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BJPsych Advances (2020), page 1 of 11 doi: 10.1192/bja.2020.


Delirium in the acute hospital ARTICLE

setting: the role of psychiatry

James M. FitzGerald & Annabel Price

Delirium is a complex syndrome that has a highly het- James FitzGerald is a trainee
erogeneous and fluctuating phenomenological profile, psychiatrist working in the
In this overview we discuss the role of psychiatry in which results in a wide differential diagnosis. The
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
managing delirium in acute hospital admissions. NHS Foundation Trust, and a
aetiology is multifactorial and includes both modifi- National Institute for Health
We briefly discuss the role psychiatry can offer in
able (e.g. acute critical illness) and non-modifiable Research (NIHR) Academic Clinical
four main domains: (a) assessment; (b) manage- Fellow in the Department of
ment; (c) recovery; and (d) paradigm, education (e.g. advanced age) risk factors (Vasilevskis 2012).
Psychiatry at the University of
and research. In the assessment section we dis- In the acute hospital setting, it has a prevalence of Cambridge, UK. His research inter-
cuss accurately detecting delirium in the context 20% among general medical admissions, and this ests include delirium, dementia and
of comorbid mixed neuropsychiatric syndromes, increases to over 50% in medical admissions of psychodynamic psychiatry. Annabel
including depression and dementia, and the clinical older people (Davis 2013; Inouye 2014). In more Price is a consultant in liaison
psychiatry for older adults working in
importance of delirium subtyping. The management specialist clinical settings such as the intensive care Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge.
section briefly outlines pharmacological and non- unit (ICU) and palliative care, its prevalence can She is also the Associate Specialist
pharmacological approaches to delirium and their reach over 80% (Krewulak 2018; Hosie 2013). It is Director for Palliative Care,
evidence-based rationale. The recovery section associated with a variety of detrimental clinical out- Cambridge Institute of Public Health
focuses on the effect delirium can have on cogni- (University of Cambridge), and Vice
comes, including increased length of hospital stay Chair of the Royal College of
tive decline, mental health and long-term health,
and increased risk of morbidity, mortality and Psychiatrists’ Faculty of Liaison
including functional outcome and need for institu-
dementia (Inouye 2014). Delirium is also a distressing Psychiatry, London, UK.
tional care after hospital discharge. Finally, we out- Correspondence Dr James
line the role of psychiatry in delirium research and experience for both patients and families. Indeed,
FitzGerald. Email: james.fitzgerald@
education. We hope that this article will encourage qualitative research has reported on the experiential
clinicians to reflect on their current practice and distress and resulting features of anxiety, depression
consider holistic and evidence-based care for this and post-traumatic stress-like features that patients First received 29 Jan 2020
Final revision 16 May 2020
vulnerable population in the acute hospital setting. have following an in-patient episode of delirium
Accepted 11 Jun 2020
(Grover 2014; Martins 2016). Families and care-
givers are also affected by the presence of delirium Copyright and usage
After reading this article you will be able to: and it can increase burnout and carer distress © The Authors 2020. Published by
• understand the epidemiology and prognosis of Cambridge University Press on behalf
(Finucane 2017). Following discharge, patients often of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
delirium in the acute hospital setting
face long-term consequences such as reduced adap- This is an Open Access article,
• recognise that delirium often occurs in mixed
presentations, which may require detailed lon- tive functioning and an increased risk of needing insti- distributed under the terms of the
tutional care (Jackson 2016). Despite all of these Creative Commons Attribution
gitudinal phenomenological profiling licence (
• appreciate the current evidence-based factors, delirium remains clinically underdetected licenses/by/4.0/), which permits
approaches to delirium care in the acute hos- and hence poorly managed in up to two-thirds of unrestricted re-use, distribution, and
pital setting cases (Fong 2017). Psychiatrists’ skills in assessing reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
complex psychopathology, coupled with specialist
KEYWORDS knowledge of pharmacological and non-pharmaco-
Organic syndromes; antipsychotics; dementia; logical interventions, enable them to provide the
phenomenology; delirium. necessary support required to help improve detection,
optimise management and support recovery.

