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Listening is the cornerstone for all other abilities to be established and the primary
medium by which students develop original interaction with their target language and culture.
It is considered the most challenging language skill for specific language learners. Therefore,
the presentation of object issues audiences using sound (video) are expected to attract
learners learners' passion for materials presented through multimedia (text, image, image,
image the sound, video) in different colors and images are exciting and (Dornyei, 2001: 89).

Learning a foreign language as a second language is a dynamic process in which

several factors affect learners' linguistic development. The most widely used language for
those who speak a foreign language as a second language is English in Vietnam. It is very
difficult to acquire a foreign language, but there are ways to help second language learners
learn the new language more easily with each skill. I want to speak on how to improve
communication skills in this study. One of the problematic skills for learners, especially
young kids, is internal listening. Therefore to help kids learn this skill well through media, we
need very appropriate learning methods. Practical listening abilities help you understand what
the speaker needs to say and edit the pronunciation and standardize it.

English language proficiency, particularly in listening comprehension, is a crucial

skill in today's globalized world. As English continues to be the lingua franca of international
communication, the ability to understand spoken English is essential for individuals in
various contexts, including academic, professional, and social settings. However, mastering
English listening skills remains a significant challenge for many learners, particularly those
whose first language is not English.

One promising approach to enhancing English listening proficiency is the integration

of audiovisual materials into language learning environments. Audiovisual materials,
including videos, films, podcasts, and multimedia presentations, offer learners opportunities
to engage with authentic spoken language in diverse contexts, such as conversations,
interviews, lectures, and narratives. By incorporating visual and auditory stimuli, these
materials provide a multisensory learning experience that can facilitate comprehension and
retention of linguistic content.

Despite the potential benefits of using audiovisual materials in language learning, the
effectiveness of such resources in improving English listening skills has not been extensively
explored, especially in specific educational contexts. Various factors contribute to the
complexity of English listening comprehension, including linguistic features such as
vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, as well as non-linguistic factors such as background
knowledge, cultural familiarity, and cognitive processing abilities.

Moreover, the availability and accessibility of audiovisual materials vary widely,

depending on factors such as technological infrastructure, educational resources, and
socioeconomic status. While learners in resource-rich environments may have ample access
to high-quality audiovisual materials, those in resource-constrained settings may face barriers
to obtaining and utilizing such resources effectively.

Furthermore, the design and implementation of instructional materials play a critical

role in determining their impact on learning outcomes. Not all audiovisual materials are
created equal, and factors such as content relevance, authenticity, engagement, and
pedagogical alignment can significantly influence their effectiveness in promoting language
acquisition. Therefore, it is essential to examine how different types of audiovisual materials
and instructional approaches may affect English listening proficiency among diverse learner

Additionally, research on the use of audiovisual materials in language learning often

focuses on outcomes such as vocabulary acquisition, speaking proficiency, and overall
language proficiency, with less attention given specifically to listening comprehension.
Understanding the specific effects of audiovisual materials on English listening skills can
provide valuable insights for language educators, curriculum developers, and policymakers
seeking to enhance language instruction and support learner success.

Audio visual is a medium in which there is a combination of audio / sound and images
in the process of presentation or communication that can be heard and seen. Audio visuals
can include anything from videos and slideshows to infographics and audio recordings. By
using a mixture of audio and visual content, we can create a more engaging and effective
presentation display that will make it easier for the audience to understand well its intent and

Teaching listening skills in teaching English is not an easy thing. In listening

activities, students are required to be able to elaborate information that is heard with other
information that has already been known and interpret its meaning by integrating what is
heard with existing data in the brain (Helgesen, 2003). According to Tyagi (2013) the
listening process includes four stages namely listening, understanding, remembering,
evaluating and responding. Given the complexity of the process in listening skills, the right
method needs to be applied so that students are able to explore listening skills maximally.

In light of these considerations, this study aims to investigate the effect of using
audiovisual materials in improving English listening among [insert target population, e.g.,
ESL (English as a Second Language) learners, undergraduate students, adult learners, etc.].
By systematically examining the impact of audiovisual interventions on listening
comprehension skills, this research seeks to contribute to the development of evidence-based
practices for English language teaching and learning. Through rigorous empirical analysis,
this study endeavors to shed light on the potential benefits and challenges associated with
integrating audiovisual materials into language education and inform instructional strategies
that promote effective listening skill development.

2. Rumusan Masalah
a. How does the integration of audiovisual materials in language learning environments
affect English listening proficiency among diverse learner populations, particularly
those whose first language is not English?
b. What are the barriers and facilitators to accessing and effectively utilizing audiovisual
materials for improving English listening skills, especially in resource-constrained
educational settings?
c. What are the specific effects of different types of audiovisual materials and
instructional approaches on English listening comprehension, and how do factors such
as content relevance, authenticity, and pedagogical alignment influence their
effectiveness in promoting language acquisition?

3. Tujuan Penelitian
a. To explore the impact of incorporating audiovisual resources on English listening
skills, especially for learners whose native language isn't English. This inquiry
arises from the recognition of the importance of English listening proficiency in
today's globalized world and the potential of audiovisual materials to enhance
language learning experiences.
b. To address the challenges and opportunities related to the use of audiovisual
resources for enhancing English listening proficiency, particularly in
environments with limited resources.
c. To explore how different types of audiovisual materials and instructional
approaches affect English listening comprehension. It also seeks to understand
how factors like content relevance, authenticity, and pedagogical alignment
influence their effectiveness in promoting language acquisition.

4. Manfaat Penelitian

Based on the background problem provided, here are two potential benefits of the

a. Enhancing English Language Proficiency: By investigating the effectiveness of

integrating audiovisual materials into language learning environments, this
research can potentially contribute to enhancing English language proficiency,
particularly in listening comprehension. Through empirical analysis, the study
may identify specific types of audiovisual resources or instructional approaches
that are particularly effective in improving listening skills. This knowledge can
inform language educators and curriculum developers on evidence-based practices
that facilitate language acquisition, ultimately benefiting learners in various
contexts, including academic, professional, and social settings.
b. Promoting Inclusivity and Accessibility: The research can shed light on the
accessibility and availability of audiovisual materials for language learners across
different socioeconomic backgrounds and educational settings. By identifying
barriers to accessing high-quality audiovisual resources, such as technological
limitations or resource constraints, the study can inform efforts to promote
inclusivity and equity in language education. Additionally, by examining the
effectiveness of audiovisual interventions among diverse learner populations, the
research can contribute to the development of tailored instructional strategies that
address the needs of individuals with varying linguistic abilities and cultural
backgrounds. This can ultimately foster a more inclusive and equitable learning
environment, where all learners have equal opportunities to develop English
listening proficiency.

Pham Thi Thuy Dung. 2021. The effects of Audiovisual Media on Students’ Listening Skills.
International Journal of TESOL & Education. Vol. 1, No. 1, ISSN: 2768-4563. Link:

Fatimah Windi Yana, etc. 2022. The Effect of English Audio Visual Towards Students’
English Listening Skill. Indonesian Journal of ELT and Applied Linguistics (IJEAL) Vol 1
Issue. ISSN: 2809-557X. Llink:

Mei Hardiah. 2019. Improving Students Listening Skill by Using Audio Visual, Al-Lughah
Jurnal Bahasa. Link:

syarifah intan, etc. 2022. A Review On The Use Of Audiovisual As Media In Improving
Listening Skills Among Junior High School Students. English Education Journal (Eej), 13(2),
303-316. Link:

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