1.telangana History

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Mana La Excellence Group 1 Mains Practice Questions

Subject- Telangana History ➢ Might have undertaken repairs and

extensions to the already existing ones.
1.Analyse the state of Buddhism during the • Vishnukunds were the last Telugu kings who
vishnukund period. patronized Buddhism.
Introduction: • By the end of 5th century B.C, to the south of
Krishna river, in Amaravati and
Write briefly about development of religion during
Nagarjunakonda areas another important
the Vishnukund period.
branch in Buddhism- Vajrayana has taken
Body: shape.
Mention the state of Buddhism during the • Buddhist Sangha relating to vajrayana branch:
Vishnukund period. ➢ women, wine, mutton, deceitful
mantras have all entered
➢ Gradually losing purity and affection of
• During their long rule, they have introduced the people
Hindu - based culture in place of earlier ➢ At last, they became infamous places of
composite culture and set an example for kings liars and women-seekers.
of the later period. • Another development that has taken shape in
• Their styles of architecture and sculpture have Buddhism, has been the Brahmin supremacy in
been followed by the Pallavas in the south and Buddhist Sanghas and arama - Viharas.
Chalukyas in the west, which stands as a proof • These Brahamins gradually painted Buddha as
of their greatness. the ninth avatara of Vishnu.
• The fact that the most popular kings like the • As a result, some Buddhist holy Centres got
kakatiyas have taken Madhava Varma II, the turned into Vaishnava holy centres.
Vishnukund king as their founder, speaks of • They turned into Narasimha temples.
splendour of the welfare administration of the • Dharmapur had been Buddhist area right from
Vishnukunds. Buddha time. During the time of Vishnukunds,
Content: it got changed to Ramalingeswara Swamy and
Narsimha Swamy temples.
Vishnukunds have ruled the entire Telugu country
on the northern bank of river Krishna for more State of Jainism during the vishnukund period:
than two hundred years. • Accordingly, Kannada literary text reveals that
State of Buddhism during the Vishukund period: Prior to Vishnukund in the Srisailam (or
Sriparvata) and Amrabad area was dominated
• By the first phase of the Vishnukund rule, with wide spread of Jainism.
Buddhism had huge spread in the society. • But, during the Vishnukunds period due to the
• The first generation Vishnukund rulers have followers of kapalika sect of Savism with their
patronised Buddhism though they themselves magic skills and Mantras, became responsible
were the followers of Vedic religion. for the decline of Jainism.
• Vishnukund kings: • Jain temples became Saiva Temples.
➢ Might have constructed on Buddhist • One such example was Srisailam Temple.
arama Viharas on all four sides of their
• Kumarilabhattu born in Andhra received Jain
kingdom and
education in the beginning, but after realizing
that there is nothing that could be appreciated
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Mana La Excellence Group 1 Mains Practice Questions

in Jainism, Condemned Jainism and attracted • The later chalukyas of kalyani were also great
many jains into Vedic religion. builders of temples, which were found in
• Indra Varma, the first king among the Telangana.
Vishnukunds, was also one among them. Content:
Development of Architecture and Sculpture
• The political Vacuum created after the decline
during the Vishnukund period:
of the Vishnukundins in Telangana was filled in
• During the Vishnukund period, structures of by the Chalukyas of Badami and later by the
architecture have demonstrated new style. Rastrakutas.
• Their capital cities and caves, temples, arama • Their presence in the Telangana can be
viharas have become the sources for attested from the availability of inscriptional
structures of architecture. sources.
• In Telangana, Vishnukund forts are there in • The Badami Chalukyas ruled the Deccan
their capitals of region, their capital Badami or Vatapi was
➢ Amrabad situated in Karnataka, they controlled some
➢ Indra palanagar and parts of Telangana region.
➢ keesaragutta. • Similarly, the Rastrakutas who succeeded the
• During the Vishnukund period, the Buddhist Badami Chalukyas also exercised their control
viharas and aramas that were constructed by over parts of Telangana region by evolving a
the kings are notable one. systematic administrative system.
• Govindaraju has built Raja Vihara at • Thus, both these major ruling families though
chaityapuri. belonging to the region outside Telangana
• His Queen, paramabhattaraka Mahadevi has were instrumental in evolving an organized
constructed at Indrapalanagaram, a Vihara on social structure in Telangana.
her name, known as paramabhattarika • Around the time when the Badami chalukyan
Mahadevi Vihara. power was in decline, two important
• At Undavelli in Guntur district, at chalukyan families such as Vemulavada
Bhairavakonda in Nellore districts storeyed chalukyas and Mudigonda Chalukyas emerged
cave temples are famous one. in Telangana.
2. Discuss the socio-religious conditions during • They were contemporary to the Rastrakutas of
the Chalukyan period. Malkhed and the eastern Chalukyas of Vengi.

Introduction: Society

Write briefly about the Chalukyan rulers • During the chalukyan period:
➢ Vedic Brahman religion gained
Body: prominence and
Mention the socio-religious conditions during the ➢ Varna system has taken stable shape.
Chalukyan Period. • Four fold Varna system was prevalent.
• Brahmins had first place in society because of
• In Telangana, Vemulavada chalukyas who ➢ Sanskrit education,
patronized both Jainism and Saivism ➢ Study of Vedas and Vedangas and
Constructed several Temples. ➢ Serving as teachers.

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• Kshtriyas had occupied second position as an • Baddega another king of the same line
administrators and warrior class. constructed Subhadhamma Jinalaya and
• During Chalukyan period many sudras entered appointed Somadeva, a famous Jaina poet.
into the service of army. • The reign of Kalyani Chalukyas witnessed
• In the Varna Society, vaishyas occupied third the growth of several jain Centres.
position. Their occupations are traders. They • They were endowed with rich donations.
were called as Sreshti, Setti and Komati. • The growing popularity of Saivism in
• Being the devotees of Gomateswara (Jainism), Telangana region from 10th century
they are called as gomatlu or Komatlu. resulted in Jaina - Saivte conflicts.
• During this time, they organised into guilds (or) • consequently, Jainism had to give way to
nakarams and carried the internal and external the puranic faith.
business, helped them to become rich. • Thus many Jain Temples got converted into
• Sudras are fourth group in Varna Society. Saivate Temples.
Based on their occupation they emerged into Shavisim:
many castes.
• Among them, who occupied Agriculture and • Among those who received Agraharas from
entered into Army service emerged as the Chalukyan kings, Brahmins.
powerful communities. • During the time of Chalukyas, Vedic religion
• Those who occupied or adopted handicrafts was in highest position.
such as Pottery, Blacksmith, Carpentre etc., • Kumarilabattu, who propagated
were remained low position in Varna Society. purvamimamsa Vedanta method, belonged to
• Thus, Occupational based caste society and this age only.
hierarchical class society came into • Because of self-reforms of Vedic religion
stabilisation during this period. peoples' interest towards rituals and charities,
idol worship and construction of major
Religious Conditions:
temples, has increased.
Buddhism: • The one development during this age, temple
By the 7th Century A.C, Buddhism began to decline construction was taken up by the Government
and incorporated into Hinduism, as ninth as a movement and a Social necessity.
incarnation of Vishnu and got worshiped along • It became the tradition of Chalukyan kingdoms
with Hindu gods. Kings that the number of wars that were
fought have to be equaled by the construction
of same number of temples.
• Though Buddism declined, Jainsim • Savism had popular, many Savite temples were
continued to receive royal patronage. built.
• During the time of Vemulavada Chalukyan • Srisailam emerged as an important Saivite
king Arikesari II, Tribhuvanatilaka Vasadi Centre along with its four main gateways,
was built and 24 Tirthankaras along with which include:
‘Chakrasvaris' were installed by ➢ Tripurantakam (east)
Jinavallabha, brother of the pampa ➢ Siddhavatam (South)
(famous Kannada poet). ➢ Umamaheswaram (north) and
➢ Alampur (west)