Delirium is a major public health concern internation- Assessment

ally; and as the biopsychosocial syndrome par excel-
lence, its management can serve as an index of the Delirium phenomenology and diagnosis
quality of care an older patient receives in hospital At present there is no gold-standard biochemical test
(Jackson 2017). Delirium is often defined as an to accurately detect delirium (Toft 2019).
acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome, marked by Neuroimaging has a limited role clinically in delir-
changes to cognitive domains (e.g. attention and ium assessment, with current research highlighting
memory) and wider behavioural changes (e.g. sleep– the non-specific findings such as cerebral atrophy
wake cycle and motor disturbances), occurring and neural dysconnectivity (Nitchingham 2018).
in the context of medical illness (Inouye 2014). One study reported positive findings in only 14.5%

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FitzGerald & Price

of patients undergoing structural (magnetic reson-

ance imaging and computed tomography) neuroi-
maging investigations (Hijazi 2018). Therefore, in integrity
the absence of reliable biomarkers, the detection
and assessment of delirium is informed largely by
a review of the patient’s clinical psychopathology/
Although there are an estimated 340 synonyms Executive Orders of
Delirium consciousness
for delirium. depending on the clinical setting, the
consensus from the DSM-5 and ICD-10 classifica-
tion systems recognises all acute disturbances of
global cognitive functioning as delirium (World
Health Organization 1992; American Psychiatric
Association 2013). The recently available ICD-11 Temporality

continues with this presentation of delirium as a clin-

ical entity (World Health Organization 2019).
Delirium is a complex syndrome reflective of gen- FIG 1 Multidimensional model of delirium phenomenology.
eralised neural dysfunction and yet lacks a pathog-
nomonic feature. Accumulated research into the
phenomenology of delirium indicates that there are understanding of these domains is clinically relevant
four main domains of disturbed phenomenology: to the accurate psychiatric assessment of delirium,
circadian integrity, executive cognition, orders of which includes both a detailed longitudinal analysis
consciousness, and temporality (Fig. 1) (Hobson of its phenomenology and a focus on the temporal
2011; Franco 2013; Leonard 2015). Circadian pattern of features and their severity (Adamis 2010).
integrity is composed of two subdomains, motor
behaviour and disturbances in the sleep–wake Subsyndromal delirium
cycle (Fitzgerald 2013). Executive cognition refers Subsyndromal delirium is a state characterised by
to such cognitive processes as attention, memory, the presence of delirium symptoms, but without
language and orientation (Lindroth 2019; Mitchell the criteria for full syndromal delirium. It is asso-
2018). The third domain, the orders of conscious- ciated with outcomes that are intermediate
ness, are the functional modes by which executive between full syndromal delirium and no delirium
cognition is enabled. They are divided into (Dosa 2007; Cole 2013). Although it is thought to
primary and secondary consciousness, but are include many features of full syndromal delirium,
experienced as an integrated whole. Primary con- such as disturbances in motor behaviour, conscious-
sciousness refers to sensory and perceptual experi- ness and sleep–wake rhythmicity, a comprehensive
ence, and secondary consciousness encompasses account has been impeded by the lack of clear diag-
metacognition, i.e. awareness of one’s own thought nostic criteria (Boettger 2018). Although the fre-
processes. These aspects of consciousness serve as quency of full syndromal delirium has been well
the modalities by which delirium, waking and described, the frequency of subsyndromal delirium
sleep consciousness possess a phenomenological is less well defined and is estimated to occur in
continuum (Hobson 2011). The fourth dimension approximately 7–50% of older adult in-patients.
is temporality and results from the convergence of This wide range is likely to be due to the clinical
the neurocognitive reserve of the individual and population studied and definition applied (Ouimet
the influence of the pathological processes on this 2007; Bond 2012).
reserve (Cunningham 2013). This domain is critical
to detecting delirium in the acute hospital setting,
given the plethora of research highlighting the het- Overlapping phenomenology and complex
erogeneity in the temporal duration of delirium fea- presentations
tures (Kim 2018). It is clinically essential The diagnosis and assessment of delirium is compli-
to recognise the temporal pattern of delirium cated by a wide differential, with depression and
phenomenology. Delirium has an acute onset of fea- dementia being especially relevant. Delirium often
tures, with a prodromal change in mental state exists in the context of neurocognitive disorders,
lasting an estimated 2–3 days and including with the prevalence of delirium superimposed on
lethargy, malaise and restlessness. A fluctuating dementia reported at between 20 and 80% (Fong
course is driven by disturbed circadian regulation, 2017). Delirium superimposed on dementia is asso-
with features worse at night, lasting days to weeks ciated with a significantly higher risk of mortality,
in most cases (Trzepacz 2017). Taken together, an the need for long-term institutional care and

