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Chapter (2):

Motivation Concepts
Organizational Behavior

Chapter (2): Motivation Concepts

(Part 4)

♣ What we are going to discuss in this part is:

1- Key Elements Of Motivation.

2- Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation.
3- Early Theories of Motivation.


 Motivation: is the processes that account for an individual’s intensity,

direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal.

➢ The level of motivation varies both between individuals and within

individuals at different times.

.‫ هو عملية تعبر عن شدة واتجاه ومثابرة مجهودات الفرد نحو تحقيق هدف معين‬:‫ التحفيز‬-
.‫ مستوي التحفيز بيختلف من شخص الي آخر وكمان بيختلف للشخص الواحد في أوقات مختلفة‬-

Chapter 2 – Part 1 DR. KH

Organizational Behavior

 The three key elements of motivation are:

1. Intensity: concerned with how hard a person tries to do anything.

 The element most of us focus on when we talk about motivation.

2. Direction: the orientation that benefits the organization.

 Can be positive or negative.

3. Persistence: a measure of how long a person can maintain his/her effort.

 Motivated Individuals stay with a task long enough to
achieve their goal.

:‫ عناصر للتحفيز‬3 ‫ في‬-

.‫ ودا اللي غالبيتنا بيركز عليه لما نتكلم عن التحفيز‬.‫ والعنصر داب يهتم بقد ايه الشخص بيحاول‬:)‫ الحدة (الشدة‬-1
.‫ واحنا الزم نوجهه لما يخدم المنظمة‬،‫ قالك التحفيز ممكن يكون لفعل شيء إيجابي او لشيء سلبي‬:‫ االتجاه‬-2
‫ الشخص المحفز يقدر يكون شغال علي‬.‫ داب يقيس قد ايه الشخص ممكن يحافظ علي مجهوده وتحفيزه‬:‫ المثابرة‬-3
.‫مهام طويلة بنفس األداء لتحقيق الهدف‬


 Intrinsic Motivators: are inner influences that cause a person to act.

 Extrinsic Motivators: are external influences that cause a person to

act, including both rewards and punishment.

.‫ هي مؤثرات داخل االنسان بتحفزه انه يتصرف بشكل معين‬:‫ المحفزات الداخلية‬-1
‫ فالعقاب‬.. ‫ هي مؤثرات خارجية بتحفز االنسان انه يتصرف بشكل معين (مثل لو غاب هيتعاقب‬:‫ المحفزات الخارجية‬-2
‫ دا محفز‬،‫ لو اشتغل كويس هنديله مكافأة‬، ‫ وكذلك الوضع‬... ‫هنا محفز خارجي هيخليه يتصرف بشكل معين ميغيبش‬
)‫خارجي هيخليه يتصرف بشكل معين وهو انه يشتغل كويس عشان ياخد المكافأة‬

Chapter 2 – Part 1 DR. KH

Organizational Behavior

Chapter 2 – Part 1 DR. KH

Organizational Behavior

Money: The Universal Reinforcer

o Money is called the universal reinforcer because:
1. you can exchange it for so many things.

2. Money can help satisfy lower order and higher order needs.

3. Money buys happiness if a person defines happiness in terms of the

thing money can buy.

:‫األموال تسمي بالمحفز العالمي ألنها‬

.)‫ يمكن استبدالها بأي شيء تريده (تشتري بيها اللي انت عاوزه‬-1
‫ الفلوس ممكن تساعدك في تلبية حاجاتك الدنيا (زي االكل) وحاجاتك العليا (زي تشتري عربية تحسسك بمكانة عالية‬-2
.‫ الفلوس ممكن تشتري السعادة لو كان الشخص معرف السعادة بالنسباله انها األشياء اللي بتشتريها الفلوس‬-3

Chapter 2 – Part 1 DR. KH

Organizational Behavior

Main Intrinsic Factors that Motivate Are:

1. Personality.
2. Emotions.
3. Needs. ‫ االحتياجات‬،‫ المشاعر‬،‫ الشخصية‬:‫العوامل الخارجية التي تحفز هي‬
4. Goals. ‫واالهداف والمعتقدات‬
5. Beliefs.


 These early theories may not be valid, but they do form the basis for
contemporary theories and are still used by practicing managers:
1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory.
2. McClelland’s Theory of Needs.

(1) Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:

 There is a hierarchy of five needs. As each need is substantially satisfied, the

next need becomes dominant.
 Assumptions:
– Individuals cannot move to the next higher level until all needs at
the current (lower) level are satisfied.
– Must move in hierarchical order.

