Matell Chem Lesson Plan 19 Aug

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Class: Date:

Chemistry Weds 19 Aug 2015 – U1-5

Unit: Teacher:
U1 – Sweat, phase change, energy Matell

Daily Objective:
Students will examine misconceptions about energy and see what we have learned so far about sweat.
Students will explore a simulation about potential energy an use it to describe whether energy is needed to separate or bring together particles.
Standards Addressed: Assessment: (formative)
PS3.2 Starter activity – find problems in phase change diagrams
Agree/disagree statements
review of absorption ideas (from 2 days ago)
sticky revision
speed dating Qs
ELL Objective:
Students will identify aspects of language that differentiate meaning in scientific statements (agree/disagree statements).

Activity & Purpose Est Time Sentence Starters, Circulation Questions

Starter activity – phase diagram pictures – 5
say what is wrong with each (sometimes
easier for students to see other people’s
mistakes than their own)
Agree/disagree statements – students work in 10 Why do you think that?
pairs to decide which pair of statements is What is different about the two statements?
more correct – write thoughts. Pairings:
Particles moving faster gain more kinetic energy. Particles moving faster have more
kinetic energy.
If temperature rises, then average kinetic energy rises too. A substance that has higher
average kinetic energy has higher temperatures.
When molecules are heated more kinetic energy is created. Molecules that are heated
begin to move faster because they have gained kinetic energy.
Warm substances contain many heat particles and cold substances contain very few heat
particles. Heat is the movement of thermal energy from one substance to another.
Activity table – complete activity table for 10 What did we do? What did we learn?
particle simulation and boiling water
activities (remind ourselves of what we did
and what we learned)
Your absorption ideas – share students ideas 10
& those which were not what I wanted –
students discuss how these do/do not prove
that skin can/does absorb sweat (students
must utilize own ideas but need to know
those which weren’t okay too) + updated
sweat talk - remember that detail about pee?
(students can’t neglect important details)
Sticky revision – students will in pairs come 10 yellow = add
up with at least one sticky to revise or white = change
change or add to our model, or a question pink = question we need to answer before we are sure (a question isn’t a “is
(need to have students initiate this changing) this right” but it something to investigate)
Interaction Potential – students use states of 15 Graphic organizer for notebooks
matter PhET simulation to look at how
potential energy changes as the distance
between particles increases or decreases
(need to connect takes energy to separate)
Speed dating Q's - students line up facing Discussion questions:
each other and must answer each question Do gases have more, less, or the same potential energy than liquids?
with quick answer and a justification. Quick Do gases have more, less, or the same kinetic energy than liquids?
poll afterwards & clarification as needed. If particles spread out, is potential energy increasing, decreasing, or the same?
In order for two particles to separate, does energy need to be added or do they release
If particles speed up, is potential energy increasing, decreasing, or the same?
On average, are the particles in warmer substances closer, farther, or the same distance
On average, are the particles in warmer substances faster, slower, or the same speed?

Did not have time for speed dating Qs – the first two items took a long time, but were very helpful. I think students most “have” the phase
simulation, though there is still some confusion about the arrangement of particles in liquid and solid – I’ll check that one again in a few days.
The energy Qs were really helpful but students had them mostly wrong. I need to check again with slightly different questions and format in
a few days. This wasn’t in my initial plan and came out of what I saw in their kinetic energy discussions on Monday, I think investing time in
the way we talk about energy now is going to pay off long term for all of my units. Students still need a bit more time and guidance on the
interaction potential too. And students need to gain confidence to share their ideas, I had to do extra turn & talks and cold call a bit to get
sharing for the activity tables.

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