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• Rajarejeswara temple of Vemulavada emerged • As they born from the feet of Lord Vishunu',
as an important Saivite centre. they got the name as padmanayakas.
• In these temples Lord Siva is worshipped along Inter State Relations:
with Mahasena and Ganapati.
• The Velamas of Rachakonda and Devarakonda
ruled the entire Telangana as "Regional
• Along with Saivism, Vaishnavism also Power" for one and half century playing an
progressed in Telangana. active role in the politics.
• Puranic theism which replaces Vedic • The kingdom itself was situated amidst of:
Brahmanism emerged as a temple centered ➢ Bahamanis of Gulbarga in the west
and ritual oriented cult with bhakti or devotion ➢ Rayas of Vijayanagara in the south
as its base. ➢ Reddys of Kondavidu in the east and
• As a result, temple building activity gained ➢ Gajapatis of Orissa in the north.
momentum from the 10th Century onwards. • The Velamas had to contend with the above
3. Explain the inter-state relations of Velamas of kingdoms to stablise as well as to extend their
Rachakonda. power.
• Hence, the Velamas often shifted their
Introduction: alliances with their neighbouring states and
Write briefly about Velamas of Rachakonda tried to gain their power back.

Body: Relations with Bahamanis of Gulbarga:

Mention their inter-state relations with other ➢ During the early days of the rule of the
rulers. Velamas, the relations with Bahamanis were
➢ Bahaman Shah I helped Anapota Nayaka I
• Recherla Padmanayas are capable rulers. against Kapaya Nayaka.
• They ruled most parts of present Telangana for ➢ The same relations continued till Singama
the period of more than one hundered and Nayaka II and Vedagiri I.
Fifty years. ➢ However, during region of Anapota II and
• Their able administration, socio-economic Mada II when they were engaged in war with
development, religious harmony, growth of Reddys Feroz Shah II attacked and besieged
literature made them more popular in the the fort of Panugal.
medieval history of Telangana. ➢ This led to the cut-off the traditional relations
between the Velamas and Bahamanis and
joined hands with the vijayanagara.
• After the decline of Kakatiyas, in the present ➢ Again, during the reign of Sarvangna Rao
Nalgonda, Mahboobnagar area, the Recherla Singama Nayaka III and Lingama Nayaka, the
Padmanayakas founded their independent Bahamani Sultan Ahmad Shah II attacked the
Kingdom. forts of Velamsas and took possession of
• They ruled for the period of more than in wealth.
century and half. ➢ It finally resulted in the subjugation of the
• 'Rachakonda' and 'Devarakonda'stood as the Velamas to the Bahamins and the
capital city of them. Vijayanagaras.

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Relations with Reddys of Kondavidu: Gajapati of Orissa came to assist Velama chief
of Devarakonda at the request to overcome
➢ The relation between the Velamas and Reddys
the invasion of Humayun Shah of Bahamani
was not cordial ever since formation of their
➢ In this scenario, the Orissa rulers came forward
➢ The kingdom of Reddys was a doab with rich
as Orugallu.
rice yielding fertile soils in the coast where as
➢ Thereafter the Velamas of Rachakonda and
that of the Velamas was an arid zone.
Devarakonda acted as subordinates to
➢ Hence Velamas were interested on the coastal
Gajapati rulers owing to their assistant during
area of the Reddys.
wars with the Bahamanis.
➢ Conflict became inevitable for the Velamas to
gain rich soils of the Reddys. 4. Briefly write a note on the composite culture
➢ Velugotivari Vamshavali refers to the Velama- existed during Kakatiyas age.
Reddy conflicts which ended with no material Introduction:
benefits to any party except giving the scope
for the intervention of the Bahamanis and the Write briefly about religious condition during the
Kakatiyas age
Vijayanagaras in their political affairs.
Relations with Rayas of Vijayanagara: Body:

➢ The political alliances between the Velamas Describe the religious conditions during the
and the Vijayanagara kings were temporary. Kakatiyas Age
➢ When Singama nayaka I and Vedagiri were Conclusion:
engaged in war with the Reddys in Coastal
• The Kakatiya rulers earned a unique place in
Andhra, Bukkaraya II attacked Panugal fort by
history of Telangana.
talking advantage their absence in Telangana.
• They were capable, dynamic and hardworking
➢ It resulted in the outbreak of the rivalries
between the two parties.
➢ The intervention of the Vijayanagara kings into • They united first time Telugu people in the
the affairs of Reddys of Kondavidu prevented name of language their Religious Tolerance,
the Velamas against their coastal campaigns. Irrigational works, literature, Art, Architecture,
➢ However, the last powerful ruler Lingama culture became heritage to present
Nayaka who made attempts to win the generation.
territories of the Vijayanagara ended his Content:
career in failure.
• Kakatiyas are known for their religious
Relations with Gajapatis of Orissa: tolerance.
➢ The relation between the Velamas and the • Jainism and Buddhism enjoyed the support of
Gajapatis of Orissa were cordial. state.
➢ It seems the early reign of Anpota I and his • Saivism and Vaishnavisam also received the
brother's son Vedagiri went as far as support of rulers and their officials.
Srikurmam and Simhachalam, in the process of Jainism:
the extension of the kingdom.
• Jainism entered into Telangana region during
➢ During the last phase of Velamas that is during
the western Chalukyas.
the reign of Lingama nayaka, Kapileshwara
• The early kakatiyas Patronised the Jainism.
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• 'Siddheshwara charitram' of Kase siddhappa is • Lakuleshwara was profounder of 'Kaalamukha

