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Task 1 Discuss these things.

1. What does a densitometer do?

A densitometer is a device that measures the optical density or density of a material or
substance. In printing, it is used to measure the density of ink on paper, which is an
important factor in determining the quality of the printed image.
2. How many kinds of densitometers are there?
There are two types of densitometers: reflective and transmissive.
3. Describe a reflective densitometer and the functions of its main parts.
A reflection densitometer consists of a light source that has a stable output, optics to
focus the light into a defined light spot on the sample, filters to define the spectral
response of the unit and a detector to monitor the reflected light.

Task 2 Read the text and then answer the questions followed.

1. How is the size of the DM-800 densitometer?

The DM-800 densitometer is compact in size and fits neatly into the palm of your hand.
2. What is the function of polarizing filters?
The polarizing filters allow for a direct comparison between wet and dry proofs,
facilitating match-up of the proof with the production print.
3. What is statistical evaluation? Its advantage?
Statistical evaluation is a capability of the DM-800 densitometer that allows for the direct
transmission of measuring results to a personal computer for data analysis and
monitoring. It's advantage is that it enables the user to efficiently manage and analyze
large amounts of data.
4. Explain a feature that helps save battery power?
The DM-800 densitometer has an automatic OFF switch function that switches the
densitometer off once a preset amount of time has elapsed, helping to save battery power
in case the user forgets to turn the power switch off.

Task 3 What is the meaning of densitometer?

A densitometer is a device used to measure the density of a material or substance,
typically by measuring the amount of light that passes through or is reflected by the
material. In the context of printing, a densitometer is used to measure the density of ink or
toner on a printed page, which is an important factor in determining the quality and
consistency of the printed output. Densitometers can also be used to measure the density
of liquids, such as in the food and beverage industry, or to analyze the chemical
composition of materials in scientific research.
Task 4 What do you call a device which is used to:
1.A device used to measure the speed of moving objects such as cars, motorbikes is called
a speedometer or a radar gun.
2.A device used to measure the temperature of something or surrounding air is called a
3.A device used to measure the voltage of mains supply is called a voltmeter.
4.A device used to measure the resistance of resistors is called a ohmmeter.
5.A device used to measure the current in an electric circuit is called an ammeter.
6.A device used to measure the parameters of electric circuits such as voltage, current,
and resistance is called a multimeter.

Task 5 Each word in column A often goes before one word from column B. For
instance, image quality. Find other word pairs
1-d image quality
2-a color range
3-c tonal conversion
4-f printing process
5-g printed product
6-h digital proof
7-i graphic production
8-b page layouts
9-j ink-jet printer
10-e scanned text

Task 6 Analyze these sentences. Circle main verb and underline phrases
in each sentence.

1. We all know that as even more stringent printing criteria and requirements must be
met, standardizing the color proofing operation is the key to an efficient printing job
involving the minimum in time loss and materials.
2. Equipped with all the latest in electronic innovation, this densitometer offers you
more than just the usual range of features.
3. The DM-800 does it all for you automatically, doing away with manual filter wheel
adjustments and the erroneous measurements that always used to accompany this.
4. The selected filter appears on the display, and values with the other
filters are stored making remeasurement a thing of the past.
5. Once you've chosen the function and the mode, all you have to do is
to position the measuring aperture over the spot to be measured and
press the rear of the unit down.
6. Also built into the DM-800 are reference and tolerance values that can
be called up whenever you need them.
7. Ever used something designed for a right-handed person when you're left-
8. Should any error occur, such as too low a density or low battery
power, then you're informed of that error instantly so that you can take
the required measures.
9. The denser the bitmap you select (the higher the resolution), the more
image information the scanner will record - resulting in a larger file.
Task 7 Explain the basic meaning of these groups of compound nouns.

Group A:
This group consists of different types of computers, which are differentiated by
their size, shape, and functionality. For example, a desktop computer is a
personal computer designed to be used on a desk or table, while a laptop
computer is designed to be portable and used on one's lap. A network computer
is a computer that is connected to a network and can be accessed by other
computers on that network. A palmtop computer is a small, handheld computer
that can fit in one's palm. A microcomputer is a small computer that is designed
for personal or home use, while a mainframe computer is a large computer that
is designed for use by many people in a large organization.

