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A. Electromagnetic Coupling.

The electromagnetic coupling

PRACTICAL IMPROVEMENT OF ARRAY between the antenna and the obstacles may be analyzed by
different numerical techniques. In this work, we have used
the well-known method of moments ŽMoM. w7x. It must be
ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTS USING pointed out that the coupling between the obstacle and the
GENETIC ALGORITHMS array is calculated only once, which is an important advan-
L. Landesa,1 F. Obelleiro,1 and J. L. Rodrıguez
´ 1 tage due to the high number of iterations involved in any
´ das Comunicacions
Departamento de Tecnoloxıas ´ nonlinear optimization algorithm.
E.T.S.E. Telecomunicacion This coupling array obstacle can be formulated in a matrix
Universidade de Vigo form, by imposing electric or magnetic field boundary condi-
36200 Vigo, Spain
tions on the surface of the obstacle:
Recei¨ ed 28 May 1999
A ⭈ x s b Žy. Ž1.
ABSTRACT: A no¨ el technique is presented which allows us to impro¨ e
the radiation characteristics of an array antenna in the presence of an
where A is the impedance matrix which does not depend on
obstacle by simply switching off some of the array elements. This method the array coefficients Žy., b is the excitation vector, and x
combines an electromagnetic modeling technique with a genetic algo- accounts for the unknown coefficients of the MoM basis used
rithm to determine the elements that must be switched off. It can be to model the obstacle.
useful in working systems in which an object has been placed in its Otherwise, b depends on the array coefficients y as shown
near-field region. In these cases, it may be impossible (or too expensi¨ e) in the following matrix relation:
to change the excitation coefficients, but it is ¨ ery easy to turn off some
elements. 䊚 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol b Žy. s B ⭈ y Ž2.
Lett 23: 324᎐325, 1999.
where B is a matrix which contains the radiation of the array
Key words: array antennas; genetic algorithms elements Žexcitation. over the obstacle.
The global radiation of the array and the obstacle to-
I. INTRODUCTION gether may be formulated as
It is well known that the radiation of antennas mounted in
complex environments is highly influenced by the presence of St s Sa ⭈ y q So ⭈ x Ž3.
other elements located in its near-field region. This causes a
degradation of the antenna pattern as well as gain losses. where S a denotes the radiation matrix of the isolated array,
Recently, some methods have been developed in order to S o denotes the radiation matrix of the currents associated
control and reduce these problems w1᎐6x. These previous with the obstacle, and vectors x and y can be related through
works are useful when the antenna is designed knowing its Eqs. Ž1. and Ž2.. Thus, Eq. Ž3. can be written as a function of
final environment. However, in some cases, the antenna has the array coefficients as
been designed previously, and later, an obstacle is placed
blocking it. In these cases, it may be impossible Žor too S t s S a ⭈ y q S o ⭈ w Ay1 ⭈ B ⭈ yx s w S a q S o ⭈ Ay1 ⭈ Bx ⭈ y Ž 4 .
expensive. to change the excitation coefficients. Nevertheless,
it would be very easy to switch off some array elements. which is the expression that will be used in the optimization
In this letter, we propose a technique which allows us to algorithm.
improve the radiation characteristics of an array antenna by
the simple procedure of turning off some elements. This B. Optimization by Genetic Algorithms. Genetic algorithms
could be easily implemented by installing an electronically ŽGAs. w8x are iterative optimization procedures which have
controllable switch in each array element. The proposed proved to be very useful tools for optimization problems
method also may be useful to reconfigure the array when involving highly nonlinear andror nondifferentiable objective
some elements are damaged Žin this case, the array may be functions. Their repetitive application to a population of
synthesized upon the constraint of null excitation in the potential solutions Žthrough the application of the selection,
damaged elements.. Nevertheless, it must be pointed out that crossover, and mutation operator. results in an optimization
the results always will be limited because a precise control of process that resembles the natural evolution. Although these
the excitations is not allowed. techniques can be used for general optimization problems,
they typically operate on a discretized andror coded repre-
II. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM sentation of the parameters themselves, namely, when the
Consider the problem of an array antenna that has been optimization unknowns can be physically represented by a
designed to fit some specifications in a given range of scan- chromosome or binary string. They have been extensively
ning directions. Afterwards, the presence of an obstacle causes used for different problems involving optimization of the
a significant degradation in the antenna performance. In the array antenna excitation w9, 10x.
proposed method, an optimization process, based on genetic In this paper, GAs have been preferred to other stochastic
algorithms, is applied to the electromagnetic problem, includ- algorithms due to their inherent accommodation to the prob-
ing the coupling between the array and the obstacle. This lem. The chromosome is straightforwardly defined by a binary
process will provide a list of those elements which must be string of 1s Žswitched-on elements. and 0s Žswitched-off ele-
switched off in order to reduce the degradation. ments.. With this definition and the matrix system calculated
at the beginning, we may obtain the chromosome that opti-
´ Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologıa
Contract grant sponsor: Comision ´
ŽCICYT . mizes the radiation parameter. Each chromosome produces a
Contract grant number: Project Ref. TIC97-0821-C02-01 modified y⬘-vector Žoriginal y-vector with 0s in the switched-off

324 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 23, No. 5, December 5 1999
elements., which is included in Eq. Ž4. in order to obtain the
global radiation that we are optimizing. It must be pointed
out that the excitation of the active elements is the same as
in the original system with all active elements. This parame-
ter can be, for example, the directivity or the radiation


In order to illustrate the performance of the proposed algo-
rithm, a two-dimensional Ž2-D. problem has been addressed.
A linear array antenna of electric line sources is blocked by
the double perfectly electric conducting obstacle, as seen in
Figure 1. The array has been previously designed, using
uniform amplitude and a progressive phase distribution for
the excitations, in order to provide high directivity for every
scanning direction. Nevertheless, the presence of the obstacle
provides an important degradation in the radiation properties
Figure 2 Map of switch-off elements. Open ŽI. blocks represent
of the antenna. Figure 1 compares the scanning capability
switched-on elements, and solid ŽB. blocks represent switched-off
Ždirectivity. of the antenna when the obstacle is present and
the improved solution achieved by switching off the array
elements selected according to the proposed method. It can
be seen that an acceptable gain is achieved, even more than 3
dB in some scanning directions. Finally, a map of elements
for each scanning direction is shown in Figure 2, where white
boxes represent active elements and black boxes represent off some of the array elements. The method has been de-
nonactive elements. In this example, it can be seen that the scribed as a combination of the method of moments with a
results obtained for small scanning angles could be essentially genetic algorithm optimization, although it may be easily
summarized under the trivial and intuitive rule of turning off extended to any other time-harmonic electromagnetic meth-
the elements shadowed for the obstacles, which demonstrates ods. The application of the proposed technique has been
that the solution achieved is quite logical, although this rule illustrated for a practical situation, demonstrating its effi-
cannot be extended to larger scanning angles. In any case, it ciency and usefulness.
has been observed that a significant improvement is obtained
when the proposed method is compared with the above-men- REFERENCES
tioned rule of thumb for the whole range of scanning angles.
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Figure 1 Directivity versus scanning angle of an array antenna
blocked by a double obstacle. d s 0.5␭, D 1 s 1 ␭, D 2 s 10.8 ␭, a s
䊚 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
9␭, b s 1 ␭, r s 1.2 ␭, N s 41. ᎏᎏᎏ Array with obstacles, ⭈⭈⭈⭈⭈⭈⭈⭈⭈⭈
CCC 0895-2477r99
improved solution

MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 23, No. 5, December 5 1999 325

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