagnostic Centers

• Loan to Travel Agencies

Sources:(Janata Bank Ltd, 2020)

3.9 Services of Janata Bank Limited

Table-3: Services of JBL. (Author’s Creation)


Financial Services (Inland Remittance) Utility Services

• Demand Draft (DD) • Gas Bills Collection

• Telephonic Transfer (TT) • Electricity Bills Collection

• Mail Transfer (MT) • Telephone Bills Collection

• JB remittance payment system • Water/Sewerage Bills Collection

(Deposit/withdrawal from any branch) • Municipal Holding Tax Collection

• JB PIN cash System • Port Bill Collection

• Land Rent Collection

Financial Services (Foreign Remittance)

• Online Speedy Remittance Welfare Service

• Maintaining NRT Account • Payment of Non- Govt. Teachers’ Salaries

• Foreign MT •Payment of Primary and Secondary Girl

Students Stipend
• Foreign Remittance
• Payment of Army Pension/Civil Pension
• Foreign Demand Draft
• Payment of Widows, Divorcees, and
• Collection of Draft, Cheque, TC
Destitute Women Allowances
• Foreign Currency Endorsement
• Payment of Old-age/Disabled Allowances

• Issuance of Television License

Other Financial Services
• Payment of Sanchayapatra
• Pay Order

• Pay Slip
Other Service
• Security Deposit Receipt (SDR)
• SMS banking

•Foreign Currency Buying and Selling

Service to the Government •Bangladesh Electronic Fund Transfer

• Sale of Prize Bond
• Bangladesh Automated Clearing House
• Sale of Wage Earner Bond (WEB)
• Sale of Sanchayapatra (SP)
• Debit Card Service
• VAT collection
• Credit Card Service
• Tax collection

• Excise duty collection

Customer Care

• Help/Information Desk
ATM Service
• Inquiry Desk
• Cash withdrawal
• Counseling
• Balance inquiry

• Mini statement of accounts

• Point of Sale (POS)

• Mobile recharge

• Tax payment

Sources:(Janata Bank Ltd, 2020)

3.10 Board of directors


01 Dr. S. M. Mahfuzur Rahman Chairman

02 Mr. Ajit Kumar Paul,FCA Director

03 Mr. K. M. Shamsul Alam Director

04 Mr. Muhammed Asad Ullah Director

05 Mr. Ziauddin Ahmed Director

06 Mr. Md. Abdul Majid Director

07 Rubina Amin Director

08 Mr. Meshkat Ahmed Director


09 Mr. Md. Abdus Salam Azad (F F) Managing Director & CEO

3.11Purpose of Janata Bank Limited

There are few purposes of Janata bank; some of those are given below:

➔ Making profit: Each and every organization always wants to profit and this is

their first priority & Janata Bank does so and their first and foremost way to earn

profit by collecting deposits from the customer and lending money through

interest and that will count as an income and investing it to another area.(Janata

Bank Ltd, 2020)

➔ Providing service and relation development: Making a good relationship with

client bank make financial transactions.(Janata Bank Ltd, 2020)

➔ Collecting more deposit and money lending: Without depositing money and by

that make transactions make Bank worthiness. Janata bank always tries to collect

more deposits by collecting customer’s money.(Janata Bank Ltd, 2020)

➔ Flourishing money flowing: Janata Bank increases their flow of money by

replacing currency by using a different medium like check pay order bank draft

letter of credit etc. while doing transactions and thus mainly increases the flow of

currency for a bank.(Janata Bank Ltd, 2020)

Social Purposes:

Social purposes for making the environment healthy so that people in the country make their

Life is beautiful. These are:

➔ Creating savings: Janata Bank always offers different kinds of savings, like school

banking and other different varieties of savings that make them save for future and also

the interest is more in Janata Bank for saving more days longer than basically

emphasizing customers to deposit money over time.(Janata Bank Ltd, 2020).

➔ Formation of capital: Collecting the savings from the customers that mainly the

formation of capital.(Janata Bank Ltd, 2020).

➔ Ensuring safety: Clients always make money by working hard and they save it for the

future and they always think whether the money is safe or not and Janata Bank always

ensures it for their valuable client.(Janata Bank Ltd, 2020).

➔ Investment and Industrialization: Janata Bank has some short, intermediate and long

term investments through these investments and tries to make profit for industrialization.

In the country.(Janata Bank Ltd, 2020).

➔ Employment facility: Every bank makes profit whether their employee is treated in a

good way or not but JanataBank always tries to satisfy their employee first and also give

them bonus and other facilities to make them enthusiastic about the work.(Janata Bank

Ltd, 2020).


Green Banking Practices In Bangladesh

4.1 Green Banking

The economic development of any country is inextricably linked with environmental issues

because activities of financial institutions may boost wealth creation as well as environmental

degradation. Bangladesh is identified by climate change experts as being among the countries

more severely challenged by climate change threat with correspondingly high urgency of

preparedness with mitigating and adaptive responses. The government and the central bank of

Bangladesh are fully conscious of this issue and have played a proactive role in this regard. As it

was realized that a bank as a responsible financial institution has a significant role to play in

these game-changing developments, Bangladesh Bank, the central bank of Bangladesh has taken

the first initiative to make activities of the financial institutions of Bangladesh more

environmentally responsible at the beginning of the year 2011. Green Banking as a concept of

sustainable banking practices was formally introduced in Bangladesh in February 2011 with the

development of an indicative Green Banking Guideline for Banks and Financial Institutions by

Bangladesh Bank. The main objective of this guideline is to give detailed and indicative advice

to all the commercial banks of Bangladesh to adopt environment-friendly financing policies as

well as to take appropriate initiatives to make internal operations more energy-efficient and

environmentally conscious.