Group B:
This group consists of compound nouns that describe different aspects of
computers or computer systems. For example, a computer network is a system
of interconnected computers, while a computer system refers to the hardware
and software components that make up a computer. A computer engineer is a
professional who designs, develops, and maintains computer systems, while a
computer room is a room that houses computer systems. A computer language
is a programming language used to create software or programs.

Group C:
This group consists of compound nouns related to color. Color composition
refers to the arrangement or combination of different colors, while color
separation is the process of separating an image into its individual color
components. Color management involves the control of color accuracy and
consistency across different devices and media, while color reproduction refers
to the accurate reproduction of colors in printed or digital media. Color space
refers to a specific range of colors that can be represented or displayed, while a
color model is a mathematical representation of color. A color component is
one of the primary colors used to create other colors, while a color filter is used
to modify or adjust the color of light.

Group D:
This group consists of compound nouns that describe different types or aspects
of color. Background color refers to the color of the background in an image or
design, while text color refers to the color of the text. Reference color is a
standard color used for comparison or measurement, while skin color refers to
the color of human skin. CMYK color refers to the four colors (cyan, magenta,
yellow, and black) used in printing, while sunlight color refers to the color of
sunlight. Spot color refers to a specific color that is printed using a separate ink
or plate.

Group E:
This group consists of compound nouns related to different types of printers.
Laser printers use a laser to produce high-quality prints, while ink-jet printers
use ink to produce prints. Thermal printers use heat to produce prints, while
dot-matrix printers use a matrix of dots to produce prints.

Group F:
This group consists of compound nouns related to different types of printing
processes. Offset printing is a printing process in which ink is transferred from
a plate to a rubber blanket and then to the printing surface. Gravure printing is a
printing process in which an image is etched onto a cylinder and then
transferred onto the printing surface. Screen printing is a printing process in
which ink is forced through a stencil onto the printing surface. Digital printing
is a printing process in which an image is printed directly from a digital file
without the need for plates or cylinders.


Task 1 Discuss these things.

1. What kind of unit is used to classify papers in terms of thickness?

The unit used to classify papers in terms of thickness is called "basis
weight" or "grammage". It is measured in pounds per ream (lb) in the US
and in grams per square meter (gsm) in most other countries.
2. Name the materials that can be used to make paper.
Paper can be made from a variety of materials, including wood pulp,
cotton, linen, hemp, and even bamboo. Recycled paper is also commonly
used, which can be made from post-consumer waste, such as old
newspapers, magazines, and cardboard boxes.
3. What are the meanings of paper and papers?
"Paper" generally refers to a single sheet or a thin sheet material made
from fibers, while "papers" usually refers to multiple sheets or different
types of paper.
4. The advantages of coated paper?
Coated paper has a layer of coating applied to one or both sides of the
paper, which can improve its surface smoothness, brightness, and ink
absorption. This makes it ideal for printing high-quality images and
graphics, as well as for use in packaging, magazines, and catalogs
5. What is recycled paper?
Recycled paper is paper that has been made from recovered waste paper. It
is often used as an environmentally friendly alternative to virgin paper, as
it helps reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and conserves natural
resources. Recycled paper can be made from various grades of paper,
including mixed office waste, old newspapers, and cardboard boxes. The
quality of recycled paper can vary depending on the source of the waste
paper and the processing methods used.
Task 2 Read the text and then answer the questions.

1. What’s the difference between paper and paperboard?

Paper is thinner than paperboard. Paperboard is a thicker and more rigid
material that can be used for packaging, cartons, and boxes.
2. How many types of paper are there?
There are many types of paper, but they can be broadly classified into two
categories: printing and writing paper and industrial paper. Printing and
writing paper includes bond paper, copy paper, coated paper, and specialty
paper. Industrial paper includes paper used for packaging, construction,
and insulation.
3. What is pick resistance?
Pick resistance refers to the surface strength of paper, which prevents
picking or the transfer of paper fibers and coating pigment to the offset
blanket without reducing ink tack excessively
4. How can we get cellulose fiber?
Cellulose fiber can be obtained from wood pulp, which is made by
chemically breaking down wood chips or other plant materials.
Alternatively, cellulose fiber can also be obtained from recycled paper.
5. Besides cellulose fiber, what are other elements of normal papers?
In addition to cellulose fiber, normal papers may also contain fillers, such
as calcium carbonate or clay, as well as additives such as sizing agents,
dyes, and coatings.

