2330 - Project Level 2

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Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Virtual English 2 - Course Project 2330
What benefits could a community get when accepting diverse thoughts?

Presentation (context):
A group of PUJ students from an Anthropology class is studying the meaning of peace education and some
strategies that could be helpful in a community that finds it difficult to accept other ways of thinking, behaving
and doing.

The students from that class need to apply what they have learned as part of their social work
Description project. Currently, they just finished their research on peace education strategies that can help
& when a community gathers to find a solution to a problem they need to solve. They will start
Justification their social project soon, so they need your help. To do so you must:

1. Choose one of the following problematics (that involve conflict among communities and
- Hygiene (personal habits, variations)
- Family life and ties (parenting, leaving home, supporting parents or family economically, etc)
- Social relationships: (meeting new people, proximity, courtesy, schedules, gifts)
- Education (School and universities organization, rules, advantages and disadvantages with
other communities and cultures)
- Driving (laws, respect for laws, attitudes when driving, etc)
- Shopping (Pricing, sales tactics, returning and exchanging, etc)
- Behaviors in public places (rules, communication, etc)
- Healthcare (processes, medicine, treatments (ancestral and non-natural), etc
- Other cultural customs

2. Research how this problematic causes conflicts among communities and cultures (examples,
statistics and evidences in different communities and cultures)

3. Research about peace education strategies and choose 1 or the ones you consider necessary
for the problematic you choose in point 1

4. Propose the solution(s) to the problematic (in point 1) by using the strategy(ies) (in point 3)
and answer the initial question proposed:
- What benefits could a community get when accepting diverse thoughts?
Determine the benefits peace education strategies can bring to have a peaceful and healthy
atmosphere when trying to solve community or cultural problematics.

Communicative Objective Agreeing and disagreeing on peace education skills and strategies
that best could help the target community.

Use appropriate language to exchange, accept or kindly refuse different points of view.

Fluency: Discuss ideas with a degree of fluency in English proper for the students.
Research: Understand the meaning of peace skills and strategies and find examples of peace

education skills.

21st Century skills:

Reflect and critical think of peace skills and strategies as means of making decision and problem-
solving processes

Students will work individually or in pairs. There will be 3 submissions

Methodology Week 5
Week 10
Week 15
An assessment rubric will be used for each task. Students must read the corresponding rubric
before submitting each product. (*)
Please read carefully the following information that students must have in mind for the
project development.

All activities in the Virtual English Program are subjected to regulations by Acuerdo No. 7311 of
December 15 2022 (by which the PUJ Students’ Code of Conduct is updated).

As a product written by a student who is in a language learning process, mistakes are natural,
and they can be taken as an opportunity to learn and improve. Your text is expected to be
your personal creation and express your own ideas and reflections.

It is expected that the information included in each of the submissions contains the
corresponding references of the sources that were consulted using APA 7th edition. If no
references are included, or if it is evidenced that your text was written using any kind of external
help such as translators or AI tools (like Chat GPT), this will be reported as possible fraud.

Norms and Any project submission that does not comply with the ethical and professional standards
Regulations expected will be assigned a grade of 0.0, with the corresponding justification. Course teachers
and the Program Coordination can also ask you to write a similar submission in a synchronic or
face-to-face session, if necessary.

Task 1: An infographic
Tasks and Submission: Week 5 – August 16th (till 11:59 p.m.)
Goal: Choose the problematic and research about the conflicts it generates. Research about
peace pedagogy-education, skills and strategies and give a definition of them.


What to do and what to include in the infographic.

1. Find on the web information about the problematic you chose (at least conflicts in 3 different

1 https://www.javeriana.edu.co/institucional/reglamento-de-estudiantes

communities or cultures)

2. Search for the meaning of:

Peace pedagogy- Education

Peace skills

Peace strategies.

Rewrite the 3 definitions in your own words.

3. Choose three peace education skills and 3 peace strategies you find useful for the conflict(s)
derived from the problematic you chose and that the social work students could apply. Give

Note: Add the references of the sources you consulted.

Illustrate the infographic with images, and support the data with graphics, numbers, and
statistics, if it is the case.

Important: Use APA (American Psychological Association) 7th edition guidelines to add images
and cite all sources of information.