supporting it. jaina siddhantha'.
• Jainism which was discouraged by Eastern • Alampur located on the bank of river
Chalukyas received great support of Kakatiyas. 'Thungabhadra' was a very famous saivite
• Hanmakonda became the centre of Jainism piligrim centre in those days.
and activities in Andhradesa. • Navabrahma temples are built here.
• The jain scholar Rishabhanatha who was • Aagastheshware saiva temple closely located
tortured by Eastern Chalukyan king Raja Raja to Alampur is another main centre for
Naredra escaped and reached Hanumakonda. Kaalamukh saivites.
• Here he was honourd by Kakatiya ruler. • 'Vemulawada' (Karimnagar) is also very
• Anumakonda inscription, of Prolaraja begins famous saivite centre during Kakatiya age.
with the prayer of Jain. • It received patronisation from the period of
• In the court of Vemulawada Chalukyas Jainism Kalyani Chalukyas
received Royal support. • The chief deity of this temple is Raja
• Beta Raja gave donations to Yuddhamalla's Rajeshwara Swamy(Shiva).
Jain temple. • It received land gifts from Rajaditya
• Beta II another early Kakatiya ruler gave Mahamandaleswara.
donations to 'Jaina Basadi' located at Jalna. • At 'Kaleshwaram' (Warangal) he installed linga
• Jainism and Buddhism lost the public of Shiva.
confidence slowly. • 'Paasupatha Saivism' was another important
• In their place Saivism and Vaisnavism gained sect during the reign of Kakatiyas.
popularity. • Aagamas are primary source to know about
Saivism: this sect.
• At the beginning of the 13th century CE, in the
• Saivism received the patronisation of Royal Kaalachuri kingdom political and religious un-
family members. rest was out broken.
• There are sub-sects like 'Kaalamukha', • This forced many Saiva gurus from Kaalachuri
Kaapalika Pashupatha, Aaradhyasaiva, kingdom to migrate to Andhradesa
Veerasaivism etc. • 'Dharmashivá a famous saiva guru came to
• The early Kakatiya kings followed migrate to Andhra and settled at
'Kaalamukha'sect of Saivism. 'Draksharaamam'.
• Beta II, was the disciple of 'Rameshwara • He became the chief guru to Ganapatideva and
pandita'(who was devotee and head of his daughter Rudramadevi.
Mallikarjuna silamatha's) • He developed relations with the saivite
• Beta II grainted him "Vaijanapalli' (Sivapuram) temples located at Tripurantakam, Warangal,
Villag as gift. Draksharamam.
• Beta II's successors Durgaraju, prola II also • During the reign of Ganapathideva,
became the disciples of Rameshwara pandita. 'Golakimata' received liberal patronisation
• They took 'Sivadeeksha' from above guru. from king.
• The saivite devotees of Karnataka considered • After him it lost its popularity.
Srisailam as the chief center of Kaalamukh sect
of Saivism, Rameshwara panditha as their
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• After the decline of Kakatiya power, the gate • Some suggestions of Basatin-us-Salatin were
ways of Srisailam became very popular piligrim followed by Qutub Shahi Sultans with true
centres. spirit. This made them very popular.
• The Religious tolerance exhibited by Kakatiyas Content:
became a model to their successors in
Andhradesa. Administration of Qutub Shahis:
• As the result the conflict between • The administrative system introduced by
Veerasaivites and saivites in contemporary Qutub Shahi Sultans is unique in its nature and
Karnataka are not seen in Andhradesa. structure
• The gurus of Kakatiya kings preached the • They provided sound and popular
principle of live and let live. This became a administration to their people.
mantra for their glory. • Mirza-Ibrahim-Zubari's work Basatin-us-
Vaishnavism: Salatin is providing very useful, authentic
information about the Qutub Shahi polity, its
• People of Kakatiya times enjoyed the Religious
nature and structure.
• Mirza-Ibrahim-Zubari was a contemporor of
• All their temples Consists of the deities such as
Abdullah-Qutub shah (1626-1672).
shiva, Vishnu, surya.
• This book was written on the model of Siasat
• Thousand pillar temple built at Hanumakonda
Nama written by Nizam-ul-Mulk-Tusi.
by Rudradeva was a Trikuta Alayam.
• Siasat Nama discussed the duties and
• His minister Vellamki Gangadhara built
objectives of a Sultan.
Prasannakeshava Swamy temple at
• The Qutub Shahi Sultans followed the
guidelines laid in Siasat Nama.
• Ganapatideva's sister Mailamba built a big
• But they also considered, the local people’s
Gopala Krishna temple at Inugarthi.
desires and local laws in running the
• Prataparudra II, has donated some villages to
Chennakeshava temple.
• His wife Lakshmideva donated gifts to Some important aspects mentioned in Basatin-
'Ramanatha temple located at
Yegedu'(Karimnagar). • In the first part of book, the author Basatin
5. Mention some important aspects made in advised the king to protect the law and follow
Basatin-us-Salatin book regarding the it without any fear or favour.
administrative affairs of Qutub Shahis. • He said such spirit will not only bring good
name to ruler but also prosperity to the
Write briefly about administration of Qutub • If the ruler treats all his people with love and
Shahis. takes care of all the needy people, he will
Body: become very popular.
• He advised the Sultan to appoint, Quzis,
Mention Some important aspects made in Basatin- Muftis, Judges and pay their salaries in cash.
us-Salatin book
• He also supported the donation of some
Conclusion: villages to these officials.

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• In the second section, the author advised the ➢ The Qutub Shahi Sultans and their officials
Sultan to appoint his ministers on the basis of were great patrons of Telugu language
their loyalty, experience and dedication. ➢ Many Telugu Scholars and Poets were
• He also suggested the Sultan to grant Jagirs to honoured by Qutub Shahi Sultans.
ministers for the period of three years and ➢ Especially, during the age of Ibrahim-Quli-
advised to maintain strict discipline with Qutub Shah Telugu language became famous
ministers. for literary activity.
• He ordered Sultan to behave in high dignity in ➢ Famous Telugu Poet Addanki Gangadhara was
the council meetings. patronized by Ibrahim-Quli-Qutub Shah.
➢ The poet dedicated one of his work to the
In Basatin-us-Salatin, the author advised the
Sultan to do the following works for the welfare of
public: They are: ➢ Ibrahim-Quli-Qutub Shah was praised by his
court poets as “Malikiba Rama”.
• Construction of trunk roads ➢ Kandukuri Rudrakavi, the author of Telugu
• keeping the feeder roads clean literature was honoured by Quli Qutub Shah.
• Making all the arrangements for the public ➢ The Sultan, was impressed and granted him
during festival days to purchase their required 'Chintapalem' village as gift.
articles etc., ➢ Aminkhan, the in-charge office of Patancheru
• Planting of shady trees on the both sides of (under Ibrahim-Quli-Qutub Shah) patronized
roads Ponneganti Telaganarya another famous
• Construction of Sarais, arrangement of water Telugu Poet.
and free feeding facility at Sarais with ➢ The poet dedicated his work Yayati Charitam
Government's money. to Amin-Khan.
6. Trace the progress of Telugu literature under ➢ This was the first Telugu work written in
Qutub Shahis. “Achha-Telugu”.
➢ Many Telugu Scholars and Poets wrote many
Chatu-Verses praising the great qualities of
Write briefly about Qutub Shahis regime. Ibrahim-Quli-Qutub Shah.
➢ During the period of Muhammad-Quli-Qutub
Shah, the successor of Ibrahim-Quli-Qutub
Mention the progress of Telugu literature under Shah Telugu Scholars and Poets received
Qutub Shahis liberal patronization from the new Sultan.
Conclusion: ➢ Ganesha Pandita was the Court poet of
Muhammad-Quli-Qutub Shah.
• Telugu literature under Qutub Shahis ➢ Saranga Thammayya was another great Telugu
continue to enjoy the royal support as in Poet of Muhammad-Quli-Qutub Shah's Court.
Vijayanagara age. ➢ He was originally the in-charge Revenue
• Qutub Shahi Sultans and their officials did Officer (Karanam) of Golconda.
great service to Telugu language. ➢ He wrote a popular Telugu work named
Content: Vaijayanthi Vilasam, Kshetrayya the famous
Telugu 'Padakartha' was a contemporary of
Progress of Telugu Literature under Qutub
Abdullah-Qutub Shah.

