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Extracurricular activities provide students with opportunities to interact, gain knowledge, and
develop soft skills outside of the classroom setting. These activities include community service,
volunteer clubs, professional and interest clubs, and talent clubs. They play a significant role in
students' personal, moral, and social development by allowing them to enhance their intellectual
and social abilities, improve their attendance, and develop leadership skills and academic

Extracurricular activities are important in fostering character education, instilling values, and
promoting high morals in participants' social lives. They offer students the chance to engage in a
variety of activities such as sports, debates, essay writing, theater, and student government,
which help in their overall personal growth and enhancement of self-confidence.

These activities can have a positive impact on students' academic performance, employability,
and readiness to enter the labor market. They also provide students with opportunities to take on
new challenges, meet new people, and travel internationally. Participating in extracurricular
activities helps students develop important qualities such as practice, discipline, organization,
and teamwork, while also boosting self-esteem and resilience. Overall, these activities play a
crucial role in the holistic development of students.

The thematic analysis process involves transcribing interview data and systematically examining it to
identify and explore key concepts and ideas. The researchers begin by transcribing the audio recordings
verbatim, then carefully read and re-read the transcripts to familiarize themselves with the content and
identify initial codes. These codes are organized into potential themes, which are reviewed and refined
through discussion among the research team to ensure they accurately represent the data.

The researchers then apply the finalized themes systematically to the entire dataset, coding
corresponding sections of the transcripts. This is an iterative process with constant comparison
between the data and emerging themes to maintain consistency and reliability. Any
disagreements or uncertainties are resolved through discussion and consensus.

Once coding and theme organization are complete, the researchers analyze the themes to identify
overarching patterns and relationships within the data. These patterns help develop a coherent
narrative exploring the experiences of NDMU students regarding the effects of joining
extracurricular activities on their psychological well-being. The findings are presented in a clear,
structured manner, supported by quotations from the interviews to illustrate key points and
enhance credibility.

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