4.2 Green Banking and Bangladesh banking industry

The Bangladeshi climate is full of global warming day by day because of so much environmental

change, the greenhouse effect is surrounding the atmosphere. The climate is deteriorating

because of using the natural asset ineffective way/semi natural way/

manufactured/processed/transformed resources. As a result, drought, floods, and earthquakes

always visit Bangladesh every year. The environment should need proper attention to improve

this atmosphere problem, and also up- gradation for ensuring a better future for the upcoming

future generation. Increasing awareness who are basically using the most non- eco-friendly thing.

The financial institutions who are mostly using paperwork and other situations that are created

because of financial sectors. Awareness about climate change, how it can affect our future life

should be a great sector of awareness and also urgent measurement of sustainable development

should be needed for improving the condition.

Banking system that held a major economic side of the whole institutions of all the profit

organization all the organization of different sector depends fully on banking sector for financial

activities, that’s why Bank can take the major responsibility to improve the environment by


1.efficiency of energy uses,

2. water consumption and

3. waste reduction,

4.say no to use the paper for work

By all those steps banks can significantly contribute to reduce all the problems about the

environment among the era of industry.

4.3 Rules & Regulations Governing Green Banking In Bangladesh

With a view to encouraging sustainable development in Bangladesh, the government of

Bangladesh has formulated two important documents namely the Environmental Conservation

Act 1995 and the Environmental Conservation Rules 1997. These two documents basically make

the ground rules for Green Banking in Bangladesh. In January 2011, Bangladesh Bank as a

regulatory body in the financial sector of Bangladesh had formulated the Environmental Risk

Management Guidelines for Banks and Financial Institutions. The ERM guideline basically

represents structured formats of addressing environmental risks in project financing and also

provides standards in this regard. Besides, on February 27, 2011 Bangladesh Bank formulated

the Green Banking Policy Guidelines that provide a standard format for the commercial banks in

Bangladesh to develop their own Green Banking Policy. The Green Banking practices in

Bangladesh can be viewed from three perspectives:

● Initiatives taken by Bangladesh Bank;

● Initiatives taken by Government &;

● Initiatives taken by other commercial banks;

4.3.1 Initiatives Taken By Bangladesh Bank

Bangladesh Bank is the first central bank in the world that has taken real initiatives according to
a definite agenda in its vision and mission to play a specific role in Green Banking. With the
different initiatives of in-house green activities, the authority has developed an indicative Green
Banking Policy on February 27, 2011 which aims to provide a detailed guideline to all the
commercial banks to adopt Green Banking policy. The policy is to be rolled out in the following
three phases:

Phase-1(By December 31, 2011)

❖ Policy Formulation & Governance

❖ Incorporation of environmental risk in core risk management

❖ Initiating in-house environment management

❖ Introducing Green Finance

❖ Creation of climate risk fund

❖ Introducing green marketing

❖ Online banking

❖ Supporting employee raining, consumer awareness, and green event

❖ Reporting green banking practices

Phase-2(By December 31, 2012)

❖ Sector-specific environmental policy

❖ Green strategic planning

❖ Setting up green branches

Phase-1(By December 31, 2011)

❖ Policy Formulation & Governance

❖ Incorporation of environmental risk in core risk management

❖ Initiating in-house environment management

❖ Introducing Green Finance

❖ Creation of climate risk fund

❖ Introducing green marketing

❖ Online banking

❖ Supporting employee raining, consumer awareness, and green event

❖ Reporting green banking practices

❖ Improved in-house environment

❖ Formulation of bank-specific environment risk management plan and guidance

❖ Rigorous plan to educate clients

Phase-1(By December 31, 2011)

❖ Policy Formulation & Governance

❖ Incorporation of environmental risk in core risk management

❖ Initiating in-house environment management

❖ Introducing Green Finance

❖ Creation of climate risk fund

❖ Introducing green marketing

❖ Online banking

❖ Supporting employee raining, consumer awareness, and green event

❖ Reporting green banking practices

❖ Disclosure and reporting of green banking activities

Phase-3(By December 31, 2013)

❖ Designing and introducing innovative products

❖ The report in standard format with external verification

Besides developing a formal guideline regarding Green Banking practices, Bangladesh Bank has
also launched a refinance program of Taka 2 billion for different types of Green financing like:
1. Solar Irrigation Pump Station,
2. Solar Home System, Bio Gas Plant, ETP, HHK,
3. Solar PV module assembling plant.
4.3.2 Initiatives Taken By Government

The government of Bangladesh has already invested USD 10 billion over the last three decades
to make the country climate resilient and less vulnerable to disaster. Over the past three fiscal
years (FY 2009-10 to FY 2011-12) the government has allocated USD 300 million under the
following two specialized funds regarding sustainable development:

Bangladesh Climate Change Trust Fund Bangladesh Climate Change Trust Fund

❖ Established in 2009 ❖ Established in 2010 with funds

provided by development partners and
❖ 66% of the fund is being used for the managed by Govt.

implementation of action plan and

❖ Fiduciary support provided by WB,
34% is held in reserve to tackle
emergency situation UK & EU.

