P.6 Net english (下)

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Name: Date:

Grade:Primary 6 Marks: /121

A. John is still talking with his father about films. Complete their conversation with the
correct forms of verbs. Then give complete answers to the questions. (9%@1%)

John: I (e.g.) enjoy_(enjoy) watching films very much, especially action films because they
(1)_ (be) very exciting. What kind of film(2)_ you_
(like) best, Dad?
Dad: When I (3) _ (be) a little boy, I used to (4) _ (watch) the
detective movies such as Sherlock Holmes films. When Holmes (5) _
(search) the clues for the cases in the films, I (6) (feel) very excited.
However, I (7) _ (change) my favourite type of film to biography films
since 2003 after watching the film 'The Pianist'. Let me (8) (show) you
the DVD ...
B. Then John reads another back cover. Complete the back cover with suitable prepositions
given. (8%@1%)

at away for from in into of off on up

Big Foot by S. Stephens
Ken is an adventurous boy. He is afraid (e.g.) of nothing. One day, he sets
(1) _ to climb the snowy mountain at the countryside. Although the snow is
too thick to walk, Kent never gives (2) _ . When he is (3) _ his way
to the peak, suddenly the snow collapses. He notices that he is getting (4) _
trouble. He tries his best to get (5) _ from the natural disaster. He seems
No one has seen Ken (6) _ then on but people start to see that some big
footprints turn (7) _ on the snowy mountain and strange things begin to
happen. Why are there some big footprints? Is it Ken who has turned (8) _
the Big Foot?

C. Then John and another member, Leo, want to watch a film together. Complete their
conversation with the words provided below. (7%@1%)
because either if let's so so that shall we which neither who
John: (e.g.) Shall we watch a film this Sunday?
Leo: Sure. (1) _ watch Fire 6.
John: I don't want to watch Fire 6 (2) _ . I like (3) _ animation films
nor animal films.
Leo: How about Pianist’s Adventure ? I like action films (4) _ are also your
favourite type of film.
John: Great idea! Don Li is one of my favourite actors (5) _ is good at playing
the piano too. (6) _ I were him, I would like to be a pianist. I would
(7) _ study music in Austria or perform in Hong Kong Orchestra.
Leo: Stop daydreaming! It's time to go home. See you!

D. John is describing the characters in the film. Rewrite the sentence using the hints in the
box and in the brackets. Add ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘-s’ when necessary. (8%@2%)
an ox silk diamond lightning

1. The actor runs very fast. (like)

2. The actor is strong. (as...as)

3. The actress has bright eyes.(as...as)

4. The actress has long and smooth hair. (like)

E. John is reading a book. Finish the sentences using 'unless' or 'stop'. (8%@2%)

cut down trees buy ivory products become endangered

eat so much destroy bamboo forests smoke
1. Pandas will become extinct unless people stop

2. More and more elephants will be killed unless people

3. Birds will lose their homes unless people

4. You will become obese unless you

F. John is writing a story. Write the sentences using gerunds or infinitives. (10%@2%)
1. my parents/ taught/me/ respect others
My parents taught me
2. our teacher / asked /us/ quiet

3. my doctor / told /me / not / eat too much

4. travel to another country / be/ enjoyable

5. I/ sorry for/late

G. John is reading a book. Read the following article carefully. (6%@2%)
Camping In The Wild
It is a common pastime for many people to go hiking or camping in autumn. However,
a large number of wild pigs are reported to have 'invaded' Grass Island - a small island off
Sai Kung. There are even reports of wild pigs stealing campers' food on the island. They
have aroused safety concerns for people over encounters with wild animals during their
visits to the countryside.

According to hiking experts, the number of roaming monkeys, stray dogs and wild
pigs is on the increase. In order to search for food, these animals often raid campsites,
steal campers' food supplies, and even topple tents, causing problems for campers.

Jack Lee, a secondary three student who went camping with his friends, had a special
encounter with some wild animals on New Year's Day. They pitched two tents near the
shore. When Jack was resting inside his tent, he heard some strange noises from the other
tent. He jumped up at once and rushed out to see what was happening. He saw that the
other tent had been pushed down by a herd of wild pigs. Some of the wild pigs were
actually eating the food they had stored inside that tent. He and his friends could only
stand aside, helplessly watching the pigs finish their food.

It is unavoidable that hikers and campers will come across wild animals in the
countryside. The most hazardous time is from around sunset till early evening when wild
animals come out to hunt for food. Attracted by the smell of food, these animals may
follow visitors or walk around just for a chance to steal their food. Visitors should avoid
walking in the hills after dark. The government can also do something to prevent wild
animals from disturbing those sleeping in camps. They should put up fences around
campsites so as to prevent wild animals from disturbing those in the camps.

Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. Read line 5, what does the word 'They' refer to?