Task 3 List 03 simple sentences, 03 compound sentences, 03 complex

sentences and 01 mixed sentence in the text.
*Simple Sentences:
1.All are composed mainly of cellulose fiber.
2.Loose fibers and dust particles quickly destroy print quality.
3.The paper first curls away from the printed side and then reverses.

*Compound sentences:
1.They have other properties in common, such as grain direction and
hygroscopic (i.e., interaction with moisture) properties,but they vary
tremendously depending on the cellulose fiber used, the fiber preparation, and
the surface and finish given the paper in manufacture.
2.For paper to be run through the press only once, a RH of 40% to 55% is
usually satisfactory, but if the sheet is to be run more than once, closer control
is required.
3.Dimensional changes, which are much greater across than with the grain, can
then be compensated for by changes in plate and blanket packing to maintain
fit, so dimensional stability or resistance to mechanical stretch is important in
multicolor work.

*Complex sentences:
1.Because the papermaker must make all paper to one specification and
because the printer cannot effectively control this RH, the pressroom RH must
be controlled.
2.Subsequently, the press operator may have managed to run these sheets only
to find that they cannot be handled in the bindery, so sheets should be trimmed
accurately to avoid misregister.
3.Paper can be tested for curling tendency and rejected if it is excessive, which
can render labels, wrappers, and other printed articles unusable.

*Mixed sentence:
In addition to these basic requirements, there are certain qualities required for
special work, sheet papers for multicolor work should usually be grain long,
and dimensional changes, which are much greater across than with the grain,
can then be compensated for by changes in plate and blanket packing to
maintain fit.

Task 4 Match paper components to their corresponding functions.

a/6 cellulose fibers: They are the primary structural components of paper, most
of them coming from plants.
b/5 surface fibers: They improve the surface strength, printability, and water
resistance of the paper.
c/1 mineral fillers: They are usually kaolin and calcium carbonate. They are
used to improve certain properties of paper and to lower the consumption of
more expensive binder material.
d/4 coating pigments: They are used to increase the brightness of the paper.
The most commonly used ones are blue and violet dyes.
e/3 binders: They are generally water-soluble polymers that influence the
paper’s color viscosity, water retention, sizing, and gloss.
f/2 chalk: It is used to coat a special type of paper for security purposes. The
postmark cannot be removed without damaging the surface of the stamp.

Task 6 Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.

1.In offset printing,scumming is a generic term for the presence of ink on non-
image areas of the printing plate, which can be caused by a variety of press
2.In particular, tinting occurs when particles of ink pigment bleed into the
fountain solution, and are transferred to the non-image areas of the plate,
printing as a colored tint.
3. Picking when the force of an ink film exceeds the paper's pick resistance, or
surface strength.
4. Surface sizing is used during paper manufacture to reduce the paper's
tendency when dry to absorb liquid, with the goal of allowing inks and paints
to remain on the surface of the paper and to dry there, rather than be absorbed
into the paper.
5Ink chalking is a defect in printing characterized by improperly-dried ink
being easily
rubbed off the paper.
6 Misregister is a printing defect in which successive passes of a printed sheet
through a press do not print an image in the spot they were intended to,
typically a problem in multi-color printing.
7.An overabundance of fountain solution can contribute to the dimensional
changes of paper that contribute to misregister.
8.Differences in structure between sides of a paper cause each side to expand
and contract in different ways when moisture is gained and lost, producing a
moisture content
9 Packing is frequently necessary when the printing pressure is too light to
produce a good image, either on the blanket or on the substrate, or when the
printing length needs to be adjusted.

Task 7 Find in the text sentences with similar meaning as these:

1.Loose fibers and dust particles quickly destroy print quality and impair
runnability, leading to frequent cleaning of plates and blankets which reduces
printing productivity.
2.Multicolor printing requires careful control of the sheet RH, especially for
papers that are grain long and have poor dimensional stability, to maintain
register and prevent misregister, wrinkles, and feeding problems.
3.Sheet papers must meet certain basic requirements for satisfactory
performance on press machines, such as being flat, having the proper RH, and
being free from lint and dust.
4.Plate and blanket packing is used to overcome changes in size across the
grain, which are much greater than those along the grain, to maintain fit and
register in multicolor printing.
5.Distorted sheets should not be used for printing since they cannot be bound
into books in postpress processing and may cause misregister, especially in
printing thin, flexible papers.

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