❖ 90% of the fund is being spent by

different ministries & 10% by PKSF
to support NGO initiatives

4.3.3 Initiatives Taken By Commercial Banks and Financial Institutions

With some formal guidelines of Bangladesh Bank as well as government, the commercial banks
of Bangladesh have also come up with some remarkable initiatives regarding green banking like:
Policy Formulation and Governance Climate Risk Fund

Budget Allocation Green Marketing

Green Banking Unit/Cell/Desk Green Banking

Incorporation of Environment Risk in Core Branches powered by Solar Energy

Risk Management(CRM)

Bank’s In-House Activities Improved In-House Environment


Green Finance Employee Training, Customer Awareness,

and Green event

4.4 Green Banking slogans of Banks

● Save paper, save trees,

● Conserve energy, conserve natural resources,

● Pay your bills online,

● Turn off the tap when not needed,

● Always use a cloth bag,

● Reduce, reuse and recycle,

● Digitize yourself,

● Think before you press the button

4.5 Green Banking Products

Green Banking product and service review is divided into the following banking sectors:

⮚ Retail Banking

⮚ Corporate & Investment Banking

⮚ Asset Management

⮚ Insurance

4.5.1 Retail Banking:

● Green Mortgage

● Green home equity loans

● Green commercial Building loans

● Green car loans

● Green cards

4.5.2 Corporate & Investment Banking:

● Green products finance

● Green securitization

● Green venture capital and private equity

● Green Indices

● Carbon commodities

4.5.3 Asset Management:

● Green fiscal funds

● Green Investment funds

● Carbon funds

4.5.4. Insurance:

● Green Insurance

● Carbon Insurance

4.6 Method of Green Banking

⮚ Go Online: Online banking is a developing concept; it helps in conservation of natural

resources. It saves paper, energy and expenditure of natural resources. It also helps

customers to save money by avoiding late payments and also save their time.

⮚ Use of Green Checking Accounts: Customers can check their accounts on ATMs. They

can avail services including online payment, debit cards and online statements.

⮚ Use of Green Credit Card: Some banks use green credit cards; by using it the banks

will donate funds to an environment friendly non-profit organization.

⮚ Saving of Paper: Banks should purchase recycled paper products with highest post

consumer waste content. This includes monthly statements, ATM receipts, annual

reports, envelopes etc.

⮚ Mobile Banking: By using it customers can check balances, transfer funds or pay bills

from the phone. It also helps to save time and energy for the customers.

⮚ Direct Deposits: Most employers will give employees the option to receive their

paycheck electronically. It saves time, saves paper and lots of paperwork.

⮚ Online (Net) Banking: It means customers can perform most of their banking related

functions without visiting the banks personally. For this customer must possess an

internet banking ID, a password provided by the bank in which the customer has an

account. Online banking includes use of credit cards, debit cards, online bill payment and

electronic fund transfer.

⮚ Power Saving Equipment: Banks can directly contribute to controlling climate change

and as an initial step they intend to start a campaign to replace all fused GSL bulbs, in all

owned premises, offices and residential areas. Banks can also make a feasibility study to

make rain water harvesting mandatory in all the banks owned premises.

⮚ Use of Solar and Wind Energy: Using solar and wind energy is one of the noble causes

for going green. Bangladesh Bank has become the first bank in the country to venture

into generation of green power by installing windmills for captive use.

4.7 Importance of green banking

Because of unusual weather patterns, global warming, climate change, rising greenhouse gas,

decreasing air quality etc.Businesses should come forward to take responsibility in protecting the

environment. Green Banking creates contribution to the alteration to resource-efficient and low

carbon industries i.e. green industry and green economy in general. Banks that were once seen

only as profit motive institutions have been adjusting to a more demanding market and a more

socially aware society over the last two decades. Environmental concern is at the edge of the

green banking strategy. An increasing number of global banks around the world are going green

by launching environmental friendly initiatives and providing innovative green products.

Banking and finance is one of the areas that you can do anything about, but there's a surprising

amount that you can do to ensure that your money and finances are being managed in a green,

ethical way. It is possible to know whether the selected bank operates as a carbon neutral

business. Green banking is very important in mitigating the following risks involving the

banking sector:

1. Credit Risk: Due to climate change and global warming, there have been direct as well as

indirect costs to banks. It has been observed that due to global warming, there have been extreme

weather conditions which affect the economic assets financed by the banks, thus leading to high

incidence of credit default. Credit risk can also arise indirectly when banks lead to companies

whose businesses are adversely affected due to changes in environmental regulation.

2. Legal risk: Banks, like other business entities, face legal risk if they do not comply with

relevant environmental regulation. They may also face risk of direct lender liability for cleanup

costs or claims for damages in case they actually take possession of pollution causing assets.

3. Reputation Risk: Due to increasing environmental awareness, banks are more prone to

reputation risk, if their direct or indirect actions are viewed as socially and environmentally

damaging. Reputation risks emerge from the financing of environmentally objectionable


4. Direct Risk: This risk can occur when a bank/FI exercises operational control over a

borrower’s business or in some cases where a bank/FI takes possession of contaminated land

held as security. In such cases, the bank/FI may not only lose its original advance, but may also

be forced to meet substantial clean-up costs.

5. Indirect Risk: This risk incurred by the bank/FI due to the borrower's inability to repay

because of environmental or climate change reasons. As Bangladesh strengthens enforcement of

environmental regulations and public interest groups grow, pressure increases on business to

minimize their environmental impacts. This may increase companies’ capital and operating costs

in order to comply with environmental regulations. This can have an effect on the borrower’s

cash flow and consequently in the borrower’s ability to repay. Alternatively, climate change

induced events, e.g. cyclones, may impact business activities that may result in affecting the

borrower’s ability to repay.

6. Business/Industry Risk: Changing environmental conditions and/or requirements may impact

the borrower’s capacity to meet the obligation to repay. This is an indirect risk.

7. Management Risk: Poor management may result in closures and community protests that can

adversely impact the business and the borrower’s capacity to repay. This is an indirect risk.

