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rr & rest cope 01245020 FORM TP 2023038 JANUARY 202 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE* EXAMINATION SPANISH Paper 02 — General Proficiency FREE RESPONSE 2 hours 15 minutes READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This paper comprises FOUR questions in FOUR sections. Answer ALL questions 3. Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet. 4, Do NOT write in the margins. 5. _ If you need to rewrite any answer and there is not enough space to do so on the original page, you must use the extra lined page(s) provided at the back of this booklet. Remember to draw a line through your original answer. 6. Ifyou use the extra page(s) you MUST write the question number clearly in the box provided at the top of the extra page(s) and, where relevant, include the question part beside the answer. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2021 Caribbean Examinations Couneil All rights reserved. DIRECTED SIT UATIONS ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS: e situations given below, 1. Write in SPANISH the information required for EACH orn For some situations, a Do NOT write more than ONE sentence for exch SiUAHON tions given. Do complete sentence may not be necessary. Do not trans a not use abbreviations. , NSTRUCTIONS. YOU WILL BE PENALIZED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INS: « : vrite ONE thing (a) Inanonline game you are playing with friends, you are ee ON Pat everyone knows about you and ONE thing no one knows about YOU: write? Q marks) (b) Your mother is fed up with the untidy state of your room. Write the note she leaves telling you what you should do and the consequence of not obeying. @ marks) 01245020/3/CSEC 2023 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE i) J TE IN THIS AREA EIN THIS AREA = z z ae EN PHS AREA DO NOT WRI 4 (c) Your Bolivian friend wants to know more about your family celebrations. Write the text you send mentioning TWO things your family does on a special occasion. @ marks) DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA (d) Your teacher asks the students in your class to submit a note with TWO short questions that they would ask a celebrity who will be visiting your school soon. Write your note. marks) (©) You are at the shopping centre when you see a sign announcing a big sale in a certain store. Write the text you send to your sister mentioning what kind of sale it is and offering to do something for her. DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA marks) | DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO.NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE a wo (e) (h) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE portsozaureste 2023 1 “ 7 ealizes that he has forgotte, Your father is travelling abroad and at the airport Gore Ee orzo a Something at home. Write the text he sends to your forgot and asking her to do something, G marks) You enter a competition that requires you to post on Instagram TWO things you would do to keep your community clean. Write the post. (3 marks) During a health crisis members of the public are given TWO suggestions on how they can avoid getting sick. Write the suggestions that are placed in the newspaper. @ marks) | () Write the note that your neighbour leaves you instructing you of ONE thing you should and ONE thing you should NOT do while babysitting his/her child. THUS AREA DONOT WRITE IN. (3 marks) DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA (There have been robberies in your community. Write the notice that is placed on the community notice board advising residents of TWO things they should do to avoid being robbed, 3 a = gs i Zz FS entttnnttnnntness en : s @ marks) 2 ‘ Total 30 marks 2: as DONOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, | yrs (NCSEC 2023 BE 7 ste a tetter of NO MORE THAN 130-150 . wri ppropriate to the (opie: ine as a guid Use the ten: Using the followi words in SPAN 7 7 INSTRUCTIONS. YOU WILL BE PENALIZED FOR DISREGARDING THESE ae ecent flood. Write the Your class is involved in a project to help families a Oats ES sure ‘o letter you send to your Mexican friend telling him/her abou include (i) why your class has undertaken this project (ii) what your class has done to help so far (ii) other contributions you hope to get (iv) how he/she can support this worthy cause. (Do NOT write your real name and address, but include the date in SPANISH and use the appropriate beginning and ending.) Total 30 marks G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE | WES WG Wiese US Ds AREA z 5 z 2 z L Write your answer to Question 2 here. VaMV STHLL NILLIIM