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➢ He visited, the Court of Abdullah Qutub Shah Content:

and sung more than one thousand
• Salarjung-1 family claims from Madina in
Padakeerthanas praising the Sultan.
Arabia, who have migrated from Madina to
➢ Kshetrayya a native of 'Movva' village in
Krishna District.
• After the fall Bijapur, the later members of
➢ His Padakeerthanas became very popular in
family took service under Mughals.
the entire Qutub Shahi Kingdom.
• Later on they transferred their loyalty to
➢ Kancharla Gopanna (Bhakta Ramadas) the
the family of Nizam's of Hyderabad and
Revenue Officer (Tahsildar) of Khammam
served them.
under Abul Hassan-Tanashah(last ruler of
• This family acquired so much importance
sultans), had constructed a temple to Lord Sri
that five members of it served as the prime
Rama at Bhadrachalam.
minister of Hyderabad.
➢ Later on he was imprisoned for using public
• They were the leading nobles and played
money for constructing a temple.
key role in state administration.
➢ Kancharla Gopanna sung many Keerthanas on
Lord Sri Rama, which became popular in the • The first salar Jung, Mir Turabali Khan, was
entire Andhradesa. a great administrator and architect of
➢ He became popularly known as Bhakta modern Hyderabad.
Ramadas. • Salarjung-I originally known as Turab Ali
➢ His work Dasarathi Satakam was a classical Khan, was one of the most remarkable
work and enjoyed great appreciation from statesmen of Hyderabad state.
Scholars. • He receives lone appreciation for his role
➢ According Scholars, Prajakavi Yogivemana also played in shaping the contours of the
belongs to this age. history of Hyderabad during an important
transitional period.
7. Explain the Salarjung’s the salient features of
• His public life began in 1847, at age of 19
financial reforms.
he was appointed as Awal Talukdar
Introduction: (Collector) of Khammam District, here he
Write briefly about Salarjung’s rule. mastered the details of office.
• He was just 24 years old and took charge as
Body: diwan just after treaty of 1853, under
Mention the financial reforms of Salarjung. which a large territory of Nizams was
transferred to British resulting in loss of
revenue of Rs. 40 lakh per annum.
• Salarjung I played crucial role in the history • Deposed Jagirdars created problems to the
of Hyderabad state. administration.
• His reforms in various aspects of • The loss of Berar and the districts of
administration gave Hyderabad state a Osmanabad and Raichur created serious
sound financial strength and consolidated economic crisis in Hyderabad state.
the entire administrative setup. • The administrative setup of the state was
worsening therefore he initially studied the
problem and took steps to make state
financially strong

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Financial Reforms of Salarjung: Conclusion:

• Salarjung-I initiated certain measures for • Revolt against English failed due to pro-British
giving sound financial base to state attitude of Nizam, Afzal Ud Dowla and his
administration. diwan Salarjung.
• He abolished the tax farming system, • Nizam's feudal setup to support English
under this system tax farmer like through their loyalty.
daftardars and contractors benefited • British also recognised the importance of the
immensely. Hyderabad state and their friendship with
• They paid only a fixed amount to the state Nizam.
and collected heavily from poor peasants Content:
by pressurising them.
• This resulted in heavy loss to both state • With the demise of Aurangazeb in 1707, the
and poor peasants. strength of Mughals empire began to decline.
• He appointed regular Talukdars who were • There are many reasons behind its decline.
paid from state exchequer. • The Golconda kingdom once ruled by Qutub
• They collected revenue from peasant shahis was occupied by Aurangazeb and since
directly and this measure brought peasants then this region remained as one of the
directly in touch with administration. Province of Mighty Mughal Empire, between
• It also relieved them from exploitation of 1687 and 1724.
tax farmers like daftardars. • During early decades of eighteenth century
• This enabled salarjung to make exact provincial governors asserted independence
assessment of taxes from land. by taking advantage of incapable emperors.
• Salarjung took steps for standardisation • One of them was Mir Qamruddin Khan Chin
and stabilisation of currency system. Qlich Khan, the then provincial governor of
• He monopolised minting of coins to Hyderabad Subha.
remove large counterfeit coins that were in • He is popularly known with his titles Nizam-ul-
circulation. mulk and AsafJah that were bestowed on him
• Central mint was established at Hyderabad by Mughal emperor Muhammad shah.
and issued Halisikka and made it as • He was the founder of Hyderabad state in
standard coin for all financial transactions. 1724.
• Thus, his financial reforms made states • Hyderabad state with its distinct culture and
economy surplus and it further identity, emerged as one of the important
encouraged to undertaking many princely state under colonial domination.
developmental activities. Nizam-British Relations:
8. Mention the relation of Nizam with the British. • During the tenure of Salabat Jung as deccan
Introduction: subedar, French influence increased in
Hyderabad state.
Write briefly formation of Hyderabad state. • Salabat jung imprisoned Nizam Ali Khan and
Body: Basalat Jung who disliked the French
domination in Hyderabad state.
Mention the relation of Nizam with the British.
• With the increasing pressure from Maratha,
salabat jung came to an understanding with his
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brother Nizam Ali Khan in 1757 and made him • The later treaties of 1788 and 1800, the
as subedar of Berar. company acquired the Guntur and the ceded
• In Bengal, British on other side defeated allied districts respectively.
forces (Mughal emperor, Awad Nawab and • Thus gradually, English East India Company
Bengal Subedar) in the battle of buxar (1764) gained full control over Nizam's of Hyderabad.
and concluded Allahabad treaty in 1765 with 9. Discuss the state of roadways and railways
Mughal emperor. during Nizam period in Telangana.
• According to this treaty, Mughal emperor
accepted to hand over Northern Sarkars to Introduction:
British East India company. Write briefly about the Nizam rule in Telangana.
• But Nizam Ali Khan at Hyderabad was reluctant
to accept this treaty and was not in favour to
hand over northern sarkar to Britsh. Mention the state of roadways and railways during
• British East India company made many Nizam period in Telangana.
attempts for favour of Nizam Ali Khan to get Conclusion:
northern sarkar.
• In 1766, British made an agreement with • The British government developed modern
Nizam Ali Khan and General smith represented means of transport and communication for
the British. economic exploitation, administrative
• According to this agreement, Nizam accepted convenience and military defense.
to hand over the British: • A large network of roads was laid across vast
➢ Rajamundry, Eluru, Mustafanagar for areas of the Deccan.
Rupees four lakhs and • Besides encouraging trade and commerce in
➢ Murtajanagar (Guntur), Chicacole for Telangana, it also made it easier for political
Rupees two lakhs. activists to travel across the country.
• Above this British has to pay Rupees Nine lakhs • The development of the modern postal system
as annual rent to Nizam Ali Khan. and the introduction of telegraph also helped
• Basically, Nizam Ali Khan was not interested to to unify the country to a great extent.
hand over northern sarkar to British but • Both these effectively revolutionised the
financial restraints compeled him to do. process of information transmission and
• Nizam Ali Khan even made secret alliance with communication and helped Indians come in
Carnatic nawab. greater contact with one another.
• English East India company in retaliation came Content:
to an agreement with Arcot nawab and
From 1724 to 1948, Hyderabad underwent
recognised him as nawab of carnatic and got immense growth, both culturally and
diwani rights over Balaghat region and in economically. The Nizams were great patrons of
return agreed to pay rupees seven lakhs to literature, art, architecture and food; and were
Nizam. counted amongst the wealthiest people in the
• Through this treaties Nizam has to forego his world. During their period, Railways and
rights over carnatic and northern sarkar Roadways were also developed.