8. Security/Collateral Risk: Risk that the bank/FI might be exposed due to poor quality of the

security/collateral, e.g. contaminated land or disposal of hazardous chemicals, in case of a

default. This is a direct risk.

Chapter -05

Green Banking Practices In Janata Bank Limited, Kandirpar

Branch, Cumilla.

5.1 Green Banking initiatives in Janata Bank Limited: To protect against

environmental pollution JBL has adopted and implemented regulatory legislation. In this regard

JBL has done the following:

❖ Formulation of Green Banking Policy: Giving importance to environment protection

the Board of Directors of JBL has approved a Green Banking Policy outlined in line with

BRPD Circular 02/2011 of Bangladesh Bank. The policy has now been implemented in

lending and internal environment management

❖ Green Banking Committee: Our Risk Management Committee acts as the Green

Banking Committee. The Committee evaluates and recommends environment friendly

banking policy, strategy and activities to the Board for approval on an annual basis.

❖ Green Banking Unit: We have a Green Banking Unit which is working under the Green

Banking Committee headed by a Deputy Managing Director. The role, duties and

responsibilities of the Unit are:

● Formulation and evaluation of environment friendly banking policy;

● Monitoring and supervision of Green Banking operations;

● Reporting Green Banking activities to the management, Green Banking

Committee and central bank on quarterly basis.

❖ Separate Desk for Green Banking Activities: A green banking desk is in place under

the Risk Management Division to perform all green banking initiatives and coordinates

the green finance activities, green reporting etc.

❖ Budget Allocation: We are aware of environmental degradation and so are giving

priority in green finance. Our budget in this sector was BDT 5000 million and was

allocated for the year 2020.

(BDT in million)

Year Budget

2020 5,00,000
2019 4,850.00

2018 4,300.00

2017 4,300.00

2016 5,420.00

Source: Annual report janata Bank Limited 2020

❖ Green Financing: We have given preference to eco-friendly business activities and

energy efficient industries. Environmental infrastructure such as renewable energy

project, clean water supply project, Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) and projects with

ETP, solid & hazardous waste disposal plant, bio-gas plant, biofertilizer plant, brickfields

having Hybrid Holfman Kiln (HHK) technology are encouraged as a part of green

financing practices. We are also financing in various eco-friendly projects under re-financing

scheme of Bangladesh Bank at a subsidized rate of interest that includes :

● Loan to 414 solar panels

● Loan to 60 biogas plants

● Loan to 13 HHK brick fields

● Loan to Vermi composed fertilizer

❖ Online Banking: At present all of 916 branches are providing online banking services

complying with the Government’s ‘Digital Bangladesh’ strategy. For performing online

banking, the bank has launched Real time Online Banking activities by the real time

centralized online Core Banking System (CBS) software TEMENOS T24 (T24) in all the

branches . We have installed 71 ATM booths and shared more than 10,000 ATMs of

other banks across the country.

❖ Green Marketing: It is marketing of products and services based on environmental

factors or awareness. Presently we are advertising our products,brand, notice, circular etc.

through internet/ electronic media.

❖ Green Awareness and Training: Employee awareness and training on environmental

and social risk are much essential for green banking campaigns. JBL Staff College is

continuously organizing training courses on Green Banking to train up

executives/officers. Credit departments are assigned for developing knowledge/awareness

among the consumers and clients on environmental degradation and green banking.

❖ Creation of Climate Risk Fund/CSR Activities: We have created a fund as part of our

CSR activities to finance the economic activities of the flood, cyclone, ayela and drought

affected areas at a lower rate of interest.

5.2 Green Banking Objective of Janata Bank Limited

The core objective of green banking is to ensure customer services, finance, protection of the

internal environment of management through adoption and compliance of environment friendly

banking policy.Other objectives are –

1. Playing a direct role for protection of environmental pollution at national and

international level through adoption of environment friendly banking policy.

2. Encouraging project finance in environment friendly projects and discouraging

the projects detrimental to a good environment.

3. Adoption of Social commitment and ethics consciousness based banking policy.

4. Ensure the optimum use of gas, water, electricity, office-stationery, etc.

5. Increasing the use of on-line communication, on-line customer service, ATM, etc.

6. Protection of forest resources through optimum use of paper and toner.

7. Increase environment friendly activities in customer service, financing, internal

8. environment of management, i.e growth in on-line customer service, ATM, etc.

9. Development of environment consciousness among bankers and customers.

10. Priorities the environment friendly and energy saving technology in official


11. Provide sponsorship for the development of public consciousness through

encouraging environment friendly activities.

12. Publishing and communicating memo, circular, statement through web mail / web

site without normal printing.

5.3 Green Banking Adoption policy in Janata Bank Limited, Kandirpar

Branch, Cumilla.

5.3.1 Management of In-house Environment

JBL has taken a number of initiatives for in-house environment management. The following

initiatives are taken in this regard:

❖ A 'Green Office Guide' has circulated to the employees for implementation;

❖ Measures have taken to save electricity, water and paper consumption;

❖ Applying eco-font in printing to reduce ink and paper.

❖ Use of scrap paper for drafting.

❖ Installation of printers having both sides printing option to lessen use of paper.

❖ Introduction of Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) in all branches

❖ Introduction of Bangladesh Electronic Fund Transfer Network (BEFTN) to reduce

dependency on paper based transactions.

❖ Installation of online MIS software for data collection, analysis and management


5.3.2 Green Banking Compliance Issue

We have started publishing green banking and sustainability reports in our quarterly bulletin.