Suggestions to design the infographic:



Where to submit the infographic?

Post it on a Forum on Brightspace so your partners can comment on your task. See the
assessment below:

Self-assessment (10 points)
At the end of your infographic, under the list of references, answer these questions:
1. How did you feel working on this task?
2. What did you learn while doing it?
3. In which areas do you think you need to improve?
*Based on your reflections, grade your work from 0 to1.

Teacher assessment (40 points)

This assessment will be done through a rubric presented at the end of this document.

Task 2: -Writing
Submission: Week 10 - September 25 (till 11:59 p.m.)

It is the time for students to put into practice the concepts learned in Task -

Use the notes which are the result of the research you have done to feed the infographic.

Goal of the writing:

Write a 250--word descriptive text (3 to 4 paragraphs) to inform the Anthropology group of
students about what you have learned on peace education, pedagogy, skills and strategies after
doing Task 1 (Infographic) and they can apply in the social work project

How to organize the composition?

● Introduction (1 paragraph):
Make a short description of the problematic you are going to deal with and mention the skills
and strategy(ies) you found solve the conflict.

● Body paragraphs (1 – 2):

Write about the importance of helping individuals to learn how to accept other people´s
Thoughts, behaviors and ways based on the three peace education skills and strategies you
have in mind to solve the problematic selected. Explain how each one will contribute to solve
the problematic and to have a better atmosphere in the community

● Conclusion (1 paragraph):
Justify how people in the community will change to some extent their boundaries when
accepting diverse thoughts, behaviors and ways.

Include the references of the sources you consulted. Use APA 7th edition.
Keep in mind this APA-style infographic taken from Purdue University:

Where to submit the composition?

Post your text on a Forum on Brightspace so your partners can comment on it. See the
assessment below:

Self-assessment (10 points)
At the end of your text, write your Self-assessment. Answer the question keeping in mind the
criteria given in the rubric:

 What have I learned from the research I did?

*Based on your reflections, grade your work from 0 to 10.

Teacher assessment (40 points)

This assessment will be done through a rubric presented at the end of this document.

Task 3: A defense presentation

Week 15 – October 31st – November 3rd in class)

Type of product:

Create, plan and develop an oral presentation.

Topic: reflections on the importance of having a healthier and friendlier community atmosphere
and the peace strategies usefulness to find solutions to a problem.

Keep in mind the following before the presentation:

- Make sure each student in the group presents

- Everybody must show their faces when speaking. (camera on)
- Use Visual Aids (Canva, power point, etc)
- Organization, language, and vocabulary use and pronunciation counts.
- Participants are not allowed to read. They should speak as naturally as possible.

Grammar target: The suggested grammar topics studied in the virtual book
Duration: 3 minutes for students who work individually.
5 minutes for students who work in pairs.

How to organize the presentation:

Part 1: (1 min. for individual presentations; 2 min for pair presentations)

Introduce yourself and announce the topic (problematic) you will talk about.

Remember to include and mention the references to the sources from which you took the
Part 2: (2 minutes for individual presentations; 3 mins for pair presentations)
Mention the skills and strategies selected to solve the conflict and to be used for the social work
students (explain how to use them)
Give your personal ideas on how your proposal contributes to the target community to be open
to other people´s points of view.

▪ Once your presentation is ready, you must upload it onto Brightspace. Your teacher will
give you more information in due time.

Self-assessment (5 points)
At the end of your presentation, mention your Self-assessment. Answer these questions:
1. How did you feel working on this task?
2. What did you learn while doing it?
3. In which areas do you think you need to improve?
*Based on your reflections, grade your work from 0 to 5

Peer assessment (5 points)

Go to the forum on Brightspace and assess your partners’ texts. Comment on 3 partners’
presentations by writing concrete comments about the following question:

What did you learn from your classmate’s presentation that you can use for your daily and
professional life?
See the rubric for the scores to be assigned based on the assessment given.
Teacher assessment (40 points)
This assessment will be done through a rubric presented at the end of this document.