LON OG REP STL NITE LON O@ VoRIV SHEL NIFLDIM LON OG VoRV SHHL NIUALTEM LON 00 é b g 5 Z = 2 Zz ° 3 GS 4 ressororest C2023 FAMV SIME NITLTEM LON OG Vaav suit NIaUTIA LON od T~ -10- Write your answer to Question 2 here. 01245020/5) VCSEC 2023 GO on TOTHE E NEXT PAGE 7 here, Write your answer to VaMV STHL NI LLIMM LON O@ KIEV SURE NIALL TON OG gS £ 6 K 5 Zz a = 2 Z 6 9 5 4 eed 2023 VANY SIHL NI RLM LON O FSRIV SILL NITLIIM LON OF VAY STL NT TLPIM LON 00 ‘PUYV STHI NIL ALDI EON OG 5 SECTION I CONTEXTUAL DIALOGUE provided, complete the dialogue between you and your mother. Give In the blank spa etween 80 and 100 words. your responses in SPANISH, using bi ing an upcoming birthday party you have been invited You and your mother are di , : ¢ done before you can attend to attend over the weekend, You discuss what has to b including, homework and gift buying. fed below MUST be included in the completed Responses to ALL of the cues ialogue. (i) Excitement to go to the birthday party with your friends Gi) Information about the party Discussion about finishing your homework (iv) Discussion on what you will wear and what gift you will buy (v) Plans to go shopping for a gift Complete the dialogue below. Yo: &) Puedo comprender lo entusiasmada que estas y claro puedes ir. Ana es buena amiga tuya desde hace muchos aftos. {Cuando es la celebracién? Yo: Mama: Perfecto, no es un dia escolar y no tienes otro compromiso. ;Y dénde tendra lugar? ‘Yo: GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE C 2023 01245020//C L Op _I Mama: Yo: Mama: Yo: Mama: Yo: Mama: Yo: Mama: Yo: lemons CSEC 2023 -13- 7 {De veras? Yo pensaba que iba a ser Ja semana entrante? oO en casa de ella. {Qué deberes tienes para Mi amor, ya sabes que, si no los completas, no podrés asistir. {Como te vas a organizar para terminarlos a tiempo? Es una buena idea. Parece que tienes todo organizado. {Qué vas a llevar a la fiesta y qué regalo piensas darle a Ana? 1. Entonces tendremos que comprarte ropa para llevar y creo que comprarle miisica a Ana es una idea excelente. Majiana después de las clases podemos ir. Allé en el centro comercial encontraras todo lo que necesitas. a Total 20 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -14- | SECTION IV READING COMPREHENSION ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. Do NOT translate the selection, but answer Read the following selection careful the questions in ENGLISH. YOU WILL BE PENALIZED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. Family Seaside Adventure Durante mi infancia, cada afto mi familia y yo visitébamos una playa en la cesta para pasar tiempo nadando, comiendo y jugando juntos. Lo mas emocionante de este viaje anual es la aventura del esndrquel para ver la gran variedad de peces. Mi papa normalmente alquilaba un bote para llevarnos a aguas més profundas. También explorébamos algunas cuevas cercanas, pobladas por murciélagos, aves y también plantas acuaticas. Durante mi tltima visita a esta playa, ocurrié un evento extraordinario. Mientras regresaba la orilla, después de bucear con mi padre, observé un grupo de perros ladrando ferozmente algunos pequefios objetos en la arena. A medida que el bote se acercaba, me di cuenta de que no cran simplemente pedazos y basura en la playa como pensaba, sino que en realidad eran tortugas bebés recién nacidas. Retorciéndose en la arena, estas diminutas criaturas trataban de regresar al océano. Al tegar ala orila,répidamente tomé un palo grande y alejéa los perros, tratando de protever las tortugas mientras continuaban su camino al océano GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE _| -15- 7] Answer, in ENGLISH, the following questions based on the selection you have just read. Use a complete sentence for EACH response. (a) (b) (c) (a) lente 2023 Where did the narrator’s family visit each year? (@ marks) State TWO activities the narrator enjoys doing with his family on this annual trip. (2 marks) What was the MOST exciting part of this trip for the narrator? (1 mark) What did the narrator's father normally rent and why? Name TWO things that are found in the caves. “(@ marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE _| | T 16 _— barking on (1) What activity was the narrator returning the shore? “(@ marks) (g) What did the narrator think the dogs were barking at in (h) Why were the dogs actually barking? (i) How did the narrator react to the barking dogs? Explain. (@ marks) (j)__ Doyou think the narrator's action towards the barking dogs was justified? Explain. G marks) Total 20 marks END OF TEST IF YOU FI H BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 01245020/J/CSEC iE a

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