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Delirium in the acute hospital setting

functional and cognitive decline compared with been found to have a significantly poorer prognosis,
delirium alone (Avelino-Silva 2017). with an estimated 1 in 3 patients dying during
Although delirium is typically a transient disorder, their hospital admission (Avelino-Silva 2018).
it is increasingly recognised that delirium is often Hypoactive motor profiles have been found to have
marked by incomplete recovery, with an estimated higher associated mortality independent of factors
20% of patients having persistent delirium that may such as comorbidity, age, delirium and severity of
last months (Cole 2008). In addition, dementia with dementia (Kiely 2007). The association between
Lewy bodies (DLB) is often described as the delir- hypoactive delirium and elevated mortality may be
ium–dementia continuum owing to the presence of reflective of delayed detection of delirium, and
shared features such as fluctuating cognition, visual hence more prolonged episodes (González 2009).
hallucinations and disturbances in the sleep–wake Conversely, hyperactive delirium is associated with
cycle (Fong 2017). In a retrospective case-note more frequent use of antipsychotics, higher detection
study of patients undergoing review of dementia rates and better outcomes (Meagher 2011).
diagnosis at a tertiary referral unit, it was found
that delirium was more closely associated with
DLB than with Alzheimer’s disease (Vardy 2014). Methods to improve detection
A more recent study using electronic health records The underdetection of delirium is the biggest chal-
highlights the significantly higher occurrence of delir- lenge to optimising delirium management and
ium in DLB than in Alzheimer’s disease (FitzGerald recovery (Ritter 2018). It has been reported that
2019). There is unfortunately a lack of consensus delirium is particularly underdetected in the emer-
regarding the differentiation between delirium and gency department and that approximately 77% of
dementia, which has an impact on patient care and patients with delirium in the emergency department
clinical outcomes (Richardson 2016). In the acute continue to have delirium during their hospital
hospital setting, patients with complex neurocogni- admission (Han 2017).
tive features may be misdiagnosed and inappropri- In clinical practice, assessing delirium requires a
ately treated with antipsychotics, which may lead to longitudinal perspective, which includes repeated
detrimental outcomes, given the high rate of neuro- assessments. Such a process can be informed by
leptic sensitivity among people with DLB (Mueller using validated tools to optimise the diagnostic
2017). Beyond the existence of dementia, older ability of ward staff and provide reliable longitudinal
patients may present with mixed neuropsychiatric assessments following review by a psychiatrist.
syndromes, including symptoms associated with There are an estimated 24 delirium detection tools
depression, schizophrenia and mania. Given the available, and many have been translated into a
non-specific manifestation of delirium phenomen- variety of languages (Adamis 2010). In the acute
ology, specialist review by a psychiatrist is warranted hospital setting, both the Confusion Assessment
to optimise patient care and recovery. Method (CAM) and the 4AT have been widely
used as screening methods to help optimise delirium
detection and monitor recovery. Although the 4AT
Delirium subtypes is in widespread use in the UK’s National Health
Delirium can be categorised by clinically defined Service (NHS) and has demonstrated high diagnos-
subtypes, with current evidence favouring the des- tic performance, the CAM has been adapted and
ignation of subtypes based on motor activity pro- applied to a multitude of clinical settings, including
files. There are currently four categories of motor the emergency department and ICU as well as
subtype recognised: hyperactive, hypoactive, numerous ward settings (Gélinas 2018; Shenkin
mixed and none (FitzGerald 2018). It has been 2019). Of the rapid bedside tests of attention and
reported that clinical motor subtypes of delirium arousal, the Observational Scale of Level of
differ in several ways, including detection rates, Arousal (OSLA) and the Richmond Agitation–
treatment experience, pathophysiology, duration Sedation Scale (RASS) have demonstrated high sen-
of delirium episode and clinical outcome. sitivity and specificity for detecting delirium in older
Hypoactivity has been associated with metabolic medical in-patients (Quispel-Aggenbach 2018). At
causes and organ failure, whereas hyperactivity is present there is no consensus regarding the
more connected to substance-related delirium optimum routine screening system for delirium or
such as delirium tremens (Morandi 2017). the best tool to use. These tools are dependent on
Unfortunately, such studies have been found to the training of the individuals and begin to lose
have inconsistent findings due to heterogeneous their utility when patients present with mixed neuro-
methodology regarding motor subtype profiling psychiatric conditions such as dementia and affect-
(FitzGerald 2018). Despite these methodological ive disorders. In these complex contexts, more
limitations, hypoactive and mixed subtypes have detailed tools have been developed and validated