• The main idea is clearly • The main idea may not • The main idea is not • The main idea is not
stated and addresses address the topic of the clearly stated. stated or hard to identify.
the topic of the project project. • Few details support the • No details are given to
• Appropriate details • Most details support the main idea. support the main idea.
support the main idea. main idea. • The information misses • Information is not
• Accurate and pertinent • The information can be the main point and may accurate / complete, or it
information. It is not relevant but misses not be relevant. may be excessive
Clarity and excessive. important support. • Information does not without a clear point.
coherence • Information adequately • Information does not support the visual aids • Information does not
supports the purpose of always support visual accurately. support the visual aids.
visuals. aids. • The information lacks • The information is not
• The information is • The Information is mostly coherence and may not easy to follow.
coherent and easy to coherent but it may not be easy to follow.
understand be easy to follow.
10.0 2.0

• Sources are pertinent • Sources are scarce

• Sources are pertinent • Sources are not
Use of and appropriately and they are not
but partially credited credited at all.
Sources credited. credited.
3.0 0.0
5.0 1.0

• The design/layout is • The design is visually • The design can be • The design is
neat, clear, and visually appealing, but it may be distracting and distractingly
appealing. disorganized. disorganized. disorganized or very
• The visual aids are • The visual aids are related • The visual aids are not poorly presented.
related to the topic of to the topic of the project really related to the topic • The visual aids are not
the project and its and its context. of the project or its related to the topic of
context. • Most illustrations context. the project.
• All illustrations complement the purpose • Few illustrations reflect • Illustrations do not
Layout and
complement purpose of of the infographic. the infographic's reflect the purpose of
the infographic. • Diagrams and illustrations purpose. the infographic.
• Diagrams and are accurate and add to • Diagrams and • Diagrams and
illustrations are neat, the reader's illustrations are not illustrations are not
accurate, and add to the understanding of the topic. neat or accurate and accurate OR do not
reader's understanding may not add to the add to the reader's
of the topic. reader's understanding understanding of the
10.0 7.0 of the topic. topic.
5.0 2.0

Language • Accurate use of the • Grammar structures are • Frequent grammatical • Excessive mistakes
Use grammar structures varied and well used errors that may interfere make the text difficult
according to the level thought the text. with meaning. to understand.

and requirements of the • The text includes suitable • The text includes • The text shows faulty
task. vocabulary according to frequent use of faulty use of vocabulary, with
• A wide range of the task with some errors vocabulary, which may little or no variety in
vocabulary, even in word choice. interfere with clarity and word choice.
beyond the expected coherence.
level. Word choice is
accurate and used
effectively. 5.0

• Accurate spelling • Spelling is wholly • Frequent spelling • Too frequent spelling

• Punctuation is accurate accurate, with some errors distract the errors.
• Suitable capitalization errors reader • Distractive punctuation
• Mostly free of punctuation • Punctuation is faulty makes meaning
errors. and can be confusing. ineffective.
5.0 • Capitalization is mostly • Poor use of
• Capitalization is faulty.
correct. 2.0 capitalization.
3.0 1.0

Answer the questions below:

1. How did you feel working on this task?

assessment 2. What did you learn while doing it?
(5 points)
3. In which areas do you think you need to improve?

*Based on your reflections, grade your work from 0 to 5

Assess your partners’ products by giving concrete comments about the following topics:

1. Content, organization, and visual presentation

Peer- 2. The social relevance of the project
3. Kind suggestions on the topics they can explore in the second task.
*Based on your reflections, grade your partners’ work from 0 to 5. Check how to get your 5 points in the descriptions
(5 points) below:
5.0 Three relevant and 3.0 At least 2 relevant and 2.0 Between 1 and 2 comments 0.0 No comments
useful comments made useful comments made that do not respond to the made to other
guidelines partners’ work

Total score: ____ /50



Content • The text follows the task • The text meets most task • The text meets main • Main points lack
guidelines: (topic, length, guidelines. points of the task development, and they
etc.). • Key points are developed guidelines, but with are difficult to follow
• Key points are well- with supporting details, limited detail and due to a lack of context
developed with enough but these may not be development. or enough support.
supporting details enough to present a clear • Secondary ideas are • Secondary ideas are
and/or examples. context for the topic. given, but they may not too short or missing,
• Secondary ideas are • Secondary ideas are be relevant or enough which affects clarity.

relevant to the topic, relevant, but may be to provide a clear • Ideas show little
and they are sufficiently underdeveloped. context for the main evidence of critical
developed. • Critical thinking is evident points. thinking to discuss the
• The text reveals a high in the text. • Some critical thinking to main issue of the text.
degree of critical 7.0 address and develop 2.0
thinking. the text.


