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Creating texts to influence others Set 4

TASK: The students have then written their own persuasive texts, on topics of their choice,
in order to persuade an audience of their point of view. Campbell’s topic is “A Real True
New Zealander”.
Campbell has
made controlled
and deliberate
choices that
target the
There are many traits you need to possess to be a real true intended
He has clearly New Zealander. The true New Zealander in my eyes is kind, audience (his
stated and classmates and
maintained his loyal and hardworking. The person I think of, has all of these teacher).
point of view, qualities and so much more. The person I think is a true New
describing the
qualities that Zealander is Graham Tennent, he is my football coach but he is
he thinks are He deliberately
also so much more, he is a friend, a teacher, and a guide. He
essential for a chooses mostly
true New helps me out when I need it. With no questions asked. relevant and
Zealander and appropriate
explaining why examples of
his coach, The reason Graham stands out as a true New Zealander is that Graham’s
Graham, fits qualities and
he works so hard to benefit other people without even thinking
the bill. abilities as
about himself. He will jump into situations that put him in evidence to
support his point
trouble to help his friend; he is a loving father of four and
of view
husband of one obviously. Although he is a busy businessman
He selects varied
and owns a roofing company which requires him to travel
around NZ and sometimes to other parts of the world he still structures to
He chooses
create impact,
mostly precise manages to spend time with his family, visit his elderly mother,
including short,
coach a football team, speak and preach at church, and spend emphatic
sentences (“With
vocabulary, times with close family friends. He is the most committed
no questions
person to all the people in his life and all of his responsibilities. asked.”) and
adjectives to
longer, complex
describe One more thing that I think makes a true New Zealander which
ones that include
some people might say is stereotypical is that Graham is a very lists of qualities
personal traits
(“Although he is
(“kind, loyal handy person and can fix all the bits and bobs around the
a busy
house. businessman …
he still manages
to spend time
One of the reasons I think that this makes him a true NZer is with his family,
visit his elderly
that a majority of peoples living down under are way too proud
mother …”).
to ask for help and this is more than true in Graham’s case.
Because in the two years that I have known him I have never
ever seen him ask for help no matter how sticky the situation or
how heavy the box. One memory I have of Graham is when
one day I was at his house because I am quite good friends with
his son. So I was at his house maybe eating a bit of KFC (one of
his guilty pleasures) and we decided to go have a kick around in
his back yard. About 15 minutes in I rolled my ankle and I
remember Graham picking me up and saying… deal with it.
Yes, deal with it, which isn’t something you would normally
hear from your friend’s dad. But that is just Graham’s sense of
humour and that is something that I think makes him a true

No, Graham isn’t a typical parent and he isn’t someone that

would always be the best role model but he sticks with things
and is always there for you when no one else is. I look up to
Graham for more reasons that what I could fit on a 500 word
essay but these are just the general gist of why I think he is a
true New Zealander.

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