Initiatives/ steps/projects that have been taken as part of environment friendly activities are also

disclosed in our website and annual report.We have complied of the following issues required for

green banking policy:

❖ Own green banking policy;

❖ Sustainable Finance Unit and Sustainable Finance Committee;

❖ Budget allocation for green finance;

❖ Incorporation of Environmental Risk in the Credit Risk Management;

❖ In-house environment protection initiatives;

❖ Introduction of green guide;

❖ Introduction of green product;

❖ Introduction of green marketing;

❖ Online banking;

❖ Employee training and consumer awareness;

❖ Green strategic plan;

❖ Disclosure and reporting of Green Banking;

5.3.3 Outlook towards Green Banking

JBL has the following future plan to minimize environmental risk and achieve maximum benefit

from its eco-friendly investment:

❖ Focused on socially responsible investment;

❖ Designed to aid environmentally conscious businesses and consumers through better loan

rates and other incentives;

❖ Planned to increase sustainable green finance;

❖ Future plan to set up “Green Branch”;

❖ Installation of Solar Panels in branch offices;

❖ Green Finance to various products under Bangladesh Bank refinancing scheme;

❖ Arrangements of training/workshop to create awareness among the stakeholders;

❖ Designing a proper environmental management system to manage environmental risks;

5.4 Green Banking Challenges in JBL, Kandirpar Branch, Cumilla, as well as

1. Coordination among all the concerned authorities for a green economy;

2. Speeding up proper awareness and effective capacity building. Awareness and Capacity

building is a must for the Board of Directors/Competent authority/Management in all

levels/dealing officials of the banks/financial institutions and clients as well;

3. Immediate concentration on sectoral lending policies and procedures;

4. Need for applying a quantitative approach for a more justified rating. Environmental Risk

Rating is now on the basis of the Environmental Due Diligence (EDD);

5. Shifting of different categories of industry (such as, Garments, Textiles, and Tannery) to

a proper location;

6. It’s a new concept and customers will take time to adopt this;

7. Green banking requires technology which will be highly costly;

8. It requires renewable and recycling techniques which is costly;

9. Data protection is another challenge for the adoption of green banking;

10. Bank employees need training for all this practice;

5.5 Green Banking Problems in JBL, Kandirpar Branch, Cumilla as well as


a) Matter of Diversification: Green banks limit their business exchanges to those business

substances who qualify screening procedures done by green banks. With a set number of clients,

they will have a littler base to support them. In the event that they center their credits on specific

commercial ventures, they open themselves up to being a great deal more powerless against

monetary movements.

b) Startup: Numerous banks in green business are new and are in start-up face. Generally, it

takes 3 to 4 years for a bank to begin making money but it does not help banks during inflation.

c) Higher Operating Cost: Green banks require specialized talent, skills and experienced staff

to provide proper services to customers. Employees like experienced loan officers are needed

with additional background and experience in dealing with green businesses and customers.

d) Reputational Risk:If banks are involved in big projects which are damaging the environment

they are likely to lose their reputations. In the financing of ecologically and ethically

questionable projects reputation risks are involved. There are also few cases where the

environmental management system has resulted in cost saving, increase in bond value.


Data Analysis and Findings

6.1 Data Analysis

Analysis of Statement: 01

Q1. Janata bank Ltd. provides training and education to the staff on environmental protection,
energy saving, and etc.

N Valid 15
Missing 0
Mean 3.80
Median 4.00
Std. Deviation 1.320

Q1. Janata bank Ltd. provides training and education to the staff on environmental protection,
energy saving, and etc.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Disagree 2 13.3 13.3 13.3
Neutral 2 13.3 13.3 26.7
Agree 6 40.0 40.0 66.7
Strongly Agree 5 33.3 33.3 100.0
Total 15 100.0 100.0

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Q1 Janata bank Ltd. 15 1 5 3.80 1.320

provides training and

education to the staff on
protection, energy
saving, and etc.

Interpretation: Here, horizontal numbers 1 to 5 represent accordingly strongly disagree,

disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree. The bar chart shows that 13.3% people strongly disagree,

0% people disagree, 13.3% people are neutral, 40% people agree and 33.3% people strongly

agree on the statement 01. When it’s mean 3.80, median 4 and standard deviation 1.32. From the

data set here minimum value 1 and maximum value 5.

Analysis of Statement: 02

Q2. Janata Bank Ltd. has environmental green performance evaluation practices (environmental
sustainability measures ,energy-saving measures and calculation of carbon footprint ).
N Valid 15
Missing 0
Mean 3.33
Median 3.00
Std. Deviation 1.113

Q2. Janata Bank Ltd. has environmental green performance evaluation practices (environmental
sustainability measures, energy-saving measures and calculation of carbon footprint)
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Disagree 1 6.7 6.7 6.7
Strongly Disagree 2 13.3 13.3 20.0
Neutral 5 33.3 33.3 53.3
Agree 5 33.3 33.3 86.7
Strongly Agree 2 13.3 13.3 100.0
Total 15 100.0 100.0

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Q2. Janata Bank Ltd. has 15 1 5 3.33 1.113

environmental green
performance evaluation
practices environmental
sustainability measures
energy-saving measures
and calculation of carbon

Valid N (listwise) 15

Interpretation: Here, horizontal numbers 1 to 5 represent accordingly strongly disagree,

disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree. The bar chart shows that 6.7% people strongly disagree,

13.3% people disagree, 33.3% people are neutral, 33.3% people agree and 13.3% people strongly

agree on the statement 02. When it’s mean 3.33, median 3 and standard deviation 1.11. From the

data set here minimum value 1 and maximum value 5.