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Railways: • Nizam's administration from 1867 began to

look after maintainance of road in the state
• Nizam established 'Nizam State Railway' in
• By 1891, around 1000 miles of roads were
• First operational rail line began between Wadi
constructed by Nizam's administration.
and Secundrabad in 1874.
• The same was extended in 1901, 1930 and
• During this period trade between British India
1940 respectively.
and Hyderabad state was between 40 to 50
• In 1932 state Road department was merged
with Nizam's state Railway system.
• British suggested a plan to Nizams for
• From then both road and railway departments
connecting Waranal (singareni coal mines)
developed simultaneously.
with that of Madras presidency with the
intention to exploit coal reserves of Hyderabad • In 1932, state road transport system began to
state. function.
• Nizam government came forward to give 10. Mention the agrarian condition during Asaf
guarantee of 5% interest on the investment Jahi period.
made by the british railway company. Introduction:
• This scheme is known as nizam guarantee
scheme. Write briefly about Asaf Jah period
• In 1899, Manmade-Hyderabad rail line was Body:
Mention the agrarian condition during Asaf Jah
• Nampally railway station came into existence
and first passenger train made its way in 1921.
• By 1916 Kachiguda railway station was Conclusion:
constructed and by the time Hyderabad joined • Overall, there was a miserable life in agrarian
Indian union this station was headquarters to community during Asaf Jah period, but during
Nizam guarantee railway scheme. era of last two Nizam's, tremendous measures
• This scheme began during tenure of sixth and reforms were undertaken for growth
Nizam and continued till reign of seventh agricultural production.
Nizam. • Along with agriculture, poultry and dairy
• Till 1930 construction of railway lines were industry too got administrative support during
under taken by private companies till last Nizam's.
establishment of Nizam's railway board. • Those reforms and measures could contribute
• The other rail routes constructed during the towards improving the life of agrarian society
rule of last Nizam. in Telangana.
• Though Nizams railway system initially
experienced loses but later got into Profits.
Agrarian conditions during Asaf Jahi period
Road ways:
• Occupation of majority of the people of
• There were no proper routes for British army
Hyderabad state relied based on agriculture.
to pass Nizams dominion in early days
• As Hyderabad state located on Deccan
• The roads in Hyderabad city was narrow.
plateau, semi-arid climate prevailed
• Need for broad roadways was felt.

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• Peasant community though large in number ➢ 1.7% of people owned 35% of dry
but produced less due to following reasons: land and
➢ Less availability of irrigation ➢ 2.5% of people held 50% of wet
facilities land.
➢ less fertilisers • This vast disparity in land holding led to
➢ local seed undergrowth of agrarian system in Hyderabad
➢ attack of blights and other pests state.
• Peasant community mostly led their life in • Agrarian ecosystem in state gave death like
poverty. conditions to peasants due to following
• Due to less irrigational facility dry cultivation reasons:
was mostly in practise. ➢ Low productivity in agriculture
• In Diwani areas, peasants directly use to pay ➢ rural indebtedness
taxes ➢ high rate of interests
• In Jagirdari and Zamindari areas rent and tax ➢ drought.
was paid to their respective Jagirdars and • During era of last two Nizam's, tremendous
Zamindars. measures were undertaken for growth of diary
• Some part of land used under Nizams directly and agricultural production.
for his personal maintenance and such land • In 1913 Mir Osman Ali Khan established
was known as Sarf-i-Khas. department of Agriculture, called as Zirayat
• Agrarian Production depended on amount of and kept it under supervision of John Henry.
rain fall. • This zirayat made attempts to introduce
• In case of less rainfall, Famine like conditions following reforms for enhancing the
existed which made life of common man more agriculture production such as:
miserable. ➢ High yielding local varity and Hybrid
• Hyderabad state located on Deccan plateau crops
also known as land of tanks. ➢ Improved irrigation facilities
• Like their predecessors, Asaf Jahis too ➢ Seeds withstanding arid climate.
constructed many new tanks and repaired the • Along with agriculture, poultry and dairy
old. industry too got administrative support during
• Both food and commercial crops were grown. last Nizam's and took care to introduce the
Of them Jowar, rice, millets, groundnut were modern technology which is available in
grown mostly in the state. Europe.
• Commercial crops like cotton, sugarcane were • During last Nizam, there was considerable
grown. growth of agriculture and its related industries
• Two crops, one in rabi and other in kharif were due to introduction of:
cultivated. ➢ High yielding variety seeds
• Ox animal was used to carry cart loads. ➢ Modern implements
• Large number of peasants controlled small ➢ Irrigation facilities
part of land and landlords less in number had ➢ Poultry and dairy development
vast lands under their control. ➢ Use of pesticides and chemicals
• Statistics of Warangal district in 1929-30 says: ➢ Technology awareness
programmes for peasants in rural
areas and
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➢ Establishment of agro based publishing anything related to politics and