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FitzGerald & Price

to optimise detection, such as the Delirium Rating assessment; (b) interventions to prevent and manage
Scale – Revised-98 (Adamis 2010). This instrument delirium; (c) delirium screening and assessment; and
detects the wide variety of presenting features of (d) information, support and communication.
delirium, combined with severity scores for each Unfortunately, national and international evidence
item and global severity scores (Trzepacz 2001). reports on the persistent gap between delirium policy
Again, this approach requires extensive training. guidelines such as NICE CG103 and their application
In the context of subsyndromal delirium, there are through associated quality standards (such as NICE
no validated assessment tools, and such a diagnosis QS63; NICE 2014) (Lamond 2018).
is based on specialist review by a psychiatrist, who Liaison psychiatry can offer a valuable contribu-
may apply an operationalised algorithm adapted tion to local, regional and national policy develop-
from the literature (Trzepacz 2012). In the context ment and hospital management structures with a
of motor subtyping, several methods have been vali- view to improving care beyond the unit of the
dated. These include the Delirium Motor Subtyping patient or ward. The Royal College of Psychiatrists
Scale (DMSS) and the abbreviated 4-item DMSS. has highlighted the role liaison psychiatry can offer
Both these tools have been found to have high by supporting ward staff to apply these guidelines
cross-sectional and longitudinal reliability in the real-world clinical setting (Royal College of
(Fitzgerald 2016; Boettger 2017). This is clinically Psychiatrists 2013, 2019a).
helpful as it may enable ward staff to accurately
detect subtypes and monitor their features longitu- Multicomponent interventions and liaison
dinally. Informal screening is consistently reported psychiatry multidisciplinary teams
to be insufficient to accurately detect delirium in The current evidence recommends that multicompo-
routine clinical practice, whereas validated screen- nent interventions are the first-line management and
ing tools and integrated diagnostic algorithms have prevention strategy for delirium in the acute hospital
demonstrated reliability and feasibility across setting. These interventions consist of nurse-led
several acute hospital settings (Grossmann 2014; enhanced care plans that minimise and contain modi-
Maclullich 2019). In real-world clinical practice fiable risk factors for delirium, such as dehydration,
each case of delirium is unique. Ward staff can be immobility, pain and malnutrition (Teale 2017;
helped by their liaison (general hospital) psychiatry Oberai 2018). In addition to the liaison psychiatry
service to apply a suitable method for the particular service, the delivery of multicomponent interventions
patient to enable the necessary longitudinal moni- would be supported by other members of the multidis-
toring of patient progress and recovery. ciplinary team such as physiotherapists (mobility
recovery), dieticians (patient nutrition) and elder
Management care physicians (comprehensive geriatric assessment).
In the largest and most up-to-date systematic
Cognitive-friendly hospitals and policy
review and meta-analysis on the subject, Hshieh
et al (2018) appraise the impact and implementation
The priority in approaching delirium in the acute hos- of multicomponent interventions on delirium detec-
pital setting should be to optimise the conditions for its tion and management in the acute hospital setting.
prevention. Indeed, comprehensive geriatric assess- In total, 44 studies set in a wide variety of inter-
ment with a view to reducing any modifiable risks national (USA, Europe and South America) acute
for delirium is essential. Addressing polypharmacy is hospital settings were included in the systematic
a key priority, especially rationalising any anticholin- review and 14 of those were included in the meta-
ergic medications that may reduce cognitive function. analysis. The authors concluded that the evidence
Another priority is to identify and treat underlying
causes and contributors. Delirium does not exist in
isolation, but rather in a complex interaction of
BOX 1 Key characteristics of cognitive-friendly
ward processes and acute illnesses. To provide
optimum care for the ageing population, the concept
of the cognitive-friendly hospital has emerged. The
• Guidelines for the prevention and management of
characteristics that are required for such a hospital
according to Maclullich et al (2013) are outlined in
• Routine delirium screening
Box 1. In the NHS clinical context, the National
• Delirium education for frontline staff, and for patients
Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
and their families
(2010) offers guidelines at a national level (Clinical
• Specialist services
Guidelines CG103) that can be adapted to the individ-
ual hospital setting. These guidelines describe the (Maclullich 2013)
current evidence in four key domains: (a) risk factor