• Ideas are clear and • Ideas are mostly clear • Clarity of ideas and can • The text does not meet
meet the communicative and meet most be affected by faulty the communicative
requirements of the communicative language use, requirements of the
task. requirements of the task. mechanics and/or task.
• The text presents • The text presents original coherence and • Most ideas are
Communicativ original / personal ideas ideas and consistent cohesion. underdeveloped,
e achievement with consistent tone and style based on the nature• Ideas are original, but unoriginal or vague,
style based on context. of the task. they may not agree with including fallacies.
• Fallacies are avoided. • Fallacies are avoided. task • Style is not appropriate
8.0 guidelines/communicativ or difficult to identify.
e purpose, and they 2.0
6.0 may be fallacious.
• Ideas are logically and • Ideas are organized in • The text is not organized • The text is not organized
coherently organized in paragraphs; however, in paragraphs, but ideas in paragraphs, and the
paragraphs. Connectors transitions for coherence are coherent and show ideas lack logical
show sequence and and cohesion between some logic. organization.
ensure coherence and ideas and paragraphs • Some points seem • There is some
Organization cohesion. need to be either included misplaced and coherence in the
• Appropriate placement or revised. irrelevant, affecting presentation of ideas,
of general and specific • Unity of ideas can be unity. but they lack unity.
ideas helps to keep improved.
unity. 5.0 3.0


• If factual information is • Sources are pertinent • Sources are scarce • References to other
given, sources are but partially credited, and they are not sources are not
pertinent and and they must be credited. provided at all.
appropriately credited revised using APA.
using APA style. 3.0
5.0 2.0 0.0

• Accurate use of • Grammar structures are • The student barely uses • Basic grammar
grammar structures. varied and well used in the grammar structures structures do not
• A variety of structures is text. studied in the course. demonstrate command
used appropriately • Some structures studied in Or, if the structures are of the language studied
throughout the text the course are used, but used, there are frequent in the level.
according to the level. they can be faulty. mistakes that may • Excessive mistakes
• The text shows a wide • The text includes suitable interfere with meaning. make the text difficult to
Language use range of vocabulary. vocabulary according to • The text includes understand.
• Word choice is accurate the task with some errors frequent use of faulty • The text shows faulty
and used effectively. in word choice. vocabulary, which may use of vocabulary, with
interfere with clarity and little or no variety in word
coherence. choice, rhetorical
7.0 3.0 devices or emphasis.

Mechanics • Spelling, punctuation • The text has some • The text shows a faulty • Spelling and punctuation
and capitalization are spelling and capitalization use of spelling, errors create distraction,
appropriate. The reader errors, as well as punctuation and making reading difficult.
can follow the ideas fragments, comma capitalization with Fragments, comma

very easily. splices, and run-ons. frequent mistakes that splices, and run-ons are
However, the reader can may interfere with evident.
follow the ideas. meaning. 1.0
5.0 3.0 2.0

Below your text, answer these questions in a clear and thorough way:

1. How did you feel working on this task?

2. What did you learn while doing it?

3. In which areas do you think you need to improve?

Self-assessment *Based on your reflections, grade your work from 0 to 10 keeping in mind the criteria below:

Careful and honest Introspection is evidenced Simple and superficial

Introspection is evidenced,
process of introspection though the reflections, but answers to the questions.
identifying strong and
evidenced in clear and development is scarce and There is no evidence of
weak areas, though the
well-developed reflections not all the points are reflection or self-
reflections are not very
about each of the addressed. awareness.
well developed. 7.0
questions. 10.0 5.0 1.0