2. In which month did Jack Lee go camping with his friends?

3. What is the main idea of the article?

4. There is a mistake in each numbered line. Underline the mistake and write on the line.
E.g How to Saving Water at Home E.g. Save
1. Water is a valuable resource. We should conservate water and 1.
2. protect the environment. If we wants to save more water, we 2.
3. should used our washing machine for only full loads. Parents 3.
4. should tell their children not to plays with water. The government 4.
5. suggests have a regular check up of our pipes and 5.
6. hiring an experience plumber to fix the leaking pipes as soon as 6.
5. Read the poster carefully. (4%@2%)
Important Information Mai Po Nature Reserve Activities:
➢ 1500-hectare wetland Visitor Centre ➢ Experience the
reserve ➢ Souvenir shop mangrove boardwalk
➢ Ideal habitats for insects, ➢ Resource centre ➢ Watch wild birds from
reptiles, amphibians and bird hides
some endangered birds Website:
➢ No walk-in visitors allowed ➢ Make donations
➢ Online booking only
➢ Upcoming events

Answer the following question.
1. How big is Mai Po Nature Reserve?

Blacken the correct answer.

2. Which of the following is not true?
OA. We can watch wild birds in Mai Po Nature Reserve.
OB. Visitors must make a reservation in person..
OC. Visitors can donate some money to the Mai Po Nature Reserve.
OD. We can buy some gifts in the Visitor Centre.

H. John is reading a book in a bookshop. Read its back cover and given short answers to
the questions. (4%@1%)
Young Scientists of the World
Young Scientists of the World is a collection of the brilliant young scientists, aged
from 13 to 19, who have invented robots and models, like Pocket Robot Dog, Birdie Air
Fresher and Spider Sweeper, from around the world this decade.
In the book, you not only can find how amazing the inventions are, but you can also
know how the young scientists work their way to success.
If you want to be one of the young scientists, just go for it.
~L. Wesley
New York times
Special Offer
Now 20% off HK$250
Little Minds Prss

1. Who is the publisher of the book?

2. How much does the book cost now?

3. How old are the scientists in this book?

4. List one of the inventions you can find in this book.

I. John is reading a newspaper. Read the news article. (20%@2%)

Hong Kong Morning Post

5th August 20XX

Hong Kong Hit by Typhoon Nana

By Linda Chung
Typhoon Nana hit Hong Kong yesterday, bringing heavy rain and fierce wind to the
territory. At 7:00 a.m., the Typhoon Warning Signal No. 8 was issued. Cases of floods,
landslides, fallen trees and billboards were reported in different areas of the territory.
A number of floods were reported in the northern part of the New Territories
during the day and over 50 people were affected. Rescue teams were busy all day saving
people 10 who were staying on the roofs of their houses.
Also, a landslide took place in Shek O at around 3 a.m. More than 30 people had to
leave the affected buildings and stay in shelters. They were not allowed to return home
until this morning.
In stormy weather, a billboard in Mong Kok fell to the ground. The billboard was 15
8 metres wide and 3 metres tall. A man was hurt by it and sent to hospital. Moreover,
the strong wind hit a big tree near Castle Peak Road, which led to a serious traffic jam.
All kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and elderly daycare centres
have been closed since yesterday. There was no school yesterday, and most people had a
day off. However, some people were busy working in bad weather. The rescue team 20
members had to save people from danger. The cleaners had to clear the drains in
flooded areas. The doctors and nurses were also busy helping people who were injured
in the typhoon.
The Typhoon Warning Signal was 25 lowered to No.3 at 11:00 p.m. last night as
Typhoon Nana left Hong Kong. The Education Bureau announced that all schools would
resume today.

Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.
1. Who wrote the news article?
OA. Linda Cheung OB. Nana Cheung
OC. Linda Chung OD. Nang Chung

2. When did Typhoon Nana hit Hong Kong?

OA. on 4th August, 20XX OB. on 5th August, 20XX
OC. on 6th August, 20XX OD. on 7th August, 20XX

3. Accoding to the news article, which of the following is NOT true about the typoon?
OA. There were floods in the northern New Territories.
OB. There was a landslide in Shek O.
OC. There was a traffic jam near Castle Peak Road.
OD. A falling billboard killed a passer-by in Mong Kok.

4. What does paragraph 5 tell us about?

OA. the flood in the northern part of the New Territories
OB. the landslide in Shek O
OC. how people were affected in the typhoon
OD. the latest news of the typhoon

5. Who did NOT help saving people in the typhoon?

OA. Doctors OB. cleaners
OC. rescue team members OD. children

6. In the last paragraph, it is said that all schools would resume today. What does it mean?
OA. Students should stay at home today.
OB. Students should go to school today.
OC. Students should help clean the drains today.
OD. Students should finish their homework today.

7. Which is another possible headline for the news article?

OA. Typhoon Leaves 1 Injured, 1 Missing in Hong Kong
OB. Typhoon Nana Brought Great Damage
OC. Flights Delayed by Typhoon Nana
OD. All Typhoon Signals Cancelled

8. John gets an email from his friend, Leo. Leo lives in Shek O. Finish the e-mail with only
ONE word for each blank.
Hi Leo,
What a nightmare! A (i) took place at the slope behind our house in
the middle of the night. The mud and the stones broke the window and we had to go. My
family and I had to stay overnight in (ii) But luckily we are all safe.

9. Answer the questions in complete sentences.

1. Who did the rescue team members save?

2. How long was Typhoon Warning Signal No. 8 issued?

J. Last month you got a plant from your uncle as a birthday gift. Based on the pictures
below, write a story to describe what happened. Write at lea! 150 words. (10%)

C: /6 L: /4

End of Paper


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