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Delirium in the acute hospital setting

supported the implementation of multicomponent Health Act 1983 may be required to support man-
interventions in the acute hospital setting to reduce agement of patients with a delirium whose risks
delirium incidence, the rate of patient falls, the are significant. Such expertise can enable ward
length of hospital stay and the rate of transfer to teams to support patients within the appropriate
long-term institutional care. Six of the included legal framework and protect patient rights.
studies explored barriers and facilitators in imple-
menting this approach to delirium care. The key
facilitators included clinician leadership and chan- Pharmacotherapy
ging organisational culture. However, the most Specialist knowledge of psychotropic medication is
prominent facilitator was the implementation of another key service that psychiatry can offer in the
the policy measure to identify and empower an management of delirium. The current consensus
administrative champion (also known as a delirium regarding the pharmacological management of delir-
champion). Ward-based nursing staff are in a key ium proposes that psychotropic medication be used
position to adopt this role, which could be supported with caution and only for situations that have not
by the liaison psychiatry service. yielded to non-pharmacological interventions (NICE
Given the prevalence and acute critical care needs 2010, 2014). Research has indicated that patients
of patients with delirium, nursing staff are in an presenting with hyperactive delirium tend to be pre-
important position to initiate multicomponent inter- scribed antipsychotics more frequently, likely owing
ventions and deliver routine delirium screening. to the distress and or the psychotic symptoms experi-
However, neither NICE nor the Royal College of enced (Meagher 2011). Conventionally, the anti-
Nursing endorses any particular methods of imple- psychotic of choice is haloperidol, given its absence
menting these interventions. International and of anticholinergic side-effects (Yoon 2013). The use
national evidence suggests that, in the absence of of antipsychotics is controversial, and there is little
routine patient screening or educational training evidence to indicate that they should be used to
for ward staff, patients with delirium may be treat delirium directly (Neufeld 2016; Burry 2018).
missed and hence not treated appropriately (NICE In congruence with this, there is no robust evidence
2014; Saczynski 2014; Yue 2014). In qualitative to suggest that at-risk patients should be given anti-
and quantitative studies on nurses’ experience, per- psychotics prophylactically (Oh 2019).
ceptions and management of delirium, the most con- Generally, antipsychotics are associated with a
sistent barrier reported is the lack of detail on wide variety of adverse effects, such as prolonged
implementation of policy/guidelines regarding delir- QTc, torsades de pointes, and extrapyramidal and
ium detection and management. In particular, anticholinergic side-effects (Huhn 2019). In the
respondents reported a lack of guidance on how to context of delirium, antipsychotics have been found
apply key factors identified in the literature, which to be relatively safe if given for the duration of the
include: nursing screening and detection of delirium; detected delirium, for example 3–7 days. In a pro-
training and education for nurses; and guidelines on spective observational study of 2453 acutely admit-
management of delirium in the acute hospital setting ted patients who experienced an episode of
(Fan 2012; Awad 2019). Therefore, liaison psych- delirium, it was found that approximately 1% experi-
iatry service input focused on these domains may enced an adverse event attributable to antipsychotic
be a suitable approach to operationalising profes- use. Of note, the authors found no deaths attributable
sional delirium guidelines and delivering optimum to antipsychotic use (Hatta 2014). However, caution
delirium care for patients in the acute hospital must be used when DLB is suspected, particularly
setting. This approach would also help coordinate in the context of spontaneous Parkinsonism, rapid
patient care and provide additional support to the eye movement (REM) sleep behaviour disorder or
role of family members/caregivers. visual hallucinations preceding acute cognitive
Delirium care can also benefit from input from the decline (McKeith 2017). When required, antipsycho-
wider liaison psychiatry multidisciplinary team and, tics should be prescribed for distress/agitation
in addition to the role doctors can offer, liaison during the delirium episode where the patient may
psychiatry nurses have invaluable roles in areas be a risk to themselves or others. They should be pre-
such as detection of delirium, monitoring treatment scribed at the lowest effective dose for the shortest
efficacy, role-modelling good care, and giving pre- period and regularly reviewed for efficacy (NICE
scribing advice. Such input can be further supported 2010, 2014). Psychiatry can offer additional advice
by the provision of high-quality mediation skills to and recommendations on the choice of antipsychotic
help ward teams coordinate care with patients and if a patient’s clinical profile requires a more careful
families. Finally, the use of assessments under the consideration of its pharmacological properties,
Mental Capacity Act, Deprivation of Liberty taking into consideration, for example, route of
Safeguards (DoLS) and occasionally the Mental administration, comorbidities such as Parkinson’s

