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Practical Tips for Effective Kindergarten Catch-Up Friday Implementation: Fostering Reading,

Numeracy, and Good Manners

Beverly C. Claveria

Kindergarten Catch-Up Fridays present a golden opportunity to enhance crucial skills such as
reading, numeracy, and instilling good manners and right conduct. Here are practical tips to make the
most of this dedicated time for growth and enrichment.

1. Reading: Nurturing Little Minds

Creating a reading-friendly environment is the cornerstone of promoting literacy in

kindergarteners. During Catch-Up Fridays, allocate a cozy corner filled with colorful books and soft
cushions, enticing children into the enchanting world of stories. Engage them in interactive storytelling
sessions, encouraging them to express their thoughts and emotions. Additionally, introduce simple word
games and phonetic exercises to develop early reading skills, making learning a delightful journey.

2. Numeracy: Turning Numbers into Playmates

Mathematics may seem daunting, but it can be a playground of discovery for young minds.
Infuse numeracy into Catch-Up Fridays through hands-on activities and games. Use everyday objects like
toys or snacks to introduce counting and basic arithmetic concepts. Incorporate music and movement to
make learning numbers a joyful experience. The key is to create an environment where children can
explore mathematical concepts through play, building a strong foundation for future learning.

3. Good Manners and Right Conduct: Planting Seeds of Courtesy

In the garden of education, etiquette and good behavior are the blossoms that beautify the
learning journey. Catch-Up Fridays offer a dedicated time to instill values of respect, kindness, and
responsibility. Integrate storytelling sessions focusing on moral lessons, emphasizing the importance of
sharing, empathy, and politeness. Role-playing activities can provide a practical understanding of good
manners, allowing children to actively participate in scenarios that reflect positive behavior.

4. Integration: The Power of Holistic Learning

The magic of Catch-Up Fridays lies in their potential to integrate reading, numeracy, and values
seamlessly. Design activities that intertwine these elements, creating a holistic learning experience. For
instance, storytelling sessions can incorporate counting exercises or introduce characters grappling with
moral dilemmas. By weaving these components together, teachers can nurture well-rounded individuals
with a balanced skill set.

Effective implementation of Catch-Up Fridays in kindergarten is not just about filling time but
about sowing the seeds of a promising future. Reading, numeracy, and values are the pillars that support
a child's educational journey. Through thoughtful planning and engaging activities, educators can
transform these Fridays into a catalyst for growth, ensuring that each child emerges equipped with the
skills and values needed to thrive in their educational journey and beyond.

The author is Teacher I at Sumbiling Elementary School, Bataraza District II, Schools Division of
Palawan, MIMAROPA Region

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