industries (sugar, textiles, silk, jute religion.
industries ete) • Journalists used to go through many hurdles to
11. Explain the role of newspapers in socio- published papers to educate the people.
cultural and political awareness among the • The Newspapers and Journalism were
people during Nizam’s rule. developed in the middle of 19th century.
• Some newspapers concentrated on educating
muslims and eradication of 'Purdah'System.
Write briefly about importance of newspapers in • Some newspapers were also published articles
creating awareness among the people of related to the development of agriculture and
Telangana during Nizam’s rule. farming.
Body: • The 'Hitabodha' newspaper used to publish
articles related to culture, Social, financial,
Mention the role of newspaper in socio-cultural
Medical and agricultural topics.
and political awareness.
• Some newspaper used to question the policies
Conclusion: of Government.
• Some English newspapers worked for the
• Newspapers played a prominent role in
upliftment of lower caste people.
shaping Telangana by creating social, cultural
and political awareness in people and by active • Some newspapers were published articles
participation in social movements. related to the religious devotions.
• Even after facing many difficulties from Nizam • Some were questioning the dictatorship and
Government, around sixty newspapers were atrocities of Nizam Government.
published in Hyderabad which increased: • Some used to publish articles related to
➢ the patriotism among the people Andhra Jana Sabha, political, Social and
➢ create awareness against social Cultural aspects.
atrocities and Nizam Government. • This paper also helped in educating people of
rural areas and encouraged female writers.
• Even though there was no freedom of speech,
Role of News Papers in Social, Cultural a Political some newspapers were published the articles
Awareness: - against the Government and questioned the
• Even though there was no freedom of speech wrong doings of Nizam Government.
during Nizam period, Newspapers played a key • Despite of facing many problems from the
role in educating the people of Telangana. Nizam Government, the Golconda paper
• Strict rules were imposed on newspapers played a key role in promoting Library
during the Nizam period. Movement and to create political cultural
awareness among the people.
• The journalists had to go through a protocol in
order to publish a paper. • Some were used to support Nizam
Government, while some were related to the
• First they should appeal to the Police
atrocities of Nizam Government and Razakars.
Commissioner then it was forwarded to Broad
Casting Unit. • Some newspapers played a key role in women
• They have to give bond to Government, where
it will be made sure that the paper is not
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• Some urdu papers published the important • Establishment of numerous libraries lead to
articles related to the economic, political and increase in number of Readers.
social aspects in Hyderabad. • This Movement spread all over Telangana.
• This paper questioned the religious • The knowledge and the grip on the language
organisations which created differences and increased with this Movement.
helped in increasing patriotism and unity • This Movement leads numerous Movements.
among the people. • It helps to know the culture, heritage and glory
• Some newspapers gave importance to the of Telangana and the accessibility of books.
societal problems such as untouchability and
alcohol ban.
• They played a key role in upliftment of the Library Movement
backward class people by educating them. • During 19th century, as a result of social
• Some papers gave importance to cultural and reforms of Salajung1 started a new education
literacy aspects and published novels every system which lead to the creation of
day. intellectual groups.
• The telugu Newspaper supported Communists • This group started the Library Movement.
and their way of thinking, while english and • This movement is considered as the first Social
urdu newspapers supported Nizam and Majlis Movement in Telangana.
Muslim league. • Numerous Libraries were started in
• A monthly paper published information Hyderabad, which played a key role in
related to the students. increasing:
• Rachamalla satyavathi Devi started a ➢ the literacy and
newspaper and published articles related to ➢ knowledge of common people.
women empowerment and discussed the • Libraries are considered as knowledge centers.
problems they had and helped in educating • Nizam Government and Government officials
them. did not encourage the establishment of
12. Despite of facing many problems during the libraries, in return they used to imprison the
Nizam Government, the Golconda paper played a people who started Libraries.
key role in promoting Library Movement and to • Hyderabad province considered as only place
create political cultural awareness among the in India where people were imprisoned for
people. Discuss the importance of Library starting Libraries.
movement. • Even after facing so many problems and
Introduction: restrictions from the Government the libraries
helped in shaping the future of Telangana.
Write briefly about Library movement.
• The first library in Telangana was established
Body: by Somasundara Mudaliayar in Secuderabad.
Explain importance of Library movement in • The Asafia State Central Library was started in
Telangana. the beginning this Library had books of Arabic,
Persian, Urdu, English and Sanskrit Languages,
Conclusion: but with the help of Andhra Maha Sabha
• Libraries are the treasure of knowledge. Telugu, Kannada, Marathi and Hindi books
became available.