‫ أنواع من‬5 ‫ ماسلو قال ان االنسان عنده‬:‫هرم ماسلو لالحتياجات‬

:‫االحتياجات الزم يلبيها بالترتيب دا‬
.)‫ االحتياجات الفسيولوجية (زي االكل والشرب‬-1
.‫ االحتياج لالصدقاء والحب‬-3 .‫ احتياج األمان‬-2
.‫ احتياج الشعور بقيمة الذات‬-4
.‫ االحتياج الي اإلنجاز وتحقيق الذات‬-5

Chapter 2 – Part 1 DR. KH

Organizational Behavior

(2) McClelland’s Theory of Needs:

 The theory focuses on three needs:

1. The Need For Achievement (nAch): drive to excel, to achieve in
relation to a set of standards, to strive to succeed.

2. The Need For Power (nPow): the need to influence and make others
behave in a way they would not have behaved otherwise;

3. The Need For Affiliation (nAfl): the desire for friendly and close
interpersonal relationships.

:‫ أنواع‬3 ‫ قسم االحتياجات الي‬:‫نظرية ماكليالند لالحتياجات‬

.‫ انك تنجح وتتخطي المعايير الموضوع للنجاح‬:‫ االحتياج الي اإلنجاز‬-1
.‫ انك تأثر علي االخرين وتخليهم يعملوا الحاجة بدماغك‬:‫ االحتياج الي القوة‬-2
.‫ ان يكون عندك أصدقاء وعالقات شخصية‬:‫ االحتياج الي العاطفة‬-3

 McClelland’s theory has had the best support.

 It has less practical effect than the others.
 Because McClelland argued that the three needs are subconscious—we
may rank high on them but not know it—measuring them is not easy.
 It is more common to find situations in which managers are aware of
these motivational drivers label employees based on observations made
over time.

:‫ ليه؟‬... ‫نظرية ماكليالند لالحتياجات كان بيتم دعمها حلو اوي زمان ولكن الوضع اتغير‬
.‫ ألنها نظرية مش عملية‬-1
.‫ ألن االحتياجات دي بتكون في الالوعي وبالتالي ممكن تكون عندك وانت مش عارف وبالتالي صعب قياسها‬-2
‫ من الشائع اننا نالقي مواقف فيها المديرين عارفين الحاجات دي والمحفزات دي وبيصنفوا الموظفين بناء علي‬-3
.‫المالحظات اللي بيتم تسجيلها عبر الوقت‬

Chapter 2 – Part 1 DR. KH

Organizational Behavior

Practice Questions

1) ________ is defined as the processes that account for an individual's intensity, direction,
and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal.
A) Leadership B) Management C) Learning
D) Emotional labor E) Motivation
Answer: E

2) The ________ dimension of motivation measures how long a person can maintain effort.
A) direction B) persistence C) intensity
D) knowledge E) experience
Answer: B

3) The ________ element of motivation describes how hard a person tries.

A) intelligence B) experience C) direction
D) intensity E) persistence
Answer: D

4) Which level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs deals with satisfying one's hunger, thirst, and
other bodily needs?
A) safety B) physiological C) social
D) esteem E) psychological
Answer: B

The church you go to every Sunday is made up of people who have very different lifestyles
and are at different stages in their life. Joanna is a 23-year-old, single parent who works for
minimum wage and shifts from motel to motel for accommodation. Josephine is a single, 45-
year-old woman who earns a decent salary and has few interests and friends outside her
office. Jonathan is 60 years old, extremely wealthy, has a loving family, and enjoys his work.
You have decided to apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to determine what motivates each of
these individuals.

5) Which of the following needs would most likely motivate Joanna?

A) social B) esteem C) physiological
D) self-actualization E) safety
Answer: C

6) Which of the following needs would most likely motivate Josephine?

A) social B) esteem C) physiological
D) self-actualization E) safety
Answer: A

7) Which of the following needs would motivate Jonathan the most?

A) social B) esteem C) physiological
D) self-actualization E) safety
Answer: D

Chapter 2 – Part 1 DR. KH

Organizational Behavior

8) According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of the following is a lower-order need?

A) social B) safety C) esteem
D) self-actualization E) recognition
Answer: B

9) If we consider Maslow's hierarchy of needs in the context of Japan, Greece, and Mexico,
where uncertainty-avoidance characteristics are strong then ________ needs would be on top
of the hierarchy.
A) self actualization B) security C) social
D) esteem E) growth
Answer: B

10) Which of the following needs in Maslow's hierarchy refers to the drive to become what
one is capable of becoming?
A) social B) self-actualization C) physiological
D) esteem E) safety
Answer: B

11) McClelland's theory is based on which of the following needs?

A) stability, growth, and security
B) achievement, power, and affiliation
C) self-actualization, stability, and safety
D) hygiene, control, and security
E) control, status, and self-actualization
Answer: B

12) Erika wants to become the head of the HR department. Although the role comes with a
generous salary hike and will put her in charge of several subordinates, she is mainly
pursuing this position because she believes she can do the job better than anyone else and
wants people to know this. According to McClelland's theory of needs, which of the
following needs is Erika primarily driven by in this case?
A) the need for stability
B) the need for achievement
C) the need for security
D) the need for affiliation
E) the need for power
Answer: B

Chapter 2 – Part 1 DR. KH

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