Analysis of Statement: 03

Q3. Janata bank Ltd. Green banking gives more importance to environmental friendly factors
like ecological gains thus interest on loan is comparatively less .
N Valid 15
Missing 0
Mean 3.07
Median 3.00
Std. Deviation 1.163

Q3. Janata bank Ltd. Green banking gives more importance to environmental friendly factors
like ecological gains thus interest on loan is comparatively less.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Disagree 2 13.3 13.3 13.3
Strongly Disagree 2 13.3 13.3 26.7
Neutral 5 33.3 33.3 60.0
Agree 5 33.3 33.3 93.3
Strongly Agree 1 6.7 6.7 100.0
Total 15 100.0 100.0

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Q3. Janata bank Ltd. 15 1 5 3.07 1.163

Green banking give

more importance to
environmental friendly
factors like ecological
gains thus interest on
loan is comparatively
Valid N (listwise) 15

Interpretation: Here, horizontal numbers 1 to 5 represent accordingly strongly disagree,

disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree. The bar chart shows that 13.3% people strongly disagree,

13.3% people disagree, 33.3% people are neutral, 33.3% people agree and 6.7% people strongly

agree on the statement 03. When it’s mean 3.07, median 3 and standard deviation 1.16. From the

data set here minimum value 1 and maximum value 5.

Analysis of Statement: 04

Q4. Janata bank Ltd .has initiatives to reduce paper usage and other wastage of materials
N Valid 15
Missing 0
Mean 3.67
Median 4.00
Std. Deviation 1.234

Q4. Janata bank Ltd has initiatives to reduce paper usage and other wastage of materials
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Strongly Disagree 4 26.7 26.7 26.7
Neutral 2 13.3 13.3 40.0
Agree 4 26.7 26.7 66.7
Strongly Agree 5 33.3 33.3 100.0
Total 15 100.0 100.0

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Q4. Janata bank Ltd has 15 2 5 3.67 1.234

initiatives to reduce
paper usage and other
wastage of materials

Valid N (listwise) 15

Interpretation: Here, horizontal numbers 1 to 5 represent accordingly strongly disagree,

disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree. The bar chart shows that 0% people strongly disagree,

26.7% people disagree, 13.3% people are neutral, 26.7% people agree and 33.3% people strongly

agree on the statement 04. When it’s mean 3.67, median 4 and standard deviation 1.23. From the

data set here minimum value 2 and maximum value 5.

Analysis of Statement: 05

Q5. Janata bank Ltd .has introduced energy efficient equipment ,system solutions and practices
(ATMs LED lighting SWIFT transfer etc ) .
N Valid 15
Missing 0
Mean 3.73
Median 4.00
Std. Deviation 1.163

Q5. Janata bank Ltd. has introduced energy efficient equipment ,system solutions and practices
(ATMs LED lighting SWIFT transfer etc).
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Disagree 1 6.7 6.7 6.7
Strongly Disagree 1 6.7 6.7 13.3
Neutral 3 20.0 20.0 33.3
Agree 6 40.0 40.0 73.3
Strongly Agree 4 26.7 26.7 100.0
Total 15 100.0 100.0

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Q5. Janata bank Ltd. 15 1 5 3.73 1.163

has introduced energy

efficient equipment,
system solutions and
practices( ATMs LED
lighting SWIFT transfer
Valid N (listwise) 15

Interpretation: Here, horizontal numbers 1 to 5 represent accordingly strongly disagree,

disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree. The bar chart shows that 6.7% people strongly disagree,

6.7% people disagree, 20% people are neutral, 40% people agree and 26.7% people strongly

agree on the statement 05. When it’s mean 3.73, median 4 and standard deviation 1.16. From the

data set here minimum value 1 and maximum value 5.

Analysis of Statement: 06

Q6 Janata bank Ltd. uses e-waste management practices.
N Valid 15
Missing 0
Mean 3.33
Median 4.00
Std. Deviation 1.397

Q6 Janata bank Ltd. uses e-waste management practices.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Disagree 3 20.0 20.0 20.0
Neutral 4 26.7 26.7 46.7
Agree 5 33.3 33.3 80.0
Strongly Agree 3 20.0 20.0 100.0
Total 15 100.0 100.0

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Q6 Janata bank Ltd .uses 15 1 5 3.33 1.397

e-waste management
Valid N (listwise) 15

Interpretation: Here, horizontal numbers 1 to 5 represent accordingly strongly disagree,

disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree. The bar chart shows that 20% people strongly disagree,
0% people disagree, 26.7% people are neutral, 33.3% people agree and 20% people strongly
agree on the statement 06. When it’s mean 3.33, median 4 and standard deviation 1.39. From the
data set here minimum value 1 and maximum value 5.

Analysis of Statement: 07

Q7. Janata bank Ltd. has environmental friendly banking practices (e-mail,intranet ,e-
statements ,online approval system etc )
N Valid 15
Missing 0
Mean 3.87
Median 4.00
Std. Deviation 1.187

Q7. Janata bank Ltd. has environmental friendly banking practices (e-mail,intranet, e-
statements ,online approval system etc)
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Strongly Disagree 3 20.0 20.0 20.0
Neutral 2 13.3 13.3 33.3
Agree 4 26.7 26.7 60.0
Strongly Agree 6 40.0 40.0 100.0
Total 15 100.0 100.0

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Q7. Janata bank Ltd. 15 2 5 3.87 1.187

has environmental
friendly banking
practices( e-mail,
intranet, e-statements
online approval system
Valid N (listwise) 15

Interpretation: Here, horizontal numbers 1 to 5 represent accordingly strongly disagree,

disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree. The bar chart shows that 0% people strongly disagree,

20% people disagree, 13.3% people are neutral, 26.7% people agree and 40% people strongly

agree on the statement 07. When it’s mean 3.87, median 4 and standard deviation 1.18. From the

data set here minimum value 2 and maximum value 5.