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FitzGerald & Price

disease, cardiac history, and history of falls and perspectives, which include cognition, physical
hypotension. However, it is highly recommended health and mental health. Recovery is also informed
that antipsychotics are reviewed prior to discharge by each patient’s particular journey through the
and discontinued wherever possible, given the con- acute hospital setting. For example, patients pre-
sistent finding that approximately a quarter of anti- senting with delirium to the emergency department
psychotics initiated for older patients in acute tend to have significantly longer hospital stays,
hospital settings continue after discharge (Herzig higher 30-day mortality rates and higher 30-day
2016; Loh 2014). readmission rates (Kennedy 2014). Such vulnerable
Finally, there is no evidence to support the use of patients have significantly higher rates of admission
benzodiazepines in managing delirium not asso- to the ICU and transfer to post-acute institutional
ciated with alcohol withdrawal (Lonergan 2009). care facilities on discharge from hospital (Han
There is limited emerging evidence to suggest that 2009; Kennedy 2014).
dexmedetomidine (an alpha-2 adrenergic agonist) In the ICU setting, delirium is associated with an
may be a reasonable alternative to antipsychotics increased risk of mortality both during admission
to manage agitation in ventilated ICU patients and following discharge. In this setting, delirium is
(Flükiger 2018). More recent studies have proposed associated with an increased ICU length of stay
that novel substances such as melatonin may have and patients are significantly more likely to
clinical utility due to its effect on sleep, but there is undergo tracheostomy. It is also associated with pro-
insufficient evidence to endorse this in the main- longed mechanical ventilation time and total hos-
stream approach to delirium (Chen 2016). pital length of stay (Mehta 2015). Post-operative
delirium has been found to be associated with an
Models of delirium care increased rate of ICU stays that last more than 5
As a psychiatry subspecialty, liaison psychiatry oper- days, significantly higher rate of 30-day readmis-
ates in the main via a ‘referral–response’ model, sions to acute hospital and higher rate of discharge
although models and composition of teams vary. to a permanent care home placement (Raats
This reactive (as opposed to proactive) model may 2015). When patients are discharged to a post-
risk missing opportunities for implementing prevent- acute care facility following an episode of delirium
ive and early management strategies that may lead to it has been reported that they have significantly
improved outcomes for those at risk of delirium. The increased risk of mortality and higher 30-day acute
Royal College of Psychiatrists, for example, recom- hospital readmission rates (Kosar 2017). Taken
mends that age-inclusive services have suitable together these clinical factors may have a detrimen-
embedded expertise to meet the specific needs of tal impact on patient recovery in both cognitive and
older people (Royal College of Psychiatrists 2019b). wider functional domains.
Interest is growing in more integrated models of Not surprisingly, delirium is a distressing experi-
liaison psychiatry, although the evidence base for ence for patients, families, carers and healthcare
clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness is in staff (Grover 2014; Martins 2016). Qualitative
development. The ongoing HOME study based in research has reported on the experiential distress
the UK is a notable example of developing a more and resulting features of anxiety and depression
proactive approach to psychological medicine in the that patients have after an in-patient episode of delir-
acute hospital setting (Walker 2019). ium (Whitehorne 2015). In particular, post-trau-
Although this article, and indeed the majority of lit- matic stress disorder (PTSD) is emerging as a
erature on delirium, pertains to the acute hospital recognised consequence of delirium and it has been
setting, it should be acknowledged that delirium suggested that it should be more routinely followed
occurs in a range of settings and therefore psychiatrists up, given its potential impact on patient recovery
need to acquire skills in delirium management as a and quality of life (Teale 2013; Bolton 2019).
core aspect of their training. In addition to this consid- However, many patients do not report their symp-
eration, integrated care models outside the typical hos- toms as they feel that the delirium experience is evi-
pital ward model are something to aspire to and have dence of a severe mental illness associated with
been implemented in some settings: a good example is stigma (Kim 2017). As mentioned earlier, the pres-
the management and recovery approach to post- ence of delirium can increase burnout and carer dis-
operative delirium (McDonald 2018). tress in families and caregivers (Finucane 2017).
Patient recovery can be optimised, however, by
Recovery engaging with orientation strategies and emotional
support, which can significantly ameliorate the
The impact and experience of delirium experiential distress of delirium (Halloway 2014).
Owing to its wide-ranging impact, recovery from Consultation with liaison psychiatry services may
delirium must be considered from different offer advice regarding suitable support that patients