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• Komarraju Lakshman Rao, the founding father Role of Bhagya Reddy Varma in Social Movements
of Library Movement established 'Sri Krishna in Hyderabad State
Devarayandhra Bhasha Nilayam'
• Bhagya Reddy Varma, the reformer who
• It gave encouragement for Library Movement fought against untouchability in Hyderabad.
and helped in rebuilding the culture of
• He was the “Father of The Dalit Movement” in
• In order to develop modern education in
• Bhagyareddy Varma was born to a Dalit, Mala
Telangana, an organisation was established
caste family.
called 'Vignana Chandrika Mandali' as a part of
• He was Inspired by Jyotirao Phule, he raised his
Library Movement:
voice against discrimination by the upper
➢ They encouraged many writers by
conducting story writing contests
• He employed in Brahmo Samaj.
• Bhagya Reddy Verma was the first person who
➢ Helped in the spread of knowledge
laid the foundation for Dalit movement.
by publishing, History, Literature,
• He led the movement in Hyderabad during
Science and other books in Telugu.
early 20th century and also founded an
• Few enthusiastic people from villages and
organization named as jagan mitra mandali.
towns started Libraries with their own money
• The main aim of this organization was to
to serve the people.
encourage and awaken the social
• A numerous libraries established in 1923
consciousness among Dalit.
throughout Telangana.
• He invoked Hindu Puranic tradition to
• Andhra Jana Seva Sangham' played a crucial
eradicate caste.
role in Library Movement because of this
• He set up schools and also persuaded the
sangham numerous Schools, Newspapers,
Nizam to allocate special funds for the
Libraries were started.
education of dalits.
• Some group of friends secretly started a
• He also led successful agitations against the
library, this became a platform for Political,
practice of dedicating girls, especially dalit
Philosophical Literary and leftist discussions.
girls, as devadasis or joginis to temples and
13. Explain the role of Bhagya Reddy Varma in forcing them into prostitution.
social reform movements in Telangana. • As a part of their campaign to fight the Hindu
Introduction: caste system, they took keen interest in the
teachings of the Buddha and promoted the
Write briefly about Bhagya Reddy Varma
adoption of Buddhism by Dalits.
Body: • He established a social organization called “Adi
Mention his role of in social reform movements in Hindu”, which was aimed at bringing
Telangana. awareness among the dalit people.
• He also formed a group called “Jagan Mithra
Conclusion: Mandali” which used to educate the Harijans
For his contribution to Dalit empowerment, he is and Malas through Harikathas, a traditional
called as Hyderabad’s Ambedkar. folk theatre art.
• Adi-Hindu movement is the first self-respect
movement in Hyderabad.
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• It was started against untouchability and caste • He developed and systematized their legal
discrimination in Hyderabad. practices so that justice could be awarded
• The pioneer of this movement was Bhagya without fear or favor.
Reddy Varma. • One of Bhagya Reddy ‘s most significant
• In 1912, he founded Manya Sangham which achievements in the social activism was his
after a decade was given the name of Adi- effort to prevent the dedication of young girls
Hindu Social Service League. of the community to temples to serve as
• The primary aims and objectives of Manya murlis‘ or jogins‘.
Sangham were: • Bhagya Reddy Varma felt that education was
➢ to create awareness through skits that essential for the all-round progress and uplift
the oppressed classes are sons of the of the depressed classes.
soil • In 1906, he opened a Lower Primary school for
➢ to impart education to untouchable Adi-Hindu children and in 1910, he opened
children three schools.
➢ to discourage child marriages • The number of these Adi-Hindu Primary
➢ to disallow non-vegetarian food and Schools soon grew to 26.
intoxicants in marriages and other • In 1933, these schools which were run by the
auspicious functions Adi-Hindu Social Service League were handed
➢ to abolish the Jogini‘ or Murali‘ or over to Nizam‘s Government.
Basavi‘ custom prevalent in the • During the 1920s and 30s Bhagya Reddy
community. traveled widely throughout India, extending
• He supported Ambedkar who demanded the work he had begun in Telanagana and
separate electorate for the Depressed Classes. raising awareness among the oppressed
• Bhagyareddy had launched a movement community.
against the devadasi, forcing the Nizam to • He organized the first All India Adi-Hindu
declare it a crime. Conference in Hyderabad.
• He also campaigned on many social issues like • Bhagya Reddy did not confine his
Child Marriage, Black Magic, Women organizational activities to untouchables, but
Education, Alcohol prohibition etc. attempted to bridge the gap between hindus
• His work was spread to neighbouring states and untouchables.
like Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and 14. Mention the works of BS Venkat Rao and
Andhra. Christian missionaries in upliftment of Dalit
• In 1906 Bhagya Reddy founded an organization community in Telangana.
called the Jagan Mitra Mandali and started the
work of awakening social consciousness
among the untouchables. Write briefly about the condition of Dalit
• To sensitize the community on various issues, Community during Nizam’s Rule in Telangana.
He organized regular Harikatha
• Bhagya Reddy set up new Panchayats, an Mention the works of BS Venkat Rao and Christian
ancient system of the untouchable community missionaries in upliftment of Dalit community in
to settle disputes among themselves. Telangana

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Conclusion: building an inspiring movement for liberation

of Dalits.
• The main objective of the Dalit Movement in
Telangana was to establish a society based on Christian missionaries and Dalits
social equality. • Several organisations and prominent
• These movements seek equality with all other personalities worked for social, cultural, and
castes in the society. economic transformation in Telangana from
Content: the last decade of the 19th century.
• Several organisations engaged in promotion of
B.S.Venkata Rao:
new social awareness to end:
• B.S.Venkata Rao changed the name of ➢ injustice and
“Ambedkar Youth League” into “Hyderabad ➢ oppression of Dalit and Bahujan
State Depressed Classes Association”. women.
• In recognition of the importance of Dalit • Telangana region witnessed rise of several
movement in Hyderabad, Ambedkar invited cultural and political movements from the first
Venkata Rao to preside over the Bombay decade of the 20th century against feudal
Presidency Mahar Sabha. exploitation, untouchability, vetti, Jogini, child
• Inspired by the growing Dalit movement in marriages, dowry, etc.
Maharashtra, Venkata Rao initiated several • Christian missionaries were the early agencies
activities to spread Ambedkar ideology among that engaged in providing consciousness
the dalit youth in Hyderabad. among the Dalit and Bahujan communities by
• He was strongly influenced by educational offering western education and knowledge as
institutions and movements led by Mahatma part of colonial modernisation.
Jyotiba Phule in Maharashtra, and worked for • Spread of Christian missionaries, religious
the spread of education among the Dalit youth campaign, and proselytisation/ religious
through many organisations. conversions continued since the 1880s during
• A large number of Dalit youth took active part the Nizam’s rule in Telangana.
in progressive activities under the leadership • Social, cultural and economic changes took
of Venkata Rao. place in depressed classes by adopting
• Railway employees, Army Jawans, domestic Christianity.
helps with English officers, businessmen, • Missionaries saw the socio- economic
contractors, among others, initiated several exploitation and discrimination suffered by the
activities for the promotion of awareness Dalits in Nizam state.
among dalits. • Missionaries viewed Dalits as symbols of
• He did enormous work as Education Minister poverty and oppression.
for promotion of education among the • Missionaries saw the process of Dalits
depressed classes. condemned into darkness through social and
• Nizam’s government sanctioned grant of Rs 1 religious evils and considered it was their
crore to Scheduled Castes Welfare Fund responsibility to bring them into light.
because of the initiative taken by Venkata Rao. • They also believed that Dalits could not expect
• Popularly known as Hyderabadi Ambedkar, equal status and rightful place in Hindu religion
Venkata Rao was a courageous leader in and therefore conversion into Christianity was
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15.The altered socio-economic conditions of the • This miserable condition of the Gonds forced
tribal people of Telangana under the Forest Acts them to revolt against the authorities.
of Government, led to witness many periodical
Revolts of the Tribals:
tribal revolts in Hyderabad in order to oppose the
tyrannical rule of the Nizam and wanted their • Most of the tribal revolts in Telangana were
rights to be protected, Discuss. agricultural in nature.
Introduction: • Some were also due to the forest laws.
• The tribals were subject to lot of oppression.
Mention the state or condition of tribal people in • When they failed to repay their lands were
Body: • These tribals were used for the private and
public works by the authorities of Goverment.
Discuss series of reasons that lead to Tribal revolts
in Telangana. • Because of such miserable condition of the
tribals in Telangana witnessed many periodical
Conclusion: tribal revolts.
The main aim was to do away with the illegal and The Revolt of Ramji Gond:
excessive exploitation done by the Nizam
government, the British Government and Non- • Aurangzeb, the Mughal Emperor, handed over
locals of Telangana in the name of Forest Acts. the administration of Berar to the viceroy of
• The capital of Deccan was shifted from
• According to the census report, the Gonds Aurangabad to Hyderabad during Mughal era.
were the largest tribal race in India. • The Berar state included in Adilabad district of
• Now the Gonds are seen in Adilabad district of Telangana.
Telangana and their occupation was • Taking advantage of the political changes, the
agriculture. Gonds captured the fort of Manikgarh.
• The Gonds easily moved from one settlement • In 1853 a treaty was concluded between the
area to another settlement area as and when Nizam and the East India company.
they wanted to do so. • By this treaty, the Nizam assigned Berar and
• But that freedom was gradually declined other districts to the British in lieu of the
because of the decline in the land area owned expenditure incurred on the Nizam.
by the Gonds. • The treaty was not liked by the tribals.
• With the implementation of the forest acts, • Between 1853 and 1860, the tribal people
the lands of the Gonds were merged with the (Gonds) and the Muslims (Rohillas) revolted
forests. under the leadership of Ramji Gond and Haji
• As a result, there was a drastic change in the Rohilla against the British government.
lifestyle of the Gonds. • Ramji Gond was an exceptional leader of the
• The tribals were subject to the opression of: tribals.
➢ the Government officers and • He freed the Adilabad and ruled
➢ the non-tribals such as the Marathas, independently.
Shaukars, Brahmins, Moneylenders • He also built up a strong army consisting of:
etc. ➢ Gond soldiers
➢ Rohilla Muslim soldiers and
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➢ Telugu and Maratha soldiers. ➢ also the Government authorities.