Analysis of Statement: 08.

Q8. Janata bank Ltd . provides loans to environmental protection and energy saving related
N Valid 15
Missing 0
Mean 4.00
Median 4.00
Std. Deviation 1.000

Q8. Janata bank Ltd. provides loans to environmental protection and energy saving related
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Strongly Disagree 1 6.7 6.7 6.7
Neutral 4 26.7 26.7 33.3
Agree 4 26.7 26.7 60.0

Strongly Agree 6 40.0 40.0 100.0
Total 15 100.0 100.0

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Q8. Janata bank 15 2 5 4.00 1.000

Ltd .provides loans to

protection and energy
saving related projects.
Valid N (listwise) 15

Interpretation: Here, horizontal numbers 1 to 5 represent accordingly strongly disagree,

disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree. The bar chart shows that 0% people strongly disagree,

6.7% people disagree, 26.7% people are neutral, 26.7% people agree and 40% people strongly

agree on the statement 08. When it’s mean 4.00, median 4 and standard deviation 1.00. From the

data set here minimum value 2 and maximum value 5.

Analysis of Statement: 09

Q9 Janata bank Ltd. implements certain independent and unique green initiatives, projects, and
etc. (e.g. tree planting).
N Valid 15
Missing 0
Mean 3.80
Median 4.00
Std. Deviation .941

Q9. Janata bank Ltd. implements certain independent and unique green initiatives, projects, and
etc. (e.g. tree planting).
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Strongly Disagree 2 13.3 13.3 13.3
Neutral 2 13.3 13.3 26.7
Agree 8 53.3 53.3 80.0
Strongly Agree 3 20.0 20.0 100.0
Total 15 100.0 100.0

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Q9. Janata bank Ltd. 15 2 5 3.80 .941

implements certain
independent and unique
green initiatives,
projects, and etc. (e.g.
tree planting).

Valid N (listwise) 15

Interpretation: Here, horizontal numbers 1 to 5 represent accordingly strongly disagree,
disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree. The bar chart shows that 0% people strongly disagree,
13.3% people disagree, 13.3% people are neutral, 53.3% people agree and 20% people strongly
agree on the statement 09. When it’s mean 3.80, median 4 and standard deviation 0.94. From the
data set here minimum value 2 and maximum value 5.

Analysis of Statement: 10

Q10. Janata bank Ltd. promotes and facilitates environmental-oriented enterprises through
special grants ,loans and guidance.
N Valid 15
Missing 0
Mean 3.33
Median 3.00
Std. Deviation 1.113

Q10. Janata bank Ltd. promotes and facilitates environmental-oriented enterprises through
special grants, loans and guidance.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Disagree 1 6.7 6.7 6.7
Strongly Disagree 1 6.7 6.7 13.3
Neutral 8 53.3 53.3 66.7
Agree 2 13.3 13.3 80.0
Strongly Agree 3 20.0 20.0 100.0
Total 15 100.0 100.0

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Q10. Janata bank Ltd. 15 1 5 3.33 1.113

promotes and facilitates

enterprises through
special grants, loans
and guidance.
Valid N (listwise) 15

Interpretation: Here, horizontal numbers 1 to 5 represent accordingly strongly disagree,

disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree. The bar chart shows that 6.7% people strongly disagree,

6.7% people disagree, 53.3% people are neutral, 13.3% people agree and 20% people strongly

agree on the statement 10. When it’s mean 3.33, median 3 and standard deviation 1.11. From the

data set here minimum value 1 and maximum value 5.

Analysis of Statement: 11


Q11. Janata bank Ltd. uses social and environmental management system or any other
mechanisms to evaluate all credit proposals.
N Valid 15
Missing 0
Mean 2.67
Median 3.00
Std. Deviation 1.345

Q11. Janata bank Ltd. uses social and environmental management system or any other
mechanisms to evaluate all credit proposals.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Disagree 4 26.7 26.7 26.7
Strongly Disagree 3 20.0 20.0 46.7
Neutral 3 20.0 20.0 66.7
Agree 4 26.7 26.7 93.3
Strongly Agree 1 6.7 6.7 100.0
Total 15 100.0 100.0

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Q11. Janata bank 15 1 5 2.67 1.345

Ltd .uses social and

management systems or
any other mechanisms
to evaluate all credit
Valid N (listwise) 15

Interpretation: Here, horizontal numbers 1 to 5 represent accordingly strongly disagree,

disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree. The bar chart shows that 26.7% people strongly disagree,

20% people disagree, 20% people are neutral, 26.7% people agree and 6.7% people strongly

agree on the statement 11. When it’s mean 2.67, median 3 and standard deviation 1.34. From the

data set here minimum value 1 and maximum value 5.

Analysis of Statement: 12 .

Q12. Janata bank Ltd. involves in setting up green branches (energy efficient buildings/green
buildings )
N Valid 15
Missing 0
Mean 2.93
Median 3.00
Std. Deviation 1.387

Q12. Janata bank Ltd is involved in setting up green branches( energy efficient
buildings/green buildings).
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Disagree 3 20.0 20.0 20.0
Strongly Disagree 2 13.3 13.3 33.3
Neutral 6 40.0 40.0 73.3
Agree 1 6.7 6.7 80.0
Strongly Agree 3 20.0 20.0 100.0
Total 15 100.0 100.0

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Q12. Janata bank Ltd is 15 1 5 2.93 1.387

involved in setting up
green branches (energy
efficient buildings/green
Valid N (listwise) 15

Interpretation: Here, horizontal numbers 1 to 5 represent accordingly strongly disagree,

disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree. The bar chart shows that 20% people strongly disagree,
13.3% people disagree, 40% people are neutral, 6.7% people agree and 20% people strongly
agree on the statement 12. When it’s mean 2.93, median 3 and standard deviation 1.38. From the
data set here minimum value 1 and maximum value 5.