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Delirium in the acute hospital setting

and their families may require following discharge ‘psychiatric’ problem (albeit with an ‘organic’
from hospital. However, given the growing literature underlying cause). An improvement in practice
highlighting the need for follow-up in the context of therefore requires a shift in culture whereby training
PTSD, mood and anxiety symptoms, service devel- in good delirium care is everybody’s business and
opment to set up brief post-discharge clinical core to medical training throughout.
liaison clinics may be warranted. To optimise delirium detection, management and
recovery in the acute hospital setting, further educa-
The interface between delirium and dementia tional support and research approaches are war-
ranted. Psychiatry as a discourse and as a practice
Recovery from delirium is an ill-defined concept in
can inform the multidisciplinary research required
the literature, and although it is widely considered
to improve the development of screening methods
that delirium is often reversible, accumulating evi-
and routine profiling approaches across the clinical
dence suggests that it is often marked by incomplete
settings in which delirium is most manifest. At the
resolution (Witlox 2010; Adamis 2014). Indeed, it
centre of this issue is the role of phenomenology,
has been found that, for each day a patient has delir-
which has often been cited as the rationale for the
ium in the emergency department, a significantly
different approaches taken to manage delirium
worse long-term cognitive and functional outcome
(Meagher 1998). Indeed, future pharmacotherapy
has been reported (Han 2017). It has also been
trials may adapt their approach to targeting specific
reported in a systematic review of 18 cohort
features of delirium, namely positive psychotic
studies that the proportions of patients with persist-
symptoms or perhaps clinical subtypes (e.g. hypoac-
ent delirium at point of discharge and at 1, 3 and 6
tive versus hyperactive) to yield more innovative
months are approximately 44.7%, 32.8%, 25.6%
findings. Moreover, the complex interface between
and 21% respectively (Cole 2008). According to
delirium and dementia requires further investigation
Inouye et al (2014), delirium can be a marker of
with a view to creating more reliable methods of
the vulnerable brain, with a reduction in reserve cap-
either differentiating between these two neurocogni-
acity to withstand noxious insults. Therefore, delir-
tive syndromes, or identifying methods that can
ium has a negative impact on the trajectory of
measure the impact of delirium on the vulnerable
normal cognitive ageing by adding a series of punc-
brain. In particular, neuroimaging combined with
tuated stages of decline and recovery associated with
detailed phenomenological profiling may yield
each episode of delirium (Fong 2017). These insults
such benefits, particularly in elucidating the inter-
on cognitive function can consequently increase the
face between delirium and DLB.
risk in some vulnerable patients of developing
Gaps in knowledge and training have consistently
dementia. This further reinforces the complex inter-
been cited as critical barriers to implementing best
face between delirium and dementia, and the post-
practice care for people with delirium. Knowledge
discharge cognitive trajectory towards dementia
pertaining to screening, risk factor detection and
that many patients with delirium may develop in
reduction, and management of distress/psychosis
the community (Fong 2015). To tackle this chal-
are often cited as recurrent themes. Congruent with
lenge, follow-up review of patients in the regional
this, the 2011 National Audit of Dementia in acute
older people’s mental health service (e.g. memory
hospitals in England and Wales found that only
clinics) may help support patients and families to
one-third of staff felt they had received adequate
address the challenge and trajectory of cognitive
training or guidance in dementia care (Royal
College of Psychiatrists 2012). In addition, ward
teams may be uncertain about the optimal approach
Paradigm, education and research to engage with the specific processes of discharge
Good practice in the identification, assessment and planning, specialist out-patient referrals, older adult
management of delirium is a ‘life skill’ for medical mental health requirements, and more intimate dis-
professionals, especially those working with older cussions with patients and families regarding the
people, but because the condition straddles the trad- experience and impact of delirium. Liaison psych-
itional separation of ‘mind’ and ‘body’ medicine it iatry services are well positioned to work collabora-
risks being neglected in more specialty-focused tively with ward teams to deliver the quality and
medical training programmes and therefore remain- provision of such information and skills. However,
ing underrecognised even in acute medical settings. it is important to reiterate the importance of liaison
Delirium may be most easily recognised when psychiatry services delivering specific expertise in
there is an obvious change in behaviour, psychiatric managing the needs of older people as compared
symptoms or difficulty in providing medical care. with those of the younger adult population. This
This may have contributed to a culture in which has been highlighted by the Royal College of
delirium is commonly conceptualised as a Psychiatrists in a recent position statement (Royal