Total score: ____ /50



• The presentation fully • The presentation fulfills the

• The presentation partly • The presentation does
addresses all the demands of the task but fulfills the demands of the not meet the task
requirements of the task. mentions the findings and task and misses requirements or is not
• The topic is well- information in a limited way.information and findings even submitted.
presented by talking • Ideas are clear but may from previous tasks. • Ideas lack development
about the findings from require development. • Ideas are and depth in research
the previous tasks. • Reflections demonstrate underdeveloped and lack and analysis.
• Ideas are relevant, some appropriation of the some support. • There is no reflection,
Content extended and well topic. Reflections may need only repetition of
supported. • Ideas may be presented, more depth. information.
• Ideas are clear and extended, and supported, • The information does not • The student’s discourse is
coherent. but they may sometimes show a strong research limited and difficult to
• Reflections demonstrate lack focus, coherence process. follow.
appropriation of the topic. and/or cohesion. 7.0 • The student may • Speech is incoherent,
experience difficulty in irrelevant, and not well
expressing complex supported
10.0 ideas. 2.0
• Ideas are expressed with • The student speaks at • The student keeps the • The student struggles to
ease, at an appropriate length without noticeable flow of speech but slow express ideas at a natural
pace, with natural pauses effort or loss of coherence. speech and fillers or pace due. Lengthy
and avoiding fillers and • Language-related stuttering may affect the pauses and stuttering
stuttering. hesitation may occur at thread of ideas. limit oral production.
• Spontaneous speech times, or some repetition • Simple speech is used • Memorization and on
does not show and/or stuttering. fluently, but complex reading may seem
memorization or reading communication causes evident in the student’s
of a text. fluency problems. production.
5.0 3.0 2.0 1.0

• Accurate intonation and • Pronunciation is wholly • Pronunciation errors and • Speech is often
Pronunciation pronunciation of sounds. appropriate with some articulation lapses are unintelligible due to
• Suitable articulation errors that do not affect frequent, which may pronunciation and

contributes to clarity of clarity. affect clarity. articulation issues.

speech and effortless • Accurate articulation of • Mispronunciation issues • Speech is too choppy,
understanding of sounds is not always can represent difficulty for fragmented, or robotic.
discourse. sustained. Speech can be the listener to understand
understood throughout. speech.
5.0 3.0 1.0

• Speech includes a wide • Speech includes suitable • Speech includes frequent • Communication is
range of vocabulary, even vocabulary according to the use of faulty vocabulary, severely affected due to
beyond the expected task with some errors in which may interfere with lack or faulty use of
level. word choice. clarity and coherence in vocabulary.
• Word choice is accurate • Terms and expressions communication. • Little or no variety in
and used effectively, learned in the course units • Terms and expressions word choice, rhetorical
including expressions are used to enrich content. learned in the course devices or emphasis.
learned in the course. • They manage to use a wide units are not used. • Terms and expressions
• Vocabulary is used with range of vocabulary with • They attempt to learned in the course
full flexibility and limited flexibility. paraphrase but with poor units are not used.
precision. 6.0 4.0 success. 1.0

• A wide range of grammar • Grammar is wholly • Some structures are • Basic grammar structures
structures and patterns accurate, but the student accurate, but errors are used and do not
are used accurately in barely uses structures predominate and lead to demonstrate command of
speech. studied in the course. Or, if minor difficulties or the language studied in
• These include the ones the they are used, there are breakdown in the level.
Language studied in the course and mistakes that may interfere communication. • Speech lacks variety in
Use explicitly requested in the with meaning. • Grammar structures and the use of grammar
task. • Some structures studied in patterns studied in the structures.
the course are used, but course and explicitly • Grammatical errors limit
they can be faulty requested in the task are communication.
5.0 not used. 1.0

• When necessary, • Sources are pertinent but • Sources are scarce • References to other
sources are pertinent partially credited, and and they are not sources are not
and appropriately they must be revised credited. provided at all.
credited using APA style. using APA.
5.0 3.0
2.0 0.0

Answer these questions:

1. How did you feel working on this task?

assessment 2. What did you learn while doing it?
(5 points)
3. In which areas do you think you need to improve?

*Based on your reflections, grade your work from 0 to 5

Peer- Answer these questions:

assessment 1. What aspects from your partner’s presentation do you highlight and what does he/she have to improve?
(5 points) 2. What did you learn from your classmate’s presentation that you can use for your daily and professional life?

Total score: ____ /50


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