6.2 Findings

While working at Janata Bank Limited at Kandirpar Branch, Comilla, I have attained a newer

kind of experience. After collecting and analyzing data I have checked out some findings. These

findings are completely based on my personal view.

1. The branch should concentrate more on using solar energy to save electricity.

2. The Kandirpar branch does not arrange a public or private conference for developing a

sustainable environment.

3. There is a shortage of ATM booths in major cities with proper solar energy backup.

4. The bank does not maintain or record the consumption of water, paper, electricity, etc. at

their offices and branches.

5. The bank may prepare an inventory of the consumption of water, paper, electricity,

energy, etc. of the Offices and Branches.

6. The bank should concentrate more on training and development of employees

7. Lack of available advertisement regarding green banking policy. People

still don’t know about the practices of green banking followed by JBL.

8. A separate Green Banking Unit or Cell should be established and assigned with the

responsibility of designing, evaluating, and administering related issues of the bank.

Janata Bank is trying to set-up all of its branches according to green banking policies but they are

far from the proper practice.

Chapter -07

Recommendations And Conclusions

7.1 Recommendations

As a renowned public commercial bank in Bangladesh, the Janata Bank Limited has already

given much importance in balancing non-financial issues such as environmental and social issues

with financial priorities to demonstrate the characteristics of good corporate governance

throughout the bank. Up to the year 2020 the bank has made complementary progress and has

taken some real initiatives regarding Green Banking like: formulation of an active and

responsive Green Banking Cell (GBC), financing ETP projects, formulation of Green Office

Guide for in-house environment management, formulation of two Sector Specific Policies,

investment for installation of Solar Plant etc. However, since the idea of Green Banking is

getting new dimensions day by day and there is a good opportunity of the banks to link their

goodwill and image with their initiatives of Green Banking, I think JBL still has a long way to go

I also think that the Janata Bank Limited should focus on the following issues more in the

upcoming years to make a good position in this regard:

⮚ Make regular adjustments and updates of the Green Banking Policies.

⮚ Increase the exposure of Green Finance to new projects.

⮚ The management committee should take necessary steps to circulate the principles of the

Green Office Guide to all the branches of the Janata Bank Limited.

⮚ The management committee should take the necessary steps to develop new products or

services with environmental features.

⮚ And finally, the bank should arrange more training and workshop programs to encourage

the employees to follow and foster the Green Banking Concept in their day to day

banking affairs.

7.2 Conclusions

Sustainable green environment policies are crucial for the people and the planet. Banks are

giving green loans and making enthusiastic people towards sustainable deposits, paperless

checking rewards, that create people so curious about green financing. For betterment of the

future green banking is spreading out all over the area. Banks and other financial institutions can

take some necessary steps with the help of the government to make a good environment for

people. Using online banking, through technology doing banking activities, less use of

paperwork, less use of biogas, an eco-friendly way of doing banking activities will ensure green

banking. This type of training should be given to the employees so that they can give advice to

the stakeholders, industrialists, and also customers.


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Dear Sir\Madam

I am Rokshana Akter Popy, a student of Department of Management Studies, Comilla

University doing my BBA internship on “Impact of Green Banking Practices on Employee
Performance of Janata Bank Limited: A Study on Kandirpar Branch, Cumilla”.

This information will be used only for academic research purpose.The answer will be kept
confidential.Your honest judgement will be highly appreciated

Please tick () the best asper your opinion:


2. Gender: □ Male □ Female

3. Age (in years):

4. Occupation: □ Banker

5. Designation: □ Executive □ Senior Executive □ Principal Officer □ Manager

Please put a tick () mark to show to what extent you agree with the following statements.

Q. Green banking activities of Janata Bank Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Disagree
No disagree

Q1. Janata bank Ltd. provides training and

education to the staff on environmental
protection, energy saving, and etc.

Q2. Janata bank Ltd. has environmental (green)

performance evaluation practices
(environmental sustainability measures, energy
saving measures and calculation of carbon

Q3. Janata bank Ltd. Green banking gives more

importance to environmental friendly factors
like ecological gains thus interest on loan is
comparatively less.

Janata bank Ltd. has initiatives to reduce paper

usage and other wastage of materials .

Q5. Janata bank Ltd. has introduced energy efficient

equipment, system solutions and practices
(ATMs, LED lighting, SWIFT transfer, and


Q6. Janata bank Ltd. uses e-waste management


Q7. Janata bank Ltd. has environmentally friendly

banking practices (e-mail, intranet, e-
statements, online approval system, and etc.).

Q8. Janata bank Ltd. provides loans to

environmental protection and energy saving
related projects.

Q9. Janata bank Ltd. implements certain

independent and unique green initiatives,
projects, and etc. (e.g. tree planting).

Q10 Janata bank Ltd. promotes and facilitates

. environmental oriented enterprises through
special grants, loans and guidance.

Q11 Janata bank Ltd. uses social and environmental

. management systems or any other mechanisms
to evaluate all credit proposals.

Q12 Janata bank Ltd. is involved in setting up green

. branches (energy efficient buildings/green


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