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FitzGerald & Price

College of Psychiatrists 2019a). Such an approach positive impact on delirium prevention, detection
MCQ answers
may enable the ward team to enhance its capacity and management. Therefore, robust policy and
1a 2a 3c 4b 5c
to implement best-practice guidelines when engaging practice initiatives are required to reconstruct and
with patients with delirium and to improve the adapt the hospital setting to address the acute care
general approach with this vulnerable patient cohort. needs of the ageing population across various clin-
ical settings. Psychiatry is in a key position to
support the optimisation of care regarding delirium
in the acute hospital setting and provide a meaning-
Delirium is an acute-onset neuropsychiatric emer- ful contribution to the evolving elder care discourse.
gency that presents across multiple acute clinical Although perhaps as important as any of the crucial
care settings. This article has outlined the different clinical contributions that psychiatry can offer
forms of support psychiatry can offer (Fig. 2). would be a change in perspective so that delirium
Psychiatry teams can provide assessment in the is regarded as an index of the quality of care that
context of complex neuropsychiatric phenomen- patients can receive in the acute hospital setting.
ology and its impact on patients’ mental health.
Moreover, the liaison psychiatry service can work
collaboratively with the ward team to optimise Acknowledgements
patient management and monitor its efficacy.
We thank Professor John O’Brien for reviewing an
Psychotherapeutic and general mediation skills
early draft of this article.
can help support ward teams, families, carers and
patients to aid in recovery from delirium. Old age
psychiatrists are particularly skilled in dealing Author contributions
with the impact of delirium on cognitive functioning The authors contributed equally to the conception,
and advanced dementia. Indeed, the versatility of writing and final submission of this article.
contemporary older people’s mental health services
enables psychiatry to offer a coherent and invaluable Declaration of interest
approach to delirium across domains. None.
Delirium is not a condition that exists in isolation
and it is often the outcome of the general approach to ICMJE forms are in the supplementary material,
care of the older patient in the acute hospital setting. available online at
Hence, a more multifaceted approach may have a 2020.44.

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MCQs 3 A recommended first-line treatment in 5 The estimated proportion of patients with

Select the single best option for each question stem managing delirium is: persistent delirium at 6 months post-dis-
a an enhanced care plan charge from hospital is:
1 The estimated frequency of antipsychotic b single component interventions a 41%
prescriptions initiated for older patients in c multicomponent interventions b 81%
acute hospital settings that continue after d admission to a mental health ward c 21%
discharge is: e watch and wait approach d 31%
a 25% e 11%
b 66% 4 As regards the pharmacotherapy of delirium:
c 1% a there is robust evidence to support the use of
d 100% atypical over typical antipsychotics in managing
e 40% delirium
b the use of antipsychotics is controversial and
2 Of the following subtypes of delirium, the there is little evidence to indicate that they
best clinical outcomes are for: should be used to treat delirium directly
a hyperactive c typical antipsychotics such as haloperidol should
b hypoactive be used prophylactically to reduce delirium
c hypoactive and mixed d risperidone is the antipsychotic of choice for
d mixed managing delirium
e hyperactive and mixed e olanzapine is the antipsychotic of choice for
managing delirium

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