• However, he could not rule this area for a long • Kumram Bheem also strengthened his struggle
period. against the rulers.
• Soon the combined forces of the British and • In that fight Kumrum Bheem was killed.
the Nizam fought against the Gonds. • Thus the movement between 1935-1940
• By adopting the gorilla method of warfare, the organised by the tribals came to be known as
Gonds defeated the British army in some the Jodeghat Tribal Movement.
areas. • It was after this revolt there was a tremendous
• However, the Gonds were finally defeated by progress in the lives of the tribals.
the British. • The Gond Tribal Movement, in fact, acted as a
The Revolt of Kumrum Bheem: base for the Peasant Armed Struggle fought
against the Nizam Government between 1946-
• Kumrum Bheem was born into a Gond tribal 51.
family in Adilabad district.
16. Comment the phases of Telangana Peasants
• Most of the Gond tribals were the
Armed Struggle.
• The Act of 1917, brought about by the Nizam's Introduction:
Government for the protection of the Adivasi Write briefly about reasons that led to Peasants
lands caused much disturbance and confusion revolts in Telangana.
in the lives of the tribals.
• The Act levied tax on the tribals for feeding
their cattle and also pay for bringing the Mention the phases of Telangana Peasant Revolts.
• The other taxes which were paid by the tribals.
• Their main occupation was agriculture and the The Telangana peasant armed struggle under the
forests were used by the tribals as financial leadership of the Communist Party was against
source. the oppressive rule of landlordism which was
patronised by the British Government and the
• A paper mill was established to fetch the raw
Nizams of Hyderabad.
material for the paper mill, the government
occupied a wide forest area. Content:
• As a result, the Gond tribals became the
Telangana Peasants Armed Struggle:
factory workers.
• In addition to these problems the tribals were • The Communists had established a strong base
threatened by the non-locals like the in Nalgonda and Warangal district.
Marathas, Muslims and Telugu people. • The main reason for their expansion was the
• They even occupied the lands of the Gonds and presence of large number of landlords with
Kolams. large estates covering thousands of acres of
• It was under these circumstances, Kumram land.
Bheem had decided to fight against the • Between 1942 and 1946, there was a steady
Nizam's government and also against the influence of Communists over the peasants,
exploitation of the non-locals. tenants, cultivators and landless labourers.
• As part of the protest, the tribals deified: • Several incidents which had occurred between
➢ the courts and laws and 1947 and 1950 is the main reasons for major
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Mana La Excellence Group 1 Mains Practice Questions

peasant uprising. This could be done in three • This period could be called as the liberation
phases. movement in which both the Congress and the
The First phase: Communists played a vital role.
• The Hyderabad State Congress began to
• The first phase of the movement witnessed a mobilise people to fight against the Nizam's
mass resistance. Government and liberate the Hyderabad
• The political condition of Telangana during State.
1947 was different from the rest of India. • They even prescribed the Nizam of Hyderabad
• During the Second World War period, India to join the Indian union once India gets
was suffering from acute food shortage. Independence.
• To overcome the crisis, the British Government • But the Nizam was firm on his decision of not
had introduced the rationing of essential joining either the Indian Union or Pakistan.
commodities. • This caused great disappointment to the
• This system required from each cultivator people of Hyderabad.
certain quantity of food grains which should be • Nizam's decision was supported by a Muslim
sent to the Government. party (Ittehad-ul-Muslimeen), while all other
• But in practice it was the poor farmers became political parties favoured the merger of
the victims of this system and the landlords Hyderabad State with the Indian Union.
managed to escape the crisis. • The Ittehad-ul-Muslimeen began to raise a
• After the conclusion of World War II, the cadre of volunteers (Razakars).
Communists intensified their struggle. • As the peasant movement in Telangana, the
• Their struggle was directed against the big Nizam's Government began sending Razakars
landlords and Deshmukh. to deal with the revolutionaries.
• They even forcibly confiscated the lands of the • The Razakars resorted to largescale violence.
landlords. • The atrocities of Razakars created anarchy.
• Unable to bear this situation, so many • This helped the communists to spread the
landlords even migrated to cities and the movement.
police had to deal with the billions peasants. • The Communists also established a parallel
• The peasants also fought back the police. administration in villages.
• Martyrdom of Doddi Komaraiah a peasant, • Tenants began occupying the lands and the
marked the beginning of the Telangana Government lands were distributed among the
Peasant Armed Struggle. landless labourers.
• By the end of 1946, the militants struggle • However, this movement was not supported
against the landlords, Deshmukhs and village by the Congress.
officials had spread to villages in Telangana. • Though the Congress favoured agrarian
• Simultaneously, the Communist party of India reforms, they did not support the class
was propagating the demands of Telangana struggle in any form.
peasantry and exposed the oppression and
The Third Phase:
brutality of the landlords.
• Therefore, the Nizam's Government banned • The struggle happened in Telangana, prepared
the Communist party in 1946. the agricultural labourers to fight against the
The second Phase of the Peasant Movement: landlords to end feudal hegemony.

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Mana La Excellence Group 1 Mains Practice Questions

• At the same time the Nizam's government

encouraged the Razakars to save the landlords
from the peasants.
• Between 1947 and 1948, the Razakars
indulged in terrorising activities.
• In retaliation the Communists attacked police
and destroyed village records, manhandled a
large number of village officials
• Shoebullah Khan was the editor of Urdu, in his
paper he criticized the activities of Nizam and
his officials.
• However, he was shot dead by the Razakars.

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